Dreams Come True


Taeyeon and Jessica are finishing up their shopping spree for their new apartment. The last furniture needed is a bed.  Going out to find the right bed at a mattress store, both fall asleep and get all cuddled up because of such a long month. But nobody has the heart to wake them because they look precious. 


Someone requested me to write a one-shot based on this prompt. Hope I did its justice. 


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Chapter 1: this is too cute..
taenysic3981 #2
Chapter 1: Still the sweetest thing to read ♡(∩o∩)♡
Movie91 #3
Chapter 1: Love it :) more....something like multi shots?
Chapter 1: share more please
Chapter 1: share more please
zeinnn #6
Chapter 1: Free modeing? It's cute update soon!
norevS #7
Chapter 1: this is super cutttteeeeeeeeee.........
Bumella #8
Chapter 1: ahh the story is so cute.. free modelling.mhaha
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