Airport- "Getting to know"

My Bright Flower



“Y-You’re Park Chanyeol?”

Chanyeol nodded.

“You are Park Chanyeol! Exo’s Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol nodded again. To say Nayeon was shocked, embarrassed and confused were huge understatements. She didn’t know what to do. She never thought of such a situation. What could she do? A Sasaeng would probably drag him away, him and steal his belongings which smelled and tasted like Oppa while laughing like a maniac, wring his clothes out at home and take a bath in his sweat. And that was definitely not was Nayeon wanted to do. She didn’t even wanted to think about it. What would a normal fan do? What fan anyway? She wasn’t exactly a fan of Exo. She just knew them but yet she didn’t expect to be in a situation like this. The bad thing was it was a once in a lifetime chance! But she didn’t want to bother him.

Should I just thank him again and go away? No, why thank him? I just screamed he was a terrorist! Afterwards I bit his hand! Oh my god this is so embarrassing. I must apologize. Apologize and run away. No apologize and go away. Go away like a normal girl. Okay let’s do it.

“-lo? Are you asleep? Are you in pain?”


Nayeon shook her head after coming back to her senses. She definitely thought too much and way too long. This needed practice. And maybe if she practiced enough some time nobody would even realize she was thinking.

“Since you know who I am I asked what your name is. But you looked so horrified.”

“Oh. I- I’m Shin Nayeon.”

“So Shin Nayeon. You space out really often, do you?”

Did I just tell him my name? What am I doing? I should hurry and apologize!

“I think so.”

Hurry and apologize! Then run away and never visit Korea again. Never go outside again. You can survive. Just be careful and don’t do anything wrong now. And breathe.

Now there was an awkward silence. Nayeon was thinking and Chanyeol didn’t know what to say but didn’t want to go either.

“Imsosorryforrunningintoyoupleaseforgivemeforscreamingandbitingyourhandimreallysorryandihopeitdoesnthurtpleasedontreportme!”, Nayeon suddenly said before turning around, ready to run before she heard a chuckle.

She turned around and saw Chanyeol holding his laughter in hardly. Nayeon stood there blankly and blinked a few times before a smile crept on her face because Chanyeol just looked too funny trying not to laugh out loud. But she couldn’t handle watching him struggle so she burst out into laughter, Chanyeol following.  Nayeon didn’t know why but it made her laugh even harder and so did Chanyeol.  After five minutes they came down and everything felt really awkward until Chanyeol spoke.

“Why would I report you?”

Nayeon didn’t know why he was even asking that, their previous conversation, embarrassing interactions and her plan to run away after apologizing totally forgotten. After a minute Chanyeol thought she had spaced out again so he tried again, feeling guilty for making her laugh so hard. Obviously she wasn’t a crazy fan or even something near that category.

“Uhm Nayeon, let’s look for that beanie you wanted to buy.”

Immediately back Nayeon looked up. Chanyeol took his sunglasses and his mask on. Remembering she wanted to run away and literally leave the country she quickly searched an excuse.

“Chanyeol-ssi, thank you for helping me and I’m sorry again but I think I should go back.”

Nayeon laughed nervous before turning around a second time.

“But I feel guilty and want to make it up to you”, she heard a voice next to her. Shocked she turned to her side and saw Chanyeol walking next to her.

“F-For what do you feel g-guilty? You didn’t do anything, Chanyeol-ssi.”

A smile appeared on Chanyeol’s face which nobody could see thanks to his mask.

“You don’t need to speak formal with me”, he said and earned a nod from Nayeon who was blushing.

“Anyway. You didn’t do anything, Chanyeol.”

“I made you laugh”

A short silence followed because Chanyeol didn’t want to say something wrong and Nayeon was thinking if his answer had any hidden meaning.

“Is that a bad thing? Making someone laugh?”

Chanyeol didn’t reply. Curious if he’d reply later Nayeon followed him and soon they entered the shop.

“Well, actually not but since we are already here and I’m bored-“

“That doesn’t make sense.”


“Woah! A cherry rilakkuma!” Chanyeol shouted and ran to the other side of the shop.

