Lee Ga Eul imnida

Forbidden Love



                annyeong I'm Lee Ga Eul, 20yrs old but I really don't look like my age.. why? because I act like a child. let me tell you a fact, I'm a girl always remember that OK because others say I look like a boy and when I said "excuse me but I'm a girl.." they'll go like this O.O Well maybe because I loved to wear my oppa's clothes.. geez people for goodness sake, all you need to do is accept the fact that "I, Lee Ga Eul, is a girl.. a pure girl.. no less." It just makes me comfortable to wear loose clothes.. I also loved to wear those thick glasses not because I have problems with my eyes, I just want people to think that I am nerd.. why? I'll just keep the reason myself.. OK so much descripttion about my looks...

        About my personal life and status in life? average, not poor, not rich.. hmm I have an older brother and sister, so it makes me the maknae.. the evil maknae of Lee Family..hahaha.. My parents are in Busan, we used to live there before but my parents decided that me, oppa and eonnie should continue our study in Seoul.. So here I am in the land of Seoul, now living with my oppa and eonnie at an apartment.. My oppa is now on his 3rd year college, eonnie is on his 2nd year and me a freshman :))

       I am going to study at MyeongJi University.. WHAAT?!! yes you read and heared it right I'm going to study at MyeongJi University school of elite people here in Seoul, but please don't get me wrong I don't even want to study there.. OH YOU'RE SO DAMN LUCKY :)) lucky? you don't no what you are saying... just by mentioning the name of the school makes me go ill.. I mean I don't even fit there. Hello? an average girl studying at MyeongJi University? I can be the center of bullying there.. so how did I became lucky?? if you want to ask how in the world I got accepted at that elite school? well NO thanks to my Sungmin oppa and Sunny eonnie, I don't know where in  the hell they get that stupid scholarship.  They forced me to accept that scholarship, yes, I have my own decision, but you don't know the power of those two.. when it comes to me, their aegyos always work =___= and by the way tomorrow is my first day already... I'll never forgive SungMin oppa and Sunny eonnie if something bad happened to me, I mean they should treat their dongsaeng nice, right? but it was the other way around.. They even assured me that everything will be FINE, but why do I have this strange feelings

















I think something is wrong..








hey guys.. chapter 1 is posted ^^, hope you like it :))

so far I have 3subscriber already :D

thanKYU~ <3

I hope I did well on this first chapter :]

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pls change the font pls!!
thisistina28 #2
thisistina28 #3
yah.yah. be sure to complete this .hahaha. FIGHTING! 사랑해:))<3