One Year later

Angel's Love


One Year later

One year has passed since the accident that almost took Leeteuk and Kyuhyun’s life. Hope was blurred back then, especially for Kyuhyun. Every ounce of Leeteuk and members’ strength were spent on crying and taking care of the maknae at the hospital.

And life was never better when Kyuhyun recovered fully and went onstage with his brothers’ for the first time after the accident. As for Soo Hae and Leeteuk, their mutual understanding made them stronger and let them live their days without any ill feeling towards each other. Although, at some point, they do fight, but they quickly apologize, knowing that each time wasted hating on each other,  means less time loving each other.

Now that everyone is feeling all hyped up and better, they are ready to release a 3rd studio album. Soo Hae and Leeteuk’s relationship is still kept under the dark, but Leeteuk had been hinting the fans about the relationship by saying he’s happy in certain day or someone made him smile all the time. Other than that, their relationship is still a secret.

Soo Hae’s POV

A year has passed since the dreadful accident take almost took oppa’s life. We have been through so much for the past year and I’m happy to say that me and oppa are loving each other more and more. Although he is always busy, but that’s the price I have to pay if I want to be with him.

I’ve also moved into his apartment. He bought an apartment for both of us to live together. He is still living in the dorm with the members, but he made it a point to visit me on weekends and spend the weekend together. This week is a no different. He’ll be staying here again. Yeay!

I was busy at kitchen cooking his favourite dish when my phone rang.

Me: Hello?
Me:  Ya ahjusshi~ Stop playing..kekekekeke~
Leeteuk:EO?! You call me ahjusshi?!
Me: Yes..Why?kekekeke
Leeteuk: Then you are an auntie... kekekekekeke
Me: *pout*
Leeteuk: Kekekeke... Here comes the pout. Aigoo ya, who asked you to start it first? kekekeke
Me: I did not~psshh
Leeteuk: Arasseo... What are you doing right now? I’ll be there soon.
Me: Nothing much actually. Was trying to cut myself.*smirk*
Leeteuk: YOU WHAT?!!!!!!
Me: Oppa~Relax... I was just messing around. I’m cooking for you~hehehehe
Leeteuk: Don’t you dare do that again or else I’m not talking to you for one week.
Me: Eeee~~ So childish~
Leeteuk: What ever.. But you said you were cooking right~?
Me: Yeah..why?
Leeteuk: Nothing, just curious.. What are you cooking by the way?
Me:  Not telling  you..hihihi~
Leeteuk: Well then, it better be good or I’m not eating~!!! Hihihihihi~~
Me: Ya!!!You~~

I stare at my phone in disbelief. This ahjusshi! Really something. I put down my phone and continue cooking. I throw in everything that he likes into the dishes. How dare he underestimate my cooking skills. Just you see, you’ll beg for more! Wuahahahahaha...

I feel like a maniac that time, laughing alone. This guy always have this power to make me laugh, cry, smile and everything else by myself. After another 20 minutes of dessert making, I quickly clean up kitchen and took a bath. He’ll be here soon and I need to look pleasant.

I changed into my comfortable shorts and t-shirt and went downstairs to set the table. While setting up the table, the bell rang non- stop. Ahjusshi. No one else is at the door except for him. I run towards to door and swing it open once my hand reached the handle. I was about to jump into him when He shove me a bouquet of flower.

“Oppa! You are here!!!” I said excitedly. He hand me the flower and ruffles my hair. “Smells good! I’m hungry~! Let’s eat!”, He said while dragging me into the kitchen. “You sit down first while I took out the dishes ok?” “You need some help?” “Urmm... No.. Everything is almost done anyway. Just sit down”, I said. He followed and sat down at the table and looking eagerly at the foods being served.

Once everything’s served, He immediately took bits of this and that and pile up his plate. He took s spoonful on the soup and I was nervous. I look at him intently waiting for some response when he started coughing loudly. “Wat~~er... give me wat~~er~~”, he said. Dear, my cooking must’ve . I felt such a fail at that time and pout.

He then gave out a hearty laugh. I look at him, feeling puzzled. “Aigoo ya, you really think your cooking isn’t it?”, He ask. “Of course! If not, you wouldn’t have choked!” “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I was just acting!!! The soup tasted marvellous!!” “You what?!” I said and pinch him. He squirm in pain and begged for my forgiveness.

