002 If it kills him

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Author's Note

I hope my style of writing for this fanfic isn't confusing to you guys. If you have any questions, please do ask me. I will gladly answer them! Thank you for subscribing. I am more than thankful. I hope you guys like this fic. It was originally going to be a oneshot but so many ideas popped in my head. Hehe.




Author's Point of View


Taehyun knew Mino was in your room and he shouldn't be eavesdropping but it was crazy quiet for him. He started to worry thinking Mino was doing something to you since he is after all--- touchy. The door was already slightly open, he was about to open it more to enter when---


“You think you can start dating again?” he heard Mino ask.


Taehyun felt an anchor drag him down after hearing those words. It stopped him from entering the room. You weren't answering him. “Why isn't she answering?” he thought.


“Since you said 'think,' yeah, I think I can. I don't know though,” you finally spoke.


He wasn't sure if he was suppose to be happy after hearing your answer or be sad. He felt both which made him more confused than he was already feeling. He slowly stepped back and found his way on the couch in the living room. He sat there contemplating about the past month. “I've been out on dates with Jiyeon this past month, but no matter what we did, no matter how cute Jiyeon was or how sweet she was, I found myself thinking about her. Everything would lead back to her.” He was talking to himself now.


“Namtaeeee~” his train of thought, broken


“You two still here,” he acted


“We're just about to leave,” Mino responded.


Mino was putting on your cardigan for you as if it was the most natural thing. “Did he ask her out?” Taehyun questioned himself. “No, he's too fancy to ask her just like that. Plus he was a natural gentleman.” he answered himself too.


“Do you want to come?” you invited him oblivious to the fact that he was conflicted


He understood why you would though. The three of you used to hang out together all the time.



He recalled the good old times, specifically when the three of you were at the beach for your last birthday celebration. The sun was about to set when you decided to run to the swing set to sit on the swing. Mino and Taehyun followed you like bodyguards. Boys couldn't stop looking at you that day but you never noticed. And oh how it irritated both Mino and Taehyun. Taehyun could never forget that day. You looked stunningly beautiful with how your hair flowed down naturally with the flower wreath on you like a crown. You were wearing a simple white off the shoulder shirt that was large on you and only had a swimsuit under that. It wasn't the swimwear he clearly remembered though, but how to him, you shined the brightest then. You were happy with just Mino and him being by your side. Even if Eunjung and them bailed last minute.


“It's lovely,” you were talking about the view


“It definitely is,” Taehyun was talking about you


Mino kept quiet but he gave him this look that Taehyun didn't understand. As the sun slowly set down, you stood up and reached for their hands. You were so naïve then. You inhaled and exhaled with eyes closed.


“Thank you.”


It was the first time Taehyun's heart started acting up at your touch. He denied it, but it was taunting him now more than ever.



“Silence means no?” Mino was becoming impatient


“You two go ahead,” Taehyun told you


“You sure? Did you have lunch already?”


“Yeah,” he lied


“Okay, man. See ya later,” Mino and he did their routine handshake.


But his eyes lingered on you. You were staring right back at him before smiling and giving him a cheek to cheek kiss. “She rarely does that unless she was happy about something. Is it possible that Mino did ask her out after all? It has been a year since she stopped dating. Her high school sweetheart had broken up with her after 4 years of being together.” Taehyun's mind was going chaotic.



An hour passed with Taehyun on the laptop going through music videos when he accidentally clicked on Jason Mraz's If It Kills Me. It was like fate playing a trick on him as he read the lyrics. The chorus definitely hit home.


Well all I really wanna do is love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me


When did I start looking at you differently?


“Taehyun!” it was Jiyeon.


“Wait, Jiyeon?!” He was practically yelling in his mind. He got up and went to the living room. She arrived with Mino and the cause of his confusion, you.


“I see why you didn't come with us,” Mino winked at me




“You were waiting for Jiyeon, weren't you?” he answered


Jiyeon came towards Taehyun and gave him a tight hug.


“We got food,” you stated.


You sounded uncomfortable while Jiyeon was still clinging onto your roommate.

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Smitians #1
Chapter 6: Namtae oppa!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I love reading this fanfic but actually I thought that this fanfic will be like 22 chapter like that but unfortunately this fanfic just 6 but I really love reading this fanfic it's so romantic. If you put more chapter I think it will be more fantastic ^^
Chapter 6: to much sweet will effect your body.
Love it author-nim :)
Delldaily #4
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh this is so sweet!!!!! :)
Chapter 6: What what what? I didnt read the question otherwise i wpuld tell you i wantes a hundred chapter, i really like this story and you write very well i hope you can make more taehyun fanfis cuz they are sp hard to find especially a good one ^^
Minjan21 #6
Chapter 6: I loved it ...thank you for share this little story ;D