003 Everland

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Author's Note

Hey everyone. Thank you so much for subscribing. I am glad you guys are interested in this story. Please upvote or spread the word about this story :) So I was watching Winner TV earlier today and got ideas for this chapter :)





Mino was patiently waiting for you in the park nearby your apartment. He had a backpack with him which aroused curiosity in your head.


“Where are we going?” you asked him


He simply smiled at you and ruffled your hair. He had a thing with messing with your hair and fixing it.


“Tell meee~” you were trying to woo him


“You'll know,” his reply was short


“Come on,” he offered you his hand


You hesitated for a second but took it anyway. Right on time, Taehyun was watching you two from behind while Jiyeon just arrived.


“Mino-yah!” Jiyeon yelled


“Why are you calling them?” Taehyun panicked a little inside


You squeezed Mino's hand as a sign to make him turn around. Jiyeon suddenly grabbed a hold of Taehyun's hand and ran towards your guys' direction.


“Let's go!” she was out of breath despite the short sprint


“What?” Taehyun and you chorused


Mino and Jiyeon gave each other knowing looks which made you uncomfortable. You told Mino to change the location to avoid the other pair but it seems like the odds were against you.


“You two planned this,” Taehyun figured it out


He wasn't pleased with how things were going. Taehyun was already struggling the past months with his feelings.


“It'll be fun going on a double date,” Jiyeon was clueless


“But you didn't tell me about it,” Taehyun turned cold


“Taehyun, it'll be fun, man. We haven't hanged out in awhile,” Mino was trying to clear things


“Why aren't Eunjung and the rest of the group here then? Should I call Seungyoon up?” responded Taehyun


Taehyun barely talked much but if under pressure and frustrations, he breaks.


“Namtae,” you let go of Mino's hand unknowingly.


You reached out for Taehyun by instinct forgetting Jiyeon was there. Taehyun flinched being touched by you. The two of you walked away from Mino and Jiyeon.


“Do you not want to spend time with us?” you asked him


“It's not that,”


“Ah, I know,” you smiled


“You want Jiyeon all to yourself,” you tapped his nose


“We'll give you two space, don't worry.”


Taehyun didn't react but he let it go. You were smiling at him and it was like his problems were gone. He would put aside the war that was inside of him.


“Namtae was just being his usual diva self,” you teased.


Jiyeon looked at Taehyun and apologized. Taehyun felt bad for slightly lashing out on her and so he patter her head which instantly lifted Jiyeon's mood. Mino put his hand on your shoulder as the four of you walked towards a rental car.


“How long did you and Jiyeon plan this?” Taehyun asked while opening the door for Jiyeon


“You ask too many questions, Namtae,” Mino replied.


In reality, Mino and Jiyeon had the event up their sleeve for a week now. They noticed the awkwardness going on with the roommates and wanted to tone it down. Jiyeon thought it would be a great idea to go on a double date for the four of them to get used to the other couple. Mino, on the other hand, was thinking of something else.



You and Jiyeon dozed off after a couple of minutes in the car. As soon as Mino realized the girls were asleep, he turned the radio's volume lower.






“You happy with Jiyeon?”




“You guys have been dating but not official. Are you not happy?” Mino was straight to the point

“We're still getting to know each other,” Taehyun's voice could barely be heard


“You've known her for a long time,”


“As a friend. She's kind of different now,”


“She isn't girlfriend material, isn't she?”


“Why are we talking about this now? She's in the backseat,” whispered Taehyun


“Man, you really don't know her,” Mino laughed a little


“What's that mean?”


“Jiyeon sleeps like a log,”


“Oh.. Are you happy with--”


“Of course,” Mino didn't eve

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Smitians #1
Chapter 6: Namtae oppa!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I love reading this fanfic but actually I thought that this fanfic will be like 22 chapter like that but unfortunately this fanfic just 6 but I really love reading this fanfic it's so romantic. If you put more chapter I think it will be more fantastic ^^
Chapter 6: to much sweet will effect your body.
Love it author-nim :)
Delldaily #4
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh this is so sweet!!!!! :)
Chapter 6: What what what? I didnt read the question otherwise i wpuld tell you i wantes a hundred chapter, i really like this story and you write very well i hope you can make more taehyun fanfis cuz they are sp hard to find especially a good one ^^
Minjan21 #6
Chapter 6: I loved it ...thank you for share this little story ;D