No name, no heart






Hyemi's POV:

Is it me or is there tension between Duho and Kwangmin? It can't be right, considering how well I get along with the two of them and how nicely they I find myself lost inthought, frowning as I realise that they both might have been TOO polite. It was almost formal how the two of them addressed each other. Almost...too tense...a bit scary...

"Hyemi?" Kwangmin calls out to me, tapping my arm gently. I grin at him, somewhat puzzled and he sighs. "You didn't hear me right? Boss wants all 'the girls' to go for a rehearsal. You lot are going to debut soon remember?"

I nod, understanding what he meant. We were outside in the courtyard, alone since the rest of Boyfriend had left to go for a quick game of football. After Duho had left, Kwangmin had gone silent again, almost as though he was lost in thought. It took him a while before he started talking again, his smiles weak and distracted.

"Yeah...well, I should get going then," I say, standing up and brushing myself down. I needed to look acceptable if the other members of Angel Wings were going to appreciate me being their lead dancer and one of the main singers. If I didn't act the part, I definitely won't feel the part. Kwangmin stares at me, an awkward smile plastered onto his face.

"Uh...yeah, you should," he mutters, looking away from me, unable to meet my eyes.

"Kwangmin..." I say his name, frowning. I've never been a fan of awkward moments and I've never been a fan of awkward moments which have practically no justification. "What's wrong?"

He's silent for a moment or two, avoiding acknowledging my existence and presence. With a sigh, I turn away, disappointed by the person I'd hoped would be my 'first friend' here. Suddenly, as I am walking away, I feel his hand wrap around my wrist as he whispers in my ear.

"One: you don't know your way around here, two: I do, three..." he hesitates, squeezing my wrist gently as he takes a deep breath. "Three...are you a hundred percent sure that Duho isn't romantically involved with you?"

Oh my... I find myself grinning at the thought. How funny.

"What?" I look at Kwangmin, smirking slightly as I murmur in a sing-song voice. "You jealous?!" 

"NO WAY!!" He yells, his cheeks flushed. "It's just...he acts's the word?"

"Oh, protective?"

"Yeah," he agrees, nodding. "He just hides it behind the whole easy-going appearance, right? Easy-going my ..."

"KWANGMIN!!" I burst out laughing with a gasp. Blushing lightly, he scratches the back of his neck, apologising. "It's fine. Really, it is. I just never expected that to come out of your mouth."

"It's not funny...seriously..." Kwangmin mutters, as he starts leading me by the hand. "Stop laughing..."

"Oh please," I giggle. "Say no more!! Whatever you say is practically killing me!!"

At this, he laughs as we turn yet another corner. Will I EVER get used to this huge place?!

"'re just laughing too much," he grins, facing me slightly as we start walking. "As soon as you stop laughing both our problems will be solved!"

"Yeah, right!" I roll my eyes and he chuckles, staring at me as we walk towards the closed door. Uh-oh... "Uh, Kwangmin?"

"Hmm? Yeah, what?"

" might want to take a quick look..."

"Eh? At what?"

Oh no...


"EH?!" Just as he turns around, he walks straight into the door with a loud bang as I am squished against his back, accidentally pulling him with me to the floor. He lands on top of me and I feel the air rush out of my lungs with a soft 'oof'. There is a long silence as he stares down at me. And then, he opens his mouth.

Kwangmin's POV:

"So...wanna tell me why this wasn't foreseen by the person staring up front?" I mutter, resisting the urge to massage my throbbing forehead. Hyemi looks shocked as she looks up at me before she touches my forehead gently, startling me. "H-hey! What are you doing?!"

"Mm...I wasn't watching where we were going..." she mutters, rubbing the ache away. It felt good. Really good. "I was talking to you remember? And when I did try to tell you, I didn't really manage to get my point across very well." She smiles awkwardly and taps my cheek. "Sorry?"

"Uh..." I say stupidly, my ability to think taken away while she was rubbing away the throbbing pain in my forehead. "'s okay...I guess."

"KWANGMIN? WHERE ARE YOU?!" Youngmin calls from the door. The door that we just bashed into. Hyemi looks at me, panicking slightly and we both struggle to get up as the door opens. Just as my brother walks out, we both fall over , ending up in the misleading position again. My brother's eyes widen again and he stares at Hyemi's flushed face before smirking at me. "Wow, Kwangmin. Going 'all the way' are we?!"

"NO WE'RE NOT!!" I get up, pulling Hyemi up with me before gently pulling away to a safer, less-misguiding, less-strange distance. "We just bashed into the door."

"And my mother's name is GOD!!" Youngmin chuckles, winking at Hyemi, who goes bright red. "Heh..."

"N-n-no!" Hyemi stammers uncontrollably. "I promise!! We weren't watching where we were walking and Kwangmin hit the door and I slammed into him by accident and we fell down and- and-! It was an ACCIDENT!!"

Youngmin watches Hyemi, clearly amused before drawling out: "Yeah, I know. We heard the THUMP noise. But either way, Kwangmin, come in when you're done, okay?"

"Yeah..." I mutter, annoyed, as he winks at me and closes the door again. "Sorry, brother's still too hyper for my liking."

She smiles weakly at me, nodding silently as if suffering from shock.

"I know...sorry."


"Uh, sure? It's okay..." Then it hits me. "Stop apologising for the...uh...misleading accident. It's partly my fault too."

"You bet it is!!" She grins, returning to normal, smiling warmly at me. "But we can discuss who's really at fault when we see each other later. After all, this isn't over AND we both have work to do!" She starts walking backwards, as she calls out. "I know the way from here, okay? See you later?"

She looks so hopeful. And after all, she isn't the kind of girl to hang with a guy just for the sake of becoming their girlfriend, right? With a smile, I yell back:

"See you later!"


author notes

FINISHED the THIRD CHAPTER!! The twin in the picture this time is Youngmin since I'm giving different characters the limelight (as in the picture). The first pic was Kwangmin!! And the second pic was of Sooyoung from SNSD (since I'm using her as a kind of 'faceclaim' for Hyemi!!). Nearly finished with the chapter, yay! There's been a lot of drama at home, with my baby cousin being born and everything but I got some free here it is!! ENJOY!!

P/S. The two quotes are from BOYFRIEND's 'Stop it'.

“...I'll be able to laugh someday if the wound is healed...”

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