will I survive?

Forbidden Love


since our finals are already over and sembreak is already here, HERE'S AN UPDATE :)))

thanKYU very much for waiting:)

enjoy reading :D



   Tic.. toc.. tic.. toc.. tic.. toc..

Here I am lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling breathing heavily.. I glanced at my alarm clock beside my bed.

"its 2am, I still have to more hours to rest." I said weakly. I stared at the ceiling again, for the nth time I closed my eyes hoping that I will fall asleep but for the nth also I still couldn't sleep T_T

"aish eotteoke?? I can't sleep >_<" I squealed. To my dismay I jumped out of my bed and went out of my room. I went straight to the sala and opened the TV but no one is appearing on the screen all I can hear is the loud 'ttooooottttt'.. the morning show isn't on yet.. right it's still midnight... I sighed in disappoinment..

"oppa! eonnie! eotteoke I can't sleep.." I cried like a baby. but none them is answering me lucky them they're still in their dreamland but me? :'(

"this is not gonna work.." I went back to my room, grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom I undressed myself and turned the shower's faucet on suddenly I felt the cold water all over my body..

"ahh.. so refreshing.." I said. 

"I wonder what will gonna happen to me later at Myeongji by just imagining all the horrible things that may happen to me makes me wanna regret my decision.. how will I going to face all those rich students, how will I approach them, how will I gain friends, how will they like me, how will I intoduced myself, 'hello I'm Lee GaEul, nothing is really interesting about me so I guessed you'll not like me??' like that?? will I gain friends if I introduced myself that way?? and how will I going to act on my future stay in that school?? how?? aish nevermind all important is how will I survive on my first day?"

After taking a cold shower, I turned the faucet off, dried my hair using my towel and I wrapped it around my body. I went out of the bathroom only to find Sungmin oppa and Sunny eonnie in the kitchen cooking our breakfast.. woah they're awake already. Did I took the bath that long?? kkk guess so :)

"I told you oppa it's GaEul.." Sunny eonnie said as she elbowed Sungmin oppa and looked at me.

"GaEul-ah were you the one who squealed and cried last night saying that 'I can't sleep'??" SungMin oppa asked not taking off his eyes on what he was cooking

"err.. yes, I'm sorry for waking you up guys I swear it will never gonna happen again.." I said raising my right hand..

"haha.. got yah! I thought I was just dreaming.. don't worry baby you didn't wake oppa up I am only:) hurry and get dressed the dukbokki is almost finished..." Sunny eonnie said and cutely smiled at me. good thing I didn't wake SungMin oppa I will be dead for sure... kkkk~ :D I rushed to my room and quickly fixed myself. I get dressed, I combed my hair and ponytail it, then I grabbed my bag and went out of my room to have my breakfast.

"GaEul come let's eat" SungMin oppa said and tapped the chair next to his. I take my sit and prayed before eating.

"dukbokki my favorite :) yum yum :D" I said and take my first spoon. Silence covered us.

"so.." Sunny eonnie started breaking the silence. SungMin oppa and me looked at her.

"why can't you sleep?" she asked and looked at me with those puppy eyes that I really hate.

"its nothing.." I denied and avoided her puppy eyes..

"GaEul-ah baby come on tell us.." she called me again. "GaEul-ah...baby... your cute eonnie is pleading..." oh eonnie please stop that...I looked at her again, but I found SungMin oppa and his puppy eyes on me too.. AISH!!!

"aish stop doing that.." I said getting irritated

"aniyo if you don't tell us we will not stop doing this.." SungMin oppa said

"ha! then so be it stay like that forver because I ain't telling you bleh :P" I childishly said and finished the remaining dukbokki on my plate. I stood up and placed my plate in the sink then I faced them again and they're still on that same position =_____=

"I'm going.." I said

"baby can you endure our poor position here huh? can you ignore your oppa and eonnie like that.. tell us already :(" Sunny eonnie said and gave her very best to make me fall for her aegyo.

"GaEul~ahhhh!!!!~~~" SungMin oppa added in a VERY cute voice

Oh! eomma and appa why?? why did you gave eonnie and oppa the ability of doing these aegyo!!! why not give it all to me instead so that all my requests will be granted to.. :'(

"alright!.." I surrendered.. "Yay!" they squealed and high fived.

"but please take those puppy eyes of yours off me first T_T" I take my sit again.

"*sigh* maybe I'm just nervous to go at school since it's my first day at MyeongJi and also my first time at an elite school.. err can I not attend school today? oppa? eonnie? pls just for today, I'm not yet ready.. pleassee.." I pleaded and did that 'puppy eyes' which I don't know if I was doing it right or not but it doesn't matter anymore..

"nuh-uh! it's gonna work with me.." Sunny eonnie said. I looked at SungMin oppa still with my so called 'puppy eyes'

"puahaha.. princess you call that puppy eyes of yours aegyo?? it's more like aigoo..puahahaha.." SungMin oppa teased.. I frowned, feeling like defeated and humiliated.

