Sweet Holiday


We're invited to our long lost friend's wedding. And we get to spend a night far from home. Just the two of us. Together.


"We've been dating for almost a year. I think it's time to go on a holiday just the two of us. Stop thinking of something else."

"Well, blame it on him. It's not my fault."

"You know he's just teasing us, right?"

"So we're really doing this? Just the two of us?"

"Yes, Kim Suho oppa. Our first holiday together."


The title was inspired by a CNBlue song, with the same title. The story was inspired by The Beatles' Do You Want To Know A Secret.


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SyaHiirah #1
Chapter 1: so sweet I love this story..
alize_sakura #2
Chapter 1: This. Is. Nice!! Kyaaa, Dee... even if you're making it for someone else, I feel like it's for me as well.

Anyway, like what I have told you on LINE, I don't think you're making Suho out of his character. He's actually kind and considerate guy as a boyfriend (I guess... at least I'm making him like that on my fics). So you've portrait his character very well in my opinion. And the ending is OK for me. Don't worry about it much. at least you already have 2 fans for this fic (nichelle and I). Hahahaha~

But why not using his real name, Kim Joonmyeon, instead of Kim Suho??

Perhaps, can I request another Suho's fic?

And thank you very much. I actually have a writers block for my fic. the scene that you've made for the ending is actually giving me an idea. So, thank you~ ^^
alize_sakura #3
Chapter 1: Just found this fic... waaaaaaa... you're writing about Suho now?? Why not giving him his real name instead of Kim Suho?

But, will read it first and comment again later~ Hehehehe.. actually he's my bias too, Dee... so you've captured 2 hearts with one stone