Episode 15: The Fire Demon, Horuna

Yu Yu Hakusho S.C. : Dark Tournament Saga

The shocking turn of events seized the attention of everyone in the stadium, preventing Koenma and Hiei from noticing Kurama, Kimika, Makoto and the masked fighter when they returned to the ringside. The sense of surprise and shock filled the air, entrancing the onlookers. The intense emotions filling the stadium intrigued the newcomers of the cause. They followed the gazes of their friends and turned their attention towards the ring. To their surprise, the match took a new turn favoring Horuna.

“Horuna’s winning? What’s happened so far?” Kimika questioned, gawking at the ring in surprise and relief.

At the sound of her voice, Hiei turned around with a jolt. “Kimika? You’re awake? When did you get here?”

Koenma turned towards Kimika for a moment before returning his gaze towards the ring. “Oh, Kimika, you’re fine. Welcome back.” Koenma greeted indifferently as he focused his attention to the match.

“We arrived a few moments ago, Hiei.” Kimika smiled, facing Hiei while she answered. “Thanks, Koenma, for the enthusiasm over my well-being.”

“I’m relieved you’ve recovered.” Hiei turned back to the ring before explaining the change of events. “A lot has happened while you were recovering. Horuna has finally turned the match to her favor. For a while, I wasn’t sure she would last. This enemy is very cunning and strong.”

The doubt and fear in the depths of Hiei’s heart was disappointing to Kimika. Her friendly smile faded and a look of displeasure took its place.

“Hiei, you shouldn’t doubt Horuna. You, out of us all, should have the most faith in her.”

Hiei turned towards Kimika, his eyes wide in surprise of her accusation. His expression soon faded when he remembered about her empathic abilities and transformed to one of annoyance.

“I have faith in her. I’m just afraid there’s a chance this enemy might be too tricky for her to handle.”

“Like I said, you doubt her. You have to have faith in Horuna’s power. You have to believe she will defeat this enemy. If you believe in her, she will also believe in herself.”

Kimika’s words, even though they were simple, held a cryptic meaning. Was it possible that he and Horuna shared more than blood? Were they also connected in some other way? Could she sense his doubt? Were his ill feelings somehow connected to her fate?


            Horuna watched in indifference as her enemy knelt over in pain, grasping her wound in disbelief. She noticed her opponent’s restraint as Ranya suppressed her reactions to her pain. Sympathy and empathy for the enemy, who manipulated her friends to fight one another and almost cause one of them grave injury, left the moment her blade ran through her side. She would not stop until she made Ranya pay for the pain she caused.

            Horuna wielded her sword with swift precision as she prepared to deliver another attack. The Black Sword emitted a powerful aura as its long blade glowed brightly in a dark onyx luster. Within seconds, the sword’s aura wrapped around the blade and absorbed the dark luster of the sword. It swirled around the blade rapidly, transforming into thick black flames. Once the flames surrounded the entire blade, Horuna swung the blade, cutting the air in front of Ranya.

            “Black Inferno!” As Horuna’s voice echoed through the stadium, the flames grew, creating a large swirling pillar.

            The massive pillar of flames cut through the air burrowing towards Ranya at an impeccable speed. The excruciating pain from Ranya’s wound made escaping the path of her opponent’s attack impossible. Unable to evade it, Ranya had no other choice but defend herself.

            An ominous silence fell upon the crowd as they waited the final screams of Ranya’s demise. However, the anticipated sound never occurred. Instead, a shockwave pulsated through the arena, throwing weaker apparitions’ from their seats.

            Ranya stumbled slightly as she struggled to maintain her shield. The power of Horuna’s attack almost crippled her. She flinched as the weight of her attack pressed against her shield. The pressure caused by Horuna’s attack increase the intensity of her wound’s pain. The agony paralyzed her, making it difficult to maintain her shield while Horuna’s attack dissipated. The shockwave’s effect pulsated through Ranya’s eccentuating her pain. Its strength propelled her across the ring, greatly damaging her body.

When the threat finally vanished, Ranya collapsed onto the ring floor, bracing herself with her arms before forcing herself back on her feet. The pain of her wound throbbed in agony with every movement, causing Ranya to wince. She trained her dark eyes on her opponent, who stood firmly and unaffected by the powerful affects of her attack. Hatred emanated from Ranya and filled the ring in its overbearing presence as she stared down her opponent.

“I hope you aren’t getting over confident by my current state. Just because you wounded me, doesn’t mean you’ve won this match.”

Ranya’s lips curved into a small expression of dark amusement. The veil of agony and despair vanished, and this strange change in demeanor created caution inside Horuna. Even though she did not express her concerns, they were growing more profound by this immediate change in her adversary.

“In fact, this match has finally become interesting.”

Horuna remained guarded as she carefully observed her opponent. Even though Ranya was gravely injured, a strange energy was growing around her. Horuna watched in intrigue as a brilliant light consumed Ranya’s wound. Its radiance remained for a moment before it faded and revealed a surprising sight. Ranya’s would had completely vanished and a great amount of her energy was restored.

Horuna did not have time to react to this new action, because soon after a fury of Ranya’s energy strings transformed into a sword, and she attacked Horuna. Horuna maintained her ground as she parried Ranya’s attacks. She was shocked at the new flush of energy and speed Ranya exhibited. Even Ranya’s strength increased considerably more than it had been moments before.

Horuna realized the new turn of events would obscure her road to victory. However, she was ready to encounter this new development and overcome it, so she could continue her journey towards her heart’s desire.


The bitter arctic winds whipped around Horuna as she trudged through the thick snow and fought her way through the blizzard. Trapped in the white abyss with no shelter or food, desperately clinging to the rags she wore for warmth, Horuna had no other choice but move forward. If she did not fight the rapid icy storm, she would die in vain, for everything she promised her mother would be unfulfilled.

She tugged onto the thick hood protecting her head and fought against the fierce winds. The cold air cut her skin, turning it as pale as the snow. The strength of the wind knocked her off her feet countless times; and even when she fought back as she pressed forward, it pushed her back more steps than she had walked.

Horuna heard death’s howls whip past her ears as the winter torrent grew stronger. She felt her limbs numb as she continued her desperate pursuit. Her vision was shielded by a shroud of snow and ice resting on her lashes. A profound hunger was drowned out by the fierce sting of the arctic cold.

She could no longer press forward. Her little body finally reached its limit. She fell into a daze as she felt the strong winds force her once again to the vast sea of snow. The pillowy softness of the snow-covered ground was the only comfort to Horuna’s grim circumstance. Her body was frozen in place, causing her to become completely numb of the surrounding world. The only discomfort she felt was the pain of breathing.

Within moments, her consciousness slowly succumbed to the harsh condition. Horuna felt her mind swirl as she fell deeper into Death’s clutches. Unable to speak… Unable to move… far from home, she could not apologize to her mother for being unable to fulfill her final request. She was too weak. She was not strong like her brother. She could not survive the Winter Plains.


