005 Confession

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She said she loves me and I know she only meant in a friendly way, but why was my heart arguing with my mind? Taehyun's mind was shaken up. Even though another month had passed, you were all he could think of. Since he finally decided to move out, his mind and heart would not rid of you despite the lack of time together. He could no longer live with you but not be with you. It was tearing him apart.


The apartment seemed too big for you now that Taehyun was gone. You felt the void and the silence killing you. "This was the perfect apartment," You talked to thin air. You found yourself in his room for the nth time. He still had some of his belongings left but he was in no hurry to pick them up. He had a t-shirt laid perfectly on his bed, or what used to be his bed. It slightly hurt you because that was the shirt you had given him for Christmas. "You'd think he wouldn't forget something so special," you scoffed.


Later on, you found yourself at Taehyun's doorsteps. It has been a long 5 minutes of you staring at Taehyun's new apartment's door. Is this too weird? What if he isn't even here? Oh goodness, what is wrong with me? We are just friends. Plus I came to drop off some of his stuff.




Someone pushed you slightly. You were so shocked you dropped the small box you were carrying.


“Namtae!” you turned around and punched his arm


“Ouch,” he held on to it


“You scared me,”


“Didn't have to hit so hard,” he frowned


“I'm sorry,” you clung to him


“Just don't do it again,”


“Am I still welcome here?” you asked


“Of course,” he took out his keys to unlock the door.


She finally visited me. Taehyun was gladly taken aback by your surprise visit. As soon as Taehyun opened the door, you gasped. His place was beautiful.


“Namtae, you're such a diva,” you said


“What now?” he laughed


“It's so pretty!”


His apartment looked like it could be a girl's place. His room was on the top floor of the building and its structure was uniquie. It was technically just one floor but his bed was in another level where you had to climb stairs to get to it. His bed could be seen at the lower level where the kitchen, living room, and bathroom were. 


“Have a seat,” he said as he took the box from you


“Seriously, can I live here?” you were half joking, half serious




Taehyun stopped. His true feelings were being revealed.


“You miss me, don't you?”


“How can I not? You obnoxious girl,” he went up to his room


“How did you find this place?” you were still left in awe


It was like your dream apartment.


“You haven't even seen the best part,” he looked down at where you were, “Come on up,” he signaled to you.


A smile formed on your face and you quickly climbed the stairs.


“Namtae, this is beautiful! I am envious,”


“Let's go out.”


He had a view of the city and it was absolutely beautiful.


“I now see why you never visit me,” you said “You never even picked up your other stuff! But I'm still mad,” you pouted at him


“What did I do now?” he was still smiling


Taehyun felt like he was on cloud nine whenever you used aegyo on him. Or just whenever you were around. Everything about you! He adored you so much, the way your eyebrows would furrow when mad, your nose crinkling, your lips when it smiles and when it pouts, your eyes when it sparkles, the way your bangs won't stay still and how he has to fix it for you sometime, etc.


“You left the shirt I gave you! Of all things!” you crossed your arms


He laughed at what you had said. He was listening intently but he was mostly happy you were standing in front of him. He's been trying to gather the courage to visit you, but he always backed out. He was scared of rejection.


“I did that on purpose,” he told you




“Let's go in first,” he offered y

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Smitians #1
Chapter 6: Namtae oppa!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I love reading this fanfic but actually I thought that this fanfic will be like 22 chapter like that but unfortunately this fanfic just 6 but I really love reading this fanfic it's so romantic. If you put more chapter I think it will be more fantastic ^^
Chapter 6: to much sweet will effect your body.
Love it author-nim :)
Delldaily #4
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh this is so sweet!!!!! :)
Chapter 6: What what what? I didnt read the question otherwise i wpuld tell you i wantes a hundred chapter, i really like this story and you write very well i hope you can make more taehyun fanfis cuz they are sp hard to find especially a good one ^^
Minjan21 #6
Chapter 6: I loved it ...thank you for share this little story ;D