Chapter 1

All Good Things Must Always Come to an End

"Young Master!? Young Master!?" Seokjin (the butler) shouted whilst frantically searching the mansion, he spotted one of the maids, "have you seen the young master?" the maid nodded her head, "he was in the music room, what happened!?"


"No time to explain, get the car ready this instant!"


"Of course sir!" the maid bowed and rushed to get the car ready. Seokjin hastily made his way to the music room.


"Young master!" he said throwing the door open, a small boy turned his head and smiled "Jin hyung! I can play a new song, will you listen?" Seokjin hurried over to the boy and pulled him away from the piano,


"Young Master Listen, we can’t stay here anymore, we have to leave, now!"


"Jin hyung, my song? Why?"


"No! We have to go now, a car is ready and waiting for us at the back door, come on let’s go!"


"No I'm not leaving, I like it here!"


"Please we have to go" suddenly banging could be heard through the mansion, Seokjin's face turned panicked and he turned to the boy who was holding his ears from the noise. Seokjin picked the boy up and ran out the room, making his way to the back door.


Just then the glass from the window shattered from a sudden blow from a gun, and these men in black suits where stood outside the window, staring directly at Seokjin who was carrying the boy.


"Hand us the boy and no one gets hurt!"


"I will not hand young master over" Seokjin put the boy down on the floor, "Taehyung, go without me, go to the back door, please, ill hold them off!"


"But Jin hyung! I’m scared" Taehyung whimpered, tears forming in his eyes.


"Taehyung be a big boy know, it will be ok, just go, please for me!" Seokjin pleaded


"But I don’t want to leave you!" Taehyung clung onto the butler’s leg, there was another shot of a gun, "I'll give you one last warning hand over boy and no one gets hurt!"


"Taehyung! Please just go! Please! I’m begging you"


"But...what about mama and papa?"


"TAEHYUNG! For peats sake would you just do as you’re told" Taehyung flinched at Seokjin’s raised tone of voice "They won’t be coming, just go already!"


"Will I see you again?"


"I promise! Go now, I’ll hold them off"


Hesitantly Taehyung let go of Seokjin’s leg "I love you Jin hyung?" and as a tear rolled down his cheek he ran, leaving Seokjin with the strange men, he took one last turn back but wished he hadn't, Seokjin was no match for these men, he held back his tears and continued to run towards the back door.


When Taehyung made it out the back door, thanks to Seokjin he made it safely, he was confronted with a tall man carrying a suitcase, Taehyung was about to run when the man spoke, "don’t panic in Seokjin’s friend he asked me to take you, come we don’t have long"


Taehyung wasn’t sure whether he believed the man or not but he still went and sat in the car, the man started the engine, "oh I’m Kevin by the way, it’s nice to meet you young master" and they drove away.


Taehyung didn’t say much the whole journey, he sat sobbing into his knees, he didn’t want to leave Seokjin, but they promised to meet again so Taehyung kept that in mind.




Taehyung woke up, and saw too large eyes staring at him, "Waaaaaaaaaaa!" Taehyung screamed and hide under the covers. The big eyes started laughing and pulled back the covers, revealing a terrified little boy.


"Don't be scared, it’s alright" the big eyes spoke softly Taehyung’s hair "I'm Do Kyungsoo and you are?"


"Tae..., no, V, I’m V!? Taehyung didn’t know why but he something inside told him he shouldn’t say his real name.


"How old?"




"I’m two years older. 7. You will be sharing this room with me." Taehyung sat up and took a look of his surroundings. It was a pretty basic room, 1 bunk bed, a desk and cupboards and a single painting of a blue and white sailed boat on blue sea and sand,


"Where am I?" Taehyung asked


"You’re in an orphanage"




"A place for children who don’t have anyone to look after them go, you know of it?"


"Yes" Taehyung did know about one back at his hometown, he used to sneak his food to the children there. Suddenly there was a ringing of a cow bell causing Taehyung to jump and hide back under his sheets.


"Aha, V, are you hungry?" Kyungsoo asked lifting the sheets off for the second time.


At the mention of food Taehyung stomach rumbled and his face turned red,

"I'll take that as a yes, come on then hat was the bell for lunch" Kyungsoo offered his hand for Taehyung to take, who willing excepted, for feeling a little scared still.


They walked out of their room and were confronted with lots of children of different ages running to get their dinner, as they walked down the hallway Taehyung started to count he children, by the time they arrived at the kitchen he had counted 20 children.


"Ahh Taehyung your awake" a familiar voice spoke, Taehyung spun around and recognised that the voice came from the man who picked him up.


"Taehyung? Who’s that?" Kyungsoo asked


"He's the boy you’re holding hands with"


"But he said his name was V!" Kevin covered his mouth in shock as he just remembered what Seokjin told him 'Listen you must never speak his name to anyone'


"Ahh Kyungsoo come here a second" Kyungsoo realised his hand from Taehyung’s and walked over to Kevin, "You have to promise to keep V's real name a secret, it shouldn't be spoken, ok!"