“Hina… Hina…” The voice of a familiar voice rang through Horuna’s mind.

“Mommy?” Horuna called faintly to the surrounding darkness. Weakness seized her eyelids and prevented her eyes from opening.

“Hina, I’m sorry to wake you. But you must listen to what I have to say. I don’t have much time.”

Horuna felt her body being lifted into someone’s warm embrace. She was too weak to open her eyes and speaking was no longer an option. She just listed to the delicate whisper of her mother’s voice.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t be stronger, so I could protect you. I wish I was able to fight all those who want to take you from me. But I’m too weak. I was too weak to fight for Hiei; and, now, I’m too weak to protect you. I’m sorry that you must be punished for what makes you unique. The village is still too naïve to recognize what a treasure you really are. I only hope one day you find others who will recognize how special you are.”

Horuna felt her mother’s hold tighten around her body and a few drops of liquid fall upon her forehead.

“You might share my name and my blood, but you are not your mother. Unlike me, you are strong. You can fight for what you love and fulfill the desire we both harbor. Survive, fight and live so you can find Hiei. Stay by his side. Protect one another until you are both strong enough to find Yukina. Fulfill your weak mother’s final wish… Love one another. Protect one another… And be stronger than I ever was. That’s my only wish.”

As her mother’s lips pressed against her forehead, Horuna felt her senses reawaken and her eyes open. Instead of a vision of her mother, a soft yellow glow of a fire pit greeted her. She tried to move, but a sharp pain prevented her from doing so.

“Be careful, little one. You had a terrible fall. You broke several bones and were on the verge of death when I found you.”

Horuna’s eyes traveled the shadows and followed the sound of the mysterious voice. Her eyes fell upon a dark figure of an old man with a long, thick beard and dressed in thick fur robes, sitting across from her. The pain seizing Horuna’s body was so intense that she could not express any other emotion in response to his appearance.

“Where am I? Who are you?” Horuna questioned with what little strength she could grasp.

“Don’t be afraid. We are on the outskirts of the White cliffs. We are taking refuge in a small cave until the blizzard passes. Then I will bring you to the Yuki village, so a doctor can better treat your wounds. I am Naeki, a humble traveler. What’s your name? And why is such a young girl like you braving a storm like this on your own? Are you lost?”

“My name is Hina… I mean it’s Horuna. I’m not lost. I have nowhere else to go.”

Naeki ignored her hesitation with her name; he looked at the small girl with concern.

“You have no family or a home to return to?”

Horuna remained quiet and did not answer. Her lack of response deepened his sullen expression of concern. He did not speak for a few moments, while he messed around with a metal pan over the flame.

The aroma of spice and meat filled the air. He moved the contents of the pan with a wooden utensil for a few minutes; then he transferred some of the contents into a metal bowl and moved over to Horuna’s side. He helped Horuna shift the heavy blankets on top of her and sit up; then he leaned her against the cavern wall and handed her the bowl and the utensil.

“If you have nowhere to go, then you can live with me. I live in a small village a few days from here by foot. I will take care of you until you are healthy again.” Before Horuna could respond, he took the spoon blew on the food, then gently fed it to Horuna. “Eat you need to regain your strength. I will help you if you need me to.”

Horuna fought through her pain to force her right hand to take the spoon from the old man. He looked at her impressed by her determination to overcome her injury.

“Thank you, but I can feed myself. I will do whatever I can to repay your kindness.”

Naeki smiled and returned to his seat. “I’m getting old. Having another pair of hands to help me will be a blessing.”


Watching Horuna fight Ranya was intriguing to Kimika, she could not believe how powerful her little friend was. Horuna moved with such precision and agility as she dodged her opponent’s attacks, while also emitting great power when their swords clashed that she seemed much different from the helpless girl from the previous day. Relief flushed over Kimika along with a hint of sadness.

“Horuna is so strong. She didn’t need my help after all.”

“You help?” Makoto looked at Kimika with confusion visible on her face. “Why would you think she needed your help?”

Kimika did not meet Makoto’s gaze. Instead, her gaze was trained on Horuna. She watched in silence for a moment at her friend’s movements. Then her thoughts coaxed her gaze to focus solely on Horuna’s eyes.

There in the depths of her ruby eyes was an emotion as powerful as her physical strength. Her determination radiated from her eyes, despite her emotionless expression. Kimika recognized immediately that this was the drive of Horuna’s surprise performance. What caused this drive was unknown to Kimika…

“I had a dream while I was resting earlier. In the dream, I felt Horuna’s struggles and pain. The feelings were so intense that I thought I had to do something to help her. That’s why I ran to the ring.” Disappointment was imminent in Kimika’s voice as she spoke. “I thought I had to hurry and help her somehow. But I guess I was wrong. Maybe my dream was just that a dream. It is clear Horuna can take care of herself. She didn’t need my help at all.”

“You’re mistaken, Kimika. You already helped Horuna greatly.” The masked fighter interjected softly. Kimika turned to face the masked fighter, surprised by his response.

“What do you mean?” Her eyes grew wide with hope and wonder of the meaning behind his words.

“You are empathic. The feelings you felt weren’t a dream, but actually Horuna’s. Your will and determination to help your friend quickened your recovery. Excelerating your recovery helped Horuna a great deal, because it returned to her the energy she used to heal you. Because of this, you saved Horuna from falling victim to Ranya.” explained the masked fighter “You were a great help to your friend. You might have even saved her life.”

The masked fighter’s words destroyed the doubt and disappointment surrounding Kimika’s heart. A large smile of happiness crossed her lips as her emerald eyes thanked the masked fighter. The sight of this light-hearted exchange infected Makoto with the same warm feeling. Her lips curled slightly as she turned back to the match. Whether she turned to hide her amusement was unknown, but it was noticed by one individual who was observing in silence… Koenma.

Koenma’s glance volleyed between Makoto and Kimika for a few moments. Then he trained his eyes on Kimika. She was very different from Kurama. She was happier, more optimistic and very trusting. She was not as serious or reserved as her brother, but these qualities were some of her most intriguing ones.

He admired her concern and dedication to her new friends. However, he could not help but wonder how she grew so close to the Rogue Goddess. They were polar opposites, yet they developed a strong bond in a short amount of time.

How did Makoto find another loyal, dedicated companion willing to fight by her side no matter what? He admired the strength of their bond and how rapidly this connection was created between the three girls. But how were these apparition girls able to break through the unpenetrable barrier surrounding Makoto’s heart? Whatever their secret was, it was clear that their friendship was transforming the goddess. He wondered if the strength of their friendship will be strong enough to mend the heartache and pain of Makoto’s past.


The energy boost Ranya received was not enough to overcome Horuna. Horuna was still much faster than Ranya. Avoiding Ranya’s attacks was barely a challenge since her pattern had become sloppy and predictable. This was a weakness Horuna planned to take full advantage of.

