004 Tonight

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Taehyun was finally moving out & it bothered you to the core. He was engulfed in packing. It was him that looked like a child now sitting on the floor. You were watching him tidily fold his clothes so he could arrange them by "style." He was always so organize about his belongings.

"May I help?" You finally had the guts to ask him.

There was this uncomfortable atmosphere between you two after the talk at the carousel. Even if it had been days already. You were cautious about what you said and did after.

"Sure," he let you in his room
"You're already a third done,"
"It's not hard to pack when everything is already organized,"
"Of course."

You sat on the floor to arrange his shoes by color.

"Don't touch those," he grabbed your hands
"Why not?" You stuttered

He was holding your hands so tightly and his face was only an inch away from yours. 

"You are a girl. You should be grossed out touching men's footwear," 
"They smell huh?"
"What? No! My shoes do not smell,"
"Then it is fine."

You slipped your hands away from his and continued arranging his shoes. 

"I can't believe you are really leaving,"
"It's not like we were going to stay together forever,"
"I am not walking out of your life or anything,"
"But I will barely see you anymore."

You bit your bottom lip after realizing what you just said. 

"I'll miss you too," Taehyun ruffled your hair. 

After arranging his collection of shoes, you looked around to see what else you could help with. Your eyes spotted a baby blue shoe box you never saw before. You were about to reach for it when Taehyun quickly grabbed it out of sight. 

"Personal, eh. Or is it ?!" you teased
"Yes. Ha, Let's go take a break." He agreed just so you wouldn't interrogate him.
He stood up and put the blue box in his cabinet before helping you stand up. You both went to the living room and sat together on the couch without realizing the lack of space between.
"How long have you been packing?" 
"An hour and a half,"
"You hungry?"
"Not really but if you are--"
"No. I am bored," you sighed
"Where has Mino been? 
"Your not boyfriend. Where is he ?"
"You say that like he isn't your friend,"
"He is out with his sister and her boyfriend,"
"Why didn't he take you?"
"I gush about them. He doesn't like it."

The two of you laughed at how protective Mino could be towards his sister when he had the playboy image.

"So maybe this afternoon and evening is our bonding time then," Taehyun gathered the courage to say
"That would be nice," you looked at Taehyun with earnest
"Want to go to Everland?" 
"No. It is too far and expensive,"
"Since when did that matter ?"
"Since I am going to be roommateless, I have to budget," you joked
"Let's just go take a stroll out later at night," you suggested
"You love eating at the food stalls at night,"
"And maybe we can just go to the beach, start a bonfire and look at the stars,"
"I would love that."

Your heart started to beat at a rather fast rate. The way Taehyun had talked was so tender. He never talked to you like that before, or anyone. Not that you know of at least. Taehyun was usually cool and collected. He seemed indifferent, even. But you always knew he cared deep down. He just isn't the showy or vocal type like Mino. Suddenly, Taehyun was resting his head on your shoulder causing you to stiffen. 

"Are you sleepy?"
He yawned which you took as the answer to your question. But Taehyun wasn't really sleepy. He just wanted to stay that way and eventually the two of you dozed off.



Unexpectedly, Mino came to the apartment. You were sound asleep in T

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Smitians #1
Chapter 6: Namtae oppa!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I love reading this fanfic but actually I thought that this fanfic will be like 22 chapter like that but unfortunately this fanfic just 6 but I really love reading this fanfic it's so romantic. If you put more chapter I think it will be more fantastic ^^
Chapter 6: to much sweet will effect your body.
Love it author-nim :)
Delldaily #4
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh this is so sweet!!!!! :)
Chapter 6: What what what? I didnt read the question otherwise i wpuld tell you i wantes a hundred chapter, i really like this story and you write very well i hope you can make more taehyun fanfis cuz they are sp hard to find especially a good one ^^
Minjan21 #6
Chapter 6: I loved it ...thank you for share this little story ;D