Nayeon stood there, unable to say something. Why was Chanyeol here anyway? It was still awkward because they barely knew each other and well Park Chanyeol was an idol. But somehow the mood loosened up when Chanyeol called her to look at the cute plushies.

Nayeon smiled. She liked those plushies too and wasn’t troubled when he fanboyed over their cuteness. ‘He’s really rilakkuma addicted’, she thought. Nayeon walked to the corner and scanned the shelves until one plushie caught her eyes. It was a little brown bear. He wore a tiger-patterned hat and a yellow cape. His eyes were squeezed and his cheeks were slightly pink. Nayeon thought it was way too adorable. That cute little thing. She wanted to buy it and cuddle it to dead. Not that she would admit it. But it literally just screamed at her to buy it. Not to mention the little note underneath the bears which said ‘Buy two of me and get one for free!’ . Nayeon looked at the price tag and immediately turned to the opposite direction.

“Urgh! I can’t decide which one is cuter!”

Nayeon came closer and eyed both of them. Both were simple, almost looked the same but extremely cute in their outfits. They were both big brown bears. The one in Chanyeol’s left hand wore a cherry hat. The one in Chanyeol’s right hand wore a cherry dress.

“Hm, If you can’t decide, take both. Read the note, you even can choose a third one!”

Chanyeol looked at the note and then at Nayeon who smiled confidently. Then she went to the girls’ section and Chanyeol watched her grabbing every piece of cloth she found pretty, in awe. After she couldn’t retain so many clothes in her hands Nayeon went to the fitting room. She tried everything on and in the end there were only two things she didn’t want to buy.

No. No no. Why always me? I can’t let this cute dress go! And those shoes neither! It’s on sale! Why is it so expensive! Okay, maybe I have a chance on the internet and can order it cheaper. But shipping costs a lot, does it? Urgh. Okay, let’s see I don’t need five sweaters so I’ll only buy two of them.

Ten minutes later Nayeon came out and was surprised to see Chanyeol sitting on a comfortable seat probably texting someone with his phone. He didn’t know why but he didn’t feel like going back to his bandmates and instead spend more time with that little fan. So he sat down and waited for her in front of the fitting rooms but after five minutes he got doubtful if Nayeon really was in there and trying her clothes on. But after he heard some frustrated sighs he knew she didn’t leave secretly. Still he took out his phone and asked Baekhyun where they were. Two minutes later. No response. Seems like Baekhyun found someone with whom he spent his time now. So he texted the next person who came into his mind.

“Huh, why’re you still here?”, Nayeon asked after noticing Chanyeol. She totally forgot about him and if he wasn’t sitting there she would have walked out of the shop back to her family.

“Why should I leave? And I said I’m bored so let’s do something.”

“B-But-“, she didn’t know what to say. Chanyeol grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the exit.

“Wait! I have to pay for the clothes!”, Nayeon quickly exclaimed before the peep-sound could be heard.

After she paid Nayeon walked with a big bag and a big smile out of the shop, Chanyeol following her behind with his own big bag, filled with three rilakkuma plushies.

“That was really nice Chanyeol, maybe we’ll meet-“

“Do you want to go already? I said I was bored. When is your flight?”

“I-I.. my dad said we have to wait for four hours but-“

“Nice! We still have about three hours and since my bandmates left me without saying a word, let’s have fun!”


“I’d like to drink something! What about you? Great, let’s get bubble tea! I wanted to drink something earlier anyway.”

Nayeon didn’t surrender yet and tried again to say goodbye. Sure, she could just go but that wouldn’t be nice and Chanyeol would definitely be a bit sad. But as she began to protest Chanyeol kept telling her how mean his bandmates where to just disappear. Exo went earlier to the airport because they wanted to avoid as many fans as they could. He, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Jongdae wanted to buy something to drink. Jongdae and Kyungsoo already went ahead because Baekhyun thought he forgot his phone in the van. They passed a candy shop and Chanyeol couldn’t believe that he saw an extremely big gummy bear. He was amazed and speechless because he never saw a bigger candy. The gummy bear was as high as the shop and a barrier was around the giant candy. Next to him were some smaller gummy bears, still really big. It’s was absolutely sellable. When he turned around Baekhyun was gone. Chanyeol went to the bubble tea shop and looked for them in several coffee shops but didn’t find any of them or other members. If anything happened, they’d call him; he thought after sighing and decided to look around.

After Nayeon and Chanyeol got bubble tea, they sat down. As they sat down he took his mask off since there weren't many people. It was a bit awkward again until Chanyeol decided to break the silence.

“Well, where does your flight go?”

Nayeon was a bit startled but answered. “Back to America. I was here to visit my relatives.”

“Ah I have relatives who live in America but I never got to visit them. I don’t even know if they know me.” He let out a sad laugh.

Soon they were talking and laughing about random stuff and Chanyeol couldn’t stop complaining about his friends. It wasn’t awkward anymore. For Nayeon it felt nice, talking to Chanyeol. He truly was a happy virus. His laugh was loud and some people stared but it didn’t matter, Nayeon admired it and the fact that Chanyeol didn’t get embarrassed easily. It felt like they could talk forever until a high voice called Chanyeol’s name and frankly it didn’t sound nice.

“Park Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol closed his mouth and seemed a little taken aback. “Hyung! What are you all doing here?”

 Then Nayeon turned around, eyes wide open when her eyes met four other pairs. Baekhyun, now realizing the unfamiliar face looked confused.

“We were searching for you! And who is this?”

“Okay, okay, sit down first.”

Jongin and Kyungsoo went on Chanyeol’s bench. Baekhyun sat next to Nayeon, so did Jongdae. Nayeon, still shocked where they suddenly came from, sent a helpless look towards Chanyeol because it didn’t feel comfortable between Baekhyun who rebuked Chanyeol and Jongdae who just laughed about Chanyeol’s attempts to defend himself. After all they were also idols, coming from nowhere. Nayeon noticed Kyungsoo staring at her. His eyes kind of sparkled and it was kind of creepy. But she also noticed Jongin staring at Kyungsoo, following his gaze and ended up staring at her. Nayeon quickly looked away missing the pout which formed on Jongin’s lips.

“No, you were not! I exactly saw how you screamed and fanboyed over that giant candy! There were so many people looking, Chanyeol!”

“So you just went away because you were embarrassed?!”

“Ha! You admit you were fanboying over candy!”

“And you admit you were being a bad friend!”

“I’m not a bad friend, neither did I admit anything!”

“I never said I was fanboying over candy, too!”

“Actually you just said it”, Chen intruded in before laughing his off.


“And who is this Chanyeol?” Baekhyun wanted to add if she’s his girlfriend but he knew in 90% of all cases she’s not the girlfriend and because Baekhyun was nice to strangers he kept it to himself. But he was concerned why Chanyeol never mentioned any girl or any friends’ name Baekhyun hasn’t met yet.

“And why do I not know you?” he said wiredly while looking at Nayeon.

Nayeon looked at him and immediately her face changed from ‘I’m shocked and helpless’ to ‘Ew’.



Author's note

Oh my I don’t know what I just wrote so I decided to stop here

I hope you like the story, so comment, suscribe, just let me know :) also i apologize for typos or grammatical errors

so i don't know when the next update will be uploaded because i'm going to visit my family in thailand for 3 weeks now and our flight is tomorrow. i'll take my USB stick with me in case i can update at an internet café. i can't write on my phone and my laptop will stay at home so please don't forget so suscribe! :D

ah and i'm so excited GOT7 IS IN THAILAND RIGHT NOW i'm crying i was so sad because they'll go to the k-culture festival in germany but the concert starts when i'm still on the plane, flying home. and now i maybe got the chance to see bambam in thailand ;-; ♥

also EXO COMES TO THAILAND for their concert and guess what ? ... it's one day after my departure -___-  but maybe they'll arrive earlier and i can see them somewhere hehe  

bye bye! <3

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Chapter 1: i love it! update soon :)