Chapter 4

All Good Things Must Always Come to an End

"You ing retard" Luhan shouted jumpin out of his seat his fist clenched and aimed straight at the principal’s face.


"Lu! Calm down, we are in a school dimwit" Taehyung exclaimed holding Luhan back,


"You absoutle bastard, I hate you, I hate you" Luhan continued but his fist was unclenched and he had tears forming in his eyes.


“Well that’s not something you should say to someone who you haven’t seen in a while.”


“You…You, why? Taehyung let me go! I need to punch that guy”


“Luhan calm down, and you really are bastard you know! Whose fault do you think it is anyway? How where you expecting Luhan to act, all hugs and kisses? If that’s what you think then you really are dumb, for someone who just left without a word.” Taehyung was annoyed but he was a little happy to see him “Anyway how did you become head teacher?”


"Ah sorry about that, I wanted to come back really, but what can you do when you get noticed and taken in as an apprentice like hell I had no idea, but when this middle aged man came up to me and asked if I wated a home, I wasnt going to say no, and he just happened to be the old head teacher."


"Seriously!? Wow, if only eveyone had your luck, still dont expect this boy to come around anytime soon" Taehyun pointed to Luhan on the floor a quivering mess.


"I didn't expect him to be here, why was he here anyway, he's not even a studant?"


"He followed me ok, then saved me from being taken again, and beside isn't there somethin to say first?"


The head teacher looked confused but noticed Taehyung had his arms open, and then it clicked "Its goos to see you again V!" And went into Taehyungs arms, giving a peck to each cheek.


"Its good to see you...Xiumin"




A week pasted since Taehyung got taken to the torture chamber and Xiumin had finally woken up form his latest operation, and Taehyung has finally been able to process what he watched.

"You know I think we should try to escape, any ideas?" Luhan suddenly blurted out of the blue.

"Well that would be nice, but have you seen anywhere or anything that could help us escape?"  Taehyung questioned, causing Luhan to pout.

"We could at least try something"

"Luhan there's not any point, seriously did they replace your brain or something?"  Xiumin said rubbin his eyes to ajust to the light.

"Oh my Mini, your finally awake" Luhan squeeled jumping onto of Xiumin.

"Ouch, seriously Luhan did you forget I had an operation?"

"Sorryyyyyy ~~~" Luhan climed of Xiumin and sat beside him instead.

"Seriously, your gayness is too much" Taehyung joked, reciving a punch from Luhan and a giggle from Xiumin. "On another note, I thought of a plan, spending your childhood reading books does come in handy"

"You do? Lets hear"

"Well here's the plan..."

Back in the classroom Jimin kept on turning to Taehyungs empty seat, where was he? Did we hurt him too much? Were the thoughts that ran through his head

"Jimin?" The teacher spoke, no answer "Jimin?" Still no answer "Mr Park Jimin" she raised her voice and Jimin faced the front, his face turning red

"Ah ah yes ma'am?"

"I do not appreciate it when people dont pay attention in my class, now answer this question?"

"Ah sorry ma'am and yes ma'am" Jimin walked up to the blackboard and easily answered the question, and sat back down.

"Correct, ill let you off this time"

Jimin smirked and under breath he said "Thanks V for your help"

Just then the door opened and Taehyung entered with another teacher, "Sorry I'm late ma'am" and bowed in apology and went to his seat.

"He was with the principal, I caught him doing something he should have been doing!" The other teacher spoke his face reddening a little

"Oh well I see, this boy was also late this morning, I’ll guess I will be keeping an eye on him, is that all?"

"Ahh no, a new student has just joined, and he will be in your class, he’s older than everyone here, in fact he shouldn’t even be in high school, but his lack of education, and the head teacher’s request he has been put in this class.” The teacher walked out the classroom and in came a baby like boy.

"Hi, I'm Luhan, I hope to get along"

The girls in class all cood at Luhan, he was way too cute, Taehyung smiled to himself, what would they do when they learn he's gay? He asked himself. Jimin turned back to face Taehyung and noticed him smiling, but as soon as he looked at Jimin himself his smile vanished and he turned to face out the window.

Who is this Luhan? Jimin wanted to know.


Tao was curious about Kyungsoo, he was so silent and out of it, he never once opened his textbook, took notes, just looked out the window, luckily for him being a top student the teacher didn’t really mind.


He tapped Kyungsoo on the shoulder “Hey, Kyungsoo?” but he didn’t reply, “Kyungsoo?” he spoke a little louder and tapped his shoulder some more.


“Uh, yeah?” Kyungsoo finally spoke a little deflated though


“Are you ok? Did something happen at lunch?”


“Umm, I’m fine, and it’s nothing”


“Hmm, you sure you’re ok?”


“Yes if I say I’m fine, then it means I’m fine, know shut up and pay attention to class!”