"don't worry princess it's the other way around maybe your just excited not nervous :)" SungMin oppa said

"me?! getting excited going to MyeongJi? oppa it will NEVER gonna happen.."

"haha.. time will come and you'll surely like there.. you trust us right ;)?" SungMin oppa asked. I weakly smiled.

"right everything will be fine.." Sunny eonnie added

"aish forget it. I'm going.." I said

"aww cheer up.. good luck our baby :D" Sunny eonnie said, kissed my cheeks and I did the same to her.

"bye princess :) fighting! smile okay? we're doing this not just for you but for our parents dream remember? :))" SungMin oppa kissed my forehead. I faked smile.

"goodluck on your school too." I said.


After travelling for almost 30minutes I finally reached MyeongJi University.

"here's the payment ahjussi :)" I said and handed to the taxi driver the money.

"do you study there?" he asked.

"uhm nae.. wae?" I curiously asked

"its just that it's my first time to see a student of MyeongJi who doesn't have her own car.. by any chance do you or you don't have your own car? its weird I think almost all the students there have their own car.." he told me..

"it's a long story that you wouldn't like to hear." I replied. he nodded. I opened the taxi's door and went out. I closed the door and I watched as the taxi go and disappears in my sight.

"should I have my own wheels now?" I joked to myself.

"so this is it? the famous MyeongJi University. well not bad, the school is beautiful, big, nice but the fact that this school is beautiful doesn't convince me to like it here..." I was busy admiring the school when I heard someone shouted "WE'RE CLOSING THE GATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" oh crap!!

I ran like a hungry lion to the big gate before it closed..

"aigoo wait!! don't close the door yet!!! I am still here... wait pleasssseeeeeee......" I shouted.

"ahj--ussh-iii please let me in.. ah-ju-sshiii.." I pleaded while panting and holding the gates grills.

"Yah who are you calling ahjussi? Do I look like an ahjussi to you huh?" the big guy who looks like an ahjussi but he said he isn't shouted..

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know. ahm what should I call you then?" I asked

"my name is Kim JongDong, call me Mr.Kim.. now what do you want?"

"Oh Mr.Kim please let me enter I am a student here and its my first day. so please let me enter.." I pleaded once again. I know you're thinking that this is my chance to not attend to my first day but if SungMin oppa found this out I am so dead to him.

"aniyo don't you know the school rule?" rule? how can I know it's my first day remember??

"rule? what rule?" I asked

"aigoo.. really are you a student here? yes? so you must know that the gate of MyeongJi University closes at exactly  07:00am in the morning and late student will no longer allowed to enter.." Mr.Kim explained

"not allowed to enter? anymore?"

"ofcourse not, you silly.. and you, you are 2minutes late so go now and be back tomorrow and make sure you're not late anymore.. go on shoo shoo!!" he said. aish patience GaEul.

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim it will not gonna happen again give me a chance will you?"

"arraso but you need to give me a convincing reason why should I let you in.." what reason? eh.. that I was busy talking to the taxi driver that's why I didn't notice the time? or that I was busy admiring the school that's why I didn't notice the time?

"uhm because I am a transffer student that's why I didn't know the school rule?" I confess not sure if my reason will convince him or not but whatever atleast I tried my very best but if this still not going to work then ILLJUSTLETSUNGMINOPPAKILLME :\

"proof" Mr.Kim said. I handed him the papers that SungMin oppa gave me yesterday

"here. my oppa gave it to me. He said I should present it to the office of the president.."

"ah so you're the girl from Busan?" Mr.Kim asked looking shocked

"n..nae" I said

"you should've said earlier.. well sorry about that, you can now enter :)" atlast.. He pressed the big red button and the big gate automatically opened. woah! nice gate too.

"the president office is in the 4th building.. here you should take the map it'll be very useful." map? this school needs a map. omygad!

"Oh thank you very much ahjussi :DD" I said and ran away. I don't want my teacher to yell at me too..

"you're wel------HEY! I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME MR.KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ooppss :O




























(LOL.. I just edited this okay ? :P)

"so okay where is that 4th building hmmmm..." I asked myself as I trailed of the map Mr.Kim had given to me.

"to the left. ani to the right.. I should pass the gym, but first I should take route4? eh? aish why is this map so complicated!!! I am lost in the school that I hated most!!" I sighed, feeling tired I sat on the bench neared the fountain.

"maybe I should ask someone for help? ayo nevermind I should solve this on my own..aigoo do I look crazy now talking to myself?! =________=" I studied the map again. how can this school be this BIG! while I was busy studying the map, someone shouted








"hey miss watch out!!!!!!!" I look at the owner of the voice but




















"OUCH!!!" I shout, and rubbed my head.

"aigoo I'm sorry are you hurt?"  a guy voice asked. what the heck will I OUCH if I wasn't hurt?










guess who the guys is? is it DongHae already? well better wait for the next chapter :))

I am now alive :D hahahaha

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pls change the font pls!!
thisistina28 #2
thisistina28 #3
yah.yah. be sure to complete this .hahaha. FIGHTING! 사랑해:))<3