Of Consciousness, Currency, Confucius, Circumnavigation, & Curiosity

Fluttering Fate





Its official.


Kim Jongin, the Kai, has been in love for an hour.

The impossible has been done.

The world may now cease to be amazed, as far as Kai is concerned.

From eight in the morning when he first laid eyes on the boy to his flawless lines delivered to his love to right now.

He's been daydreaming because he has no idea what the hell his Kyungsoo's last name is but it he's gonna be a Kim.

With his jaw line cradled by his hand he barely hears Tao's whisper, wondering if they should I don't know, stop this or Kyungsoo's going to become a murderer.

Kai's dreaming of late night cell calls, (heh, get it?) when Yifan speaks up.

Albeit a tad muffled by his mug.

"Kyungsoo, it’s not that I haven't wanted to do this myself but maybe you should stop chok-"

He's cut off by a contrastingly calm, compared to the chaos inside, Sehun standing outside the opened door.

"Hey, Luhan you left your ..."

The rainbow haired boy's eyes widen and jaw drops, "Unhand him at once!"

He says it like it’s going to actually happen so when Kyungsoo just raises a brow at him he attempts getting tangled in as well.

Tao just sighs for the millionth time and wonders when his life turned into a bad comedy skit. Only aspect missing is the comedy.

Oh, and the fake laughter.

As Kyungsoo releases Luhan and starts to destroy Sehun for shoving him to the ground Yifan speaks up again.

"Wait. What's happening?"

Yifan's conflicted over whether or not he should do something.

Even if he missed golden be-a-good-brother time by not stopping Kyungsoo from going for the kill minutes ago.

Hey, he tried.

He can still get an award for citizenship if he helps a certain Oh Sehun, again.

Because now he must help because if he doesn't his assistant will not only have killed his brother, who he can afford to lose really, but also an innocent life named Sehun.

Lies. Sehun ain't innocent.

But he gets up anyway and tries to stop Kyungsoo, who's got Sehun in a headlock from shoving him to the ground in order to release Luhan.

Kai had almost gotten up when Kyungsoo was shoved but was left awkwardly standing as his squish held his own like the bae he is.

A proud smile adorning his features as he's now closer to the assault occurring.

"You little . Thought you could save him huh?" Kyungsoo teases as he twists Sehun's head and arm in different directions. The poor boy looks ready to faint from being completely winded.

That's what happens when you fall from the great height that you have been blessed with from the milk gods.

Before he can catch his breath he has taken Luhan's previous position of choking to death in the tiny grasp of Do Kyungsoo.

The blonde boy in question is collapsed on the floor and still gasping raggedly. Too busy trying to live to spare Sehun any grief.

His hands pathetically at his own throat with the vain hope that more air will enter his lungs.

"Kyungsoo? Uh, can you let Sehun go? He didn't do anything." Yifan adds lamely, still in shock that one, this is happening, and two, he's got so many actual people in his apartment.


And with a shrug Kyungsoo miraculously does just that.

"Just don't mess with me anymore, you acrimonious ." He huffs smoothing down his shirt for wrinkles that don't exist.

Everyone sighs, except Luhan and Sehun of course, and Kai jumps up and hugs onto the assistant that almost became a murderer.

Luhan crawls over to Sehun and places his head in his lap. Cradling his face he whispers sweet words and pressing soft kisses along his closed eyelids.

It's a scene fit for an archetypal movie as the hero is reunited with their loved one after having faced the villain.

In other words it’s sappy as a maple tree and highly nauseating.

Tao just scoffs, "Unbelievable! After all that they still manage to be sickeningly gross."

He shudders at the sight and really becomes cold when he realizes he isn't talking to Kai.

Because Kai's over there still hugging a demon.

But strangely Kyungsoo just looks mildly disgusted and isn't- killing him.

Fascinating really.

His attention is returned to Yifan as the elder speaks.

"Not sure if I like Sehun for being willing to die for Luhan or if that just makes him completely stupid." Yifan replies unconsciously and then he freezes as well.

Silence envelopes not just Yifan and Tao but everyone else. With Luhan and Sehun cradled in each other's arms as they whisper sweet nothings and Kyungsoo looking pained that Kai is still using sixteenth century pick up lines.

"I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?"

Kai's got his face buried in Kyungsoo's hair and his arms wrapped around the shorter male tightly.

 If anyone was actually paying attention they would take note of the way the assistant's trembling in anger and his right eye is twitching. His irises are pooling with a sticky tar like poison and his fingers are flexing into claws.

Anyone would say that Kai should back away really slowly right now. That his life is in danger if he keeps clinging onto the squishy Satan and doesn't ing book it out of there in the next few seconds.

