Prologue 1

Three Hundred Sixty-Five Days Countdown

Author's Pov

"Mom!" MiYoung happily called out as she jogged down the stairs. Jumping off from the third-to-last step, the girl landed gracefully on the brown wooden floor.  She joyfully skipped to her mother, who had just been back from a month of bussiness trip. "Welcome back!" MiYoung hugged her mother, and inhaled her natrual scent - lavendar.

MiYoung broke away the hug first, knowing that her mother must be very tired. "I made kimchi-fried rice, I'll heat it up for you right now." Her mom nodded, and the girl noticed how much white hair the woman had gained, how much wrinkles her face had gained, and how tired she looked. Something must be wrong, she concluded. "Now go rest," MiYoung stated firmly as she gently pushed her mother to the direction of her bedroom. The lady nodded drowsily, and did what she was told. She was about to take the suitcase with her, when MiYoung stopped her. "I'll do it." Her mother nodded with a worn-out smile, and whispered a thank you.

MiYoung watched as her mom walked up the stairs slowly, and then went into the kitchen to heat up the food. She sighed as she watched the red rice, along with kimchi and other ingredients, heat up inside the pan, missing how much life was when she was little. When she was young, her mother would smile, and her father would be there, too. They were a happy family, and that is, until her father got killed in a car accident. Before all the dramatics happened, there would be no worries within her mind, and no frowns were ever formed on her mother's face. They would always laugh, and her father would tell MiYoung stories of when he was little, which often made MiYoung chuckle.

But, life wasn't always smooth. Life was rough. Life was like a road, there are smooth parts, and there are bumpy parts. MiYoung turned off the fire as she decided the rice was heated up enough, and scooped some into a plain, white bowl, where her mom would eat out of in a bit. But always be happy, the girl had always told herself when she feels upset. For, happiness denpends upon ourselves. 

Dragging her sleepy body up the stairs, MiYoung put up a cheerful smile onto her pale face. She wouldn't let her mother worry about herself when she had so much to worry about already, she couldn't. Using her elbow to push the door knob, the girl entered the pitch black room, and found her mother sleeping peacefully on her bed. Quietly, she set the bowl and the spoon onto the nightstand, and pulled over the blanket over her mom.

She left in silence just as how she had came in, and closed the door without a sound as well. With years of pratice, MiYoung had learned how to walk and do things in mute, since her mother was not a heavy sleeper, unlike the girl herself. As much as she wanted to rest, MiYoung still had to unpack her mother's luggage, and she did without a complain before going to bed.


"Good morning, Mi," The woman greeted her daughter without having her eyes off the cooking bacon. 

"Good morning," MiYoung greeted back happily, feeling refreshed and jolly. "Smells good," The girl complemented as she peeked over her mother's shoulders to see the cooking meat.

"Go get two forks and wait for me at the table," The lady said, which the girl obeyed, as she turned off the fire.

MiYoung merrily waited while seated in front of the table, as she hummed a jovial song. "Here you go," The girl heard her mother say as a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs was placed down in front of her. Immediately, the grin that was already on her face widened, showing her pearl white teeth.

"Thank you," MiYoung said in a singing tone as she grabbed the silverware beside the plate and began eating. So delicious, she thought as she placed some scrambled eggs inside . Her mother sat down beside her as well, and smiled warmly as she watched her daughter eat. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter, she thought. But her smile was replaced with a frown when she remembered that she would not stay with her daughter for so long. I owe her a lot.

"MiYoung-ah," She called out. The said girl hummed in response, since was much too full of food. The mother exhaled deeply, before telling her loving daugther what she had considered for a long period of time. "I'm going to London the day after tomorrow for a year." MiYoung's face fell immediately. A year, she repeated within her head. Tweleve months, fifty-two weeks, three hundred sixty-five days, eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours, five hundred twenty-five thousad six hundred minutes, thirty one million five hundred thirty six thousand seconds without seeing her. 

"Oh," MiYoung simply replied in a dull tone, her previous glee gone. She stabbed a piece of bacon, rather quite harshly, and stuffed it into grumpyly. She wasn't trying to get her mom upset, but still, she could not control herself from feeling anger and sadness of her mother's leaving, in such a short period of time. It was silence for another minute, each thinking different thoughts, until the older broke the silence.

