
nice to meet you!!!

 Dara and Top bid a goodbye hug,for the time has ended up and the day was almost done. Both of them went home and so does the party people. Dara hope that she could meet Top again in the future, but she thinks it is impossible because she will move a school. 

  The next day,Dara entered the new school named as "St. Bridget School." She was amazed by the surroundings of the school, it looks very different from the school she was used to.She met the "Pinks" group because of her new friend Liz. She met the members of the group namely:Sarah (the group leader),May (the dancer), Penny (the singer), and of course Liz (the group actress).

 The PINKs interviewed Dara and knew about Top who is from the "Black Hawks" group,who is very very famous in their school,Sarah got mad inside her heart at Dara because she have met Top in short while, while her she still need to be famous just to be close to Top and to other Black Hawks members. Penny said,

"So you have met Top and befriended with him in a flash, then you should go with us on Saturday, so that we can help you find your Top since it was the football game competition of our school against those crazy "Red EyES" from the school of "Titan Academy" we can surely have fun and start looking for Top, right Sarah?"

"Yeah, that was a good idea."

The Pinks knew that the Black Hawks should not talk to students who are not famous to not ruined their reputation.

 Saturday evening, Dara was getting ready for the football game competition.In school she saw the PINKs. Liz held Dara's arm and drag her to the group while fixing Dara's hair. In a flash, she saw Top. Top was amazed to see Dara (in short both of them were shocked).

Top said,"Dara! Hi why are you here?"

Dara said,"Because I'm not there, OMG I didn't know you are studying in St. Bridget. What a coincidence!"

"I know, and you are with the Pinks."

  "Actually, I just met them yesterday,that is why I am not official. Do you want to have a coffee."

Then right after the speech of Dara, Bob( the Black Hawk's leader) tapped Top and Top looked at Bob and Bob gave a simple signal to him. Then suddenly

Top said," You are so feeler for me to know you and I do not talk to normal students!!! Get lose"  

Dara said,"What are you talking about? Don't you remember about our conversation,about us being friends?"

" Crazy girl, those things are not important for me to remember!"

 A                      Y                         A         '           S                 P                  O                      V 

Dara wants to slap Top's face, but she doesn't have the courage to do that. She do not know what just happened even though she knew that it was his friend's fault(Bob). It was completely a mess and Dara felt that she was embarrassed to the PINKS and to the BLACK HAWKS. She felt a strong anger, but she didn't let them saw it. She just turned away and smile to the PINKS and went to her house.


 I                K                   O         '          S                     P                     O                        V

 Top,himself was shocked by the words he just said. He felt guilty and angry to his self. He wants to apologize, but he couldn't because he wants to stay with the group and that makes him a coward. He promise his self to apologize to Dara without his friends and the PINKS seeing it. 

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 8: thanks for sharing
Waahh..that was a nice ending..I love it..I am happy that they back together..Thanks you good writer for sharing us your work..I hope to read more Tabisan fics from you soon..hehehe..Thanks again!!
clytieayamenlee #3
Ur welcome<br />
finally theyre back together ... thanks for the fic ...
orange_carnival #5
LOL! Hahaha, can't wait for your nexr update ^_^!
you got me there i thought it was already final i was like "what happen?" but thanks for the update ....
There you go..That's what I am talking about Tabi..What are you going to do now, huh??..How are you going to win her back??..Aish!..Go find ways to do that and make sure to don't let her go, ok??..<br />
Aigoo..hehehe..sorry, I have been carried away..hahahha..Your story is nice..Thanks for the update and I'll be waiting for more soon..hehehe..Kyyyyaaahh!!
as much as i want to understand TOP, i cant cos im a girl also thats why im on dara's side but if TOP wants to have dara back, he needs to earn it again .... thank you so much for the update ... i'd been waiting for this ...
Aigoo..Tabi, why did you do that??..aish! better apologized to her or else I will take you away..(Chos!)..hahahha..I love cute story like this..and I like it so much..I'll be waiting for your next update soon..Advance Happy New Year and God Bless!!
LessThanThree14 #10
aigoo why is top like that please update soon :)