Because It's Never Too Late To Apologize...Or Clean a ed Up Room

Fluttering Fate




If you breath in D.C. air, nice and deep, you feel something thick. Something interwoven into the bonded molecules swirling in the atmosphere. No, it's not the smog, but a sense of purpose. A sense of self-worth.


As if the city's telling you "you can do it, because everything has a place with time."


It's engraved in every crack in the sidewalk and every defiant little plant sprouting from those cracks.


If you loose you're way you'll find it here in the city that's made of history.


If you were never lost you'll get tripped up as you reread your story pages while glazing over D.C's.


But sometimes to realize your own lines aren't transparent enough for others, is not necessarily a bad epiphany. You can always grow, like the sidewalk sprout, from your just learned mistakes.


Sehun sighs into the mid morning air. It's too early for Luhan and Kai to be at it, but lo and behold here they are.


"So what you mean to say is not only do you think I would approve but I also have to film you es trying ery things?"


Luhan stares Sehun and Kai down, the fiery light in his eyes ignited by a reason of secrecy that doesn't hold near the malice it appears. But that's just Luhan, always finding not so conventional means of letting out frustration.


With his hands on his hips and a crossed expression he looks as pissed as his brother is dense.


Translation- very


Sehun senses the mood boiling under the older's skin, an effort solely reserved for Luhan, and stays quiet. But after a solid few minutes of silence of course Kai feels the need to speak.


"Correction. ery stunts, Luhan, stunts." He grins, one finger in the air to amplify his point, as he thinks of all the different possible shots he could get with someone other than Sehun working the camera.


Cause, psh, boring!


Sehun may be an architect major like himself, but he is by no means artistic, by any definition. He's a do it by the book kind of guy.


Because the brat couldn't come up with a new building design if there was a gun to his temple. His plans were precise and for the demand, not design.


But on the other hand, the opposite could be said a bit less drastically about Kai. His design plans would almost always seem to defy the laws of physics.


Which makes sense since he barely managed to pass with the help of Sehun.


The rainbow spattered brat can only think in numbers and has roughly no amount of feelings for anything that isn't a Luhan so of course Kai doesn't want him behind the camera.


Again, boring.


Apparently though Luhan doesn't see his artistic vision.


His eye starts to twitch, as he goes in on Kai, physically cornering, "Correct me one more time on skater lingo and I swear to god, Kim Jongin, I will beat you into the pavement so thoroughly you'll wake up colloquially outdated."


With a final shove of his finger into the younger's chest he huffs away stomping by some stairs outside the Natural History Museum they just exited, camera still notably in hand.


Their fellow students have dispersed and instead of going back to the hotel majority are going to find lunch.


But the few remaining just stare at the scene with a combination of disbelief and embarrassment, some shake their heads at Kai and others offer piteous glances.


The tanned skater actually has the gall to look offended with his eyes wide and hands up in the offense that came a little too late, facing the judging classmates.


"What did I do?!"


But then again, all the boy's thoughts come a little late when he doesn't seem the moment fit for his utmost care.


Kai kind of has a one track mind.


But he really should have noticed the nervousness reflectant in Luhan's eyes sooner, and if you looked closer: guilt. A rarity that wouldn't, and wasn't, noticed because it almost didn't exist within the male.


He was just too busy thinking of what kind of shots an eccentric person like Luhan would capture.


Because despite what anyone thinks Jongin is quite fluent in reading others emotions. From your tone to your stance, he has some sort of clue as to where to go. Something to unravel so that your true feelings can be bared like the clear night skies of the high mountains.


It's just that when it comes down to it....


He doesn't give a flying .


Hence why him and Sehun work as friends. The younger never gets mad at him for not caring about his feelings. While Kai never cares if Sehun doesn't either. They work well like this.


But on the other hand, why and how they've managed to stay friends with Tao they will never know. The boy is nothing but emotions.


They're a strange trio...turned quad.


Sehun's eyes almost cross, for the nth time, as he exhales and turns to the idiot, he refers to as his friend, "He was already worried enough when we tried to kickflip the curb, Kai. You don't have to piss him off further."


The caramel haired male's hands fly up further as his memory toils in Luhan's threat, "Fine. Fine. But are we going to not even mention how violent what he just said was!?"


