Hidden Talents


Twelve unique boys, each with different styles and abilities. The twelve of them think they know who they are, but they're mistaken. Each one of them possesses a Hidden Talent. It's been said in prophecies that the twelve of them are to unite together and fight off the darkness lurking around every corner. The only thing stopping them is a single problem. the twelve boys hate each other, thus the twelve spilt into two groups. EXO-K and EXO-M. 


Teleportation belongs to EXO-K

Flame belongs to EXO-K

Water belongs to EXO-K

Telekinesis belongs to EXO-M

Flight belongs to EXO-M

Healing belongs to EXO-M

Earth belongs to EXO-K

Light belongs to EXO-K

Wind belongs to EXO-K

Time Control belongs to EXO-M

Lightning belongs to EXO-M

Frost belongs to EXO-M

Darkness lurks around every corner

What'll happen if these boys don't put their hatred aside before the darkness comes? The world will be in complete chaos if these twelve cannot learn to get along.

I feel like ChanYeol's Discovery coooould've been a bit better... But It's all I could think of. >.< Sorry if it's not very good. DX


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