Days Are Daydreams, Nights Are Nightmares

It Has to be You [Hiatus]

News of Yesung sprouted around our school like weeds. Even if you pulled out a nuissance, plenty of others would grow in its place. Teachers couldn't keep the kids quiet about the subject. Even if some didn't genuinely care, they couldn't let a gossip topic slide. And it was heart-wrenching to listen to details over and over again.


But sooner or later things did die down. And three months later I was still a wreck.


Yes, Yesung was gone. Yes, things were different. But no, I just couldn't let it go somehow. I'b been back to a schedule of running to Kyuhyun for comfort. But he never turned me away, embracing me every time. I could tell he was having a hard time accpeting it too. A few months  months back he was a bit diffrent, his eyebrows occasionally pulled together as if he was thinking about about somthing intently. Nowadays he always was like that. But I kept myself from asking if he wanted to talk about the subject. It seemed there would never be a right time.


The bullying hadn't stopped, unsprisingly. If it anything, it worsened. Because Yesung was gone, only Kyuhyun could protect me, but he wans't always there. And I was showing to be weaker than the tough girl I had originally planned to be. Jessica continued to scratch at me, making sure to get the point across that she hated me. Being pushed around, having my chair missing, gum in my hair, the list goes on. But those were things I didn't tell kyuhyun. We would only suffer together because of Yesung, not because of me.


The days had seemed to pass entirely too slow after Yesung left, but then they had run by so quickly, I didn't neven notice I had been living in the past. My days were daydreams of memories while nights were nightmares of the present. My heart continued to long for Yesung and I refused to believe that the supposed Red String of Fate had been severed. Because I loved him and I still loved him. It was all I knew how to do.




I'd been contemplating the idea for a long time. But my ties to Yesung had never allowed me the opportunity. Minhee was free to be loved again, but I couldn't bring myself to grasp her. It all seemed too soon and I knew that it was best to wait. Time meant recovery, but somehow I felt like I'd already taken Yesung's place in a way.


She no longer ran into his arms as he would embrace her. She couldn't. Her lips no longer hinted at a kiss he'd stolen minutes prior. He wasn't there. There was no trace of his warmth on her. But there was mine.


I had embraced her as she needed it. And despite my conscience yelling at me, when she would fall asleep in my arms I couldn't resist but to touch her lips with my own ever so gently. I was there for her now. And we had never been so close before.


So it felt right to make the next move.




Kyuhyun had pulled me over to the school garden, surrounding us with the blaring colors of roses and tulips, among other wild beauties. Spring had definitely rolled in.


He seemed a bit different today, but I couldn't exactly describe the change. It was familiar though, somehow. We had taken a seat on a white bench, my hand still in his grasp. I wondered what this was about.


"Minhee..." he started, looking me in the eyes. I noticed there was something in the way he was gazing at me. Still, what was it? And I noticed him take in a breath, gathering the strength he needed for whatever he was going to say.


"I know I shouldn't say this, but things are different now, Minhee. Yesung is gone. But I'm still here. Choose me." And the next words nearly broke my heart, even if I'd heard them a million times before. But it was only because they weren't coming from Yesung.


"Minhee, I love you."


It took me a moment to understand. Maybe a little longer than it should have. I understood that familiarity. Just like Yesung...


I jerked away, pulling my hand from his. For a minute I simply stared at the patch of roses in front of me. A petal fell from one that seemed to be withering too early... I closed my eyes and saw only one person. What Kyuhyun was asking for was a lot. It was...selfish. He was asking to replace Yesung and I couldn't deal with it. Yesung was my everything.


"Minhee." he urged on, waiting for an answer. But I couldn't speak. Before I knew it a knot had formed in my throat. I opened my eyes to find that a tear had rolled down my cheek. And my desire to see Yesung again burned deep within me.


"I'm sorry." I said, abruptly standing up, only to feel his hand on my wrist. His eyes pleaded for me to reconsider. But I couldn't think of anything other than Yesung at all. I ripped away from his grasp and sprinted away, not allowing the chance for him to follow me. Even if I heard him call after me I wouldn't stop. I need to see Yesung. I needed to feel him. Anything to fill the emptiness that only seemed to consume me from within.


My legs brought me to the stairs that led to the rooftop. I glanced up at the light that seemed to pour out from a crack where the door was open slightly. If only Yesung was there... I continued my way up, desperate for release of my troubles. I pushed the door open and I couldnt' believe it...


Black hair, the cross earings he always couldn't be. But without thinking I ran forward and embraced the figure before me, pressing my cheek to his back and wrapping my arms around him.