"Complications that I can't speak of, do you promise?"


"I promise"


"Good, now go have some food with V" Kyungsoo skipped to Taehyung and took him to the counter to be served his lunch, and also to get his own too.


After lunch Taehyung wanted to explore the place, so Kyungsoo offered to show him around. He showed him the bathroom, the playroom, the sitting room, the garden and also introduced him to the other children.


Taehyung was amazed at how big the place was, not as big as his house though, but bigger than the orphanage in his village. All this thinking of his hometown made him feel homesick and then he suddenly burst into tears.


"V!!!! What’s wrong? Are you ok? Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" Kyungsoo panicked but Taehyung wouldn't answer, he spotted a boy walking past and called him over "Jimin ah, stay with V whilst I go get Kevin hyung"


The boy nodded and came and sat with Taehyung, and Kyungsoo left to find Kevin.


A few seconds later Kyungsoo came back with Kevin.


"V what’s wrong?" Kevin spoke


"It’s your fault, your fault" Taehyung screamed hitting Kevin’s leg, "why did you leave without him? He said he would meet me there after holding the scary men back, but you drove away, Jin hyung, where are you?" Taehyung screamed, Kyungsoo and Jimin watched in horror, a little scared of how Taehyung is acting. Kyungsoo wondered what happened to Taehyung yesterday, before he arrived.


"V calm down, Seokjin wasn't going to come with us, he told me to leave as soon as you made it, and he did it to save your life V!"


"*sob* but...but he promised...*sob* that we would see each other again"


"Well I’m sure you will V, Ok! Now calm down as you're scaring the other children"


Taehyung stopped crying and looked around at the other children, they were all staring at him in fright. Taehyung felt bad he didn’t mean to scare the other children, he stood up and ran to his room.


Kyungsoo was about to follow when Kevin stopped him "No, let him be alone for a bit, a lot happened yesterday!" Kyungsoo nodded and stared down the hallway praying that Taehyung will be alright.




It took several months but eventually Taehyung settled into his new way of life, and soon started to play with the other children. He even started to attend the daily school lessons at the orphanage.


Taehyung always surprised the teacher of his age group lessons as he was to clever for it, only because he spent a lot of his time at home reading from study guides and books.


He a Kyungsoo became really close as time passed, they were always together. But although Taehyung had settled he always sat by the window hours on end looking and waiting for his butler to take him home.


A year passed, the orphanage threw a special party for Taehyung’s 6th birthday, and it was the first time Taehyung had a birthday celebrated. His parent were always away so thy never were there for his birthday, the only person he had then was his butler.


Taehyung would still sit by the window, hoping to see someone to take him home, his mum, dad or butler.


Mores years passed and Taehyung got very curious o his past, he was older and began to understand more, but every time he asked Kevin he didn’t get a reply, why won’t no one tell him his past.


Taehyung and Kyungsoo were so close now and they played being boyfriend and girlfriend with Taehyung being the girl as he was younger.


Taehyung gave up on waiting 6 years later.




It was late at night and Kyungsoo woke up to find that Taehyung’s bed was empty, he immediately started to panic. Taehyung was always there when he woke up, maybe he's gone.


He dashed out of his room frantically searching the orphanage, he was about to report to Kevin when he noticed the back door was open, and there on the doorway sat Taehyung staring out into the darkness.


Kyungsoo then realised today was the day Taehyung arrived at the orphanage 6 years ago, the day everything changed for him, his heart clenched up seeing Taehyung sitting there.


Kyungsoo came and sat next to Taehyung and interlocked his fingers with Taehyung’s.


"V, what you thinking about your past again?" Kyungsoo softly spoke.


"Kyungsoo do you remember your past? Why you got sent to the orphanage?"


Kyungsoo tightened his grip and nodded, "I do"


"Is it the reason for the scar on your back?"




"Can you tell me what happened? I never did think to ask before"


"I can tell you, I was waited for you to ask, I figured I shouldn’t tell you until you were ready, because you are kept in the dark from your past."


Taehyung turned to face Kyungsoo who was staring up at the sky, not letting go of Kyungsoo’s hand, it comforted him.


"I was also 5 when I arrived here, just as scared as you, but I knew what happened and why I had to be sent here" Kyungsoo paused for a bit and swallowed. "My mum died giving birth to me, which left me and dad, but the death of my mum hit my dad hard and he fell into the depths of alcohol.  He raised me yes, but when he came home drunk it was like a different person, he started to abuse me, hitting me, shouting at me, blaming me for mums death" He paused


"The scar on my back happened a week before I arrived here, and it was caused by my dad. He hit my back with a knife, after that the neighbours realised something was wrong and called the police, my dad got taken by them and after many trials he was charged with child abuse and got sent to prison, and I was sent here as no one else was left to look after me."


Silence filled the air for what seemed like hours, Taehyung was taking in Kyungsoo's past, realising that he had a hard life, Taehyung felt a little bad, he lived in luxury before this day 6 years ago.


Kyungsoo was the first to speak "first time I’ve told someone of my past, I don’t want to remember it, and you know my dad will be released soon."


"Will he come find you?"


"No, he's not allowed to come anywhere near me"


"Do you miss him?"


"Hmmmm I guess a little, he did raise me"


"I miss my parents and Jin-hyung, I don’t know what happened to my parents, Jin-hyung just told me they weren't coming with us. Jin-hyung he..." Taehyung let out a whimper, "He...promised me...that we would see each other again...but" Taehyung started crying and Kyungsoo pulled him into a hug "he...he...promised"


"Shah, don’t cry V, I'm sure you will meet again, I'm sure" Kyungsoo continued hugging Taehyung until he stopped crying. They then went back to bed.




Breakfast was hectic this morning, it seemed there was only enough of a cereal packet for one person, and everyone was fighting to get that.


"Let go its mine" Jimin cried holding onto the box like it was his life


"I got here first, I should have it" Byungjoo fought back pulling the box towards him




"No Mine"


And suddenly the cereal box went flying, tipping its contents all over the floor.


"Ahh look what you did you idiot" Jimin shouted hitting Byungjoo in the arm


"My fault! I believe it was yours" Byungjoo returned the hit, and then a fight broke up between them.


"WILL YOU TOO STOP FIGHTING" Kevin shouted from the hallway, "You'll have to eat something else, now I’m going to the shop, you all behave yourself, especially you two" Kevin pointed at Jimin and Byungjoo.


Kevin left out the door locking it.


Byungjoo and Jimin sat in the corner sulking.


After breakfast everyone decided to play twister, so the al gathered in the play room, Taehyung had only played this game once and decided he wasn’t good at it, but that was years ago, he's older know.


*bang bang* sudden banging could be heard outside the front door causing the children to scream. Taehyung suddenly had images of his past come back to him, and starting freaking out.


They heard a loud slam and Kyungsoo bravely walked to the front door to investigate what had happened.




The front door had been knocked off its hinges, and was flat on the floor, in the door way stood a group a men in suits all carrying a pistol.


"Kim Taehyung you better come out, or I will shoot this boy here" one of them shouted his voice echoing through the orphanage.


Back in the playroom Taehyung was petrified, why do these people want him?


"Taehyung! Kyungsoo, he's going to get shot" Jimin freaked shaking Taehyung’s body


Taehyung didn’t want this, not again, but this time no one was here to save him


"Last chance Taehyung, if you don’t show yourself in 5 seconds I will not hesitate to shoot this boy"




Taehyung starting to panic, what could he do? if he went he would be taken, he would have failed Jin-hyung




"V run away, go out the back door" he heard Kyungsoo shout




If he ran away Kyungsoo would get shot




Kyungsoo...Jin-hyung....Kyungsoo...Jin-hyung... run away again... be captured... run away... captured... these ran through Taehyung’s head, he felt like he was going to puke.




"V just run for god sake" Kyungsoo shouted again, Taehyung consider running but he heard the gun click.




"Nooooo! Don’t shoot, take me, TAKE ME, just don’t shoot" Taehyung fell to his knees in tears.


"So you finally show yourself, my you sure have grown, grab him." Two men ran up to Taehyung grabbing him by the arms


"No, V you Idiot, I told you run" Kyungsoo cried


"I'm sorry, I couldn't let them kill you, and this has nothing to do with you" Taehyung sniffed


"I'm not letting them take you, let V go" Kyungsoo shouted kicking and punching the men so they would let Taehyung go, but the men were a lot bigger and pushed Kyungsoo away, he ended up hitting his head against the corner of the table, he muttered Taehyung one last time, watched as he got taken away and then out.



Im back with another vhope fanfic and this time it will also be kaisoo aswell, they seem to be my favourite OTP at the moment maybe baekchen will make an appearence, because they are jsu adorable. ;)

I hope you enjoying reading this and don't forget to subscribe and comment :)

Aye sir!



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HeavenlyScales #1
Chapter 2: Aaaaahhhhhhh the suspense! Hoseok made his entrance and they found V /.\
HeavenlyScales #2
Chapter 1: Ah I can't believe they found him! Quick question how old is Tae now?
Chapter 1: why what happened??? where is hoseok???
Chapter 1: Wow, this sounds really interesting. Hope Hoseok will come in during the next chappie or something like that :)!
And please update soon author nim!!
Red_lantern #5
Fighting! though the foreword is a bit short