Sehun sighs and looks for where Luhan stomped off to, "You've had worse said to you. Speaking of, have you tried to contact Yifan's murderous assistant yet?"


"Yes. But that's besides the point. Listen to me Sehun."


And he has no time to react at the creepy gleam in his friend's eyes when Kyungsoo was mentioned because Kai spins him around, for the hell of it, he was already facing him, and grips him by the shoulders. As Kai leans in Sehun leans back, a questioning look in his gaze.

Residential onlookers just stare as they pass in absolute disregard to how weird the scene is in actuality. There's something about abnormality that's apart of this city. Their classmates though almost disappear into thin air.


"I am about to give you some analytical advice from the gods, the same gods that have decided to curse me with my mesmerizingly breathtakingly iness, alright?"


The rainbow haired boy's eyes almost roll into the back of his head and he's given a rough shake, "Focus, Oh Sehun. Luhan couldn't give a flying over whether or not I get hurt. It's all about you. So how about you man the up, it the up, walk your over to the pouty deer, and promise you don't mean so he can film us ing up. Because he's actually more hurt that your wouldn't think to not ask him for the ed up reason of him being hurt that he hasn't realized how much of an assshole he is to his own ing brother."


"That's not advice, Kai, and what does Yifan have to do-"


"Shush. The gods have spoken and so it shall be done!" He screams the last part and shoves the thin boy over to where Luhan's seated, mumbling to himself.


As Sehun approaches Luhan looks up and quite visibly snarls. When the younger boy flinches back Luhan's expression softens tremendously and he turns back around to throw his face into his hands.


He just realized he treats his brother like . He doesn't need to treat Sehun the same why.


Cautiously Sehun sits down next to him, a hand coming out to rub the older's back, "Hey, Lu? You alright?"


Silence, but when Luhan feels the pressure of Sehun's palm on his spine he visibly shrinks away.


Dejected and hurt the rainbow haired boy almost gets up and leaves.


This is why he doesn't lend a hand, ever. It's disregarded every time. No matter who that person is he will be flinched from because he isn't feeling enough to be trusted emotionally.


It happens with everyone. A pained expression flashes across Sehun's face as he braces himself to stand. He's sick of everyone disregarding him when he tries.


He glances at the blonde head and almost visibly jolts because this isn't anybody he's sitting next to.


This is his Luhan.


And his Luhan is as important to him as the moon is to the ocean tides.


He can't deny it. The man that looks more like a delicate fairy boy makes him care.


Makes him want to hold him tight and never leave him alone. If that includes battling with the dark new moon of his thoughts then so be it.


So he takes a chance because he knows Luhan and reaches out.


Puts himself out on a limb. Allows himself to be put at risk. Bares himself asking to be torn apart.


It's a task he would normally, if it even was offered to him to do for another human being, completely flush from his thought system entirely.


But this is Luhan.

So he literally he reaches out and wraps his arms around the boy, "Luhan, what's wrong? I know it's not just our reckless skateboarding that's got you upset. Just tell me."


He pulls him in close with some resistance but manages to situate the other between his legs with Luhan's back pressed to his chest. Resting his chin on the blonde's shoulder he leans forward and blows a bit in the other's ear emitting a giggle, that's quickly cut off with a tsk.


He rocks the two of them back and forth for awhile.


Luhan nods to himself after awhile, twisting around to speak to him face to face, his own face pink with embarrassment and eyes glossy with unshed remorse.


For some other worldly reason Sehun understands. He needs time to think and collect his thoughts. So that he can-


"Am I a horrible younger brother?!"


-say what he wants eloquently..?


He blinks and Luhan doesn't. The older just stares at him with wide eyes and firmly pressed lips.


Sehun's visage sours at the volume spoken, because ow his ears, but he is quick to revert it with a small grin, "I mean you're not a horrible brother persay but you could-"


Only to be cut off.




"Cause sometimes I feel like Yifannie would've rather had me stay in China for college. Instead of cramping on his lifestyle. But, ppfft, who am I kidding, he has no life! So I can't really say that I'm doing that more like...adding spice to his boring life? Yeah, but in this metaphor Yifan doesn't like spicy. Does he even like spicy? Oh my god, I am a horrible brother! I cant even remember something as mundane as that! Goodness gracious, I- well, I've been around him too much, only a loser would say 'goodness gracious'! But there I go again making fun of him and UGH!"


