Prologue 2

Three Hundred Sixty-Five Days Countdown

Author's Pov

"Ahh," A scream unconsiously left MiYoung's mouth at the voice, let along a male voice. She turned around, and her eyes widened at the sight of a male – a handsome one. He has beautiful eyes, not too large but not too small either, a sharp nose, perfect pink lips, thick eye brows, a perfect jawline, and so on. MiYoung fell silent, examining his beautiful face. Can someone possibly be this good looking?

"I asked, who are you?" The male broke the silence with a question, sounding annoyed but yet, his face lacked emotions.

"Oh, um, yeah. I'm Han MiYoung, nice to meet you," MiYoung held out a hand with an awkward smile. But to her suprise, the unfamiliar handsome male turned around, and walked back to what MiYoung guessed was his room, and slammed the door shut. Well then, MiYoung thought. Somebody is being a jerk.

Sighing, the girl left the bathroom as well, ready to head down the stairs. That male's actions, truthfully, had made MiYoung a bit dissapointed. Not quite angry, but dissapointed. Before she had came, she promised herself to be nice and helpful, not that she wasn't, and try to make the Oh's happy. She wouldn't want to be a who thinks she owns everything. After all, the Oh's were kind enough to take care of her during her mom's absence.

"Oh, you're here, MiYoung," Mrs. Oh said enthusiastically. MiYoung nodded her head cheerfully, not wanting the previous incident to bring her mood down. Who is he, anyways, to bring down my mood? "Can you set up the table for me, dear?" Mrs. Oh asked as she scooped the cooked vegtables into a plate.

"Yes, of course," MiYoung said. She was about to ask where exactly were the plates and bowls and chopsticks and spoons when she spotted them on the counter besides the sink. 

With three set of bowls and plates carried in her arms and three set of chopsticks and spoons held tightly in her hands, MiYoung walked over to the dining table. Lightly, she set them onto the table, and organized the items. For each person, there was a bowl, a plate, a pair of chopsticks, and a spoon. Done with setting up the table, MiYoung went back to the kitchen to see if Mrs. Oh needed any help. Before the girl entered, though, she had heard Mrs. Oh's voice and the voice of the previous rude male's. She decided not to enter this moment, for it would make things awkward. She was about to walk away, when, the sound of her own name caught her attention, hence she stopped her stepps. She didn't mean to earsdrop on the two, it was only that her name was involved, and that their volume was pretty high.

"Why is she here?!" The male asked in an irritated tone.

"Just 'cause," Mrs. Oh answered simply, but those weren't the words the other had expected. They were silence for a minute, and Miyoung decided to leave, not wanting to hear anymore of this argument, if it was to continue. But, right before she took a step, the male spoke something that shocked the girl. 

"If she stays, then I'm leaving."

MiYoung's mouth agaped at the harsh words. Did he hate me that much? She thought. But we've just met. This time, this male had successfully brought her mood down, yet she wasn't angry. She was upset with herself. 

"Oh Sehun," Mrs. Oh said in a strict and maddened tone. So his name is Sehun. She then sighed, weighing her anger down with what her son went through last year. "Go ahead. But, please, forget her. She is already gone, and you should move on with your life, Sehun. She probably has already forgotten you, so you should let go of her as well."

"Do not bring the topic of her into this," Sehun growled, and that did frighten MiYoung. She decided to leave, now, since a million questions were running through her head. But the only two that was actually important were: Who is the girl they were talking about earlier, and what had happened to her and Sehun? 

Why should I care? MiYoung asked herself. Today was the first day she had met the boy, Sehun, and yet, he hated her guts already. What did I do wrong? She asked herself. Nothing. She answered her mind. It was true, since she really did nothing wrong. She was minding her own bussiness, when Sehun came into the bathroom, asking who she was, and left with MiYoung's hand out-stretched for a shake. So it was him who has done something wrong. But she did not like that answer, either. It was the truth, to be in all honesty. It was only that MiYoung did not like to blame others, not to mention they are helping her. Her train of thoughts were interrupted by a male voice. 




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Chapter 2: This seem really super interesting!! UPDATE SOON! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
karene_liui #3
Chapter 2: Like the story, update soon~~ (: