
One out of Two

One out of Two | Chapter Nine

For the next few days, Jongin practiced diligently with s. Their tour was coming up and every stage had to be flawless.

Their manager had noticed how carefree Jongin had become over the past few months, ever since he met Hana during that hospital visit; he had been acting a little differently in a good way.


While Jongin was breaking a sweat and going through vocal lessons, Hana was at the hospital working day and night. Despite all the cute texts and calls she got from Luhan, Jongin was the only person on her mind.


It was Luhan who tried to break the awkwardness between them. He had showed up at the hospital a couple days before to meet with her during her lunch break. They exchanged names and talked about this and that. It was obvious Hana wasn’t interested but Luhan tried his best to make everything work, for he knew that they would become engaged someday.

His parents were persistent in getting him to marry a girl like Hana; supposedly she was the one they have been looking for their whole life. Hana’s parents too agree, saying Luhan was the ideal man they would want their daughter to be married to. He’s an heir to a top medicine shop and is also pursuing a degree in the medical field. Perfect much?


Hana sighed as she scanned her computer screen, she had just finished her night shift and judging from the car that was parked outside of the hospital; she could tell Luhan was here.

She grabbed her phone and her bag, hoping there would be a text from Jongin or something, but no, they haven’t talked for the past few days. Hana would be lying if she said this didn’t bother her.

She stopped in the middle of the halls when she noticed a text from Sehun.

Noona are you coming today? Chanyeol sprained his wrist and needs help! He can’t play the drums!

Hana rolled her eyes. “Of course, the notorious Park Chanyeol is getting himself into trouble, what’s new?” She said to herself. Then she called the maknae and waited for him to answer.


“Sehun-ah, I’m at the hospital. Can you …pick me up?” She asked.

“Do you want Jongin-hyung to get you?”

Hana pressed her lips together in a firm line before answering. “W-Well…is he busy?”

“I’m on break but he’s in the studio, do you want me to get him?” Sehun asked.

She shook her head even if he couldn’t see her. “Its fine, do you mind coming?”

She could hear Sehun scrambling to get up. “I’ll come! But why?”

Hana shook her head again. “It’s a long story.” She said softly.

“Aw, okay…I have all the time in the world so you could tell-“




About ten minutes later, Sehun walked to the front of the hospital building. He texted Hana saying he was here and looked around. He noticed Luhan standing by his car with a bouquet of roses.

Sehun raised an eyebrow. “Is that why she asked me to bring her?” He asked himself. He scratched his head. “Why would she reject that? He seems harmless.” He mumbled.

Then he heard the familiar sound of Hana’s heels clicking down the pavement of the hospital grounds. Sehun turned around. “Noona!” He whispered.

Hana was taken aback; Sehun was in sweatpants, a grey wife beater and his cap was pulled down to cover his eyes. He had a mask on that covered most of his face.

She walked over to him, and even though she was in heels, he towered over her. “Let’s go.” She said.

Sehun walked with her, he could feel Luhan’s eyes on him.


An indeed, Luhan watched them leave. He put his roses down in confusion and sighed. “…She has a brother?”


“Why’d you ask me to get you?” Sehun asked.

“There’s this guy my parents want me to marry and…I…don’t like him.” She said. “He’s a nice guy…I just…”

“Not your type?”

Hana nodded. “Pretty much.”


They got to the SM building within a few minutes. Sehun wrinkled his nose at the amount of fans standing outside.

“What…how’d…why…” Sehun stammered. “They…Ugh, these stalkers.” He mumbled.

Then he turned to Hana and grabbed her bag. “If you get squished I’m sorry.” He said in advance as he protectively pulled her close . They crossed the street and made it into the building.

Sehun  could hear all the fan girls screaming even though they didn’t know who it was who just went in.


Sehun turned around and eyed Hana up and down. “Are you okay? Did they hit you?”

Hana wrinkled her nose. “What?”

Sehun sighed in relief. “Oh goodness, Jongin would’ve murdered me.” He said. Then he pushed the doors open. “Let’s go.”


Hana walked into the practice room to see a whimpering Chanyeol on the floor, curled up in a ball as he clutched his hand.

“Hana!” The deep voiced giant boomed. “Help me!”

Hana walked over and dug into her bag. She couldn’t help but laugh. “A-Are you crying?”

Chanyeol sat up in tears as Hana chuckled and wrapped his arm up.

The other members watched in shock, Hana laughed. For real.


Kyungsoo sat there dumbfounded in his little corner. “Damn, Channie must be hilarious.”

Hana stood up and wiped her eyes. “Sorry…I just…That…was funny.” She was teary from laughing so hard. 

Chanyeol stood up and looked at her with eyes full of concern.“Y-You look like you haven’t laughed in years.”

“I haven’t…not like that.” Hana admitted.


Suho looked up, he was smiling but on the inside he was not. Hana resembled his older sister, Junah, who suffered from depression. Hana reminded him of his older sister, who rarely cracked a smile let alone laugh. Junah was depressed, was there anything wrong with Hana?

He knew she wasn’t okay, he knew that maybe she was depressed, but to what extent? Suho sighed. He thought it was ironic how she was a doctor; one who could heal others but not herself.

Why was she depressed?

Suho wanted to know, he wanted to crack her shell, and he wanted to know Hana Jung. He kept silent, despite how badly he wanted to help her, he stepped himself. Even though he didn’t like it when others around him were sad, he knew it wasn’t his job to fix Hana but Jongin’s.

It was perfect, he thought it was perfect. If Hana could heal Jongin, then maybe Jongin can piece her heart back together.  


“Where’s Jongin?” Hana asked.

Sehun pointed to the door. “Down the hall to the left.”

“Can I…” Hana started.

Baekhyun chuckled. “Go for it.”


Her stomach turned, her heart raced and she had goose-bumps down her arms as she walked down the halls. Why was she so nervous? It was just Jongin, she saw him often and they were good friends. Why was she so anxious?

Hana stood outside, her heart rate was abnormal; how could it beat so fast?

She leaned against the wall and thought about Jongin, the man she longed to see all week. The man she wanted to heal and love, for some reason. She couldn’t put a finger on it, but out of all the members, she wanted Jongin to be happy because she knew he wasn’t.


She peeked in and noticed Jongin sitting on the floor, he leaned his back against the mirrors and dozed. His headphones were in his ears and his phone in hand. Perhaps, was he waiting for a message too?


Hana slipped in a few minutes later and quietly walked over to him. Taking a seat, she turned to him and sighed. She reached and gently pressed his head down onto her shoulder.


“What should I do?” She whispered. “I think I like you.” 

[a/n] Oh Hana, ya think?! 

comments are much appreciated :) 

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Xinyiluvren #1
Chapter 12: I need the next chapter. ITS TOOO NICE!!!!!!!!
autumntears #2
Chapter 12: Kim damn jongin..!!! stole my heart!!..
roseheartbookie #3
Chapter 12: *Jaw lands on floor* *squeals* Awww! That was too cute! Your fics are amazing!
Chapter 12: I Love IT!!!!!
I cannot wait for the next chapter
Chapter 12: shrieks bcs too cute
Chapter 12: Eeeeeepp!!! Soo soo cute!!!!
Chapter 11: Sooo cute jongin ahhhh^^ update soon
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 11: Aaaaahhhh cutecutecute>< looking forward to their first date♡
wowwfantasticbabyy #10
Chapter 11: omg he's so blunt at the beginning lol