With an animalistic groan, fists shaking to the high heavens, Luhan finally shuts up and shoves his head into his arms.


Sehun blinks. Then promptly waits a good thirty seconds before opening his mouth, "Stop making fun of him?"


"But that's what I do toexpressmylovrghffmkjssjehddb..."


It's jumbled and sounds like a shrieking banshee so the rainbow haired male can only sigh, "What?"


Luhan submerges himself deeper into the folds of his crossed arms, muddling his voice even further, "mmmfbgbfdbvdrvbffbs..."


While he would love to actually say it out loud. He can't. There's a mental block holding him back.


Whether it was caused by a traumatic experience or not he can't recall.


But simply put Luhan's a person that will slap you on the back with unnecessary strength when you choke on a grain of rice.

Push you down when you catch yourself from tripping.


Laugh in your face when you come crying to him about life changing decisions.


Ignore you when you tell him not to do something that could kill the both of you.


Tell you your food is disgusting when all you did was make a sandwich, then steal and eat it.


And those are all only a handful of things...he's done to Yifan.




He looks up, eyes glassy and lips wobbly because he's having a crisis many years too late, at Sehun and the younger breaks a little on the inside. Placing his arms on Luhan's he rubs up and down soothingly encouraging him to speak his thoughts.


"'s just that..."


A light bulb goes off in Sehun's head, "Hey, you don't have to tell me."


Luhan twitches, his head turning with an odd satanic creak, "What do you mean! So now you don't give a-?!"


"No! God, just call him."


Luhan pauses and flushes to the roots. Here he was getting defensive for no reason, "okay."


Stretching the younger stands and smiles at his nerve filled fidgeting boyfriend slowly toying with his phone. So adorable.


With a final glance and a sigh, because that was so complicatedly easy, he makes his way over to Kai.


He's seated at a nearby bench staring at his phone in confusion.


As Sehun approaches Kai makes a disgruntled noise and snaps his head up.


"Good, you're back. I need your he-"


Sehun promptly swivels around on his heel into the direction he just came from.


"Hell no."





Half knocked out, hands fumbling for keys and how to insert them in the lock, Yifan thanks the great deities that he had taken leave for another four days.


This is the second day that, upon his Aunt's request, he's been dragged around Seoul with Yixing on the other end of the leash.


It was cute really. To see so much excitement in the boy's eyes. Especially after not having seen him for so many years.


So he can't really complain.




Oh, yeah, except for the fact that it's two in the goddamn morning and he's been running around with an excited unicorn since six that previous morning. He just wants to fall into a coma at this point.


When he finally gets the door open he lets out a breath of relief that his goal, his bed, is that much closer. Dragging his feet across the floor he pads down the hall, dropping his things here and there, before coming to an abrupt stop in front of a door.


The guest-bedroom-turned-Luhan's-room door to be exact.


A soft glow emits from the slight crack, spilling light fragments along the hallway walls. Giving off an jeweled image that behind that door holds great treasures.


Stepping closer his jaw goes a little slack actually smells clean.


Not that there was an offending odor before or anything, but it's just that there's this obvious scent of disinfecting supplies quite pleasantly evading his nostrils.


Yifan breaths in deeply because it's nice and, still half dead, he's about to thank Luhan for 'finally' cleaning the room when he stops dead in his tracks his hand already on the door handle.


His sluggish mind is working overtime to put two and two together.


Luhan's in America.


He has been for awhile now.


The person who's currently cleaning isn't Luhan.


Luhan leant his room out to his friend.


That friend is Tao.


Yifan's already opened the door when the realization's hit him.


Well shiet.


Slightly panicking he puts off confrontation to look around. His shock at the state of the room making him forget his ailment to entering immediately.


He can see the floor.


Like the actual floor, not a lumpy pile of things covering what could be the floor. With questionable items peeking from underneath the piles.


There's no closet explosion. With remains stretching scattered all the way to the door. The clothes are unseen, in an able to be closed closet, and the drawers aren't horrendously stuffed with various sleeves hanging out.


