


              1) lacking excitement or variety; dull; monotonous


           1) dullness; monotony



The very definition of my life.



I know each of us has already gone up and about tired of all the very fictional stories put up by some talented writers. They were amazing, heart-pounding, sure. But don't you always want that something? That something you can't seem to find in any of those heart-warming stories? What is it? That's right, reality!

Here I am once again, people. I would say fans but I'm sure I don't have one of those. This story is one with life, reality, truth. It is a story that most of us can relate with, I'm sure of that. Why? Because this is a story about my life. Sure we all like those tear-jerking stories but believe me, not all can relate with that and we end up hoping that that fiction become reality. But those things never seem to happen do they? I think it's because fiction is different from reality.


Alas! A story without romance as its main theme! Hi guys!


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