With all her speed and agility, Horuna dodged Ranya’s next series of attacks and countered her Black Inferno attack. The sudden sight of the tall pillar of black fire rushing towards her was the only thing Ranya could focus on. The attack moved so quickly that it prevented an opportunity to avoid it, so Ranya had no choice but to raise her shield again.

Horuna’s attack colliding against Ranya’s shield created a series of blinding sparks that temporarily inhibited Ranya’s sight. The strength of this attack was weaker than the previous one and dispersed rather quickly. Once the pillar was gone, Ranya’s sight returned, so she lowered her shield.

When the opague structure of energy strings faded completely, Ranya was surprised to fide herself trapped in a network of small pulsating balls of fire. Surprise and annoyance overcame Ranya as she scanned the area around her for an escape route. Her search led to no avail. She was entirely surrounded by those strange manifestations of fire. She was trapped.

“What are these?!” Ranya demanded.

Horuna did not react to Ranya’s forceful demand. Instead, a small smirk crossed her lips in tune with her adversary’s current predicament.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you.” Dark amusement was clear in Horuna’s voice as her words escaped her lips. “Those are my Phoenix bombs. If you tounch them, they will detonate and take a portion of your energy with them. I can create them from any of my attacks or on their own.”

Panic seized Ranya as she desperately tried to avoid the prison of fire she was trapped in. A foreboding silence lurked over the stadium as the new turn of events brought a new anticipation of the victor of this round. The crowd was anxious for blood, but that was the least of Horuna’s concerns. She wanted justice for the way Ranya manipulated her friends. That was her only motivator.

The sound of Horuna snapping her fingers echoed through the stadium. Time ominously hung over them in a chilling silent interval, before a chorus of booming explosions cascaded through the air. Fire swarmed around her adversary, concealing her in a red cyclone of flames.

The flames burned for a few moments before going out completely. When they vanished, the spectators watched in awe as Ranya stood, seemingly unscathed behind the protection of her spirit energy strings. Horuna’s expression did not waver at the revelation of her opponent, because she knew something about her that the others could not detect.

Even though Ranya seemed to have protected herself from Horuna’s attack, Horuna sensed that was not entirely the truth. She could tell Ranya’s shield only absorbed a portion of the damage, causing Ranya to become considerably weaker.

Ranya fought her urge to collapse to the ground. She felt her body growing weary and heavy from her opponent’s attack. Moving and breathing were slowly becoming more difficult.

She was barely able to resurrect her shield in time. Not only because her attack caught Ranya off guard, but because she had yet fully recovered from the previous attack. Ranya stood pararlyzed by the new twist of fate and fear.

Ranya did not think it was possible for Makoto to recruit such a powerful ally in such a short amount of time. Somehow, she pulled it off, surpassing her and her master’s expectations. She recruited not only a strong ally, but a loyal one as well. Ranya could not understand how the goddess who hates apparitions could find one as strong as Horuna to fight for her.

As Ranya stared down her opponent, her suspicions were confirmed. There in Horuna’s eyes was a burning fire full of rage and vengeance. The fuel of that fire was her loyalty to her friends. It was clear to Ranya that defeat was now a possibility.


The tension in the air had grown so heavy and thick that it paralyzed Koto in fear. She watched the match in silence as she followed the sudden switch of fortune for Ranya. Koto did not really care who won the match, as long as she got her fill of blood and agony. However, her dark bloodlust had to be put on hold as she recognized Team Kazeki’s leader’s disappointment. Even though majority of her face was obscured by her hood, her small mouth was clearly visible. Her lips were frozen, creating an unpleasant frown.

Koto sensed the leader’s annoyance and displeasure. It created a thick tense atmosphere that suffocated Koto with its discomforting chills. She wanted to leave, but somehow standing behind the leader was protecting her from becoming victim to Ranya’s ability. There was nowhere safe for Koto to run. She hated being stuck in this type of predicament. But even more than that, she hated not knowing why the leader was protecting her.   

Koto gathered all the strength she harbored to voice her curiosity.

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful. But why are you protecting me from Ranya’s ability?” Koto paused when she saw the leader turn and the deep shadows of her hood focus on her. Even without being able to see her face, Koto’s body became paralyzed in fear as if witnessing the leader’s penetrationg glare. She sensed the tension of a dark warning emanating from the hooded leader. Koto felt that she had to tread carefully about any of her subsequent statements.

“I didn’t mean any disrespect. I’m just curious.”

An awkward silence filled the tension in the air, longating the fear and nervousness growing inside Koto. Paralyzed, she focused carefully on the only thing she could see of the leader, , for an indication of her response. For a long, seemingly never-ending moment, there was no reaction. But finally, after a nerve-wreckingly long wait, the leader’s small lips curled into a reflection of amusement, before she faced the ring again.

“Be careful, Koto. Curiosity did not fair well for the cat. I do not believe it will fair better for a fox.” She paused for a few seconds, reveling in her dark joke, then she answered Koto’s question.

“You are right to be suspicious of why I’m protecting you from my underling’s ability. You are a demon, because of that fact alone I despise you.”

“You despise me because I’m a demon, but aren’t you…” Koto interrupted, before being cut off by the leader’s menacing stare of caution.

“Don’t overstep… Keep this in mind… You are only alive because you are still useful to me. Once that usefulness is gone, so will my interest in you.”


Kimika was relieved by the new outcome of the match; however, she could not focus her attention on the exchange between Horuna and her adversary, because there was a foreboding feelings growing around the arena. There were so powerful that just by their presence Kimika felt herself grow weak. Intense feelings of darkness and hatred swirled around the ring like a cyclone, engulfing them in a suffocating trap.

Kimika felt them grow and pulsate as the match continued. Their darkness reached out to the depths of the arena, fighting to reach every corner and engulf it with its rage.

Kimika searched the stadium to find the origin of these feelings, but she couldn’t find it. Some how these feelings were able to emanate from their owner without leaving a trail. Fear filled Kimika as she realized that if she identified the source of these powerful emotions, then they would all be doomed. Because someone who could manipulate their feelings like this would be beyond all of their skills combined.


Horuna’s attacks took their toll on Ranya’s body.  Every inch of her body ached in pain from slight contact with Horuna’s sword. Her energy was almost entirely drained from her body, greatly impacting her speed. As she frantically dodged another wave of her opponent’s attacks, she knew it would not be long before she landed a fatal blow.

Horuna’s movements were sharp and quick. She moved with an agility that made her movements difficult to counter. Ranya used her energy string sword to parry Horuna’s attack; but the strength from Horuna’s blade was chipping away the blade of Ranya’s sword. She swore in frustration as she struggled to protect herself from Horuna’s blade.

“Damn. How did your sword become so strong?”

“That’s my secret.” Horuna’s small lips curled into a sadistic smile in tune with her answer. She swung her sword with an immense force knocking Ranya off balance and sending her reeling by the mere force of her attack. While Ranya was regaining her composure, a dark energy swirled around Horuna’s hands, engulfing it in black flames. As soon as the black flames formed, Horuna took a deep breath, and then blew into the heart of the flames, causing the flames to grow and scatter throughout the ring.