The desk is well organized, that pizza box Yifan saw two days ago, around Luhan's departure, is gone. The pens and other writing utensils are in various compartments. Save for a few stacks of paper the desk top is vacant of anything unnecessary.


The miniature trash can next to the desk isn't overflowing with food and papers, multiple failed paper projectiles laying dejected around in strange locations, sometimes nearby, sometimes not so nearby.


All in all Yifan's in ing shock because the last time he witnessed this room looking this clean was months ago before Luhan came to live with him.


If it wasn't for his dry eyes he would be on the floor balling at how beautiful the room now looks.


His OCD-ness isn't as bad as it once was, but he couldn't stand the tornado the room once was at the cause of the natural disaster that is Luhan.


He's tired, grateful, and a little insane so when he looks up and sees oh so beautiful Tao, holding a box that he's about to sort through, he can't stop himself from striding forward, slapping the box down, and enveloping the other in a hug.


Crushing him to his chest as he whispers multiple thank yous. Almost swinging the male around in his, amplified by lack of sleep, joy.


He didn't see Tao's face when he had looked up surprised to see Yifan, because he had just glanced at the clock, oh it's two in the morning, how long has he been cleaning?


If he had have he would have probably stopped at the sheer monstrosity of a visage Tao had made as he peeled his eyeballs from the clock and turned.


Tao had no time to react as the tall, blonde, and unbelievably attractive male strode forward, giving a blinding smile, and hugged him like his life depended on it.


Tao's eyes go owlish and he stiffens in the hug, the box discarded on the floor next to them. The contents spilling out onto the newly cleaned floor.


When Yifan opens his mouth to express his thanks a thousand times Tao goes slack jawed. The older's voice sounding gruff and deep in his ear at the close proximity.


With Tao's chest pressed against Yifan's he feels every vibration of the older's voice.


It takes a moment for either of them to register what's happening and Tao feels his emotions plummet when Yifan goes stiff just as he's starting to loosen in his hold.


Yifan grips him by the forearms and gently, but quickly, pulls himself away from Tao, a steady blush pooling onto his fatigued features, "I'm sorry I don't know what-"


Anger flashes through the ink haired male as he recalls why Yifan's so tired, scorching and blinding and before he can think he flings himself at Yifan for another hug, effectively cutting off whatever he was about to bullsh-say.


As Tao hugs him and Yifan, after a breath held moment hugs him back, Tao thinks of what called him to do all this.


What made made him clean Luhan's room even, because that was done in an effort to distract himself.


What he was distracting himself from was his rapidly growing emotions. Because his heart had had irregular palpitations that morning. At six twenty-seven that morning to be exact. Or yesterday really.


Still half asleep Tao had heard the doorbell ring and forced himself to answer the door. Hair mussed up and everywhere, crust still in his eyes, and his sleep attire haphazardly clinging to his body he sure was a sight.


Which because he had opened the door only to come face to face with one of the most innocently angelic looking persons he's ever seen.


With dimples and sparkly eyes and a sweet voice asking for Yifan that was the moment his heart grew restless and anger made him grip the door.


He had kept a nonchalant expression though, opening the door further he had simply stayed in his place. Repressing his ill feelings and leading the stranger to Yifan's door.


Immediately, showing not a single sign of hesitation, the angelic stranger had flung the door open and jumped to Yifan's, already barely awake, side.


Tao had blinked, his fingers flexing, and fled to his safe house. After shutting the door behind him firmly,so he wouldn't have to confront Yifan at all, he had dove back under his covers to sleep it all off.


Internship paper due in a week be damned.


He had been forced awake many hours later to his stomach charging him with murder. Only then had he rolled out of bed and done something with his life.


Like clean Luhan's disgusting room.


He really didn't even like cleaning but it must have been his conscious trying to up to Yifan, the man whom has been stirring his feelings up way too much as of late.


Whether it's the close proximity in which they live or his own feelings having a chance to blossom be doesn't know.


But all he knows right now is that he's clinging onto Yifan for dear life and he never wants to let go.


But he has to let go.


Like now.


Otherwise this will soon get awkward.


Slowly and almost reluctantly they loosen their hold until they're just staring into each other's eyes. With completely jovial expressions it's almost as if they're silently saying this is okay, we're okay.


