Chapter 2

All Good Things Must Always Come to an End

A/N: If it goes into italics it means a flashback to the past//

6 Years later and Kyungsoo was in his third year of high school he got a job and saved up for tuition and has been attending school since second year of middle school.


“Hey Kyungsoo, you in a hurry today?” Tao asked trying to keep up with Kyungsoo’s pace but failing.


Tao was the first friend Kyungsoo made when he started high school, they both are in the same class.


“Oh you know it’s the first day for the new first years, you know I always go and see them.”


“Well yes but this time you just seem even more eager?”


“I have my reasons”


This year would be the year that Taehyung should be in high school, and Kyungsoo was desperately hoping he would be here, because after that incident 6 years he never heard anything from Taehyung and really hoped he’s alright.


They arrived at the school gate’s and the first years where already hanging around waiting for the opening ceremony to start.


They was someone across the playground who caught Kyungsoo attention, it wasn’t Taehyung but it was Jimin.


“JIMINAHHHHH!” He shouted across the playground and Jimin turned his head to the sound and saw Kyungsoo come running up to him. “Jimin, you made it then?”


“Kyungsoo? Oh it’s good to see you, and yeah it was a struggle” but there was a slight dip in Jimin’s voice, almost as if he didn’t really want to see Kyungsoo.


“It’s good to see you too, how’s the Orphanage, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to come visit”


“It’s the same new children keep turning up though”


“Yeah it does seem that the amount of orphans seem to be increasing” Kyungsoo was about to ask another question when Tao happened to interrupt him.


“Kyung! First you walk really fast, and then you run screaming someone’s name, you could have at least waited for me first” Tao turned his attention to the boy next to Kyungsoo “and is this person the reason why?”


“Well yes but there is another, oh Jimin this is Tao and Tao, Jimin”


“Nice to meet you Jimin, you’re from the orphanage right?” Tao shook Jimin’s hand


“Nice to meet you and yes I am”


Just then another voice could be heard from across the playground and Kyungsoo and Tao both face palmed.


“KYUNGSOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!”




“Oh it’s been too long, I missed year, let me give you hug ~”


“Take one step closer and I’ll kick you in the nuts”


“Uwaa, why you so mean, oh hello who do we have here?” Jongin moved on to Jimin




“I’m Kim Jongin, call me Kai and I’m the hottest boy in this school, you’re pretty cute how about a date, oh but I can’t do that the only person for me is…”


“JONGIN WILL YOU JUST STOP FLIRTING!” Kyungsoo got really mad which surprised Jimin he’s only ever seen him get mad once and that was when Taehyung was being taken. “Jimin don’t pay any attention to him, and I apologise on his behalf”


“Uwahhhh” Jongin started to fake cry.


“Kai! Don’t just run off like that, and don’t just start flirting with the new first years” another boy came up to them. “I also apologise for his behaviour it’s sort of his habit”


“Hoseok but its Kyungsoo!”


“I don’t care know stop harassing them and let’s go!”


“Oh alright then, see ya later guys ~” Jongin winked and followed Hoseok into the school’s building.


“Ahh sorry Jimin about that, no one knows why but Jongin always listen to Hoseok, it’s like Hoseok trained him to do what he says, oh and you probably guessed but he has this massive crush on Kyungsoo” Tao whispered in Jimin’s ear, as Kyungsoo was looking around the playground.


“Hey Jimin” Kyungsoo started “Have you seen V at all?”


“V? As in our V? V who got taken?” Jimin asked


“Yes that V what other person do you know who calls himself V!”


“Is he meant to be hear then? Did you hear from him?” Jimin started looking around


“Ahh no, I have no idea that’s why I’m asking if you have seen him” Kyungsoo looked to the floor.


“No I haven’t seen him, he may not even be alive, we don’t know what those men would have done to him, and you should just forget about him and move on.”


“How can you think that, V’s alive I know it?”


“But how can you know that?” Jimin’s voice quivered “We…We haven’t heard anything from him, what is there to go on that he’s alive?”


Tao watched from the side this was interesting, he wanted to know who this V was.


“I know it because…because I love him!”


“Oh yeah I love him too but that’s not a valid reason”


“Why you getting mad at me Jimin?”