The soft sound of her voice echoed as the flames spread and multiplied.

“Abyss of Black Flames!”

By time Ranya regained sense of her surroundings, she stood in confusion and shock that she was entirely emerged in black flames. Fear of being burned alive filled her for a moment, until she noticed that there was no heat emitting from them. Relief overcame her after the discover, but she could not understand why her opponent would use such a useless attack.

Her amethyst eyes pierced the darkness of the sea of black flames and stared at her adversary in annoyance. Enough was enough. She refused to let this child make a fool out of her. She refused to be defeated by the likes of her.

Ranya extended her hand to create her sword in preparation of a counter attack; however, no matter how hard she tried, her sword would not form. She tried several times, but each time she tried she felt weaker and her sword never appeared. Rage surged through her entire being at the realization that she did not have enough energy to defend herself. She suspected that her pesky opponent was behind her current state.

“What did you do to me, you little brat?! What happened to my energy?!”

Horuna stood emotionless and tall with her sword glistening at her side as she watched her opponent struggle. She ignored her insults and struggles, while she slowly circled her prey. Her form disappearing behind the wave of flames, then reappearinf in a different area seconds later.

“What do you mean what did I do to you? Did you forget about my Abyss of Black Flames?”

As the size of the flames grew, the obscurity of Horuna’s whereabounts grew as well. Only her voice helped Ranya pinpoint where she was, but even that was becoming misleading. Something was wrong with her body. It was growing weaker by each passing moment.

“You might have noticed that my flames are not hot. That’s because they are mere shadows of a great flame that resides within me. The purpose of the flames is not to destroy with blunt force, but to feed the great flame growing inside me.

“And what’s that have to do with my current state?”

“You really are dense. You are feeling weaker, right? Why do you think that is?”

Ranya’s eyes grew wide in disbelief. “These flames are somehow affecting my spirit energy?”

Horuna’s sadistic smile returned when she saw her enemy’s despair.

“Exactly. My black flames feed the great flame inside me by absorbing the spirit energy of all living things in its grasp. In other words, they make you weaker while making me stronger.”

Horuna appeared again with her sword drawn in front of her. A magnificent glow emanated from its blade, temporarily blinding Ranya when she looked directly at it. By the brief second she saw the blade, she realized its purpose. Horuna was using the blade as a conductor to manipulate the energy she stole from Ranya. Even though she was greatly weakened, she knew that if she did not do something to protect herself, then she would not survive another attack.

The flow of time rhythmically echoed in sync with Ranya’s throbbing pulse. She watched motionlessly as her opponent readied to strike her. Ranya felt her breathing become heavy and burdensome as she lingered in the longest moment of uncertainty in her life.

She had no energy left, but she refused to die at the hands of this child. There had to be a way for her to stop her. She paused for a second, then glanced at the ring glistening on her finger. She was so fixated on her adversary’s power that she forgot about the trinket her master gave her.

‘Use this only as a last resort. It will unleash a explosive psychic attack that can control even the strongest of psychics; for the mere price of half your life energy.’

The words of Ranya’s master resonated in her mind as she mulled over the possibility of using such a strong ability. She would be risking her life; but it was the only defense she had left.

She took the ring off and threw it at the opponent just as she was delivering her final strike. As soon as the ring left her hand, a blinding light emanated from it, engulfing the entire ring in its brilliance. Horuna turned away from the irritating gleam, attempting to shield her eyes; but it was too late, she was caught in its grasp.

“Ring of Mesmer.”

Ranya’s voice echoed in Horuna’s mind. The sound of her voice withered away as Horuna felt her mind separate from her body. When she opened her eyes, the world around her was gone. All reality had transformed into darkness.


Horuna felt herself freefalling through the emptiness and darkness. Her consciousness slowly drifted deeper into the dark abyss, sending her mind reeling into its very core. Her grasp on reality deteriorated by every breath she took. She was hurling into the unknown without any control of where she was heading or her senses.

Feelings that she hoped never to know again consumed her. Darkness, loneliness, sadness… They came flooding back, suffocating her in their dark presence. She tried to free herself from their grasp, but they were too strong to fight against.

Her heart screamed, but there was no one to hear it. She was alone. She was completely separated from all those she cared for. Her friends and her brother were taken from her, and she was once again alone.


“Mommy, there is a girl on the other side of the field. Can I go play with her?” A young chile asked, tugging on the long skirts of her mother’s pale blue dress, while she picked some crops from the field.

The heat of the sun blaring upon the fields obscured the woman’s sight with perspiration. She wiped her sweaty face with a towel draped from her apron; then she followed the path of her child’s gaze. The brightness of the sun made it difficult to see who she was referring to; but when she shielded her face with her hand, she had a better view of the mysterious girl.

Peering at them from behind the large tree on the far end of the field was a small girl with long raven hair and ruby eyes, dressed in gray rags. She stared at them with wide eyes filled with wonder and intrigue. The woman took a moment to analyze her, before she recoiled in disgust and grabbed her crops and daughter, pulling her back to the village.

“You are never to play with that accursed, filthy child!” She snapped angrily, ignoring her daughter’s cries and questions, as she dragged her child away.

Even though the fields were vast, sound echoed through it as if it were caverns. The little girl heard every word, and it crushed her heart. She was no different than the villagers, except for her hair. So why did they hate her? The adults beat her if she stepped in the fields, and the children tormented her. It was a daily occurrence for a group of the children to come to her cottage and pick on her. They pushed her, kicked her, pulled her har, spat on her, and called her names.

They constantly called her a monster, who was born of evil. They screamed at her to go away or die. They spat hatred at her, but she could not understand why. All Horuna ever wanted was friends, but the people of the village hated her for being born.

She did not understand why, but she endured it for her family. She lived alone in the valley to spare her mother and sister of the same ridicule. As long as the villagers did not know of their relation, then they would not despise them for Horuna’s flaws. They would not hate them because of the strange powers she possessed. She would continue to endure loneliness for her family’s sake. However, that task would be hard as long as she longed to be loved.


After the blinding glare of Ranya’s ring faded, the ring was engulfed in a swirling black mist, concealing the whereabouts and state of the fighters. Almost everyone watching was frozen in bewilderment and confusion by this strange development. A roar of dissatisfaction of not knowing what was happening broke out amoung the crowds of onlookers.

Horuna’s friends were subjugated to far more than bewilderment and confusion; they were petrified in fear of what happened to Horuna. Noone was more affected by terror than Hiei.

He scanned the black mist for any sign of her current condition. He also tried to contact her telepathically, but there was no response. He tried to sense for her spirit energy, but there was not a single trace of it remaining. Only the ominous energy of the black mist was detectable.

He could not tell if he was unable to reach Horuna because of this strange new energy or because something terrible happened to her. Hiei’s body tensed as his racing concerns consumed his thoughts. Rage filled him as self-blame took control of his heart.

