Chapter 5

Deaths World



"Oh!! I see you came back!! But where's my babe?!" Jay said, disappointment and fury could be heard in his tone voice, his eyes staring at Kris and Tao. "Didn't I say to only come back when you've found her?!" He raised his voice. The 2 boys gulped nervously and looked at each other, trying to find the right words say.

"Well Master, we already found her!" Tao said cautiously.

"However!"Kris continued. "W-we had to take het to the druids first..."

"Why the hell did you take her there?! She's mine!! Not theirs!! What are they, lesbians?" His eyes widened. "GET HER OUT OF THERE!!" He panicked.

"I advise you to wait until they cure her..." Tao spoke.

"What do you mean cure her?!! GET HER OUT!!" The King shouted, afraid that the druids would steal his princess.

"Well... She's kind of injured and ugly..." Tao murmured the last word but the King's perfect hears got that.


"OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!! I'M PERFECT OKAY?!" He yelled while crossing his arms. "Kris!! Tell him I'm perfect!!" He demanded and Kris could only roll his eyes with a sigh, making Tao gasp, clearly offended. They were really lucky to be good friends with the King, otherwise Tao would be already dead meat.

"The Djins were having some fun... And by accident they catch your queen master..." Kris softly said.

"WHAT?!" His eyes widened and soon a huge angry and deathly aura grew around him.

"She'll be fine thought! The druids probably have already healed her." Tao quickly added.

"Those ing bastards!! How dare they touch what's MINE?!!!" He said coldly.

"They didn't knew Master...You should be-"

"Jay!! The druids are here, as well as the Djins. For some reason they want to talk to you urgently." Rain announced and the King's eyes started burning with anger. "Do you wan them to wait...?" He continued.

"Let them In! All!!" He growled. As soon as Rain opened the door, letting the boys and his princess enter the room, Jay quickly run towards them and grabbed the first guy he saw. He reached for the guy's collar and threw him to the other side of the big room. The others widened their eyes and throw themselves onto the ground, asking for mercy. On the other side, the girl was holding her screams inside as she watched everything around her. The druids had told her not to scream nor try to attack anyone as that would only cause problems towards her. Jay reached for Minhyun's collar and rose him up from the ground, only to slam his backs against the wall harshly. "YOU!!" He looked straight into the others eyes. "ARE YOU SCARE OF DEATH?!" The other slowly nodded and a smirk grew wide on Jay's lips. "Then let's make it the most painful possible!" He pulled him and started walking towards the other side of the room. His eyes meet with his princess and he stopped walking. "Was this guy who hurt you?!" He asked the calmest possible, trying hard not to scare her. The girl looked around and saw all the gazes on her, including Ren's widened eyes. He shocked his head, beggin her for her silence. She then looked back towards Jay, unsure of what to say. For some reason she didn't felt scared but still she cautiously walked towards the King.

"It-It wasn't him..." She said calmly, making Jay's heart beat fast. He shocked his head to clear his thought and quickly ignored his heart beat when he heard Ren's deep breaths and gasps. He threw Minhyun onto the ground and reached for Ren. This one started to beg for mercy. "Wh-What are you going to do with him?" She asked softly when she saw her future boyfriend/husband walking towards a big door at the end of the room.

"Ammit must be hungry by now..." He said while looking towards the rest of the Djins, lying on the ground." As for this guy... We're going to play a game!" A smirk grew on his lips. She wasn't supid enough to not understand what was going on and she kind of felt safe and thankful. After all if it wasn't for the King, she would probably be death by now and so, the guys who punished her, should be equally punished.

"Ahm..." She said when he was about to leave, catching his attention again. "C-Can I choose their punishment?" She blurted and Jay's jaw dropped, butterflies flying inside his stomach.

"Y-You want to?!" He said surprised and she nodded her head softly, the corner of going up, forming a sweet smile. Jay felt his heat stop right there. "O-O-Okay..." He said, trying to recompose himself again. "What do you want to do with them?"

"And~~ Done!!" She smiled widely at Jay and he almost fainted. In front of her were the Djins, all of them locked by chains and each one of them had a huge bottle of acid above their head. Drop by drop, just like they did to her, the liquid would meet with their bodies and they would whine in pain. This wasn't anything that Jay had thought, but since it was an offer from his lovely princess, he just couldn't refuse and smiled softly at her. "After their skin and meat is gone, let those girls cure them... After that, let's repeat the process!" She informed and Jay couln't help but just smile widely and even a tear could be seen at the corner of his eyes. Even thought she's been here for less than 24 hours, she was already torturing people like the good queen she's supposed to be. Jay was feeling really proud with his choice and just kept his devilish grin. She was just the perfect girl for him


I yawned before blinking my eyes. Looking at my arms, I could see them tied up on the bed, just like my feet. "Perfect!!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Why the hell did I trust that guy?!!" I scolded myself as I remember them injecting some kind of liquid onto my arm, making me black out. As I look around, there was nothing more in that small room than just the bed I where laid. The walls were tainted in an agonizing white and not even a single window was in that room. I sighed in frustration, afraid of being stuck in here for the rest of my life. What stupid mistake I've made! If I could punch my head right now, I would be already doing it. I kept scolding myself until a knock on the door was heard. My eyes quickly diverted towards the noise and I waited for someone to come in. 

"Hello, My name Is Yongguk. I'll be taking care of you while you're staying here, Miss... ____. "He said looking through some papers of a file that he was carrying."I'll be taking your blood now for analyzes!" He continued, placing the plastic file on top of my bed. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle..." My eyes widened when he suddenly looked at me. He was also a little startled, but a smirk grew wide right after. "Oh~ Nice to meet you again... Never thought of seeing you here, in the crazy alla..." He chuckled and I gulped.

"Get Out!" I groaned but he kept chuckling, walking towards me. "I SAID GET OUT!!" I snapped, trying my best to ignore the fear that was getting over me. 

"Or what?!" He paused right beside me, a smirk on his lips.
"I-I..." I looked around, trying to search for an option when I remembered I couldn’t even move. "I'll call someone!! I'll say you tried to kill me!!" I threatened and he laughed heartily.

"Do you think they'll believe in you?!" He said coldly and I gulped. *Damn it!* "You're the crazy one here..."

"I'm not crazy!" I blurted out and he nodded. "And stay away from me!!"

"Sure..." He ignored me and reached for the pocket of his uniform and took a syringe, the smirking never leaving his face. "I don't actually understand why you don't want me here..." He continued.

"Y-You and those guys in the movie theatre where talking about...about..." I gulped. "You were talking about eating p-people!" I breathe.

"Looks like someone loves to hear others conversation..." He chuckled. 

"It wasn't on purpose!" I defended myself.

"And that's why you want me out? Are you perhaps afraid of me eating you?!" He smirked and I shivered with his words.


"Me and the guys, for your information, we don't eat people! So now that you don't have any reasons to try 'kick me out' just relax and let me take that blood!"

"WAIT!" I sighed. "You want my blood for analyzes, but I'm really not crazy!!" I protested, suddenly remembering an Idea. "So...You don't need to take my blood." 

"Oh~~ believe me...I really need him!" He grinned devilishly.

"No!! Y-You believe me right? You have to!!" I insisted.

" '____ Claims that her friend was kidnapped and she almost died when someone tortured her by taking the air off her lungs and filling it right after a few seconds' Oh yeah... I totally believe that you've gone insane!" My eyes widened as he stuck the needle right in the middle of my arm, losing his patience, and finally pulling out my blood.

"P-Please!! It really is true!! Just like your eyes!!" He suddenly looked at me. "I-I thought I was hallucinating but it was true!! You're eyes were red!! And you knew it!!" 

"Maybe..." He smirked.

"So... You're one of them?! Just please t-"

"DON'T!! Don't even compare those ties with me!" He said in a deathly tone voice.

"SO IT IS TRUE!!" I sighed. * Thank god!! I didn't lose my brain after all!*

"It is... and now that you know too much, I've to kill you!" The smirk came back and I gasped.

"Wait! No!! I won't tell anyone!! As you can see... It doesn't work that well for me!" He chuckled and kept filling the tubes without saying a word. "S-So... What are you?" He gave me a glare. "What?! If I'm going to die... There's no problem right?" I raised an eyebrow and he just scoffed. He opened his mouth and for a split of seconds I thought I left him speechless. That was until I saw the two huge and sharp fangs that started to grow out of his mouth. "N-No way!!" My eyes widened and I froze on my spot, even thought I was tied to the bed... He only gave me a smirk that for some reason was kind of attractive. *What the hell?! This is not the time!!* He finally stopped taking blood and put everything inside his pocket. The fangs were still visible. "A-Are you going to... Drink it?!" I asked in disgust. 

"Me?! Tks... Your blood !! I literally wouldn't it out of you!" He was the one giving me the look of disgust now.

"Hey!!" I said feeling offended. "It’s not like it’s my fault!" I protested. "And can you please put those back to where they came from?!" I said, referring to his fangs. "I mean... you said you're not going to drink my blood so..."

"So... I can still kill you with these..." He informed and I gulped. He then reached for the file that was still placed on top of the bed and started walking towards the door.

"WAIT!" I called. "Aren't you going to kill me...?"I raised an eyebrow. I had no idea of why the hell I was talking this way. Maybe because I was starting to feel comfortable, which is crazy since I'm next to a monster like him. But then again I remember how my sister always talks about the supernatural and how she loves it. Now I regretted not listening to her when she talked about those creatures, in this case the vampires.*Damn it *

"You're really trying to push my buttons, aren't you?" He said coldly and opened the door.

"Just please, let me out of here! Please, help me!!" I begged softly but he just ignored and walked out of my room.

"So... You want help, huh?" I heard a voice coming from my right side. My head quickly snapped towards it but I saw nothing.

"W-Who are you?" I asked anxiously.


"Excuse me miss... You've a visitor!" A nurse interrupted as she barged in the room. I looked around the room for the last time, trying the find the owner of the voice, before looking at my visitor. My eyes widened.

"You're going to help me?!"


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Chapter 4: wow ~ your story is preety good and keep up the good work - Yuki
tinitammyliano #2
Chapter 2: Oh my god cqn believe that jay park is a king!!! I love himmm pls update soon!!