Cup of Coffee (deja vu)

Gona Love You to Death



Ah, that incessant tapping was driving him crazy, and he already had a blinding headache. Wait. He froze. He was back in the line, everyone acting like nothing had ever happened. And. And the guy. Healthy as a horse, happily tapping away, competing for the world's most annoying person. He couldn't deny that he was relieved he was alive, even though it meant there was something very very wrong with him. What was going on? Was he going completely crazy? Had he actually imagined the whole thing? Again? This was more than a little weird. He looked at his hand, it was clean as a whistle. Yet it was trembling. The blood had felt so real. It had all felt so real.

What if it had been real? Was he crazy for even entertaining the possibility? But that would mean that he had traveled back in time. That he had gotten a do over. No. It was impossible. And why only around that guy? Seungri. That was his name. Or, that was the name his crazy head had given him. What was so special about him? It was more likely that the annoyance he felt when he was near him triggered some sort of a psychotic episode, leading to these incredibly vivid and very disturbing hallucinations.


Yeah, that had to be it.


Still, it didn't sit right with him. Nothing sat right with him. Furtively he looked up. The woman from before, there she was, sitting there like she hadn't just accidentally killed a guy with her coffee cup. Laughing leisurely at something her companion said, sipping from the cup that a moment ago had been smashed to pieces after bouncing off the guy's head and hitting the sidewalk. Had he really imagined the whole thing? How had he known how that woman looked like? Well, he could have randomly looked up without noticing, his subconscious taking a mental picture of her to use in its scheme of scaring the living daylights out of him, just for fun.

Suddenly a thought occurred to him. A brain tumor. They were famous for messing up perfectly normal brains, taking over, making them go haywire. He got a pang in his stomach. Maybe he had one. He didn't want to die. He made a mental note to go have a check up on his next day off, pleading for it to be benign. It was the explanation that made the most sense though. But he wasn't sure whether he wanted less, to be going crazy or to be dying from cancer.


He gasped. He watched as the woman on the 6th floor used the railing as an armrest, still holding her coffee cup. He looked at the guy and then up again, the coffee cup too well positioned to hit his head for comfort. No, he couldn't take the chance. No matter how unlikely, he couldn't risk it happening again. Or well, for the first time for everyone except him apparently. He jumped out of the line. Taking two rapid steps forward, he grabbed the guy's expensive jacket and yanked him out of the line too, out of harm's way.

The guy looked absolutely livid. Like he wanted to fight him, but was hesitating since he was quite a bit smaller than him. The guy's plans were interrupted by the woman on the 6th floor as she yelled “Watch out!”. A second later he heard the sound of china hitting the pavement, breaking into a million pieces. He couldn't believe it. It actually happened. It happened exactly as he had thought it would happen. Like he had lived it. Except now the guy hadn't been in the way to soften the landing of the cup, getting a death sentence in the process. Now he was fine. He had saved his life!


“What are you smiling about?” the guy asked irritated after having been distracted by the crash and burn of the coffee cup. “Don't you see? I saved your life!” Seunghyun exclaimed, pointing at the broken cup that was right where he had been standing before. Seunghyun was so relieved, so happy. So this was the feeling of saving somebody's life. He had actually made a difference. Not just shuffling paperwork day in day out that at the end of the day only influenced the amount of money some very rich people earned. Yes, if he failed, the rich people earned less money and got pretty angry at times, but if he thought about it, it had no meaning. For the first time in his life he had done something that had really made a difference.


The guy let out a big ironic laugh. “That thing? That little coffee cup? Is that what would have been the end of me? Really? That's what you're going for?” he asked mockingly. Seunghyun didn't understand where he was going with this, so he just nodded. “Oh please! My head is thicker than that. What's your game? Are you just the worst con-artist ever or are you completely certifiable?” the guy looked at him like he was a runaway from the nearest loony bin, scanning him with his eyes to see if he posed a real threat or was simply a small annoyance that needed to be kicked out of his field of vision.

“How much are we talking?” he asked, a flash of curiosity in his eyes. “How much of what?” Seunghyun asked back, holding his ground. He didn't like the tone in that guy's voice. He acted like he was the king and Seunghyun was nothing but a speck of dirt on his shoes, waiting to be wiped away.

“Oh, come on, like you don't have a number in your head right now! I expect you've done some research on me, so you know how much I'm worth, huh? Or are you that bad that you just start following the next well dressed person you see in hopes of squeezing some dough out of them?” he raised his eyebrow with contempt. “It figures. Why would you put more work into choosing your targets than into your actual scam, and man your scam ! Seriously dude, you at least have to make it look like there is a proper accident about to happen to have a chance of a reward. A coffee cup? Please! You and your girlfriend up there seriously need to find yourselves a new profession.” he concluded.


“You could have died!!” Seunghyun spat at him, but he knew it was useless. That arrogant pompous would never believe a word he was saying. He despised characters like that, stepping on the little people to appear taller themselves. The guy snorted, “Okay, let's be fair. You did probably save me from a hell of a headache, even though it would've been caused by your little girlfriend. So hmm, annoyance and a bottle of aspirin. I'd say 5000 won.”. He opened his wallet, it looked like it was worth more than what was in it. “Ah shoot. I don't carry such small bills. Fine, since I'm in a good mood, here.” he shoved a 10.000 won bill into his hand.