“Why? WHY? Maybe because I have just gotten over V and yet you bring him up like it was nothing, damn Kyungsoo you’re not the only one who had a hard time”




“No Kyungsoo forget it, you weren’t to know anyway, you left not even saying goodbye, I don’t know you anymore, you’re not the Kyungsoo I knew” and with that Jimin walked away.


A tear rolled down Kyungsoo’s cheek “Jimin…I’m sorry”


“Oh my, that was quite interesting, and look the mighty Kyungsoo is crying” Tao spoke


“ the hell up Tao”


“Whoa Kyungsoo calm down yeah your scaring the first years”


“How did we even become friends” Kyungsoo sighed and walked into the building, guess Taehyung isn’t here anyway.


As Kyungsoo walked through the door’s a boy rushed passed him knocking him over, “Hey, watch where you’re going” the boy turned around and as Kyungsoo looked at him his eyes widened.


“Ahh, I’m sorry”


For a moment then Kyungsoo saw Taehyung, but the little boy Taehyung he knew at the orphanage,


“10…9…8” Kevin counted down, he was the seeker in hide and seek, it was Taehyung’s idea to play this game.


The children ran around looking for places to hide, Kyungsoo found a space behind a chair and waited there.


Another child came at sat down next to him, who the hell could be in his hiding space “Hey go find your own space to hide


The boy next to him spoke “Ahh, I’m sorry, but Kyungsoo it’s me V!


“Taehyung?” he quietly spoke, but the boy had already disappeared down the corridor.


“Kyung? Are you ok?”


“Tao I think I’m going crazy, I could have sworn that was V just now”


“Let’s just get to class”.




After the opening ceremony Jimin made his way to his classroom where he would have his home room. He was ticked off because of the incident with Kyungsoo, he really didn’t want to bump into him, and to think he had the nerve to bring up Taehyung.


“Say Jimin, why do you look like you’re going to kill someone” a boy in Jimin’s class came up to him


“Oh Yano, I met someone I didn’t want to meet”


Jimin made friends with Yano during the opening ceremony


“Wah! Already? But we don’t know anyone yet?”


“He was a third year”


“A Third year!!!!!! Whoa I didn’t know you knew someone already”


“Well used to know, I don’t him anymore”

Yano was going to ask more questions but their homeroom teacher walked into the classroom asking them to take their seats “I’ll see later” and Yano went and sat down.


The Teacher introduced herself and started the register, she stopped at a name confused for a moment “V?” she looked around the classroom but no one answered “Is someone called V here?”


Jimin stared at her in shock, V? He’s here, he looked around the classroom, just then the classroom door burst open and a boy came in panting.


“Yeah I’m V, I’m here” he breathed


The class all stared at the boy, he had messy orange hair and wore a pair of round glasses on his face, and had a choker around his neck, people started to whisper. Jimin stared in utmost shock, because there right in front of him was V, the V from 6 years ago and longer, but also he wasn’t.


“Right, and V may you care to explain why your late?” The homeroom teacher sternly spoke.


“Ahh yes I got lost finding the school itself and when I finally arrived at the school I got lost finding the classroom, sorry ma’am”


“Well I’ll let you off just this once, go sit down in the empty desk”


“Aye ma’am” and Taehyung turned to face the classroom for the first time, he bowed to everyone and made his way to his desk, passing Jimin to get there. When Taehyung approached Jimin, he grabbed him by his sleeve causing Taehyung to stop,


“V? Is it really you?” Jimin asked, Taehyung turned to face the boy who grabbed his sleeve and stood in shock for a moment, and then he smiled, but it was filled with sadness.


“Would you let go of me please” Taehyung said pulling Jimin’s grip off of him and continued to his seat, Jimin didn’t understand, didn’t he recognise him and followed Taehyung to his seat.


“But V, it’s me Jimin, don’t you remember me?” Jimin pleaded for recognition but Taehyung just ignored him.


“Um excuse me Park Jimin, could you please take your seat”


“Sorry Ms.” And he sat back down, glancing back at Taehyung who was staring out of the window.


Throughout the course of the lessons Jimin kept on glancing over at Taehyung, he really wondered why he didn’t recognise him, what happened to him?


It was time for lunchtime and Jimin wanted to speak to Taehyung again but Yano got in his way before he could catch Taehyung.