He should have never gone against his initial judgment. He should have stopped Horuna from competing in this ridiculous match. He knew it was too dangerous for her to enter, especially after the condition she was in the day before. There was no way she could have completely healed herself after being manhandled by those Tsuki soldiers. Why did he allow this to happen?


Kurama looked away from the ring to gather his thoughts. He wanted to help Horuna, but there was nothing he could do. He was not even sure if she actually needed his help. If she was only trapped in that strange black mist, he was confident that she would find a way out.

He had to tend to the ones who were closest to her, Kimika, Makoto and Hiei. He looked to his left side towards Makoto, assessing her current state. Her eyes were trained on the ring. She did not even notice him watching her. She focused on the last place Horuna stood. There was only a small amount of concern embedded in her eyes. It was buried beneath a stronger emotion, determination.

Kurama did not need to be an empath, like his sister, or a psychic to know what a type of determination grew within Makoto. She was adamant about her concern for her friends. He saw this determination in her eyes when they first met. He saw it at the time when she turned him away from talking to Kimika. This was her determination to believe in her friends.

She noticed the same thing Kurama did. She noticed that Horuna had the power and wits to make it out of this situation safe. Kurama did not need to comfort her.

Kurama turned to his opposite side where Kimika and Hiei stood. The expression on his sister’s face was very similar to Makoto’s, but her eyes emanated with hope. A small smirk crossed his lips in response to witnessing her expression. He expected to be nothing else from his hope-filled sister.

His amusement ceased the moment his eyes fell upon Hiei. The color of Hiei’s face drained completely and his eyes trained on the ring wide with concern and fear. Kurama recognized his expression. It was similar to the one he wore whenever Kimika was in danger. Fear of not knowing and concern about the welfare of someone could cripple the mind if you love do not have someone to help keep you focused.

Kurama maneuvered from his position between the two girls to Hiei’s side. He placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder, causing him to turn with a jolt in reaction to Kurama’s sudden appearance.

His worry for his sister was too great for him to snap at Kurama for his sudden intrusion. However, when he saw Kurama’s warm expression, he understood his intentions.

“Sorry to intrude on your thoughts. I just thought you needed a friendly distraction. Besides, you do not have to worry about Horuna.”

“What are you talking about, Kurama? I’m not worried about her.” Hiei turned away from him, snapping stubbornly.

“So I guess you turn pale watching any fight? I did not know you have so empathetic and passionate towards these sports.”

“Watch it, Kurama.” Hiei warned, his rage rippling from the tone of his voice.

“Maybe I am worried. Can you blame me? You of all people should understand how I feel.” Hiei gaze roamed past Kurama to Kimika, who stood gawking at the ring with her hands interlaced in hope. “What if the roles were reversed?”

“I do understand.” Kurama answered, his tone softened and became more ladened with understanding. “But there’s a difference between how I would feel and how you feel.”

“A difference? How?”

“I would trust my sister and believe she’s strong enough to overcome this. Right now, your concern and fear prevents you from having faith in Horuna. This is the time when you need to believe in her the most, during the times when you are most afraid.”

Hiei turned towards Kurama surprised by the truth behind his words. He had lost faith in his sister and her strength. He was only afraid and concerned because he no longer believed she was strong enough to defeat this foe on her own.

He turned away from Kurama and clenched his teeth in disappointment. How could he not believe in her? She overcame so much to find him. If she was strong enough to overcome all of the many dangerous obstacles she most likely had to face on her quest for him, then she was strong enough to defeat Ranya. He noticed from their last encounter that they shared more than blood; they also shared unwavering courage and strength.

“You’re right, Kurama.”

Surprise seized Kurama’s expression at Hiei’s words. He observed his friend’s face for a sign of the workings of his mind. The only thing distinctive on his serious face was a light upward curve of his lips. Kurama turned from him, reacting in kind, as he listened to his friend continue.

“I need to believe in Horuna. Repeatedly, I’ve witnessed her strength in the short time I’ve known her; but I still become worried and protective of her. I’m not used to laying my faith in someone, but I guess I have to change for Horuna.”


After reliving the hardships of her past, Horuna was yanked back into the darkness. Sight was a faded memory that seemed like a distant fantasy. Sadness and loneliness were the only things giving her comfort. They were her reward for being foolish enough to believe that she, a monster, could ever have happiness.

She was born to be alone and to know nothing but sadness and despair. It was for her to know or have true happiness. She would continue to live with these diseases of her heart and mind. She would never know anything else.

She felt herself begin another descent into the dark abyss. Her body was freefalling into the constructing clutched of the abyss. Her soul tumbled not far behind. It fell into the darkness, creating a symphony of cries pleading for a savior. Its cries were muffled by darkness the moment after they sounded. Her heart felt heavier than her body or her soul. It seemed to hurl through the abyss with ease. There was no more warmth within it. All hope had withered away, turning her heart into a massive block of ice.

Noone could hear her cries. She was alone. Noone could save her. Her friends, her brother, and even her master were gone. She would drift in this darkness forever.

Just as she felt her heart tumble farther, something wrapped around her arm and stopped her from falling.

“Hina…” Tears ran down her face in reaction to the resonating profound tone of a familiar voice. Its owner was someone who only lived in her memory, her teacher, Naeki.

Her eyes followed the sound of his voice as he pulled her up. She froze in disbelief at the image piercing through the darkness. Her master had cut through the dark abyss, peeled it like a potato, and was pulling her into a well-lit space.

He wrapped his arms around her as he hauled her out of the darkness and into a space filled with a soft light. From what she could see of his form, her teacher had not changes. He was exactly as gray and wrinkled like the last time she saw him, except he adorned in white robes.

“Horuna, are you all right?” He asked, looking her over carefully.

“Yes. Thank you. But how did you…?”

“I do not have time to explain, little one. You are trapped in a very powerful psychic attack. It conjures your darkest memories to trap you in an endless cycle of despair.” Naeki explained, sealing the door between the darkness and the light.

“How did I get here?”

“I don’t know, most likely a wonky effect. Only certain beings can perfectly execute this attack. If any other beings, try to conjure it then there are dire side effects. In other words, no apparition could conjure this level of power.”

“How do I get out?”

“You can break this spell by relinquishing all your negative emotions.”

“But how do I do that?”

“Just remember what you are fighting for. You are close to gaining what your heart always desired. Use that and the good things you’ve attained on your journey to help you escape. Remember the things you cherish the most.”

Her teacher covered her eyes with his hand and softly repeated his instructions. She felt her body drift again; but this time instead of darkness, she noticed light shining through her eyelids. Soft whispers echoed through her mind, growing louder one by one.


‘Horuna, this can’t be it. You have to fight through this. You just have to. I made a promise to you that I would help you fulfill your heart’s desires. I won’t let you die now. Fight, Horuna! Fight so we can help you accomplish those desires together.’

That voice rang clear in Horuna’s heart demystifying its owner. The voice was powerful and demanding, yet soft and entrancing with warmth, determination and hope. Her words triggered their conversation from the day before and her promise to help her fulfill her heart’s desires to reunite with her siblings and her proclamation of friendship because she saw into her heart… Makoto. The goddess every demon feared because of her apparent disgust and hatred towards them; but Makoto’s actions towards her and Kimika seemed to betray her reputation.

