Piste 5

Valentine’s day was about to end and Baekhyun sat on their front porch when he saw Chanyeol running to him.

The air was cold, so was the sweat that ran down Baekhyun’s back.

“Good, you’re there,” Chanyeol smiled the smile Baekhyun loves.

Baekhyun remember the bet he had with Chanyeol that morning. Is that why the giant was there? To be treated to dinner because, finally, he did confessed to Little Angel?

Baekhyun prayed to whoever could listen to please give him more time.


Just another year, or a few months, or a couple of weeks…

At least just another day…


























“Baekhyun, I love you,” Chanyeol said handing out a chocolate.

“, what?”

“I was kinda expecting that, but , yeah, I love you, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol smiled.

Then the giant wrapped his arms around his Little Angel.

“Little Angel?” Baekhyun still couldn’t believe it. “What the , Chanyeol?!”

“Yeah, I love you, too, Byun Baekhyun,” Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun


Baekhyun wished the kiss would last a year, or a few months, or a couple of weeks…

At least just another day…

Even a few more minutes…


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Chapter 7: Excuse my language but onecthibg to describe me now is minded.
Great story! Though i have to fix my head cause confused as hell now-- gonna re read it later ouo
xxxyenxxx #2
Chapter 7: Wh wh whyyy
Baekyeol should be togethaaa
Not that i hate kyungsoo or anything b--but
Whhhhaaaaiiiiii T^T