“I should say that to you” and Tao decided to leave the questions, but he knew something was up.




It was home time and you could say it was a very rough first day for Taehyung, so much happened in a short space of time, and he wished he wouldn’t have to see Kyungsoo and Jimin.


Him, Luhan and Xiumin all managed to escape the torture chamber, but those replacement vital organs had all been micro chipped so they could be traced.


Having to see Kyungsoo and Jimin was a burden for Taehyung, as much as he wanted to be friends with them he couldn’t, he couldn’t risk getting them involved with his ed up life.


Being in school was a safe haven for them, because of the school’s security the men are not allowed in, but Taehyung knew that they would find a way, they always do, and Taehyung must stay low, hence the change in appearance.


I suppose Taehyung has and always will be on the run from these men, actually he’s been doing investigating whilst keeping a low profile, trying to find his parent and confront them.


Still having Luhan at the school, and knowing the head teacher is Xiumin, he knows he’s safe.




Taehyung and Luhan headed home together, keeping a look out round every corner, anyone could jump out at any point, and they hated living their life in fear.


“School’s hard Tae! How are you clever?” Luhan moaned


“Well, I read a lot of book back at my parents’ house, as there was nothing else to do, plus we had home schooling at the orphanage.”


“Damn you’re so lucky, I never studied, it’s my fault really, I just couldn’t be bothered”


“Yeah well be bothered, you an embarrassment, you should be nearly finishing University, not in a first year class in high school”


“Heh! I get to be with you though, but those girl, damn they so annoying, how can anyone like them!”


“Just tell them you’re gay! Can’t wait to see the looks on their faces.”


“Well you’re also gay right Tae?”


“Am I? I don’t know, all I’ve been around is boys, so maybe, but some of those girls are good looking to”


“Ooooh Tae! Have you got a crush?”


“Ahh no don’t be silly! Only been there for a day”


“Oh sure, ok, I believe you” Luhan poked Taehyung in the side, causing Taehyung to squirm, and ran off


“Damn you, come back here, I’ll kill you!” Taehyung shouted chasing after Luhan


“Try to catch me first, numbskull”


Taehyung was catching up to Luhan, only he stopped when someone grabbed him by his arm, he watched Luhan’s expression turn scared, and came to the conclusion, it was them.


“Tae! Get away!” Luhan shouted frozen on his spot, watching as Taehyung was fighting out of the man’s grip.


“Let me go!” Taehyung screamed, trying to kick himself free, not working though, he was too much of a weakling. “Luhan don’t just stand there do something!”


Luhan still frozen started panicking, watching as Taehyung was being dragged to some van, he wanted to move but his feet wouldn’t let him. Just then someone grabbed him as well, causing Luhan to scream.

“Waaaa! Noooo! Let me go, I…I don’t want to be taken, somebody please help!” Luhan screamed waving his arms to try and get free. And if by magic, his words must of reached someone because the next minute, he fell down to the ground.


He saw someone dash past him, all a blur and watched as the person threw a flying kick into the person who had Taehyung, he turned his head and saw some blonde boy struggling, but somehow managing to beat the crap out of the person who was only a second ago trying to take Luhan.


Sirens could be heard in the distance, “Tsk! You get away this time, your lucky you had someone to save you, but next time you won’t be so lucky” and just as the police had turned the corner in their cars the men had run away, the dark haired boy chasing after them.


“Are you ok?” The blonde haired said to Luhan, holding his hand out to help Luhan up.


“Yeah, a little shaken, but I’m fine…OMG your head, it’s bleeding”


The blonde brushed his hand against his forehead and noticed the blood, “Oh I am aren’t I! Heh, it’s alright I’ll live”


But Luhan wouldn’t let it be left like that and rummaged around in his bag and pulled out a first aid kit, “I knew this would come in handy”


“You really don’t have to you know”


“No but I do, you saved my life, so now I’ll save yours, bend down a little will you, your too tall” Luhan took out a tissue from the kit and wiped the blonde boy’s forehead, clean from blood, then placed a kiddy plaster, decorated with deer’s, on the wound. “There we go, all better”


“Umm Thanks! Who were those guys anyway?”


“No I should Thank you, Thank you…errmm?”


“Oh, my name’s Sehun, Oh Sehun”


“Thank you Mr. Sehun, oh I’m Luhan!”


“So Luhan? Those men who are they, and what do they want from you?” Sehun asked again.


“Them, oh” Luhan rubbed the back of his neck “Don’t worry about them, it’s better if you don’t get involved, for me and for Taehyung”

“But why? And who’s Taehyung?”


“OMG TAEHYUNG! I forgot about him!” Luhan completely ignored Sehun’s last question and dashed to where Taehyung was, who happened to be with the dark haired boy.




