Chapter 4

Deaths World

 Sorry for the mistakes!


"Guys look! We brought two more!!" Minhyun said cheerfully.

"Good! Now each one of us has one person to play with!" Aron grinned. They were in a dark alley with 5 humans, these ones were terrified as they were being held by a person they couldn't quite see and had no ideia of what was going to happen.

"P-Please!! Please don't me!!" One girl bursted into tears.

"What?! Eww gross, no! Never!" Baekho said, preventing himself from puking.

"OH.MY.GOD! Look at this girl's skin! It's awfull!! How can you walk around on the streets like that?! It's disgusting!!" Ren commented.

"Ahm... I... I'll call for an apointment and get a treatment then!" The girl said, totally confused.

"What?! Are you joking?! That is expensive as hell!! Don't worry, your friend Ren is here for you!! I'll make sure you won't walk around with that skin anymore!" He grinned devilishly.

"I-It's okay! Don't worry!" The girl replied, afraid of what could happen.

"W-What are you monsters going to do with us?!" The first girl said, fear written all over her face.

"Oh you'll see, don't worry!" Jr said with a cute pout. "Or should I say feel...?" He laughed. And so, with everyone having a person speacially for themselves, the sweet and lovely torture started. Jr started breaking his victim's arms slowly and painfully, repeatedly. As he broke the person's arm, he continuasly would dig through the flesh, from the inside with the broken bone, until this one sticked out. The victim screamed and begged for his mercy but he would just laugh. With the girl 'singing' at his hear, seeing the blood flowing faster and faster, and the exposed bone, needless to say JR kept torturing her as those facts would only make him more excited. Baekho was digging his claws into his victim's flesh slowly and, pulling it out even slower, he took a big amount of flesh from the guy's arm. As he was doing that, he tore the flesh apart, living an open and huge wound where you could see the victim's bones showing, as well as lots of blood. Just like JR's victim, his was screaming and begging for him to stop, but he didn't even flich a tiny bit. Aron was creating illusions in his victim's head. The illusions he created included his victim's worst nightmares and, with all the messing and damage he was causing, blood started to flow out of the victim's eyes, nose and ears. The person almost chocked on her own blood and was about to faint when Aron stopped. He didn't want his victim to faint, not at all! He loved seeing the person suffer right in front of his eyes, begging, crying and screaming. Since Minhyun had the ability of controlling the air, he took his victim's air from her lungs slowly, enjoying the way she was struggling to breathe and failing miserably. Just when she was about to pass out, he gave her lots and lots of air just to see her suffering even more as he knew the damages he was causing to her lungs.

"There there..." He patted her head. "Breath... Just breath while you can, cause I'm about to take your air again!" He smirked and started repeating the process. Then finally, there was Ren. He had a bottle with acid on his hands. Reaching for the girl's arm, he started pouring the liquid onto her skin, drop by drop. Knowing that at least the girl would have third degree burns, he was smilling widely while humming a song that only he could hear, a music he imagined just by hearing the girl's screams and also for being able to destroy the awful skin she has. I shaked my arms vigorously and locked my hands around my neck. *Make him stop please!!* Tears runned down on my face as a sudden huge amount of air filled my lugs once again. I couldn't even hold myself anymore and just fell flately onto the hard ground.

"P-please...S-stop..." I begged but it was uselless has he went for another round, enjoying my breathless figure. Looking towards my bestfriend, burns could be seen all over her face, arms and legs. At that time, more tears left my eyes sencing this was all my fault.




"Yah!!! I don't want to go alone!! Pleaseee Unnieee pewise!!!" I used my aegyo and she just sighed.

"Fine..." I jumped cheerfully and hugged her.

"By the way... We're walking until there." I said quickly.

"What?! Yah no way!! I'm too tired for that!!" She complained.

"Come On!!! It's such a nice day outside!!" I gave her some puppy eyes.

"No!!" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Yah!! Stop it! I said no!!" She complained when I was still doing my puppy face. "Aish...Why am I even friend's with you!!" She sighed and nodded her head, making a huge grin appear on my face.

"Muahahaha! I won!! " I cheared. "Now let's go!!" I holded her wrist and ran out of the house, pulling her with me.


End of flashback


*Why was I stubborn?!* I cried. *Now because of it, we're both going to die here! It should be only me suffering*

"Yah!! What the hell are you doing?!" A voice ecoed through the alley. Three tall figures could be seen as they started getting closer and closer, and for some moments, the group of guys took a little break on their tortures.