Before she could relish in Makoto’s thoughts, another message invaded Horuna’s mind. This time it was from Kimika. Kimika… the friend who sacrificed herself so Horuna could be free and truly happy by finding what she fought so hard to obtain… her family.

‘Horuna, you are stronger than I ever thought you’d be. You are strong enough to defeat Ranya and attain what you long for. Please do not give up! I believe in you!’

The sound of Kimika’s message of hope and encouragement sunk to her very core. The warmth of her friends’ words and their belief in her illuminated iside her heart and enveloped her in an overpowering new source of strength. She felt the darkness and despair that engulfed her heart slowly dissipate.

Their encouragement and hope resonated inside her, inciting something deep within her heart, her desire to fight on. She felt the desire rattling frantically in her chest, fighting to take control; however, it was too weak, against the dark shadows still lurking in her heart.

Encouragement from her friends would not be enough. They were not strong enough to break through the shadows on their own. She felt the weight of the remaining shadows upon her being dragging her back into the darkness she escaped. Fear slowly undid the progress of her friends’ thoughts and trapped her in a powerful embrace, rendering her immobile.

Horuna was once again powerless to the darkness and the shadows of her heart and mind. She tried to call for her mentor, but her lips were paralyzed. She was unable to call for help. She was once again done, without any way to break free.

The hope, which was ignited by her friends’ thoughts, was fading. Soon her fear would have total control over her. Her body tightened as she awaited her miserable fate.

But the moment her last bit of hope almost completely faded a familiar voice resounded in the dark abyss of her mind. The profound sound of this new voice reverberated in her heart. Its words flowed softly as if entangled in a dance, but they carried a power so great that it shattered the darkness of her prison.

“Horuna… Horuna…”

The soft chant of the calling voice continued enveloping Horuna’s entire being in a calming embrace. The sound of his voice dispelled the darkness, transporting her to a place of tranquility and warmth. Her sight returned as a radiant light engulfed the darkness surrounding her, erasing the sadness consuming her.

As the glorious radiance dimmed, the sight of tall trees and various greens decorated her surrounding. She surveyed the area in pleasure at the warm ambiance of this lush scenery. She felt pleasure when she recognized where she was. She was in the forest outside the stadium. Somehow, she escaped her dark prison.

“Horuna, what are you doing?”

Horuna broke from her elated state by the familiar voice calling her from behind. She quickly turned to face the owner of the voice and relaxed when her eyes fell upon them.

“Big brother…” Horuna exhaled in relief.

“Are you okay? You spaced out while we were talking.” Hiei pressed, worry prevalent in his expression.

“I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

Hiei pressed the back of his hand against her forehead. “You don’t seem like yourself. Are you sure nothing’s wrong?”

Horuna gently brushed away her brother’s hand and held it at her side. “I’m sure.”

Hiei did not react. He tightened his grip around her hand and observed her quietly. A short moment of silence passed before he spoke.

“You told me to believe in you, Horuna. I’m trying to, but it’s hard. This enemy is too strong. This magical trap is one exceeding any normal apparitions’ ability. You have to overcome this… Please, give me the strength to believe in you. I don’t want to lose you.”

Surprise overcame Horuna causing her eyes to grow as she observed her brother carefully. In the short time she knew her brother, she became quite familiar with his personality. Normally, he remained indifferent for any situation that did not involve him or anyone he care about. Considering this, she now recognized when he was concerned or worried.

As she looked into her brother’s eyes, there in the ruby depths was a large culmination of concern and fear towards her. His voice was unwavering and untarnished by these intense emotions. His demeanor remained calm and indifferent; however, his eyes could not conceal the truth of his heart.

This realization of her brother’s true feelings melted the defiance of her pride, softening her resolve as she responded.

“Big brother, you won’t lose me. I will overcome this.” She grabbed onto his arm and drew herself into his chest, drawing strength from the soothing embrace. “I promise you that I will defeat Ranya. You can believe in me when I say this: I will never be taken from your side.”

Her words fulfilled their purpose. As if triggered by the notion, Hiei wrapped his arms around Horuna, drawing her into an unwavering embrace. The reassurance she provided was far from empty, but was fueled by an immeasurable strength, one captivated Hiei by its might and comfort.

“I will hold you to that promise. I believe in your strength. I will promise you the same. I will not doubt you again. I will lend you some of my strength to overcome this predicament. Break free, Horuna, so you can return to my side.”


As soon as the last words escaped Hiei’s lips, Horuna felt her body yanked from his embrace and hurled into the vast spans of this mysterious cognitive world. She propelled through the dark abyss at an immense speed before her body was into a dark swirling hole.

The darkness of the abyss shielded her ability to see the features of the unknown entity; however, the way her body traveled through the darkness, she felt trapped in some sort of whirlpool. She was sirling around the rim of the dark cyclone. The gravity of the dark entity prevented her from breaking free; and as she drew closer to the center of the swirling entity, all life drained from her.

The force of the entity’s core as it her inside caused Horuna to lose consciousness. Darkness consumed her allowing the shadow of death to grow closer to her.


“I can’t believe it. For the first time in history of this tournament, both fighters have completely disappeared from the ring. Only some strange black mist remains.” Koto announced, moving closer to the ring. She inched closer, but was stopped before she could go too far.

“If you treasure your life, stay where you are. That mist will affect anyone who touches it.” The leader of Team Kazeki did not turn to face Koto as she extended her cloaked arm, obstructing her path.

Koto removed her microphone from and placed it at her side, as she fell back down onto the floor and stared at the ring in fear. She only agreed to moderate the exhibition match because she tought it would be easier than the other tournament matches. How wrong that thought was…

With each passing of the rounds of this match, Koto found herself in a position of life or death. It was not fair. She always gor caught up in these situations. She wanted to see a spectacle of blood and gore, not to be a part of one.


“Hang in there. You will be all right. I will take care of you.”

Horuna heard a soft voice of a young girl as she felt her body flung over a broad surface and her arms flung around a warm pole for support. Her body was too weak to move, and she could barely breathe or open her eyes; however, she felt her body being transported by some other means.

“I can’t believe they did this to you, a child. It’s not right.”

Horuna heard the girl’s voice tense as she felt movement underneath her body, then the sound of a door opening and closing before Horuna felt her body being placed gently on the soft surface. Silence fell upon the space for a few moments until she felt the gentle touch of someone’s hands upon her face, arms and legs. Fear did not overcome her because their toucah was not of ill intent, but one of care.

Weakness from pain caused by a mysterious source made it difficult to move; but the touch of her mysterious caregiver provided her with the strength to open her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she almost passed out from shock and exuberance from the vision bandaging her arm. A beautiful girl, who was older than Horuna, sat at her side. Her eyes focused on Horuna’s bruised limbs. An air of grace and empathy emanated from her. Her long turquoise hair was pulled into a loose bun as her ruby eyes scanned the battered body of the pathetic creature in her delicate possession.