Seunghyun was about to protest when he was interrupted. “Oh, Seungri-ya!” the middle aged woman came running from inside. Only her expression couldn't have been more different from the one she had had in Seunghyun's vision. Her face was glowing, a big bright smile on her lips. She looked at least five years younger.


“Why are you standing out here in the line you silly boy, how many times have I told you to come straight in?” she said out of breath, pinching his cheeks. “Mooom.” he complained, but everyone could see he liked it. “Ah, you sweet boy. How is it that some gorgeous girl hasn't snatched you up yet? I really don't know what girls are thinking these days. Handsome, successful and with a heart of gold, what more do they want?” she shook her head, dragging Seungri in after her.


Heart of gold! Yeah, actual gold maybe, calculated in dollar bills. That Seungri! Cold water ran down his spine. So his name was really Seungri. How had he known that? He was scaring himself. Everything that had happened in his psychotic episode had happened again for real. Had he really rewound time? Or had it been a vision? It had felt a little too real to have been a vision though. His hands were still trembling, the lingering feeling of Seungri's limp body giving him the creeps. He looked around. Nobody else had been affected, they were just standing in line, waiting for their turn. Two nosy girls were eyeing him with a condescending look, clearly having heard his conversation with that Seungri character.


The line had become even longer and he had lost his place in it. It didn't matter, he wasn't in the mood for coffee anymore anyway. He had a blinding headache. He just wanted to go home, imagining getting into his comfortable bed. , the deadline! He looked around for his documents, realising they were still in his hand. Oh, right. Turning around, he nearly ran into someone. Seungri.

His heart sank. Not that jerk again. His entitled face was the last thing he wanted to see. He was looking at him like he knew something, like he had a hidden card up his sleeve. “I remember you.” he said, smirking. “I see now that I had you pegged all wrong. That night at the traffic lights. So you did do your homework, huh? I'm flattered, but you're really not my type. I'm also not the damsel in distress kind of guy, I can take care of myself. Go find yourself a sugar daddy somewhere else.”. He winked at him.


Seunghyun just stood there, speechless. Was there no end to the bull that came out of that guy?


“I'll let you off the hook this time. But next time, I won't be as understanding. If you don't believe me, here's the business card of my lawyer.” Seungri threw a card at him, clearly not hating the idea of having an admirer. He was acting all big and important, like Seunghyun should be thankful that he was even giving him the time of day. Seunghyun had never experienced anything like it. He was used to rich s acting entitled around him, but this particular one was getting under his skin. Did he really think he was his personal stalker? Seriously? He just saved his life and this was the thanks he got?


Annoyed, he handed him back his 10.000 won bill, trying his hardest to be civilized. “You can keep your money. Have a nice day.” he said sarcastically and got the hell out of there.



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imntch #1
Chapter 7: Oh my god this story IS A HIDDEN GEM! the plot is so intriguing and each of the characters are so well-written and lovable especially seunghyun with all his sarcastic and nervous internal monologue and seungri with his holier-than-thou attitude and yet it seems like seunghyun (and us reader) can't just hate him. I love the description of seunghyun being pulled towards him (like there's an invisible string of fate). I am so intrigued by this story and there're just so many questions left unanswered; what is seunghyun and seungri connection? why was seunghyun chosen (or so it seems) to save seungri? why does seungri encounters so many life threatening situations? what actually happened that night before jaejoong was admitted to the hospital? does it have something to do with seungri, somehow? ugh so many questions! even though you may have abandoned this story and I an left with burning questions forever, it is still my pleasure to accidentally come upon it. This is one hell of a good read.
Tigerlily319 #2
Chapter 7: So, is Chapter 7 (Aesthetics) the End? Or were you going to write more and just gave up? In any case, the writing and plot was well written. Just wish I knew if it had a different ending?
ILuvToDae #3
Chapter 7: Wow. This is a fascinating plot.
How did Seunghyun know what would would happen to Seungri?
And why?
Why him?
Why Seungri?
Why now?
I can hardly wait to find out!
Chapter 7: I start to like your story. Dont leave me hanging here ㅠㅠ Please update soon!
Aikosan #5
Chapter 7: This story it playing with my mind and I'm loving it. XD or maybe I'm just overthinking it to much. X3
BinguTop4Life #6
Chapter 7: I absolutely fell in love with this fic, ever since the moment I laid eyes on it but I had always believed it was a fic left forgotten by its author, without a chance of being updated anymore but I am so glad that I was wrong !!
I freaking squealed in joy when I saw this was updated and argh this fic is just so incredibly beautiful.
The way you word Seunghyun's confusion and strange attraction to Seungri and Seungri's arrogant demeanor here, and all the little details you write about makes the experience of reading this mind blowing as I can see everything happen in my head ! Your writing skills are wondrous and so was this update.
I wonder what will happen to their relationship now , whether Seungri will finally accept that Top is meant to be in his life and not his wallet and if there is something so very special about Seungri that the magical forces of who-knows-what decided to protect. I wrote wayyy too much , more than I intended to but I got a little....ok really excited about this and couldn't help it . I hope that inspiration comes to find you for this fic again so fighting authornim ! ^-^
missaimamie #7
Chapter 7: Yay, you have updated!
I like the imagery that you painted, it made me feel as if I was there. And I like Seungri's character too. I can't wait for your next update to see how Seunghyun will respond.
Cilla_04 #8
Chapter 6: Please update!!!! Please! This story is so good!