"Hey Bro! Wassup?!" JR shocked hands with Sehun, but this one gave him a cold stare.

"Is there something wrong?!" Ren came closer.

"Let's just say you guys are pretty much ed!" Kris said amused.

"What do you mean?! Aren't we friends?!"Aron joyned the conversation.

"We're not the ones whom you should be worried now..." Tao said. " You see... We came with a mission, so all os us split into groups of 3 and started working..." He explained.

"Oh! I see... You need our help!! No problem dude! Who do you need to find?" Baekho said.

"We're looking for the future queen of hell..." Sehun informed.

"What?! Really?! So he's finally getting a wife!! Well it's about time..." Ren laughed.

"The thing is...that girl, It's his wifey!" Sehun continued, pointing at the girl and the eyes of the djin's grew widely.

"W-what?!" Minhyun stumbled nervously. "T-That's impossible!! No way!!" He continued.

"You wish... " Tao chuckled.

"I suggest you to appologize to your future queen and Jay!! If you want to live of course..." Kris said with a raised eyebrow. The djins quickly ran towards the girls figure, that was layed down on the ground, and appologized unsure if she was even conscient.

"Can we talk to Jay right now?!" Aron asked worried.

"I don't know! Do I look like Rain or something?!" Tao rolled his eyes and after a few minutes the djins decided to leave the place and talk to the King, leaving their victim's behind. I took a big breath has the guys finally left but, unfortunatly, there were still 3 scarying dudes right next to me.

"I'm going to tell the others we already found her... Take her to the druids and see what they could do, If the boss sees her like this, he might blame us." One of them said.

"You mean blame you!! You're the one who always has to buy bubble tea!!"

"Whatever!!" He replied. "You just jealous of my perfect figure!! The figure that doesn't get fat no matter how many bubble teas I drink!!" He continued and left. My eyes widened when I saw the remaining two men crouching down, holding a body on their hands.

"W-What are you doing?!" My voice came out rusty and sore. "Please don't hurt her!!" They looked at me with a raised eyebrow before walking towards me.

"Look, this girl has things to do..." One murmured. His voice sounding both dark and mysterious."And you... Oh Honey...You saw too much already!!So just consider yourself lucky because we have no time to deal with you!" With that, they walk off, carrying my bff body on their shoulders. I forced myself up and, stumbling over my foot, I walked the fastest I could in order to find them. But unfortunatly, by the time I reached the end of the alley, they were no where to be seen. I stayed in my place for a few minutes, unsure of what to do, and finally decided to go to the police station.


"You got to help me!!" Was the first thing it came out when I reached the police station.

"Yes M'am thats what I'm here for! What can I help you exactly?"

"My friend!!! She was tortured and kidnapped!! You've to find her please!!" I said desperatly.

"Can you describe the man's or woman's who took her?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It was too dark, and I was still trying to recover from their torture..." I rubbed my head, trying to decode the men's faces.

"So you were also tortured?!" He said, recording all of our conversation on his computer.

"Yes!! The guy took the air from my lungs and then would filled them up again an..."

"Wait!! Did I heard it right?! He took the air from you lugs?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yes!! But that's not important!! You need to find her!! Please, she's in danger!!"

"Of course Miss... I'm going to call my partners so we can start searching as soon as possible. Please take a seat." He pointed towards the bench and I sat down nervously. *You did the right thing!!* A few minutes had passed and in a blink of eyes, two police men, locked my hands behind my back and started pulling me out of the police station.

"Wait!!! What's going on?!! Where are you taking me?!! Help mee!!!" I called the guy whom I had talked to.

"She's probably allucinating or has a real mental desease... Just put her in the hospital and tell them to contact the family." I heard him saying and my eyes widened.

"NO!! PLEASEE!!! I'M NOT CRAZY!!! YOU'VE TO BELIEVE ME!!!" The two officers pushed me inside the car and locked the door. That's when it hit me. *Aish!!! Who the hell would believe me?!! Not even I can totally accept what just happened!!* I sighed and lowered my head. I decide to colaborate in order to not make things worse then they already were, while they carried me towards the hospital. *What am I going to do now?!!* I sighed in frustration.


Meanwhile In Hell


"Oh!! I see you came back!! But where's my babe?!" Jay said, disapointment and fury could be heard in his tone voice, his eyes staring at Kris and Tao.

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Chapter 4: wow ~ your story is preety good and keep up the good work - Yuki
tinitammyliano #2
Chapter 2: Oh my god cqn believe that jay park is a king!!! I love himmm pls update soon!!