The Project (Jackson)

Dark, Wild, & y (Got7 and BTS One Shot Collection) (OPEN)
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Requested by @gotbam

Featuring the wild & y Jackson <3

Had a lot of fun writing this, mainly cuz Jackson's my bias lol

Hope you like it and enjoy!

There it was again. That feeling Yura felt every time she saw him came back like it always did. The butterflies in her stomach wouldn't stop fluttering and it got to the point where she felt nauseous. But that was Jackson Wang for you. Any girl in school would agree that he was charming, just one look at him and he'd have your heart fluttering in seconds, but for Yura, it was different. It wasn't just an ordinary attraction, it was more than what any other girl would feel when they saw him. Much more than that.

It wasn't until they were paired up for a group project when Yura started to like Jackson. After working together, she got to know the real him. Aside from being the "wild and y" guy everyone knew, she learned that he was a genuinely kind person. Sure he'd act cocky at times, but that was who Jackson was. He was confident, not afraid to say what was on his mind, never failing to make people laugh or bring a smile to their faces. But underneath that persona was a guy who cared for anything and everything he loved. In those two weeks they've worked together, she saw how much they had in common. Two weeks and they were already close, telling each other some of their deepest secrets, as if they'd been friends forever. Two weeks was all it took to fall for him.

Without looking at him, Yura quickly made her way to her seat and tried to calm the butterflies down. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to get her mind set for class that day. She felt a nudge on her side and her eyes shot open. She looked at her friend next to her, who had a grin plastered on her face. Yura rolled her eyes.

"What now Sunmi-ah?" She knew what the girl was about to say but asked anyways.

"He's looking at you again." Sunmi said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"For the last time, he's not." Yura looked at Jackson who was focused on writing something in his notebook. "See, he's busy writing something down."

"That's because you looked! When you're not looking, he definitely is! He likes you Yura! Trust me, he wouldn't be looking at you so much if he didn't." Yura sighed.

"Don't be so sure, he was probably looking at something else that happened to be over here. Besides, he doesn't like me like that. Why would he?" Sunmi groaned.

"I am 100 percent sure though! He's definitely looking at YOU, not me, not anyone or anything, but you. If you don't believe me, go ask him." Yura looked at her in disbelief.

"Oh right, I should just go up to him and say 'hey Jackson, my crazy friend over here keeps telling me that you're always look at me, do you like me?' Yea, good idea right?" She said sarcastically. Sunmi rolled her eyes.

"Hey I'm being serious, I mean, why wouldn't he like you?! Ever since that project you worked on together he's been looking at you more often. Trust me on this one girl, I've never seen him look at anyone like that before." Yura bit her lip, glancing at Jackson who still had his attention focused on writing. She didn't want to believe what Sunmi said, but she couldn't help but wonder if Jackson had feelings for her. They've only gotten to know each other for two weeks and there were many other girls that were closer to him than she was. With all the other girls, she doubted he saw her more than just friends.

"Okay class, for this project, you're going to be paired up again but instead of writing an essay, you're going to do a presentation on the history of your given country. You have a month to work on it so I expect you all to do your best. I will tell you guys who you are going to work with." The class groaned as the teacher explained their new project.

"Partners again? I hope I don't get paired up with that alien Taehyung again, he's so weird." Sunmi complained.

"I just hope I don't end up with someone who makes me do all the work."

"What if you get paired up with Jackson again?" Yura laughed but de

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gotbam #1
Chapter 3: thanks so much^^
smartrat #2
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh kyeopta (if that how u spell it
gotbam #3
Chapter 1: Awwww sweet~ =D
senpai~ plzzz notice me lolll. okay, byee