But they would also notice that there's a faint and steady blush water coloring onto the pale skin of Kyungsoo's face.

Maybe it's the Shakespearean quotes but Kyungsoo doesn't find it 'that' bad to be at the center of the attractive boy's attention.

The chocolate haired boy breathes in deeply, "I would not wish any companion in the world but you." He nuzzles his nose further in the smaller's locks and inhales deeply.

For a brief moment Kyungsoo feels it and his face softens.

 He actually allows himself to bask in the attention. He lets himself feel something he has never felt before: affection.

Even if the version is from a twenty first century skater Romeo then so be it.

 Kyungsoo can't deny that even if the words make him want to level the boy out with the floor in one swing, it's the fact that he's trying that makes Kyungsoo not kill him automatically for touching him, much less for hugging him.

But too bad times up.

A swift kick to the crotch and an animalistic moan later the small assistant's seated back at the couch and returning to his previous work.

Leaving Kai groaning on the ground and Tao sighing softly, I'll get an ice pack.

Before Tao can leave the room Kai reaches out and pathetically grasps into his leg.

"I think he likes me." Kai smiles and Tao thinks he's completely nuts. Shaking him off a tad violently and staring at him incredulously.

And Tao continues to judge him as he leaves the room and the idiot on the floor to roll around in happiness. He tosses the violent one a glance to see him have nonchalantly returned to his work.

Just because Kyungsoo felt himself possibly falling in such a short amount of time doesn't mean he's going to actually allow himself to fall.

That takes time and effort and we'll see if Romeo's willing to wait or even if he's not making a joke out of this.

That very well might just be the case.

Kyungsoo had thought of it automatically when the second line was spoken so softly but when he glanced up at the boy to scare him, it hadn't worked.

Of course for a moment he was startled by the viciousness but that's the thing, Kai didn't look away.

He didn't tense up but instead smiled. Like ing was glowing and Kyungsoo had to look away before he could allow himself to be warmed by the earnest rays.

Besides, he glances at Yifan, this is about his boss and the intern.

He has no time for his own stupid love story. His boss deserves one first.



"Jesus Christ, Luhan, what did you do to that that satanic midget?!" Sehun whisper yells from his place on Luhan's comfy bed. His hand massaging his throat with a grimace.


 The blonde leans over from across the bed to swat his idiotic boyfriend with a stray magazine.

"He might hear you."

"He's in the other room. But that's beside the point. Why is he so scary and tiny at the same time?"

As his eyes sweep over Luhan's room he takes note of its current state of disarray. A complete contrast to the rest of the apartment.

Apparently Yifan hates entering or even looking at this room because of the mess.

Luhan's face expression softens as he weaves their fingers together on top of the comforter, playing with Sehun's larger fingers,

"Well Kyungsoo's nice to Yifan but he hates my guts so...I think it's just me he hates. You just happened to get in the cross fire. Sorry about that, Hunnie."

The elder tilts his head down and stares up at Sehun, hoping to be forgiven with the help of his pout. It would have worked without it though.

But too be honest if Sehun had caused him to be choked out he would have finished the job after the attack.

Sehun's eyes widen momentarily when he looks over at the debauched sight but then the mask is back. He snaps his gaze forward robotically.

He wasn't expecting Luhan's eyes to be blown, and his honey hair to be tousled, his lashes to be so thick and fluttering along his soft cheeks, and his lips to be a glistening pink.

But then the sweater he borrowed from Sehun's too big and falling off his soft shoulder?

. That's hot.

The human reincarnation of an angel of sin exactly to the "T" in Sehun's books.

He finds it almost laughable for him to even attempt staying mad at this seductress.

But hey if he gets a begging Luhan he'll trail this out as long as he can.

He stiffens, "I forgive you. But don't make that face."

He looks away with a shudder and scoots to the other end of the bed.

For a millisecond Luhan just confusedly blinks because of Sehun's cold shoulder, until he catches Sehun's blush in the mirror.


So it wasn't that he didn't like the pout...but that he liked it too much.

A not so innocent visage crosses the blondes face before he goes back to his angelic one and he's crawling over to his boyfriend, clinging to his side, "What’s wrong with my face, Hunnie?"

His pout deepening as he snuggles into the younger's broad shoulder.

The nickname makes Sehun's blush deepen yet his face stays disinterested. Luhan continues to blink up at him.

A spark makes Luhan press himself closer, "Sehunnie..?"

The rainbow haired male swallows, "Yes?"

"Do you really have to leave me here all alone?"

He forces himself to keep to the facts.

