The cofession

Angel's Love


No One POV

Leeteuk dragged SooHae away from the place and went to the car. SooHae was shaking and crying. It made Leeteuk’s heart hurt. He hate it when SooHae cry. It made him feel bad as if he was the one who made her cry.

Once in the car, she stopped crying and Leeteuk drive quietly. Suddenly, SooHae reache out to wipe the dry blood from the corner of Leeteuk’s mouth. He was obviously shocked but her soft hand somehow calmed him. “I’m sorry..” , SooHae suddenly said. “What is it for?” “you are injured because of me”, SooHae said and cry again. Leeteuk stopped the car by the road side and immediately hug the crying girl. “Shh.. It’s ok.. It’s not your fault.. I did it out of my own will..”. SooHae calmed down and let go of Leeteuk. He stated driving again. “Oppa.. do you have first aid kit?”, Soohae asked. “No.. I don’t...” “Then can we stop at the mart.. I want to buy it” “Ok”.

Leeteuk stopped at the nearest mart and Soohae got down from the car to buy the first aid kit. Soon, she told Leeteuk to stop at the nearest park. They got down from the car and walked to the nearest bench.

“Thank you for what you did just now oppa”, SooHae thanked him. “Ah.. It was nothing..”, Leeteuk answered. “I’m sorry that you got hurt...”, SooHae said and took out some antiseptic. “What are you doing?”, Leeteuk asked. “I’ve made a mess and I can’t clean it up.. This is the very least that I can do..”, SooHae reach out to clean the wound when Leeteuk back out a bit. “Why? Are you angry at me?”, SooHae asked. “Ahh.. No... It’s just that.. It’ll be painful right?” “Aigoo.. It’ll only hurt a bit..” “But...”, SooHae shushed him by applying the antiseptic which made Leeteuk wince in pain.

Her calm face when applying the medication made Leeteuk’s heart flutter. She carefully cleaned the blood and apply the medication again.When applying, Leeteuk sudden;y took hold of SooHae’s hand. She immediately stoped applying the medication and focused at the person in front of her. Leeteuk brought herself closer to her and both of them can feel their heartbeat racing. Just when their lips are about to meet each other, a dog came and bark at them which made the two jumped and flustered.

The dog were barking madly when SooHae realized that there’s a cat up on the tree. They laugh at the dog and the dog’s owner came and apologize to them. They dog owner and the dog left, realizing what they almost did a few seconds ago, they looked away and blushed.

“Uhhmm... Should we go for a walk?”, Leeteuk asked so that the awkward atmosphere will be gone. “Yeah.. Sure.. let’s go”. They pack the first aid kit and left. They were in their own world.

*Leeteuk’s mind*

What was I thinking? She was already freaking out when that bastard kissed her and now, sitting here, I’m trying to kiss her?! What the hell! JungSoo ya! Stop screwing everything!

*SooHae’s mind*

Oh god.. What just happened? We nearly share  a kiss! I can’t even...OH!MY!GOD! What’s more weird is that I did not even hesitate. It’s like I’ve been anticipating for it. The dog ruin it.Lol.. it kept on barking

No one’s POV

They walked alongside each other quietly. SooHae who is wearing a dress that expose her top, was shivering when the wind blew. The wind is especially strong tonight. Leeteuk saw and immediately took his coat and wrapped it around her. She thanked her and walked silently again.

While walking, Leeteuk realizes that SooHae is left behind. By then he realizes that she was in pain because of her shoes. Leeteuk laugh and made his way to her. “Are you ok?”, Leeteuk asked. “Ahh.. These heels are killing me..”, SooHae said and stopped to take of her heels. Leeteuk helped her to take it off and offered to carry it. Soohae just laugh saying that it’s not a luggage so she can carry it herself.

“SooHae, I have something to tell you”, Leeteuk suddenly said. Hearing that, SooHae immediately froze at her place. Leeteuk was walking without even realizing that SooHae had already stopped walking. Only when he turn around, he realizes she already stopped. He sigh and went back to her. “Before you continue whatever you are going to say, can you piggyback me? The floors are very cold and I can’t take it”, Soohae requested. Leeteuk can’t believe eher request but comply since she was fidgeting and jumping already.

Leeteuk lift SooHae and to his surprise, she was lighter than he thought. “As I was saying, have something to tell you” “Ummhph... What is it?”, Leeteuk heard SooHae’s muffled reply. Maybe it’s because his hair was on . Hehehehe.. “I know this might not be a good time to say it, but I have to do it. I can’t hold myself anymore.” ,He construct his sentence carefully.