Still half asleep, so he's not nearly as aware of his actions, Yifan opens his mouth with a content sigh, "I don't know how long or how hard it was, no I can't even imagine it, but thank you. I've wanted to do it for so long but couldn't even force myself to even enter the room until-"


He chokes on his words as he recalls the error in what he's saying.


He did force himself to enter the room. Literally two days ago to be exact.


When he had taken it upon himself to place Tao on the bed in this room that is.


Trying to stop the blush threatening his facial features he looks away as Tao just looks directly in the opposing direction. Tao had hoped that that wasn't just a thank you hug.


But that's alright.


Well this just took a turn for the worse, from a pretty good starting point too.


Tao nods, to himself as if accepting this unprecedented fate, and drops to the floor to sift through the items from the box long forgotten.


The older breaths in deep because he went into a Luhan diseased room for the sake of Tao and didn't even realise it until just now.


Yifan stands watching awkwardly for a bit, and is about to go to his room to sleep when Tao lets out a choked gasp of a laugh.


"Ohmygod. Are these light sticks?"


Curiosity ebbs at the older and before he can think twice he's cross legged next to his intern, off hours mind you, and glances at the label along the side.


"High school ?"


And this time Tao lets out a laugh. Yifan finds himself grinning like a madman when he reaches in and finds albums upon albums, all DBSK.


Or rather DB5K.


"Holy ."


Yifan looks up and in Tao's hands are gigantic scrunchies.


"I thought you were lying!" He cracks up and Yifan does too because he actually has memories of Luhan using the they're sorting through.


Leggings, sweaters, gel pens, puffy stickers, limited edition photocards, and more are emptied from the box as they fall over each other guawfing over everything they find.


Maybe it's because they both feel the innate urge to get back at Luhan for whatever reason, they're out of their brain tired, or something deeper but the two idiots in love don't even realize that they're practically on top of each other spreading out Luhan's glory days keepsakes.


"Oh, Tao, look at this." A smirk curls around Yifan's lips as he holds up a lilac journal. Upon further inspection it's a-


"Diary." Tao's smirk mirrors the elder and he moves to open the pages.


Excitement bubbles within their veins, electrifying the air. The only noise in the room is that of their thudding heart beats and Tao's fingers gripping onto a crisp page ready to turn.


Before he does so he looks up and locks eyes with Yifan. The tired spell continues as he just dignantly nods in approval.


His finger catches onto the dry pages as he flips to a random page.


Tao's eyes almost pop from his head when the first sentence he sees is:


Yixing likes Yifan?!??!

He doesn't even need to question who Yixing is because pasted next to the entry is a picture Luhan probably took of the same boy from earlier, the one that indirectly caused his cleaning spree, looking wide eyed as Yifan lifts him to put the star on the tree many Christmases ago.


Yifan's smiling like the, even back then, friendly giant he is and Yixing's blushing and its enough to make Tao's stomach churn with bitter acidty.


This falter only happens for a split second before he snaps out of it and flips forward to something actually funny.


And then he's laughing and showing the page to the impatient Yifan, who was threatening to yank it from him if he didn't show him something.


"Holy he wrote a love letter to Yunho?!"


And they're cracking up again as they take turns reading from the different entries, starting with the love letter.


Luckily there are no more noticeable entries pertaining to Luhan's discovery of his childhood friend's crush on Yifan. And for that Tao thanks the universe.


Many more embarrassing diary entries later~


"Do you even feel any qualms about this?"


They're wiping their tears and catching their breath after a particularly tear jerking entry, 'why can't Mr. Lee understand I wasn't meant for a life of dodgeball? I'm just a target that's unbelievably gorgeous', when Tao asks the question.


The blonde fans his face with his two gigantic hands while looking up, "You don't even want to know what I put up with for all these years. Like this one time-"


His phone rings and it takes Tao twisting to to get it out of Yifan's discarded jacket for him, "thanks, hello?"


Tao hums to himself as he continues going through the entries.


So far they've found out more about Luhan than they ever dare dreamed.


Apparently he was good at hiding and covering up parent meetings because he always had a story about one every few pages.