"It's for a joint trip with the English department and the Architecture department, which I'm apart of so yes, I do."

It sounds like he's convincing himself more than reassuring Luhan, a telltale sign that if he plays his cards right he might get his way. The spark just continues to grow brighter.

"Why? Kyungsoo's going to be here all week and who knows what he's bound to do!"



In the living room Kyungsoo's head tilts, "I sense my name on the tongue of an undeserving ."

Yifan doesn't look up and just raises his voice, "Luhan, don't use Kyungsoo's name. He can sense it and he doesn't like it."



Sehun and Luhan freeze with twin expressions of horror as Yifan's nonchalant tone reaches their ears.

"How the..."


They look at each other and shudder once.

"That's it. Can I go with you?"

Luhan asks with actual fear in his eyes.

Sehun just sighs, "But it's exclusively an English and-"

"Yeah, yeah. Screw the rules I have money."

Before Sehun can even protest Luhan pats him on the chest and rolls off the bed, diving for his discarded phone.

Sitting stunned for a moment at the fact that 'he never thought of that' Sehun frowns, "Buts it's not your money. It's Yifan Hyung's."

But Luhan's already in his closet, ripping items off hangers, and tossing them onto the bed or the floor.

"Eh, same difference."

The rainbow haired male rolls his eyes under the pile of clothing steadily growing on top of him.

"It's only for two weeks. Not a year, Luhan."

But it comes out a tad bit muffled so Luhan either doesn't hear it or doesn't care enough to follow through with the advice.

"I'm coming." He states firmly to Sehun.

But to himself he whispers, "Because as much as I enjoy blocking Tao and Yifan I really shouldn't."


"Give me one good reason why I should stay in Yifan's apartment for the two weeks you're gone?" Tao asks incredulously his voice raising.

A few customers turn to stare at the skater while the guy at the register simply rolls his eyes, they always come by on his shift.

Luhan blinks slowly at the younger's exclamation completely unaffected by the volume. Sipping his tea through the straw with the pace of a snail he remains nonchalant.

But Tao's wide eyed, his hands are splayed on the table between them, and his voice had raised an octave or two.

He's anything but calm.

All because apparently Tao's little apartment leakage got worse and while he'd be able to watch over Kai and Sehun's place he can't do that either.

Their waters out. Go figure.

He can't stay at his apartment and he can't stay at his friends' apartment either.

Okay so those are really good reasons for him to stay at Yifan's, but still no.

This realization must be evident on his face because Luhan smirks at him, "Exactly."

 "But you're room is so messy!" The ink haired male whines and actually kicks his feet out.

This only causes him to gain more stares because how can you ignore a grown six foot male pouting and complaining like he's five?

When Luhan becomes embarrassed for him he swats at his arm.

"Stop it. Have some dignity will you? You're scarring little kids."

But this just makes Tao drop his head to the counter, his untouched drink jumping up on the table on impact.

After a few quiet minutes of Luhan quietly sipping and Tao quietly sulking the younger finally speaks up with a groan.

"Fine. Just gimme some keys."




Yifan senses the stare aimed at the back of his head and chooses to keep his eyes trained on his floor to ceiling windows instead.

Grimly sipping his coffee and not really enjoying the view.

Normally he wouldn't feel a stare, because he's so accustomed to it, but it must be the large surface area of Kyungsoo's eyeballs that makes the skin on the back of his neck prickle up.

"I've been informed that Tao is staying with you for two weeks?"

Yifan's coffee is promptly spewed out. With widely confused eyes he turns to his assistant.

Not even caring that his morning coffee is now decorating his office windows.


That's what happens when you decide to stop and enjoy the view. That beautiful view becomes tainted. Never to be what it once-

"Stop with your daily Confucius thoughts." Kyungsoo snaps in front of his still wide eyes.

"From your face alone I'm now made aware that I was well informed. He gets to live."

That last sentence is whispered under his breath. Yifan just raises a brow.

"Anyway, Yifan, I'm pretty sure everyone that knows you two knows you're infatuated with each other. So why don't you guys see it?"

"What? He likes me? That's almost a funny joke. You've hit a new low, even for you."

Kyungsoo rolls his eye at his bosses' obliviousness to Tao's feelings and chooses to ignore what sounds like a short joke.

"You really are dense. If looks could kill I'd be dead with the glare he gives me if I'm so much as less than five feet away from you."

Yifan just chuckles because man, Kyungsoo is almost too kind if he's entertaining Yifan's fantasies.

Tao liking him?

That's absolutely amusing, because Yifan considers himself lucky enough to have even met someone like Huang Zitao.

But wouldn't that be something? For his ink haired intern to actually have a sliver of non-platonic feeling for him.

