J Stalker



"Just listen...." Jonghyun said in a pant.

"What is i--"

"I see Daemim."


 ..."To save the girl?"

"No, the guy and the girl!"

"The guy?"

"The guy...is...Kai...Jonghyun." Kibum said through the phone. There was a long pause, then the phone hung up. "Hello...hello.." as Kibum glared at Minho. "Well, we need to roll now." Minho replied. Kibum looked on the other side of him to notice that Taemin was gone. "Taemin!" Key called out just as he got a text. 


  Don't come yet. I'm going to follow them and tell you

what is going on. Don't leave the house.

"Minho, get Taemin!" Kibum yelled.


"He is trying to leave! Get him!"

Minho dashed out into the living room to see it empty. "He's not in the living room!" he called to Kibum.

"Oh no..."


            The man had closed his phone and continued to peek at the scene as they slowly began to disappear, placing the device in his pocket. He wore a thick black sweater, with sweat pants, white sneakers and another sweater hugging his waist. The man then glared at the moon, giving his blonde hair the greatest spotlight, using it to guide him through the darkness. He didn't have a coat at the time as he had left it at the gym. Finally, looking both ways, he quickly crossed the street, following the three people that just turned the corner. He stood away by a few feet so he couldn't get caught.

"Oh, girl. What have you gotten yourself into?" he whispered to himself while leaning against a wooden corner fence. Jonghyun peeked around the corner to check if it was safe to walk behind. Instead, he saw the guy and the girl were meandering away. "Listen, don't hurt him. It 'is' my fault." (you)-ah said to the guy. Jonghyun was confused for a moment. "I won't, just stay with me. I will take care of you." Daemim commented back with Kai still on his back.

"I want Taemin, not you!" (you)-ah yelled at him. At that point, they both stopped and glared at each other, knowing that Daemim had an evil face upon him. "I..am..Taemin.."

"I'm leaving..." she said trying to walk off as Daemim turned away from her. (Your name) was heading in the same direction as where Jonghyun was spying. With only taking a few steps, she glared at him and froze. She saw the blonde haired man in gym clothes that stared at her widely. "Jo--"

Immediately, Jonghyun placed his index finger on his lips. She kept staring at him for a while, luckily Daemim was glaring the other way. "But what will happen to Kai without you?" Daemim said slowly. Jonghyun's face froze as he lip-synced "Kai?"

"Help me.." (you) lip synced. Jonghyun nodded. "Go...I'll watch. You're safe. " he lip-synced back, moving one of his hands as if he were brushing dusk off the air. Just then Daemim turned and Jonghyun backed his figure out of sight.

"Fine.." (you) said going along with Jonghyun's plan.

          She processed to walk next to the evil man as they turned the corner. Jonghyun followed slowly, knowing that Daemim was extremely smart and could catch on quickly. Though, one thing Daemim didn't know was Jonghyun's knowledge of the entire situation. That it could have been used to J stalker's(Jonghyun's) advantage. He kept behind them, still keeping his distance by a few feet. Sometimes, he would stay extremely far behind to avoid any suspicion. Soon enough, he made it to Daemim's house. The house didn't seem like the evil man's style, with it's faint yellow paint. Though, the fancyness of it represented him a bit more. Jonghyun hid behind the third tree away from his house as the three people went inside. He waited a few seconds until he was sure that it was clear. To the window next to the door, laid a faint yellow curtain beyond it. Objects weren't very in detailed when seen through it, but the diverse colors helped identity what was what. He only showed his eyes through the window. 

   He saw the girl proceed upstairs with Daemim following her with Kai still on his back. "Why is Kai here?" he thought to himself as he looked up at the top of the house. "Need to see where they're going."

   Jonghyun glared around as he had noticed the first tree next to the house. He grabbed the tree and tried gripping it, but failed twice. He grabbed it for the third time, thinking that he had to do this to help his friends. He grasped the branch and was determined to climb this time. He used every muscle in his body to make it up to the window. When he made it, he panted in exhaustion, while gripping on the branch. Near the tree, there was the top window. It had the same curtain as the front window. He glared through, not seeing Daemim, but one person on a chair and another person on a bed. He managed to grab the top of the house infront of the window to land on. He made sure his landing was silent and safe, as it was. He sat next to the window and glared once again, in shock. The person in the chair, was Kai. He wasn't just in the chair, but tied to it with rope, eyes covered by a black cloth, shaking the chair to get free. Staring in disbelief ,the rope's wrath looked at if it was tight enough to suffociate him. There was a black device attached to the rope that was blinking red. On the bed, was the girl with her hands on her face. Slight sobs came from the room.

"What is going on?" as he couldn't stop staring. Suddenly, a text hit his phone, which finally made him look away. Luckily, he put it on vibrate before this.

Where are you?

He glared at the writing, forgetting to look at the contact name.

Who is this?


He then thought to himself. "It couldn't be Daemim because he wouldn't have my number...right?" he whispered. He then glared at the phone and decided to test him.

Yeppeun Taemin.

Don't do this to me. Now, Key usually does that. Where are you, Jonghyun?

Now, he was sure that it was him, his friend that he had known for a while. Plus, he had glared at the contact, realizing that the number was already saved on the phone as 'Taemin'.

Daemim's house. Hurry over here...

Where is it? What is going on?



OKay, sorry for not posting for so long...I got a bit lazy...but...I have good news

I will be making a new story called "It's making me crazy" with the main character as Jonghyun. Check it out the foreword and stuff!  Let me know what you think in the comments about this chapter or maybe about the new story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. There is more to come. Later XD


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Chapter 35: Was nice story author-nim!!!
noomin #2
Chapter 34: Update sooon plzzzz
noomin #3
Chapter 33: Update soooon plzzz
noomin #4
Chapter 32: Update soon plzzze
noomin #5
Chapter 31: Finally an update luv this chap
noomin #6
Chapter 30: It's getting more interesting than before i luv ittt plzz update soon
alifahleo #7
Chapter 30: woooahhh.. JStalker love it so much
Pleaseeee continue to update, im still waiting for ur story ^^
Smteamint #8
Chapter 30: Continue to update!!! Love the story ^_^
Chapter 26: Omg omg omg o.o pls update soon! Not can wait !!!
noomin #10
Chapter 25: Omgggg this is the TRUE side of daenim