“What is it about oppa?”, SooHae asked. “Remember the day you and SooJae came to the ice cream parlour?” “Yeah.. What’s up with that?” “Well, since that day, I was always hoping that you’d always come back and visit that place. I think I’m falling for you”, Leeteuk finally said it. There was only silent from SooHae. Leeteuk was afraid of her reaction but at the same time, he is relieved that he can finally let his heart out.

“Oppa, can you put me down”, SooHae said. Leeteuk was almost sure that she’ll slap him or run away but he just did like what she said and put her down. She put on her heels and started walking. “Oppa.. Aren’t you coming?”, she asked. Leeteuk followed her. Suddenly, SooHae took him by the hand and give him a peck on the cheek. Leeteuk was startled but he enjoyed it. “What was that for?”, he asked still blushing. “Thank you.. For being honest.. That’s you reward and as sign that I actually liked you too”, SooHae said blushing.


Leeteuk was smiling like an idiot when SooHae said that she likes him too. “MWO??!!JINJJA??!!!!”, he practically screamed. “Aish... Don’t ask already.. it’s embarrassing”, SooHae said blushing and walked from him. Leeteuk run for her and grab her and carry her. Once she is safely in his arm, he spin her around non stop. She was laughing happily.

Leeteuk’s POV

I Finally confessed to her tonight. I don’t care anymore. Whether she’s going to reject or not, I have to do what I have to do. When I finally confessed, SooHae kept quite. Instead of replying me, she asked to be put down. She put on her heels and immediately walk off. I felt hurt thinking that’s her way of rejecting me, but then her next sentence light up my hope.

“Oppa.. Aren’t you coming?”, she said. I smiled and followed her. While walking, she suddenly took hold of my hand and kissed on the cheek. I can feel myself burning but I decided to asked what is it for. “What was that for?”, I asked. “Thank you.. For being honest.. That’s you reward and as sign that I actually liked you too”, she answered while blushing. I was smiling like an idiot when she said that she liked me. “MWO??!!JINJJA??!!!!”, I screamed at her. “Aish... Don’t ask already.. it’s embarrassing”, SooHae said blushing and walked away from me. I ran towards her and lift her up. Once she is safely in my arms, I spin her around. She was laughing. Her voice is like music to my ears. I’m just so happy.

No one’s POV

Leeteuk put SooHae down because he was tired. She was still laughing hysterically. “Oppa.. No one had ever do that to me. It was fun!^^” SooHae said. “So, since you agree. Are we official now?”, Leeteuk asked happily. SooHae give a shy smile and nod. Leeteuk once again lift her and spin her around again.

leeteuk felt like the world is now own by him.He was beyond happy. Finally, the girl that he liked the most is his and will forever be his.




Ahh..finally,they are together^^'re back..i thought you dont like the story anymore ;~;
thank you for loving it..^^

for silent readers,thank you too^^

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ughhh...sorry bout this laptop is alksdfkdfsj ughh..sorry readers ;~;


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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 22: Pleaseeee~ Update! It's so interesting! *o*
MrsPark_ELF95 #2
Chapter 22: update!!update!! ><
minn95 #3
Chapter 22: e.e. APPAAAAA!!! your dimples!!! ;~~~~; GIMME GIMME!!xDD asdfghjkl *SALEEE SALEEEE XDDDD UPDATE SOONER OR LATER..xD appa is a sale too xDDDD LOLLLLLLL
Chapter 22: kyaaaaaaaa!!!!! i was afraid that he would not like it!! but it was the exact opposite!! XD kyaaa i'm so happy!!!

thank you too! for a wonderful story!! :D i'm looking forward for the next chapter!! :D
minn95 #5
Chapter 21: Dear appa, I'm your future daughter xD and OH EM GEE GYUGEEGEE! xD how can you not figure that out.. -_-''
Chapter 21: someone's preggy!! XD i wonder what's going to happen next,, :)
leeteukbaby #7
Chapter 21: Is she pregnant? :D
minn95 #8
Chapter 20: how can a human actually squeal like a whale? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD RLAB update sooooooonnnnn! *shoot daggers* :PPPPPP *flies away with Kai and Tao*
1004ica #9
Chapter 20: Please update soon!! :))) I love your story.. :D
It makes me blush kkkk. Since I'm a Leeteuk biased, I really love it kkk. Update update soon please *puffy eyes* <3
Chapter 20: i'm glad that you finally updated!!! :D how long has it been?? anyways i'm glad that you're back!!! :D