Sounds like the purest of blessings.

The boy was everything he envisioned in his dreams and then some.

Like those small details etched into an exquisite art piece that you never were even aware you would come to love. Much less have known of its existence before having seen the art.

 The textures and blemishes were always present but getting more than one chance to see this art...is what makes one fall further.

But that's what, or rather who, Tao was. A person to remain behind the glass. Only allowing Yifan's wanting breath to condense his view and leave his fingerprints in smudges on the smooth surface.

Sure he's talked to him but that's as far as he's willing to go. He's too scared to take that step forward, actually getting to know him, because the glass might shatter and all would end up scarred in his negligence.

He's always been this way.

Sure there have been times when he's felt his heart flutter its wings of possibly before, but that's just it.

He walks away, stops talking, and kills that inkling of a feeling before it can sprout.

But there's one problem this time.

Yifan wasn't even aware he had fallen for the boy the first moment he had skated by.

Normally that doesn't happen.

But it was too late, the seeds had been planted and it was the everyday viewing of the younger that had watered the seeds.

The sunlight had been added when Luhan had opened the door and, quite literally, Tao had been in his face.

 Never had he been met with such an opportunity to be so close to the source of his affections before.

But that's exactly why he either takes a step back or stays firmly planted in place.

Whenever he sees Tao his love only receives the sunlight it craves for growth. While his own feelings douse it in the water for sustainability.

Kyungsoo takes one look up from the schedule he had been reading out loud till now and sighs.

"Mr. Wu,"

Yifan looks up because Kyungsoo only refers to him this way when he's strictly speaking business.

He hasn't used the honorific as of late because he's been too busy teasing his boss but now that he sees him in such a state of melancholic it's clear they need to get back to business.

"Did you hear me?"

"Ah, no, sorry. Please continue."

Kyungsoo gives him a hard stare, "I'll just brief you on what I was saying since I wasn't previously heard."

Yifan looks away; squirming like a child caught doing something bad.

His fingers twist around his second favorite coffee mug as he nods for his assistant to continue.

With one final stare he does, "Basically Boss Choi wants everyone to go to this team building exercise bull because we have so many new staff members and interns. It’s a way for everyone to bond and feel more comfortable around each other because we are a family.

That last part was read from his email word for word and even Yifan feels the disgusting amount of saccharine diction etched into the margins.

Kyungsoo shudders and shuts off the tablet, "Cutting through that bull- I think it's because everyone in this office thinks you're a scary motherer."

Yifan scoffs, "That’s preposterous."

"Exactly, who the hell is normal and uses that word in colloquial language? Not nice people."

"Wait are you making fun of me or-that's besides the point. I scare people?"

"You never noticed?" Kyungsoo asks seriously as Yifan thinks this over thoroughly.

"Apparently not."

Kyungsoo's head tilts at him before he smirks and peeks through the blinds.

"...watch this, wave to Jinhee over there." Kyungsoo unwinds the blind shutters.

Yifan just blinks because is he really as intimidating as his assistant claims him to be?

It can't be but when he raises a, colossal sized, hand to wave poor Jinhee from domestic communications goes pale and forces a wave back before sprinting away. In heels no less.

After a moment Yifan's hand drops, "...Well goddamn."

"Exactly my point. Have fun."

As Kyungsoo's hand grasps the door handle to leave Yifan stops him, "Wait, why do you say it like you're not going to be there?"

"Cause I'm trying not to be there, duh. Also shouldn't your unrequited love be here by now?"

"He's helping Luhan pack because that idiot can't do anything right."

"Aren't they leaving tonight?"

"Yeah actually I should get going now if I wanna see them off- wait."


"Did you just refer to Tao as my unrequited love?"

There's a blush spread across Kyungsoo's boss' face and that just makes the assistant's lip curl into a smirk.


"...great. How do I face him now?"

" to ."



And hours later when Kai, Sehun, and Luhan's (and the rest of the English/ Architecture Department for that matter) flight starts to board Yifan feels Kyungsoo's earlier words hitting him full blast.

Unrequited Love.

Sounds as pathetic as is and just simply is even more discouraging to think of.

So when Luhan hugs him goodbye and whispers, "It's two weeks, alone. Make it count."

Yifan just awkwardly laughs and pretends he didn't just hear that.

Apparently Sehun and Kai feel close enough to him to hug him as well and for some reason his heart swells at the admiration in their eyes when he wishes them a safe trip.

"Thanks for everything thus far, Hyung." Sehun says, hinting at that one incident with an incline of the head toward Luhan. Who is bickering with Tao over...something.

