Chapter 3

All Good Things Must Always Come to an End

Kyungsoo made his was slowly over to Taehyung, not once taking his eyes off him, he didn't care if everyone was watching him, his body moved by itself and without thinking as he reached Taehyung, he let his hand the boys hair and glide down his face stopping on his cheek, Kyungsoo's other hand cupped Taehyung's face.

Taehyung couldn't help but blush, he had so much longed to feel this touch of the boy he was thankful too, the boy he was sorry too and the boy he loved, many years ago, he stared into Kyungsoo's eyes noticing they were starting to well up with water, his eyes dropped to Kyungsoo's lips that where formed in a smile, he also noticed a small bit a stubble that he must have missed whilst shaving.  Just like Taehyung, Kyungsoo had also grown up, he wasn't a little boy anymore.

Honestly Taehyung didn't want this to end, if only he could go back to the past, to the time where he left Kyungsoo, and instead of staying Taehyung would had run, just as Kyungsoo had asked him too.

"V? V? is it really you?" Kyungsoo spoke ever so softly, Taehyung felt something drip onto knee, and saw a tear falling from Kyungsoo's eyes. Then something caught his attention, snapping him back into reality, and the situation he is in, and regretfully he pushed Kyungsoo away. "V?" Kyungsoo spoke again but this time his voice was confused.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Taehyung's voice was harsh, mentally cursing himself inside, oh how hated himself for having to do this. Everyone in the canteen sat in shock over Taehyung's sudden question.

"W...what you mean?" Kyungsoo stuttered he legs about to give way, Kai rushed to Kyungsoo's side and held him up, Taehyung felt a pang of jealousy.

"I mean, you don't just come up to someone and start touching them do you?" 

"But..But V, it's me? Kyungsoo? Do Kyungsoo, don't you remember me?"

"No I have no idea who you are, first that boy over there" he pointed to Jimin who incidentally spat his drink all over Yano and went bright red, "and know you, seriously I come to school for the first time and I'm already being harassed, why can't you just let me be, V this, V that, yes my name is V but not the V your on about."  He choked on that last sentence, holding back the tears that where just wanting to come out.

Taehyung couldn't take much, seeing the faces of Kyungsoo and Jimin, and that everyone in the canteen where staring at him, so without saying anything more he got his things and stormed out the canteen, only when he exited did he whisper a quite "I'm so sorry" and let a tear fall.


"Wow he was a bit rude, curses, I'll kill him the next time I see him, how dare he say such thing’s to my Kyungsoo” Kai ranted, pacing up and down by the table, Kyungsoo sat next to Namjoon lifeless.

“Will you just sit down and calm down, clearly it wasn’t his fault, and like he said Kyungsoo had the wrong person” Hoseok shouted to Kai who did as he told and sat back down. “Kyungsoo are you ok?” he then asked.

“Huh? You said something?” Kyungsoo must have zoned out and wasn’t paying attention

“I asked if you were alright.”

“Oh yeah, don’t worry, I’m fine, see, I’m smiling” Kyungsoo faked a smile and it didn’t need to take a genius to figure out that Kyungsoo was lying.

“Who is V anyway?” Kai cautiously asked.

“Oh he was a close friend of mine, until that day 6 years ago”


Kevin dropped his bags as he entered the orphanage, he was wondering why the door had been knocked down, and to see the hallway smashed, what happened here. He noticed the children where all hiding in a corner and Jimin had something in his lap.

Kevin took a step closer and saw that Kyungsoo was lying on his lap, blood dripped from his head, staining Jimin’s clothes.

Holy mother of god! What happened? he ran over to Jimin and took Kyungsoo off him, Go get the first aid kit, now! he didnt mean to sound so harsh about it, but just wanted to get Kyungsoo better.

Jimin rushed back with the first aid kit and helped lay Kyungsoo on the floor, Will he be ok? Jimin asked Kevin.

II dont know, but what the hell happened here anyway?

Jimin dropped his head, and Kevin looked at the other children who also did the same, he then realised there was someone missing.

OMG! WHERES V!?!?!?!?!?!?! Jimin please tell me hes ok? Is he?

“He…He…He got taken…by scary men, they…they were going to kill Kyungsoo if he didn’t hand himself over, Kyungsoo told him not too, but V he got taken.” Jimin burst into tears, Kevin pulling him into a hug, whilst cleaning up Kyungsoo’s wound.

“Shh! Shh! It’s alright, let’s just pray for his safety ok!?”

A few weeks later Kyungsoo got released from hospital and well his health was perfectly fine but he was in a state of shock and wouldnt say anything to anyone when he arrived back at the orphanage.

Kyungsoo would always sit by the window, hours on end hoping that Taehyung would turn smiling, with that big goofy smile saying 'Im home you missed me.''


"6 years ago was when I lost a friend and that friend was right before my eyes, but yet he had no idea who I was." Kyungsoo spoke after a moment

"So what happened to the friend" Hoseok asked

"Thats what ive been wanting to know for 6 years, I may have been to forward to him, i forgot for a moment that 6 years is a long time."

"Dont be so hard on yourself, lets just get to our next class"

"Yeah Kyungsoo lets go, forgot about him, you got me anyway!" Kai linked his arm with Kyungsoos and dragged him out the canteen.


