Card X

Tarot Card

Taeyeon was obviously not herself today as she had prescribed three patients with the wrong medicine, good thing that her assistant was there to check the prescriptions before they release the patients go.

"Whats wrong Dr. Kim? This isnt like you to make mistakes." Nurse Son Seungwan or mostly known as Wendy worriedly asked the short doctor as she placed another patients profile on top of her desk. "Maybe you we should call it a day. It'll be a big problem if you give another patient the wrong prescription."

"Maybe I should." Taeyeon turn to look at another tent where Yuri was working next to Tiffany who waved at her with eyes like crescent moon, smiling brightly at her.

"I'll endorse our patients to Dr. Won." Nurse Wendy left and as soon as Taeyeon was alone, Tiffany was already by her side. "Hi." The eye-smiling gir greeted her which she only responded with a half-hearted nod.

"Are you alright?" Tiffany asked worriedly, immediately placing a hand to her forehead but she was quick to move away. "Sorry, Im just not in the mood today for anything." Taeyeon replied unenthusiastically. She started gathering her things when Tiffany said something out of nowhere. "I love you." Taeyeon stopped momentarily before looking at the younger girl. She didnt say anything and she hoped that the fake smile on her face can somehow do the trick. Taeyeon doesnt want to say it back, oh hell no she dont, not even after something happened between them two nights ago.

It was the night when Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sooyoung was supposed to have dinner together, but the supposedly dinner date of the trio ended up of them drinking themselves to death in a bar. It was Sooyoung's idea and even though Taeyeon didnt like it she gave way to her friend who's not just only heartbroken but also a jobless licensed doctor who desperately needed the alcohol. Being her friend, Taeyeon handed her shoulder for the tall doctor to cry on. Drinks came glass after glass after glass till neither of the two was able to drive their car, Taeyeon decided to check them in the nearest hotel.

Drunk and totally unaware of their surrounding, Taeyeon woke up the next morning next to a snoring Tiffany. She, too, was out of her clothes and Sooyoung was nowhere to be seen inside the hotel room. The short doctor called her friend to know if she knows or saw or hear something the time it happened but Sooyoung told her that she left the hotel as soon as they arrived. Taeyeon was too drunk that she fell asleep immediately after her back touched the bed. She asked Tiffany as well since the eye-smiling girl had been the sober one that night but the only thing Tiffany told her was "Im glad its you." Ohh curse those liquors she had that night, Taeyeon cant remember anything.

Tiffany then became more clingy as ever and the short doctor didnt like it even by a bit. She just feel so trapped, suffocated and she couldnt breathe. Thats just one problem for her though, cause truth be told, Taeyeon is far more concern of Jessica finding out that she and Tiffany had than the latter finding out that whatever they did, meant nothing to her.

"Sorry Tiff, but Im just really tired of everything right now. I need some rest." Without waiting for Tiffany's response, the short doctor left.

Taeyeon couldnt count Tiffany as a one night stand since she has feelings for her or atleast she thinks she has. Before, she was sure that she's falling for Tiffany but when Jessica happened to her, everything had changed; her world changed.

She was too deep in her thoughts when a body collided with her. "Damn it. Dont you look where you walk? Jesus.." The last word came out as a whisper when she saw who she bumped into. "Jessica."

"We need to talk." And without anymore word, Jessica took her wrist and pulled her out of the island's health center.

Taeyeon, though was confused of whats going on, couldnt careless wherever the younger girl is taking her cause as she looks at their hands together, she knew that this is how they should be; her and Jessica together.


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Chapter 4: interesting!
Chapter 23: Taeng still kinda a jerk in this one though, who did that to sisters? Even if one turns out to be crazy, you're still a jerk for two timing them
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 23: I can't believe this story slipped right under my nose how in the world did i just find this?!! Haha well I love it thanks for this! Till next time indeed!!
Chapter 23: Aww it ended already.. Please comeback with a new taengsic fic please....
Icecream013 #6
Idk why i just found this fic but still i'm going to read this all
Chapter 23: hey! glad that you were able to finish this.. thanks so much for this story and hope to read some taengsic from you again :)
Chapter 23: Haha I thought that was the end but you never confirmed it. Please come back with taengsic soon. Not many authors out there writing that pair these days so I'm very deprived ><
Chapter 22: Hi, Authornim and fellow Filipino citezen. Omg, I love this story. Bakit ngayon ko lang nabasa 'tong napakagandang story? I'm so proud of your wonderful work ^0^ I'm hoping na ma-update mo'to dahil srsly, ang ganda ng takbo ng story. Love lots Authornim.
Chapter 22: please update soon