"Yeah, oh, and make sure Kyungsoo doesn't even look at anyone else while I'm gone." Kai adds with a grin, yet completely serious in tone.

Yifan looks perplexed but he nods none the same, "Uh, um, will do?"

"No I'm serious. I'd kill anyone who tries to get between me and my squish."

Sehun stares at him incredulously, "I think he'd kill you first and squish?"

"Fine, Satan squish but he wouldn't hurt me-."

"He kicked you in the crotch."

"-too badly, Sehun, too badly. You never let me finish."

Yifan looks between the two like a tennis match.

"Yeah, and you're an idiot who didn't even know where Washington D.C. was until you used an app."

"Shut the hell up."

"How bout you make me."

"Oh, I'll make you alright-"

"Will you in-heat-es shut up already? Your seats have been called." Tao huffs and tosses Sehun Luhan's carry-on that he had been forced to carry.

"Yeah, come on!" Luhan screams excitedly. The rest of the university students around them look away in fear of association.

Latching onto Sehun's side and dragging Kai along Luhan, not weighed down by any baggage, laughs like a maniac calling out behind him, "Goodbye, love birds. Don't nest while I'm gone!"

He cackles once more as Yifan and Tao's cheeks turn the same shade of red. Their eyes meet and they both look away startled.

"Oh, also Mom called."

Yifan's gaze snaps up to where Luhan's screaming this information at him.

"She's in Korea right now and I told her that I'm leaving yet that you're gonna be here so prepare for a storm, Fanny, and bye Tao remember to be safe and use-!"

Luhan's about to scream something else but Sehun claps his hand over his mouth before he can. He hauls his though the security check and the guards, having witnessed the whole shebang, just sigh and let them through.

Yifan's just in shock over his mother being in the country. No, that's not supposed to happen.

But sure enough a second later Yifan's phone rings and it’s his mother. After a quick call, his mother never was talkative Luhan gets that from someone else, he has to meet her the next day at twelve.

". Why do I have to see her so soon?"

Curiosity ebbs at Tao and before he can remember that they're awkward to together he asks, "Is she a horrible person or..?"

"Oh no! It's just she always makes me feel bad for some reason I'm never aware of until she opens . She means well but she expects more than I can give her." He sighs and Tao nods.

"All moms are like that."

After a minute they simultaneously realize that they just had a conversation and fall silent.

"...so you wanna go back or...?"

"You're c-call."

Man, is this gonna be awkward.




Sup....yeah i at updates

dont brick me yet

but yeah...here comment and whatnot plz bcuz im pressedfor time yet i updated...(im amazing)

Question #4: Do you want to have me write about Kai, Luhan, and Sehun's adventures in America? cuz i haven't decided



<3 Tiara


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next chap shall be out tomorrow


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Chapter 6: Will this story ever be updated?? (╥_╥) or should just give up in hoping
Chapter 6: NOOOOO
Jasmineflo #3
Chapter 6: I love the update :D I'm so happy to see the story progressing ^-^
FabulousWu #4
Chapter 6: This story is so good YAASSS!!!
Can't wait for next update
Lococopuff #5
Chapter 6: WOOOOOO AN UPDATE!!!!!
Chapter 6: ohmyfcknggossh
You finally updated author-nim. *wipes imaginary tear
I'm so happyyyyy.
I want more Taoris action.I demand for more /getsbricked

oh Good luck on you're midterms too.
Trust me i know how you feel. *cue in dramatic sad face
Chapter 5: ohmygod I think i'm inlove.
with this story obviously, so fckng perfect.
Why did i just discover this now? YiFan is so lame here and Tao ohmygossh adorable isn't even fit to describe him.
As far as favorites I'd say Kyungsoo.
Everything in this story is just so perfect for me.
but Yixing tho
I'm sensing some is going to happen.
i dunno know

I want moreeee.
Chapter 5: poor Yixing :(
but yes! Baekyeol is beautiful!!!!
reading this i now want meet Zitao's grandmother kekeke~ I <3 this story way too much to care how long it takes to update(you could take months and my heart would still stop beating with every new chapter)
Jasmineflo #9
Chapter 5: So glad to see an update :D I love the poster it's seriously perfect ^-^ lovely chapter as always haha c: It's okay if it takes weeks to update I will always look forward to them
Jasmineflo #10
Chapter 4: Wow I meant to comment yesterday and I got busy and couldn't read but now I have and I'm not disappointed :D kaisoos parts will always be so funny. I laughed really hard reading this chapter :) please Include their adventures it would be cute ^-^ can't wait to see how Yifans and zitaos relationship develops :S They're so cute this whole story is just amazing thank you for updating