“Yo Jimin, let’s go eat lunch together, and what was before about?”


“Oh Yano” Jimin watched as Taehyung left the classroom “Yeah I suppose we can.” Although Jimin wanted to follow Taehyung.


On the way to the canteen Yano was asking Jimin about this morning


“So you know this guy?”




“But it seems he doesn’t know who you are?”


“Yes it does seem that way doesn’t it?” Jimin wasn’t really in any mood for talking.


“Why doesn’t he know you?”


“How would I know?”


“When did you meet?”


“We met when we were kids”


“What happened?”


Jimin snapped “ sake Yano stop asking questions already I knew him as a child and know I don’t know him alright!”


“I’m sorry”


“No I’m sorry for snapping, I just don’t like bringing up the past, let’s just eat lunch!”




Taehyung watched for a moment as Jimin was approached by a boy, he heard the boy ask if he wanted to eat lunch with Jimin. Taehyung smiled and picked up his things, and made his way to the door “It’s good to see you…Jimin” he whispered as he walked out the door.


“Jimin? Who’s that?” He heard someone come up to him say


“Oh Hoseok, thanks for earlier by the way, and it’s no one”


“Oh no worries it’s what upperclassmen are for, to help the first years when in need”


“I wouldn’t know, first time I’ve been to a school”


“Seriously, wow, you missed so much, I know how about I introduce you to my friends, seeing as you probably don’t know anyone yet?”


Taehyung looked through the window of the classroom and saw Jimin head out the other door with the other boy, “Yeah that would be nice”


Hoseok watched Taehyung, noticing a sad look in his eyes thinking back to it when Taehyung came up to him asking him directions he had this same look.


“Great, let’s go then”


When they arrived at the canteen, Hoseok waved to some people at a table in the corner and gestured that Taehyung should come over.


“Hey everyone, I’d like to introduce you to someone” Hoseok said receiving puzzled looks from the people at the table.


Taehyung bowed “Hello, I’m V, a first year”


“Making friends with the first years already, you doing a kai” one of the boys joked “Hello V I’m Kim Namjoon, same year as Hoseok”


“You’re really good looking, how about a date?” another boy added giving a kiss to Taehyung’s hand “I’m Kim Jongin, call me Kai, and it’s a pleasure to meet you”


“Kai stop flirting” Hoseok blushed pushing Jongin back in his seat.


“I’m Baekhyun” a small boy said throwing a peace sign “Look it makes your name, oh and I’m a third year”


“Well no he got hold back a year so he’s meant to of finished school” Kai added


“Yah! Don’t bring up unnecessary information you slag”


“I’m not a slag, I just have unconditionally good looks that people swoon over me” Kai brushed back his fringe.


“You wish” Baekhyun snickered and Kai went and hit Baekhyun


“Ok guys ok, don’t start fighting we don’t want to scare poor V now do we”


“No, we very sorry V” they said in unison


“Good, and there you these are my friends, yeah there a little crazy, please sit down” Hoseok gestured at a seat and Taehyung sat down.


Taehyung watched everyone chat amongst themselves, he didn’t really know what to say he felt a little awkward sitting here with them. He turned his attention to the other people in the canteen, to his surprise he recognised a few people, from the orphanage, and he wondered if the orphanage was still there.


He continued to look around and stopped at a table not too far from them, Jimin was sat watching him and when Jimin noticed Taehyung was looking at him, he immediately turned his attention away.

“V? Your being awfully quite are you alright?” Hoseok asked


Hoseok’s question snapped Taehyung’s attention away from Jimin back to the table, they all looked at him he blushed a little “Ahh yeah sorry, I was just in amazement at it all, as I’ve never been to a school before”


“You’ve never attended school” Baekhyun choked on his drink “Why? What did you do?”


“Oh I was home schooled”


“What made you decide to come to school now?” Namjoon asked


“No reason I just wanted to see what school was like”


“You’re pretty good at interacting with people then, you act as if you’ve done this before”


“Yeah I suppose that’s how I was brought up”


Sudden screaming from Kai broke them from there talk and they all looked to Kai in confusion


“Kai? What’s wrong?” Hoseok asked


“OMG GUYS!!! He’s actually in the canteen!”