After 5 minutes of our silliness, we finally ate peacefully. He talked about the upcoming 3rd album and the concepts and such. He also showed me his new hairstyle. He looked.. handsome. On top of that, he was praising my cooking endlessly. Told ya he’ll like it! Hehehe~

We then clear the table and washes the dishes together. Then I proceed to cut the fruits and he watches the TV. Entertainment Weekly was on. I put down the fruit and began eating again.


“Moving on to the next entertainment news. Regarding Super Junior Leader, Leeteuk-sshi. He is rumoured to be having a relationship with someone. Netizens has been keeping a close eye on Leeteuk-sshi since the accident last year. It was believed that A woman around 22 years old at that time was seen at the hospital and asking about Leeteuk. Netizens also manage to dig up a few photos of him with the same woman which was taken a few months back. We were also notified that he bought an apartment under his name, but the trustees of the apartment is a woman. Leeteuk-sshi seems to be hinting about his relationship on his minihomepage. We try to get some verification from his agency but the line went unanswered. Let’s hope Leeteuk-sshi will come out and clear the news himself”

I froze at my sitting position and turned my head towards him. He looked at me and let out a chuckle. “How could you laugh at time like this? We almost got busted!” “It is part of my plan to get us busted. I want everyone to know about us. It’s been 2 years and it’s about time already. Besides, I’m at the age to be in a relationship already”, he explained. “But~” “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. Trust me. I’ll protect you”, he said and gave and assuring nod. I then lay down on him.

We put on the movie but got bored soon. “Let’s sleep. I’m tired.” He said and carry me bridal style to our room. He then put me down on the bed and went to change. I too, change into my pyjamas. We wore our favourite blue couple pyjamas and snuggle in the bed.

We were just lying down and do nothing when he initiates a pillow fight. I was caught off guard and it hit me straight in the face. “Ya!!! That hurts! You are being unfair!!” I said and return the attack and hit him in the head. “Ya!!!”, He said and return the attack. We were busy attacking each other when he charged towards me and pinned me down. He started tickling me, knowing my weak spots. His attacks were merciless. I was laughing and begging for him to stop, but it all fell into deaf ears. He continued to torture me until I had no energy left.

“That’s what you get for attacking me.. Hehehe”, He said after my torment is over. I was too tired to retort back and give him weak slap across his arm. He then kissed me, leaving me floating around. His kiss was light but full of love. He then rolled back into his sleeping position beside me.

I hugged him and he wrapped his arm around me protectively. Even though we’ve slept on the same bed, but we never actually did IT. Well, we almost got carried away when he stopped. He said, we shouldn’t rush it. Because if we are not careful enough, the consequences that comes along with it is very big. Although I always tell him that I’m ready, but he said it’s good when we are FULLY ready for it and the consequences that comes along with it, which is a baby. I froze thinking about it. Maybe he’s right. We should wait.

I snuggled beside him starting to drift into sleep. “Goodnight princess. Sleep tight. I love you”, He said and kissed my forehead. “Goodnight oppa. I love you too. See you in the morning”, I said and drift into dreamland.

A/N: This chapter is errr...made me blush xD

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ughhh...sorry bout this laptop is alksdfkdfsj ughh..sorry readers ;~;


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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 22: Pleaseeee~ Update! It's so interesting! *o*
MrsPark_ELF95 #2
Chapter 22: update!!update!! ><
minn95 #3
Chapter 22: e.e. APPAAAAA!!! your dimples!!! ;~~~~; GIMME GIMME!!xDD asdfghjkl *SALEEE SALEEEE XDDDD UPDATE SOONER OR LATER..xD appa is a sale too xDDDD LOLLLLLLL
Chapter 22: kyaaaaaaaa!!!!! i was afraid that he would not like it!! but it was the exact opposite!! XD kyaaa i'm so happy!!!

thank you too! for a wonderful story!! :D i'm looking forward for the next chapter!! :D
minn95 #5
Chapter 21: Dear appa, I'm your future daughter xD and OH EM GEE GYUGEEGEE! xD how can you not figure that out.. -_-''
Chapter 21: someone's preggy!! XD i wonder what's going to happen next,, :)
leeteukbaby #7
Chapter 21: Is she pregnant? :D
minn95 #8
Chapter 20: how can a human actually squeal like a whale? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD RLAB update sooooooonnnnn! *shoot daggers* :PPPPPP *flies away with Kai and Tao*
1004ica #9
Chapter 20: Please update soon!! :))) I love your story.. :D
It makes me blush kkkk. Since I'm a Leeteuk biased, I really love it kkk. Update update soon please *puffy eyes* <3
Chapter 20: i'm glad that you finally updated!!! :D how long has it been?? anyways i'm glad that you're back!!! :D