Advice (Yugyeom)

Dark, Wild, & y (Got7 and BTS One Shot Collection) (OPEN)
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Requested by @Kairi_Rose

Featuring Got7's giant maknae, Yugyeom!

I'm sooooo sorry this took so long but I hope you like it :) Enjoy!

"Aye, HyunAe-ah," Yugyeom cooed as he called for his best friend's name. He smiled as his heart pounded hard against his chest.

"How do you like me?" He asked nervously, his smile getting wider. He stared at himself in the mirror before cringing and bursting into laughter.

"Ahh, I can't do this!" He groaned in frustration as he pulled at his hair and stomped his feet.

Yugyeom had it all planned out. He was finally going to confess to his childhood best friend after three years of realizing his feelings for her. He knew all the things he wanted to say but didn't know how he was going to do it. Being a young teenage boy, he knew nothing about being romantic. Sure he'd seen it in movies but being his first time to actually do it, he wanted to make it special.

Looking up at the mirror once again, he took a deep breath and flashed his brightest smile.

"HyunAe-ah... do you like me? Because I like you." He bit his lip to contain his laughter but to no use. He buried his head between his legs, pounding his fists against his knees as he once again cringed from his cheesiness. He knew he needed help, and he knew just the people to ask.

Yugyeom walked into the practice room where all his other members were waiting. They noticed the distressed look of their maknae as soon as he stepped inside and immediately walked up to him, concern written all over their faces. Yugyeom raised an eyebrow, eyeing each of s.

"What?" He said after an awkward silence.

"Why the long face Gyeom-ah?" JB asked.

"Ohh, it's nothing." Yugyeom said as he walked towards the couch as he set his stuff down, avoiding eye contact with the others.

"Aye Yugyeomie, you can't lie to us. Tell your hyungs what's wrong." The youngest sighed.

"How do I confess to a girl?" The members' lips stretched into wide grins as their youngest's face became bright red.

"Aww looks like our maknae's in love." BamBam teased. Yugyeom shook his head.

"I'm not in love! It's just, there's this girl that I've known for a while and I really like her..."

"Is it HyunAe?! I knew it, it's about time you confessed!" JB said excitedly. The others laughed as Yugyeom's face turned an even darker shade of red.

"I need help guys, I know what I want to say but I don't know how I should do it."

"Go up to her, grab her, flash your muscles and be like 'hey babe, I like you, you like me, let's date.' She'll definitely fall for that!" Jackson suggested with a cheeky grin. The others rolled their eyes.

"Jackson, shut up, this is serious." JB scolded him. Jackson pouted, silently glaring at his leader.

"Gyeom-ah, if you want to make it special, take her somewhere that's special to the two of you. Don't make it obvious and when the timing is right, just tell her how you feel straight from the heart. Grab her hand, look her in the eye, and confess right then and there. Make sure you don't scare her though, make it simple but sweet." Jr. suggested, awing everyone with his hidden romantic side.

"Wow Jinyoung, I didn't know you were the romantic type." Mark said. Jr. shrugged.

"What if she rejects me? What if she gets so freaked out that she never wants to talk to me again?!"

"Relax, as long as you don't go overboard she won't get freaked out."

"Yea and if it doesn't work out, can I have her?"

"Jackson!" Everyone shook their heads as Jackson laughed.

"I was just kidding come on guys, just relax." JB sighed in disbelief and turned back to the youngest member.

"As long as you don't listen to Jackson, you'll be fine."

After arriving back from practice, Yugyeom sat on the couch and stared at his phone as he hesitated to text HyunAe. He knew what he wanted to do now after the talk with his hyungs, but he had doubts. What if she didn't feel the same? What if he chickens out last minute and misses the opportunity to confess? What if she already had someone else? Millions of questions ran through his mind, none of which helped calm his nerves. Pushing the negative thoughts aside, he decided to send a short text to HyunAe,

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gotbam #1
Chapter 3: thanks so much^^
smartrat #2
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh kyeopta (if that how u spell it
gotbam #3
Chapter 1: Awwww sweet~ =D
senpai~ plzzz notice me lolll. okay, byee