Horuna was frozen in shock and disbelief of the beautiful girl beside her. She watched her many times before when she ventured into the valley to pick herbs; but she never thought she would ever interact with her. She longed for such a moment, but she was forbidden to do so, even though they were related by blood.

“Yukina…” The overwhelming emotion caused her to call the girl’s name.

The girl stopped what she was doing and turned to face Horuna in surprise. “You know my name?”

Horuna embarrassed by this spontaneous outburst averted her gaze and nodded slightly.

“I’ve heard the other villagers speak your name while you were picking herbs in the valley. I am sorry. I should not have spoken your name without your permission.”

Horuna withdrew in fear of being stricken in anger by her blunder; but to her surprise, no suchthing happened. In contrary, she felt Yukina’s delicate hand rest on top of her head and her soft voice respond in a very gentle manner.

“There’s no need to fear me. I will not hurt you. You can speak my name whenever you want. But I fear I’m now at a disadvantage, because I do not know your name.”

The gentleness of Yukina’s words and touch encouraged Horuna to open her eyes once more and meet Yukina’s caring gaze. The sight of Yukina’s gentle smile caught Horuna off guard. Knowing nothing but hatred and despair, she never witnessed such a beautiful thing as kindess from someone else towards her.

“My name is Hi…” Horuna bit back her words before continuing to answer Yukina. “Horuna… My name is Horuna.”

“Horuna… That’s a very beautiful name given to a very pretty girl.” Yukina smiled softly. Her hands stopped rubbing her head to continue attending her wounds. “I can’t believe how cruel those kids were to you. It’s unforgivable to treat someone this way.”

“It’s my fault. I knew better than to look directly at them. I deserved this.”

“You are wrong!” Yukina snapped, startling Horuna by her reaction. “No one deserves to be treated this way! This is an act of cruelty!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Horuna recoiled underneath the covers on the bed in fear.

Noticing Horuna’s startled reaction, Yukina softened her demeanor and gently placed her hand on top of Horuna’s head in comforting manner. “I’m sorry for startling you, Horuna. I did not mean to. The way they treat you bothers me.”

“I’m grateful for your kindness. But why are you treating me this? Everyone believes I am a monster. Don’t you feel the same?”

The smile from Yukina’s porcelain visage faded and quickly transformed into a scowl of annoyance. Strangely, it was not directed towards Horuna, but towards another source.

“No. You are not a monster. Everyone is wrong. You are different from everyone else, but that does not make you a monster. It makes you unique. They should not harm you, because they do not understand you and do not understand how special you really are.” Yukina let out a soft sigh as she recalled on her subconscious memories. She turned to face Horuna and smiled gently as she continued. “To tell you the truth, I’ve always longed to speak with you, play with you, and hopefully one day become your friend.”

“Me… special… friend… why?” Horuna’s eyes grew in shock.

“You are special and strong. I admire that about you.”

“Strong?... I think you are mistaken. I’m not strong. If I was strong, then I wouldn’t be in this predicament. I’m weak. That’s why I can’t fight back when the villagers beat me.”

“You’re wrong. You are very strong. Your strength doesn’t come from your ability to fight back, but from your ability to endure and not let this cruelty taint your pure heart.” Yukina cupped Horuna’s hand in her hands. “Regardless of how they treat you, you still remain so gentle, respectful and kind. Even though you try to conceal it, I know you long to be loved and treated with care and kindness. I admire that hope and desire you harbor.”

Horuna stared at Yukina frozen in shock and disbelief. She spent many nights dreaming of her first encounter with her sister. She dreamed of everything they would say to one another and do together. However, never did her fantastical conversations include her older sister expressing admiration for Horuna. Yukina’s words touched Horuna’s heart, but her kindness overwhelmed her entire being. Years of isolation loneliness and so much unkindness had become the norm in Horuna’s life. She did not know how to react to something she never encountered.

She felt an instantaneous flush of heat overcome her as the reality of the emotion behind her words became known to her.

“Thank you for your kind words. But I’m not as great as you are painting me. I’m just a coward. My fear is why I deal with the way the others are treating me. What else can I do, I’m weak.”

Horuna averted her gaze as sadness overcame her. The moment she turned from Yukina, she felt her body become esnared in Yukina’s arms.

“Horuna, please don’t think that way. I know it’s hard not to think that way, because of the villagers abhorred actions. But you have to have faith in yourself and your own strength.”

Hot tears started to flow down Horuna’s cheeks the moment her body touched Yukina’s.

“You don’t know me. How can you have so much faith in me?”

Yukina released Horuna from her embrace, but her hands kept Horuna’s arms in a gentle hold. Her gaze softened as she observed the crying girl in her arms and a soothing smile crossed her lips.

“I’m afraid I don’t have a reason. There is just something about you I am drawn to. I feel a deep connection to you that I do not understand. However, this connection is one reason I believe in you and want to help you recognize your own beauty and strength as your friend.”

Horuna’s tears multiplied in response to Yukina’s proclamation. She brought her hands to her face and wiped away the increasing tears falling down her cheeks. The gesture caused her sister to gently wipe her cheeks with the sleeve of her kimono.

“Please don’t cry anymore, Horu-chan. Now, that I am here at your side, do not cry any more. Be strong for me.”


Yukina’s words resonated in Horuna’s mind. The scene dissipated, abandoning her in a blindingly bright space. The light from the area was too bright for Horuna to open her eyes and its intensity irritated her eyelids.

Luckily, the brightness faded, and her sight was no longer impaired. Before Horuna could open her eyes, she focused on a muffled noise sounding in the distance. The sound was soft at first, but it rapidly grew in volume.

“I can’t believe my eyes, but it seems the fire apparition girl, Horuna, broke free of Ranya’s attack! Amazing! I guess there was more spunk in that little girl than I gave her credit for!”

The sound of Koto’s announcement rang violently in Horuna’s ears, causing her to cover them in irritation and force her eyes open. When she regained her sight, she scanned her surroundings to verify her whereabouts. And just as Koto’s voice hinted, Horuna returned to the arena from that weird cognitive world.

The sound of the crowds’ gruff shouts and cheers shattered what remained of the silence. Horuna lowered her hands and peered over her shoulder, where her friends stood. And the various looks of relief and happiness on their faces further confirmed her suspicions. Somehow, she broke out of that strange world and returned to her friends.

After regaining her bearings, she scoured the ring for her opponent. The dark mist that once held her captive had dispersed and revealed her adversary weak upon the opposite side of the ring. Ranya was collapsed on her knee, desperately trying to force herself to her feet. But her energy was completely drained.

Seeing her adversary in this weakened state, reignited the rage she had for Ranya. Without hesitation, she created a flurry of Phoenix Bombs around Ranya. And before her opponent realized what was going on, she detonated the bombs, causing a massive shockwave that shook the area.