"Yesung..." I cried softly. But I knew it was too good to be true. I felt the stranger touch my hands with his, unpeeling me before turning around and embracing me softly. And I was surprised. But the tears continued to fall nonetheless. The stranger's warmth was comforting, just as Kyuhyun had been to me before all this.


"It's okay," he murmured softly, "just cry." And so I did.




It was surprising, yes. I'd been glomped by girls, attacked by them, hugged and kissed and touched everywhere you can imagin, but never had I been hugged and mistaken for someone else. Never had a girl not recognized me, even from just looking at my backside.


Plus, she was crying. And not just for any dumb guy out there, but for Kim Yesung, my only remaining cousin.


So I embraced her. And comforted her, even if by doing so I was going against my own "player" code. Kim Jaejoong was not the comforting type. He didn't give a damn what your problem was. But then again, Yesung's girl wasn't ugly. At all.




I hadn't noticed when I'd fallen asleep. But when I awoke I was in his arms. And he didn't seem to mind. I looked up at him, feeling a bit awkward, and noticed that he didn't look like Yesung at all. He was just as attractive, but in a different way. He could be better described as...beautiful?


Big round eyes. Raven black hair that was straight, hanging slightly over his eyes. Pink lips that looked way too soft for a boy. And pale white skin. Just like a doll. They were features to envy.


A sudden smile spread over his face and I remembered why I was there, how I had gotten there, how I'd embarrassed myself by throwing myself at a complete stranger and crying until I fell asleep. Without another thought I got up and sped away, running out of there. What was I thinking?




I was definitely crazy, alright. I knew that after the incident with Kyuhyun I wouldn't have someone to spend my time with at school. What friend was there? Kyuhyun...I couldn't face him. But he seemed to think the same thing, avoiding my eyes whenever I was near. I felt bad, but I just couldn't give into him. I still was in love with Yesung, fully.


And so, at lunch I turned desperate. I didn't want to be alone. And I returned to the rooftop in hopes of finding the kind stranger from yesterday. I wasn't sure what I was considering him just yet. A friend? I pushed open the door to find none other than him.


"So you came back to visit me?" he said, his raven hair hanging slightly over his eyes as he looked up at me. I simply nodded in reply. I needed comfort and he had given it to me yesterday. That was enough reason to return. But could I really consider him a friend?





To Be Continued...






Maybe I just needed to tell someone about everything I was feeling. But then again, I'd never talked about it to Kyuhyun. So why was I telling it to a stranger? Well, I guess after this he wouldn't be a stranger any longer.



And then it struck me. Did Minhee know the truth about Yesung? Or did she also believe the lie that his parents created for the public to swallow? Maybe it was cruel of me...but I decided to let the issue rest for a while. I wanted to see how deeply Minhee felt for Yesung. And now that he was gone, could she care for another? 






Well, I was certainly due for updating this. I had written this a few days ago, but never pushed myself to actually type it all up. Typing . Especially when your finger just got jabbed into a door by your mom by accident when you're both carrying in groceries. Ouch.

But because I love all you guys, I still decided to update. ^^ And I especially thank YesungJjang, xernielaii, lalalananalalala, YESUNGanimyeonandwae, and KeJuYuMi_22 for commenting. So you all get brownies which I had my sis make yesterday. Embarrassing story really, I gave them to a certain someone I sort of might like so that he would feel better because he was sick all week. Nice of me, no?

Anyways, love you all. Take care. And have you guys all heard TRAX's new song and seen the video BLIND with Kyuhyun in it? Great right? ♥

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I think you currently hold the best YesungxOC story yet ;)<br />
I mean, I was looking for fics with YesungxOC and I've found yours. You have good English and I love how the story is going.<br />
And Yeye is one of my biases, and it's actually rare to see awesome, non- stories here in AFF.<br />
Keep up the good work, I'll be waiting!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
I like 'in my dream' !!! The song is beautiful. Esp when it's yesung's line. :DD<br />
And you had a dream with yesung too?!!? Me too! XD and our dreams are mostly the same. Funny isn't it? :D <br />
He also sang to me and.. sit beside me and I also acted normal and we talked. XDD But I was surprised that he speaks in Chinese tho. Hehex.. ^-^ and guess what? He RUFFLED my hair! A looooooong time one. Kyaa~~ I was spazzing inside that time. And his killing smile. O.m.g. I can't-<br />
And yeah.. I figured out things will be like this.. But.. they will get together in the end rite?? don't disappoint me. :DDD<br />
Update soon! ^-^