From slaps to glitter explosions to stolen fries Luhan's done it all and then some. He even got others to physically fight for him.


His hidden history explains everything about his princess complex he tends to have.


On the other hand as Tao is becoming more understanding Yifan is becoming more and more bewildered by the second. More than half of the Luhan pulled he had no clue about.


And not only that but it explains a good portion of his own punishments that he recalled not being responsible for.


Tao reads some more entries before Yifan's blurting out, "Luhan? Holy , slow down! I can't- what. Speak one language please. Now why are 'you' telling me to shut up-?"


He trails off, probably cut off by Luhan and Tao looks up only to blush and look down. Yifan's staring at him so intently it's obvious he's zoned into the conversation but it doesn't take away from the hammering of Tao's heart.


And suddenly the ink haired male is made aware of just how close they are and have been for the past hour or so. It's well into three in the morning and while Tao was ready to give up cleaning hours ago he had kept going because his swimming thoughts couldn't keep him from Yifan.


Yifan, who even after becoming less of a stranger, still makes him want to rip his heart from his chest just to rid himself of his feelings and the attraction and the longing and the-


The ink haired male's breath stills and he looks up because Yifan's not on the phone anymore and he's touching him. More specifically, his long fingers are cradling his jaw as he looks into Tao's uncertain gaze.



"Will you go out with me?"




Srry this chap took months I took the liberty of giving myself a holiday

*tomato gets thrown*

Yeah I deserve that

But yesh ... Hi?

And honestly I never thought I would make it this far in a story so I've never planned this far honestly

Jk I have much MUCH more in-store for y'all (<-I swear it's not country when I say this)

Also I can't live anymore because my first and ultimate bias KIM ING JONGHYUN released his solo and I'm slowly dying Hallelujah~ But anyway question time!!!

Q#6 How do you think Yixing feels about Tao? Remember he saw him this morning~

Ooh ooh so I know Kyungsoo and Baekyeol weren't in this chap (If you squint when Jongin and Sehun are conversing there's a tidbit of Kyung at the end)

But don't worry I have them and MORE characters next chap Until then I love you~~~~

This isn't even edited well like It's all on mobile cuz my family for some reason destroys every laptop/ computer we own idek how

Also pray for me cuz I have midterms


thank you for tolerating such an insolent author 

<3333 Tiara 

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Thank you!
next chap shall be out tomorrow


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Chapter 6: Will this story ever be updated?? (╥_╥) or should just give up in hoping
Chapter 6: NOOOOO
Jasmineflo #3
Chapter 6: I love the update :D I'm so happy to see the story progressing ^-^
FabulousWu #4
Chapter 6: This story is so good YAASSS!!!
Can't wait for next update
Lococopuff #5
Chapter 6: WOOOOOO AN UPDATE!!!!!
Chapter 6: ohmyfcknggossh
You finally updated author-nim. *wipes imaginary tear
I'm so happyyyyy.
I want more Taoris action.I demand for more /getsbricked

oh Good luck on you're midterms too.
Trust me i know how you feel. *cue in dramatic sad face
Chapter 5: ohmygod I think i'm inlove.
with this story obviously, so fckng perfect.
Why did i just discover this now? YiFan is so lame here and Tao ohmygossh adorable isn't even fit to describe him.
As far as favorites I'd say Kyungsoo.
Everything in this story is just so perfect for me.
but Yixing tho
I'm sensing some is going to happen.
i dunno know

I want moreeee.
Chapter 5: poor Yixing :(
but yes! Baekyeol is beautiful!!!!
reading this i now want meet Zitao's grandmother kekeke~ I <3 this story way too much to care how long it takes to update(you could take months and my heart would still stop beating with every new chapter)
Jasmineflo #9
Chapter 5: So glad to see an update :D I love the poster it's seriously perfect ^-^ lovely chapter as always haha c: It's okay if it takes weeks to update I will always look forward to them
Jasmineflo #10
Chapter 4: Wow I meant to comment yesterday and I got busy and couldn't read but now I have and I'm not disappointed :D kaisoos parts will always be so funny. I laughed really hard reading this chapter :) please Include their adventures it would be cute ^-^ can't wait to see how Yifans and zitaos relationship develops :S They're so cute this whole story is just amazing thank you for updating