Farm Boy 1

Farm Boy

Jin Ah

Jin Ah was experiencing a slow evening. She repeated “I’m bored” over and over in her head as her went numb. Her face absorbed the blue lights emitted from the computer screen. The keyboard was lonely from the lack of use. She was contemplated weather to watch Hotel King or Trot Lovers when the phone rang.

“Hello? No, she’s not doing anything,” her dad told the person on the phone.

“Hello?” Jin Ah said after receiving the phone from her dad. It was her aunt. “Pick corn?” The idea didn’t excite her that much but her dad insists she should go. It’s not like she have anything else to do. Jin-Ah’s face lit up when her aunt suggested brining Sol, her close friend, along. Deal, she thought.

After picking Sol up, Jin Ah parked her car in front of her aunt’s house. She caught sight of an unexpected person, Jae. A little background info about Jae: 16 years old, lives three houses down the street from Jin Ah’s aunt and for some unknown reason; Jin Ah’s aunt is very fond of Jae.” Why is she here”, the two of them questioned. Jin Ah approached the girl dressed in black skinny jeans with long sleeves plaids. Jin Ah had on khaki shorts, navy blue tank and a white tee. “Hey,” Jin Ah displayed her fakest smile.

“Hi Jin. Hi Sol. Whoa, I can’t believe you guys actually came. I thought the two of you would rather watch your dramas then do ANYTHING outside,” a teasing laugh ended her sentence.

“Ha…yeah I guess I needed a little sunlight,” Jin Ah felt like she was receiving a lecture from an adult.

“You seem too excited to go pick corn,” Sol rolled her eyes.

“Girls! You’re here. Let’s go,” Auntie came out from the house. “Jin Ah are you driving or do you want to go with me and Jae?” Without any hesitation Sol and Jin Ah both replied with “We’ll follow,”

The small beetle-like car turned into a gravel pavement. On the left side, there lies an ocean of corn stalks. They were green-ish yellow due to the summer heat and lack of rain. The other side contained an abundance of vegetable. The two stepped out of the car and saw corn, cucumber, and lettuce.

“Hello Mr. Nam,” the aunt greets the farmer after she parked the van. He was sitting on a white wired chair with a white towel thrown over her shoulder. Jin Ah and Sol bowed their heads and whispered their hellos while Jae excited but gracefully shook his hands. She seems to know the man.

“Who are these beautiful ladies?” the man asked.

“My name is Jae. Please to meet you sir,” she shook the man’s hands again before giving a 90 degree bow.

“Hello, my name is Sol. You have a very big farm, daebak (awesome)!” The man revealed a big grin.

“Hi. I’m Jin Ah,” she slightly bowed again. 

“You and Sol look about the same age as my son. You guys are 19, right?”

“I am but Jin Ah still has a few months before she turns 19,” Sol answered.

After several small conversations the group began the corn picking journey. Jin Ah secretly glances at her feet. She wore thin sandals with a white bow attached on top. Regrets filled her mind. Ah why, she thought. These were too cute for farm work and the short rain this morning didn’t help the situation. She bit her lower lip in frustration and went to work.

She went ahead of the group pushing an old wheel barrow. The barrow bump slightly on the uneven pavement and when she pushed it down to the dirt pathway. Between each row of corn there was a dirt pathway with uneven bumps and dry cracks, making it much harder to push. She stopped in the middle of a row, waiting for the group to catch up.

The sound of slashing could be heard. It was near and she was curious. She ditched the wheel barrow and headed towards the sound. Wack, swish, thump, she heard the corn being thrown into a bucket. She spotted the person who was a row next to hers. Was it a girl? No, the structure was too masculine to be a girl.

“Jin Ah, come back here and push the cart!” Jae screeched. The unknown guy stop slashing and his face turned her way. She quickly returned to her cart after making slight eye contact with him.

A/N: First chapter's alway slow, sorry~ *90 degree bow* 

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Chapter 7: This was really sweet. I loved it!