“Yah! Sehun!” Hoseok shouted catching up with Sehun who had already made it out of the school grounds.


“Yeah, what?”


“We go the same way right! I’ll walk home with you”


“Oh ok, sure, whatever”


“You should respect your elders more you know!”


“Whatever” Sehun wasn’t really one for talking, especially with someone who he only knows through Kai.


Hosoek and Sehun walked in complete silence, they couldn’t think of anything to talk about, but Hoseok spotting someone on the other side of the road and creating a conversation starter “Hey Sehun, that’s V right?”




“Over there on the other side of the road” Hoseok pointed.


“Ah yeah, looks like him”


“I don’t recognise that guy with him though”


“Maybe he’s a friend of V’s, why you so interested, he was mean to your friend Kyungsoo”


“Ah well I’m just curious, and besides he’s pretty good looking, plus I want to know why he was like that Kyungsoo because clearly Kyungsoo knew him.”


“Hmm, I see, oooh look bubble tea, Hoseok hyung ~ buy me some” Sehun pleaded.


“The only time you ever seem interested is with bubble tea, what’s so great about anyway?”

Sehun opened his mouth to speak when a sudden scream from across the road averted his attention “Tae! Get away!”


“Omg that guy…he’s got V, we have to do something”


“I’m staying out of that”


“Waaaa! Noooo! Let me go, I…I don’t want to be taken, somebody please help!” they heard the other boy scream again, and without thinking Sehun’s legs took off on their own.


“Yah! Sehun, where you going?”


“Don’t just stand there, they need help”


“You’re the one that said to stay out of it” Hoseok said catching up to Sehun


“Well I changed my mind.”


When they reached the V and the other boy, Sehun threw a punch straight at one of the guys, forcing him to let go of the boy he held. Hoseok ran straight past and kicked the other guy who had V, causing him to let go of Taehyung.


They both were in a struggle in this fight, the men where grown adults a lot stronger then Sehun and Hoseok.


Sehun received a blow to his forehead, making him go all dizzy for a sudden, but soon fought back, they then heard sirens in the distant and the men ran away, but saying some threatening words before they left.


Who are they? And what do they want? They both wondered.




Taehyung sat watching, completely amazed by how well this dark haired boy fought, he knew how strong these men where but he was doing a good job at fighting back. After the men left he watched as the dark haired boy straightened his clothes and when he turned to face Taehyung, he realised who it was,




“Oh you remember then”


“Well yeah, I was with you today”

“Are you ok?” Hoseok asked helping Taehyung to his feet.


“Well I think so, thanks to you anyway”


“You’re welcome, but who are those men anyway and what do they want with you?”


“Best if you don’t get involved, my life is ed up enough and I don’t need anyone else to get involved”


“OMG TAEHYUNG!!!!!! TAEHYUNG!!!!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” Both Hoseok and Taehyung turned at the oncoming boy running towards them.


“Tae! Are you alright?” Luhan worriedly asked looking over Taehyung’s body


“Shhh! don’t call me that remember, your ing retard!”


Luhan suddenly remember what Taehyung told him about using his real name and hit his mouth in shock.


“OMG , sorry V, I forgot”


“Yeah well that always happens, you seriously have no brain.”


“I guess you’re alright then if you can speak like that”


“Umm excuse me for interrupting but could we have a little explanation” Hoseok asked


“NO!” They both said in Unison, “Come on Luhan let’s go, before this gets any worse” Taehyung quickly spoke grabbing Luhan’s hand and walking away with him.




“Thanks for your help, most appreciated, but we have to go, bye bye” Luhan and smiled at them and waved.


“Well aren’t they a mysterious couple” Sehun said to Hoseok when V and Luhan had disappeared out of sight.


“Say that again, most definetly mysterious, you up for some fun?” Hoseok smirked and look into the distance “V? Just who are you?”


“Well I suppose it won’t hurt” Sehun stared of into the distance “Luhan? just who are you?”


Cha cha cha, next chapter is up, and seriosuly i really applogise about my spelling and/or grammer, it seems i can't even proof read my own work :/

anyhow, ooooh what happened here? I have no idea where i'm going with this, just being spontanious.

excited i am, to write the upcoming chapters, what will my mind come up with :)

Thanks everyone for comment and subscribing, and and for reading this strangeness of a story :P 

Aye, see ya ~~~~~

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HeavenlyScales #1
Chapter 2: Aaaaahhhhhhh the suspense! Hoseok made his entrance and they found V /.\
HeavenlyScales #2
Chapter 1: Ah I can't believe they found him! Quick question how old is Tae now?
Chapter 1: why what happened??? where is hoseok???
Chapter 1: Wow, this sounds really interesting. Hope Hoseok will come in during the next chappie or something like that :)!
And please update soon author nim!!
Red_lantern #5
Fighting! though the foreword is a bit short