Taehyung headed out the school, he really couldn't face going to class and having to Jimin. Just as he made his way to the gate a sudden hand grabbed his arm pulled him into some bushes, the other hand covering Taehyungs mouth to stop him from screaming,

Frightened Taehyung tried to squirm his was out but the person was gripped onto him to tight. He paniced feared it was the men coming to get him again, oh how he was thankful he escaped.

"Shhh Tae! Calm down would you, it's me Luhan, your hurting me. "

At the familiar voice Taehyung calmed down a little and Luhan released his grip "Bloody hell Lu! You trying to scare me"

"Quite, ther're here do you want them to find you again!."

They heard heavy boots on the playground and whispering of voice, Taehyung took a peep from a gap in the bush, and recognized the outfit the men wore, had that same mark.


"Do you think he's alright?" 

"I don't know, that was a pretty rough operation, even for us who watched."

Taehyung could hear these voices, but he couldn't see, everything was black, where was he?

"Hey look he twitched, hey hey wake up"

Taehyung had no idea what was going on, what where these voices and why were they telling him to wake up? He was awake wasn't he.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

The voices kept on saying, so Taehyung tried opening his eyes, and was confronted with bright light as it made its way through,  causing his hand to block out the light. As he finally adjusted to the light, he noticed two pair of eyes staring at him.

"Kyungsoo? Jimin?" He choked, his throat was sore, like someone had tried to strangle him.

"No, Luhan and Xiumin"


"Im luhan and this is Xiumin"

Taehyung sat up to look at the people infront of him, both seemed small for their age and one looked almost like a little deer.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

"You just woken up, and so many questions, reminds me of someone" Xiumin laughed,

"Hey what do you expect I bet only the other day he was living a normal life, just like we did."

Taehyung smiled a little "I don't think you could call it normal."

Luhan and Xiumin looked at each other a little confused. "So where am I?" Taehyung asked again.

"You are in the basement of a torture chamber,"

"A what?"

"A torture chamber! You do no what one is right?"

"Yes, but why am I here? I got taken by some men they wore a coat with a Dragon on the back"

"Yup, they work here, its also why me and Xiumin are here"

"What do they do?"

"They sell your organs to repay the debts your parents left you with"

"But I don't remember my parents having debts." and then Taehyung realized something and it all made sense, why Seokjin made him leave that day, and why his parents weren't going to come. Clearly they sold him up for organ sellers to repay debts. "If they take your organs, how come we are alive?"

"I presume they replace them with metal organs, sounds impossible I know, but these things happen. "

"Actually I'm surprised you don't look so shocked about this?" Xiumin butted in

"Well to be honest, a lot has happened to me I really just don't get shocked anymore"

"That may all change when you witness something here, and I apologize in advance" Luhan said sadly, a little fear in his voice.

Just then they heard footsteps approaching and the turn of a key in a lock and suddenly the door opened and  a tall man came in holding a knife.

"So your awake now, thats good you can watch" and the man walked up to Xiumin and slashed the knife in his chest.

Xiumin let out a blood curdling scream as he the man cut his chest open, blood oozing out, Luhan turned his head away not wanting to watch, and Taehyung was so shocked he passed out.


"How did you know? Was it you watching earlier?" Taehyung whispered.

Luhan blushed a little,  "Ok, so maybe I may of followed you, and spied on you just a little."

" sake Luhan, do you ever use that head of yours, you know they are keeping watch of you too, they know you'll lead them to me!"

They watched as the men made there way out of the school as a teacher was coming to investigate.

"I know I know, why you getting so mad I also wanted to see what school was like, who was that boy earlier?"

"Him, oh Do Kyungsoo"

"Kyungsoo, the boy you wanted to see?"

"Yes that very one!"


'Cough cough', they heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see a angry looking teacher staring down at them "I don't have anything against gay people,  but there is a time a place for everything, to the principle office you go!"

Luhan and Taehyung blushed realising the position they were in and followed the teacher to the principles office.

Sat waiting for the principle to appear, Taehyung was a little annoyed with Luhan it was only Taehyungs first day and he found himself already in the principles office.

"Curses lu! I will be in so much trouble, your not even a student of this school, its against the rules. "

"Uwaaa Taehyung don't hate me, l saved you remember!" Luhan whined like a little kid wanting something from his mum.

"You really don't act your age do you?" Taehyung ruffled Luhan's fluffy hair

"Why being old "

"Pwa! Your not old" They both started laughing, enjoying meeting each other again, but when the door opened and the principle came in they stopped suddenly faces looking shocked.

"Its good to see you two again how have you been"


Yeah next chapter, I feel really bad for Kyungsoo in this chapter.

But wow that little bit from Taehyung's past, I don't know what I was thinking whilst writing that, sorry to those Xiumin biases out there :(

na na na na naaa who is this principle I wonder, stay tuned to find out, ahaha its not a tv I know :P

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HeavenlyScales #1
Chapter 2: Aaaaahhhhhhh the suspense! Hoseok made his entrance and they found V /.\
HeavenlyScales #2
Chapter 1: Ah I can't believe they found him! Quick question how old is Tae now?
Chapter 1: why what happened??? where is hoseok???
Chapter 1: Wow, this sounds really interesting. Hope Hoseok will come in during the next chappie or something like that :)!
And please update soon author nim!!
Red_lantern #5
Fighting! though the foreword is a bit short