"And you will be going to live at my friend's during the time."

MiYoung's mouth unconsiously hanged open. She did not like this, not at all. "Why?"

"Because, I will be selling this house to get settled in London, and thus, you will have no where to live here." The lady said in a matter of fact tone.

"Can't I go to London with you?" 

"No, I would have to get settled in first, and once I did, we would be together again." Truth to be told, the woman did not like this, either. She does not want to be parted with her loving daughter, who would? But she couldn't let her selfishness take over her. She knew, that if MiYoung was with her, they would only suffer together. She would have to set her feet in, stablely, before MiYoung comes over. 

MiYoung sighed, and knew that she would have no chance of succeeding this argument. As much as she does not want to agree, she had no choice.



"Welcome!" A very pretty woman that looked like she was in her thirties hugged MiYoung's mother, and then her. When the lady pulled away from the hug, MiYoung took notice of the house – more of a mansion. The girl's mouth gaped in amazement at the sight of the place. Its so big, she thought. And beautiful. Very beautiful. "You must be MiYoung, wow, you've grown into such a pretty young woman!" MiYoung blushed at the complement and said a small thank you. "Let's go inside now, shall we?" The three walked into the palace-like structure, with maids opening the door for them. 

They walked over to a white, leather couch, that was more comfortable than MiYoung' old bed. And while the lady chatted with her mother, she looked around the room. It has very high ceilings, very modern design, and very clean. MiYoung was not sure if she really can live here, since she thought she might make this place dirty. She wondered how much this house would cost, and how could the ones here even find the way to places. She was sure she would have trouble, at least.

Then her mother stood up, and so did the other. MiYoung stood up as well, completely unsure of what's happening the moment. The two hugged.

"I'll take care of her, don't worry." The lady said as she pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you so much, I do not know how to thank you." Her mother placed her black purse onto her shoulder as she spoke.

"Humm.. how about MiYoung marrying my son?" She joked, and the two laughed. But MiYoung choked on air as her face turned bright red. Well that was something out of the blue. Their laughter turned higher and MiYoung's mom patted the girl back.

"I'll be leaving now," MiYoung's mother stated and kissed her daughter on the cheeks. Together, the three walked over to the front door.

"See you, mom," MiYoung said as her eyes became watery at the second. She tried blinking the tear away, but it only caused it to fall.

Her mother pulled her into a tight hug, "See you."


"This is your bedroom right here," The lady, Mrs. Oh, said as she opened a door, leading to a light purple and white themed bedroom. They stepped in, and MiYoung awed by its cuteness. The room was not too big, but was definitely a bit bigger than a cozy sized room. In the far center was a queen-sized bed, with light purple blankets and pillows and many stuffed animals on. To the left was a white night stand, and a light purple lamp on it. To the right ofthe bed was a white study-desk, and another light purple lamp on it, only the design was different. On the floor beside the bed was a white-fur carpet. There was a total of two windows, with five feet of space between them.  The wall on the left had two doors, one leading to a small walk-in closet and the other, MiYoung assumed, was to the bathroom. "You will be sharing a bathroom with Sehun, is that fine with you?"

"Oh, yeah," MiYoung said. She couldn't of asked for more. They were kind enough to take care of her and give her such a nice living area, and not to mention, was so nice to her. At least Mrs. Oh was.

"I'll leave you here to unpack your things, and when you are ready, just come downstairs for dinner," Mrs. Oh said with a smile, and was about to take her leave, when MiYoung called out.

"Wait," She said, causing Mrs. Oh to stop her track. "Thank you." MiYoung bowed 90 degrees. 

"Your welcome," Mrs. Oh smiled warmly. "You are sure a very nice girl." 


"Now I just have to put my bathroom supplies into the bathroom," MiYoung said, to herself. She gathered all her bathroom supplies, and headed straight to the shared bathroom. 

"You're here," She said to her favorite towel that has a cartoon bear printed on. "And you're here," She said to her favorite pink tooth brush. "You guys will be staying here," She said as she placed her bag of lotions and comb and hair-bands. "Don-"

"Who are you?"



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Chapter 2: This seem really super interesting!! UPDATE SOON! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
karene_liui #3
Chapter 2: Like the story, update soon~~ (: