Suspicion filled soul



"All you care about is Taemin, right? You could be with me."


"Because, when you come back, Kai might not be here."

~"Kai..." ~


While the previous chapter is happening....

       Key kept his phone on his lap, expecting it to ring sooner or later. He then walked back into the living room, where Taemin and Minho were sitting in their normal positions. They were now enjoying each other's company, though he would tell that Taemin still had the girl in the back of his mind. Kibum stopped at where Minho was sitting and glared across at Taemin. "You alright now?"

"Yea.." Taemin said with a smile. "And I've made a decision."

"Oh..really? What is it?"

"I going to get her..."

"That's good. We shall go soon..."

"...Tonight.." Taemin continued.

"Of course can go to get her....Tonight?!"


"" Kibum replied with frantic hand movements. "You can't go tonight..." he said running to the curtains of the window to check the outside world. Kibum checked both of the window before turning around to see Taemin standing up. "What is going on?" Taemin asked.

"Yea, he made a decision. Just let it be. He can do it." Minho agreed.

"!" Key continued to say in slight panic. Taemin ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders, forcing Kibum to glare within his eyes. "What--is wrong?"

"What makes you think something is wrong? " he responded with a chuckle. By this time, both Taemin and Minho glimpsed at him as he felt the glares go into his soul. "Alright! Alright..." he decided just as Taemin released him. "Remember when Kai called earlier?"

Taemin nodded while Minho shook his head. Key continued. "I"

"No..." Minho said to himself. "You told him bring the ice-cream he forgot to bring me last time?!"

"No, this is no time for that!"

"Sorry, just joking. I just wanted to break the awkwardness. Continue." he finished as the two members glared back at each other. "I told him..." Key glared at Minho to make sure he wouldn't say anything else, then glared back at other curious member of Shinee. "..I asked Kai leave there."

Taemin shoulders dropped in relief. "Really? That's all?"

"...And take (Your name)-ah with him."

"What?!" Minho shouted.

Key nodded. "He was suppose to call me whenever he could."

"Has he called yet?" Taemin asked in curiosity.


"Well, that was smart but....what if..." Minho stopped.

"...he didn't make out with her?" Taemin continued on.

"Yea, that's what I'm worried about now. He hasn't called yet."

"This is not good. This is Daemim we are talking about." Minho spoke once more. "If he catches them, he might not be as nice as he used to be like Taemin. "

    Hearing that, Key ran off to the kitchen towards the sink. He stared at the sink in an upset state. Daemim hurting one of his friends was the last thing he wanted. Yet he felt, because of him, that he made the nightmare come true. He swore that he had thought it through, but now he just straight up doubted himself. "No, what have I done?" he questioned himself. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Key."

"I know, but what if she got caught?"

"Then, I will go there." the familiar person said.  "And if Kai is there, he would at least help, right?"

"True. And if you go, I'll go too." Key decided. He turned to glared at the black-mushroom haired member, who smiled at Key in determination. "Taemin, I see that you have gotten better compared to earlier."

"Because I realized that Daemim is my brother and even he can't stop me." Taemin said with a grin. Key smiled. "You're so slow." he replied to him as he put his hands through Taemin's hair. They heard Minho's voice in the background in the living room, who remained on the couch. "You guys! The phone is ringing!"

Kibum dashed passed Taemin to the living room. "Where? Which phone?"

"The house phone. It's in your room, I think."

Kibum once again dashed to his room, almost hitting his head on the side of the door opening. He plowed on his bed, grabbing the phone in the process. A click was heard. "Hello?"

"Key...." a familiar voice said through the bound of metal.


Taemin and Minho were right infront of Kibum's bedroom door. Listening. Watching."

"What?.." the person replied in confusion.

"Jonghyun...I'm waiting for a call right now! Get off this phone."

"Just listen...." Jonghyun said in a pant.

"What is i--"

"I see Daemim."


    At this time, the two other members were already in the room, because they overheard what Jonghyun had spoken. Kibum signaled them to lay on the bed as he put the phone on speaker. "What?!" Taemin said while plowing on the bed along with Minho.

"This is serious." Minho added.

"...And someone is on his back...and there's a girl following him."

"No..." Kibum said faintly. Taemin's eyes widened.

"Why the guy is on his back, I don't know. I'm not sure who he is but I know the girl."

"What happened when you got there?"

"...This is all I saw...I don't know what happened!" he whispered.

"Follow them!" Kibum shouted.

"To save the girl?"

"No, the guy and the girl!"

"The guy?"

"The" Kibum said through the phone. There was a long paused, then the phone hung up. "Hello...hello.." as Kibum glared at Minho. "Well, we need to roll now." Minho replied. Kibum looked on the other side of him to notice that Taemin was gone. "Taemin!" Key called out just as he got a text. 


  Don't come yet. I'm going to follow them and tell you what is going on. Don't leave the house.

"Minho, get Taemin!" Kibum yelled.


"He is trying to leave! Get him!"

Minho dashed out of the living room to see it empty. "He's not in the living room!" he called to Kibum.

"Oh no..."


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Chapter 35: Was nice story author-nim!!!
noomin #2
Chapter 34: Update sooon plzzzz
noomin #3
Chapter 33: Update soooon plzzz
noomin #4
Chapter 32: Update soon plzzze
noomin #5
Chapter 31: Finally an update luv this chap
noomin #6
Chapter 30: It's getting more interesting than before i luv ittt plzz update soon
alifahleo #7
Chapter 30: woooahhh.. JStalker love it so much
Pleaseeee continue to update, im still waiting for ur story ^^
Smteamint #8
Chapter 30: Continue to update!!! Love the story ^_^
Chapter 26: Omg omg omg o.o pls update soon! Not can wait !!!
noomin #10
Chapter 25: Omgggg this is the TRUE side of daenim