The intensity of Horuna’s attack shook Ranya to her core. With little to no energy left, Ranya could not shield herself from Horuna’s attack. An excruciating pain seized Ranya’s body immediately after Horuna’s attack detonated, paralyzing her and causing her to collapse in agony on the ring floor. Once the smokecleared and her mangled body was visible to the blood thirsty spectators, her agonizing cries were drowned out by cheers and jeers.

“I can’t believe it. Horuna has brought Ranya to her knees in defeat. The painful cries of Horuna’s mysterious adversary is confirmation that the victor of this match is decided. But according to official tournament rules, I must commence a countdown. If Ranya stays down by the count of ten, then Horuna will win and this round will be over.”

Koto stood at her spot on the side of the ring. She raised her hand and dropped it rapidly, signaling the start of the countdown.

“One… Two… Three… Four…”

The sound of Koto commencing the countdown rang in Horuna’s ears. She wanted this match to end, but she wasn’t done with her adversary yet. There was a few things she wanted to know before the end of the match.

“We aren’t done yet.” Horuna’s voice echoed through the stadium as a powerful force emanated from her body and consumed the ring. The shockwave sent weaker apparitions, including Koto, flying away from the center of the force. When the shock faded, the ring was consumed by a strange opague shield.


After being berated by a mysterious force, Ranya tried to overcome her pain to get a bearing of her surroundings. When she opened her eyes, she witnessed something frighteningly extraordinary. She was exiled from the outside world by a strnage swirling barrier. It did not take her long to identify the type of barrier when she analyzed the spirit energy that made it up.

“Well… Well… Well… It seems you are more skilled than I gave you credit for.” Ranya smirked as she grasped her painful limbs and focused on her captor. “So how did a girl like you learn a powerful psychic trick like this?”

“You are in no position to ask me any questions. You are going to answer my questions.” Horuna glared at her prey.

“Hmmm… I see… You believe that my current predicament will sway me to answer your inquiries. Hahaha!” Ranya bursted into a loud roaring laughter filled with amusement and defiance. “Try as you might but I will never tell you what you want to know! Go ahead and kill me!”

Instead of reacting in anger, a small smirk of satisfaction crossed Horuna’s lips. Then she trained her ruby eyes on Ranya. Their gaze emanated a look of dark amusement and fire.

“I hoped you’d say that. I know many ways to force you to tell me what I need to know. Be prepared to find out what real pain is.”


After Horuna raised a barrier around the ring, Kimika started to become berated with a set of strong emotions of hatred, anger, and vengeance. The emotions were so powerful that it overwhelmed her by their intense presence. She never felt such a powerful force of emotions that crippled her like this. And with the barrier blocking Horuna and Ranya from the world, she could now pinpoint the source of these emotions.

She grasped her heart as she tried to sort through these new emotions. She glanced upward across the arena where the Leader of Team Kazeki stood. The being was cloaked and shielded from the world; but it was clear the moment she focused on them that the strong emotions were emanating from the leader. The mysterious figure had such a powerful presence that just by looking at the crippled Kimika.

Kimika’s strange behavior was immediately noticed by Makoto, who placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder in concern.

“Kimika’s what’s wrong?”

“These emotions I’m sensing from the leader of the opposing team are too strong. My body cannot handle it for much longer.”

Makoto wrapped her arm around Kimika for support.

“How are you able to sense their emotions without physical contact?” Hiei asked.

Kimika shrugged, “I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve had this experience.”

“Emotions? What type of emotions are overwhelming you?”

“Are their emotions centered around a specific source?” Kurama questioned, wrapping his arm around his sister to help Makoto support her as Kimika started to sway in pain.

Kimika nodded weakly. “Yes. They are directed towards one of us.”


Agony rippled through Ranya, preventing her from moving or trying to escape her tormentor. She was unaware of how much time passed since she was subjected to this dark torture; but what she did know was that her defiant will had disappeared. Agonizing pain was all she could look forward to now was her demise.

She shivered in terror as she waited for her torment to continue. Despair seized her as her agony intensified at the thought of what was to come. If she wanted the pain to stop, there was only one thing she could do. She had to give her captor what she wanted if she wanted the pain to end.

“Stop please… I will tell you what you want to know.”

Horuna dropped her hand and smiled the moment she heard her opponent’s concession.

“Good. You made a wise choice. Now, tell me what was your purpose for hypnotizing Kimika and fighting in this match.”

Ranya’s lips curled in response to Horuna’s question. “I was hired to destroy everyone Makoto holds dear. My master knew of my ability and believed that I could manipulate the match, so Makoto would unwittingly kill Kimika. My match with you was not anticipated.”

“Why would your master want that? What do they have against Makoto?”

“I don’t know.”

Horuna could tell by looking at Ranya that she was telling her the truth. “Who is your master?”

A moment of silence fell upon Ranya, as she contemplated the gravity of Horuna’s question. She clenched her teeth, tensing her jaw in a last attempt to withhold the truth from her captor. However, the memory of the pain from her torture swayed her defiance. She refused to endure the same pain; she had no other choice but reveal the entire truth.

The moment Ranya moved her lips an intense force knocked Horuna across the ring, while a large tower of rapidly cirling winds consumed Ranya. Horuna quickly regained her bearings and looked where her captive once was. Only a massive cyclone remained in her place.

It swirled faster and faster growing smaller by each passing second, compressing everything inside. Within seconds, the fate of Ranya was confirmed when a blood-curdling scream filled the air.

The agonizing scream shook Horuna shook her to the core in terror. It was impossible for anyone to break her barrier. It was strong enough to withstand any attack by high-class apparitions. But somehow her most powerful psychic attack was shattered like glass.

She searched the area in terror, petrified by the new twist of events. The only one who might have the power to destry it was Makoto, but even that was doubtful. She had no reason to interfer. So, who could have broken it?


“Well, it seems Ranya overstayed her welcome and was about to ruin the surprise.” The leader of Team Kazeki turned towards Horuna. Her voice was soft and enchanting, but it boomed with an air of authoriy and caution.

Horuna shook in terror at the leader’s response. It was clear that somehow the leader of Team Kazeki knew about the going-ons within her barrier. But how? Who was the strange woman underneath that hood?

The leader of Team Kazeki did not wait for a response. Instead, she turned to Koto.

“Koto! Hurry and call the match! Ranya’s dead which makes Horuna the winner. I have waited too long for the final round to begin.”

She turned from the announcer girl and glared across the ring at her future adversary. A smirk crossed her small shadow-covered lips when her eyes met Makoto’s. Dark pleasure seized her as she addressed the core of her vengeful desires.

“Finally, a match worth my interest. I will finally show Makoto what true desire is.”


Makoto did not realize that she was the center of the leader of Team Kazeki’s gaze. She was too preoccupied by the sound of their voice. The way they spoke and the tone of their voice were strangely familiar. The sound of it seemed to trigger various parts of her past memory. And if her concerns were correct, then the strange feelings Kimika sensed before could only be directed towards her.


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