
nice to meet you!!!

  On the same day, that Dara caught GD's eyes, Dara saw GD having a conversation with the same girl he looked to. Well, she thought that the two of them just want to be friends, but Dara noticed that GD is ignoring her and always got time to talk with the same girl everyday. How odd Gd's moves are! Finally, Dara went to GD and asked ,

"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean"

"Promise I don't know"

"Then explain to me why you are always with that girl!"

"Are you jealous Dara?"

"Of course I am, I am your girlfriend"

"She is just my cousin"

"Then why did you not say so?"

"Because you are busy!"

"I am not"

So Gd introduced Dara with his cousin. But the problem is that Gd did not introduced Dara as her girlfriend, he just introduced Dara as is.

    Then one day Dara heard a rumor that GD and her are break already and Gd got a new girlfriend. Double bad news on the same day! How ingenuous Gd is to let the news spread without Dara knowing it. But as always, Dara did not believe it because it is just a rumor and being optimistic she just ignored it.

     While walking on the hallway to Gd's room, she ACCIDENTALLY saw Gd kissing the girl, KISSING the girl INFRONT of her!!!!!! Dara slapped GD, in his face yeh,

DARA------"How could you cheat on me!!!  Cheat infront of me!!!"

"Oh!!! Dara you are there!!!

"Of course I'm here that is why I saw you!!!"

"Dara I could explain!!"

"Your explanation is done"

"Done? but I haven't explained yet"

"I went here to asked you about the rumor,and yes it is true, my hypothesis is wrong!"

"Oh cammon Dara you know that I love you!!"

"Love me? yeah right, I remember that the ' You are the only picture in my heart' Oh cammon GD, just like what I said I am not a fool and I am not a doll for you to play with!! I trusted you!!"

"Dara believe me!"

"I don't like those words to hear again"

"DaRA, our love was like forever"

"Was Like! You cannot love me by loving her!!!

"But you are the only one!"

"Only one? GD can you hear yourself. What are we 2 IN 1! You are hitting 2 birds with 1 stone!"


"Oh, we are officially done!"


"oH YES!!"

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 8: thanks for sharing
Waahh..that was a nice ending..I love it..I am happy that they back together..Thanks you good writer for sharing us your work..I hope to read more Tabisan fics from you soon..hehehe..Thanks again!!
clytieayamenlee #3
Ur welcome<br />
finally theyre back together ... thanks for the fic ...
orange_carnival #5
LOL! Hahaha, can't wait for your nexr update ^_^!
you got me there i thought it was already final i was like "what happen?" but thanks for the update ....
There you go..That's what I am talking about Tabi..What are you going to do now, huh??..How are you going to win her back??..Aish!..Go find ways to do that and make sure to don't let her go, ok??..<br />
Aigoo..hehehe..sorry, I have been carried away..hahahha..Your story is nice..Thanks for the update and I'll be waiting for more soon..hehehe..Kyyyyaaahh!!
as much as i want to understand TOP, i cant cos im a girl also thats why im on dara's side but if TOP wants to have dara back, he needs to earn it again .... thank you so much for the update ... i'd been waiting for this ...
Aigoo..Tabi, why did you do that??..aish! better apologized to her or else I will take you away..(Chos!)..hahahha..I love cute story like this..and I like it so much..I'll be waiting for your next update soon..Advance Happy New Year and God Bless!!
LessThanThree14 #10
aigoo why is top like that please update soon :)