“Who?” They said in unison


“Why Kyungsoo of course, why else would I scream”


At mention of Kyungsoo’s name Taehyung dropped his glass spilling the contents over Baekhyun


“Yah! V what the hell bro!” Baekhyun exclaimed


“Are you ok, you look a bit shocked?” Hoseok asked Taehyung


“Is he ok? Him? What about me? I’m wet here?” Baekhyun complained


Taehyung looked at Baekhyun “Oh I’m sorry Baekhyun, I didn’t mean to spill my drink, and here I have a tissue in my bag”


“Why did you drop it anyway?” Hoseok inquired


But before Taehyung could answer they heard glass breaking coming from somewhere else in the canteen, everyone in the canteen went silent.


Taehyung turned and saw Jimin standing up his finger bleeding, there was a person beside him, a very familiar person.




Jimin and Yano arrived at the canteen, and sat down at a table, a few seconds later Jimin saw Taehyung enter with an upperclassman and watched as Taehyung followed the guy to a table.


“Jimin? Will you please stop watching V, he may start to think you’re a little creepy” Yano spoke forcing Jimin to break his attention from Taehyung.


“Sorry” but Jimin ended up going back to watching anyway.


He felt a little jealous watching Taehyung sit down with those guys, he wanted Taehyung to sit with him, all of a sudden he noticed that Taehyung was staring at him and quickly turned his attention back to Yano.


As the others were asking questions to Taehyung, Jimin took this as his chance to watch again, he suddenly recognised one of the people there, Kai he remembered his name being, he also remembered what Kyungsoo said about him and Jimin wasn’t happy with Taehyung being around him.


Suddenly Kai let out a high pitched scream and Jimin turned to where he was facing and saw Kyungsoo walking up to him ‘oh great, why did you have to appear know’


When Kyungsoo made it to Jimin he spoke “Jimin I want to apologise about before, it was wrong of me, I didn’t realise how you felt”


“No I suppose you wouldn’t would you?”


“Is this the guy that pissed you off?” Yano asked sending death glares to Kyungsoo


“Yes, but stay out this Yano!” Jimin added


“You’ve made a friend already, that’s great”


“What’s it to you?”


“I’m trying to be nice here, and apologise you know”


Jimin didn’t why but he just snapped and slammed his glass down on the table, getting his finger cut from a shard of glass. “!”


“Oh my gosh, Jimin your finger are you ok?” Yano panicked, Jimin stared down at his finger


“Jimin I’m sorry” Kyungsoo apologised again “but I don’t see what I’ve done wrong”


“No you wouldn’t” Jimin was angry “I don’t want a ing apology from you, why are you always in the way? back then…” Jimin took a glance to Taehyung who was watching and could tell Taehyung recognised Kyungsoo “…and even now!”


“What do you mean always in the way?”


“Oh for god sake, if you weren’t in the way, V would have been mine, mine I tell you” Jimin knew he was speaking loud so he knew Taehyung would have been able to hear and glanced to him again, and saw how shocked he looked, he also noticed the others at the table they were staring in shock too.


“But why would I be in the way now when V isn’t even here?” Kyungsoo added, Jimin looked down to the floor




“Kyungsoo my loveee” Kai shouted across the canteen waving frantically, Taehyung swallowed because till moment Taehyung couldn’t see the person’s face, only his back and he knew he was going to turn around.


Jimin looked up at the table and whispered to himself ‘Please don’t turn around, please don’t”, Yano also looked at the table and finally Kyungsoo turned around and his eyes met with Taehyung’s.



Next Chapter :)

Jimins not too happy with Kyungsoo aye?

And Taehyung is back, but what happened to him?

What will happen with Taehyung and Kyungsoo, stay tuned for next chapter ;)

Don't forget to subscribe and comment and thanks for reading

Bye bye ~~



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HeavenlyScales #1
Chapter 2: Aaaaahhhhhhh the suspense! Hoseok made his entrance and they found V /.\
HeavenlyScales #2
Chapter 1: Ah I can't believe they found him! Quick question how old is Tae now?
Chapter 1: why what happened??? where is hoseok???
Chapter 1: Wow, this sounds really interesting. Hope Hoseok will come in during the next chappie or something like that :)!
And please update soon author nim!!
Red_lantern #5
Fighting! though the foreword is a bit short