I Am

I Would Keep The Light Up For You

a/n: HEY HOO!




A week had already passed since Sulli came to Krystal's house with that news, and within that period, Krystal had been observing Sulli more than before. From her move, her expression, she even took notice on how she talk or respond to other person. Why? Because she want to make sure that Sulli's fine. She want to make sure that there would be no harm that could even start to reach out for her, as if she was her precious gold. Her expensive yet fragile gold.

There was a practice yesterday. It was the first practice since a week of what Krystal would call vacation. At that time, she was more than surprised when she saw Sulli actually came. Not that Sulli was lazy or something that related to bad, she was a hardworking person even when Sulli didn't show it a lot in front of camera. But, but, she was in different situation right now, Krystal reasoned. Her body was.. Different from before. And so when the practice was about to start, she lifted her hand up, asking for some time to their choreographer. When she got his approve, she wasted no time to drag Sulli out from the room. Not minding the surprised stares she got from her members about when the maknae start to become close again.

When Krystal make sure that no one could heard them she turned to look at Sulli. And judging from how she avoided her eyes, she knew that Sulli must have expected this already. And that's make Krystal think that she didn't need to waste her breath to yell at the slightly taller girl. Not like she will.

"Why did you came.." Krystal asked softly, softly like she was afraid Sulli would broke like a thin glass.

Sulli bite her lips. There's a little hesitant on her brown eyes. And Sulli had been shuffling on her feet for some time. Krystal had been taken notice about all of it.

"T-They would notice if i didn't came.."

To her disappointment, she can't read Sulli's eyes.

"..fine.. But watch your step. If you are tired please do tell me."

And the practice started. And somehow, Krystal eyes wouldn't following at her own reflection that could be spot right in front of her. Instead, her eyes were following the girl with the light brown hair. When she think that Sulli was dancing too hard, if she got the chance to get near her, she would tap her hand secretly. Or when she saw Sulli was gasping for air, she would pulled her wrist and lead her to the back before she stepped in front of her and asked for their choreographer for a break. And like what i said before, Krystal was watching. Everything.

And with that, of course she noticed something different.

Sull had been a little bit jumpy these days. Like at practice, when Victoria tapped her shoulder trying to get the dozing off Sulli's attention, she was jumping, as if she was startled. And she was sure if she was blinking that time, she wouldn't caught the look in Sulli's eyes. And then the other day, when their manager oppa was telling them the schedule for that day, Sulli start to flinch when he turned his head and explained the schedule for her. Krystal who watched her from side, feels something heavy in her heart at that time. Furthermore there's a lot of times that makes Krystal think that the other girl was actually.. Scared. As if she was frightened. Krystal saw the emotion that was flashing through Sulli's eyes that even the people who know the real story would get confused. But Sulli, having some experienced in acting field she is, she managed to cover it well. And krystal have to admit that Sulli did managed to almost fool her, almost.


And now it's monday already. And monday's equals to work. It's time for Krystal to work her head off by singing in stage and dancing with full of energy. She didn't complained. It's her passion to be entertainer. But she couldn't help but to get worried at how today would unfold.

Today schedule is a recording for this week Inkigayo. But knowing that it's Inkigayo, the recording would take a really long time. More than half a day the longest.

Krystal was just sitting quietly on the couch, hands were holding her white Iphone 5s, and eyes were glued on the phone screen. Or that's what most peoples would thought.

Just like always, Krystal still keep her eyes on Sulli. The girl was dozing off a lot lately and looks like she was about to sleep in a moment. Somehow she looks dead tired and she looks.. Paler. even their stylist was wondering what happened to her when she saw the back bag under Sulli’s eyes. And of course, Sulli was lying through her teeth, saying that she was just too tired. The other member start to take noticed too, and Krystal merely can only watched when they approached Sulli and start to asked if she was okay.

"f(x) please get ready, the recording will start in 5 minutes." Said a staff as he pointed his wristwatch before he disappeared from the room.

With that announcement, Victoria, being the leader told the other four girls to stop whatever they are doing and start to get ready. Everyone nodded at her before they followed Victoria out from the room to today's set.

But of course Krystal wouldn't let this chance to slip.

"Sulli," she called out the pale looking girl. But weird enough, she received no attention. Seems like she can't heard her. And so before Sulli could step out from the room, she reached for her hand and pulled her slightly. 

Sulli was startled, and Krystal flinched.

Both because of different reason.


"O-Oh, y-yes?" Sulli asked. Krystal knew how much Sulli was struggling to smile, and it only end up with a weak smile. But still, Krystal was secretly amazed at how it still can make stuck in a daze.

"Are you okay..?" Krystal asked uncertainly, because it was obvious that she wasn't okay. Krystal didn’t even know what’s the point in asking this.

Sulli let out a small giggle, a bit force, and more sincere. "I'm okay..”


“You sure? Why don’t you can skip the first rehearsal? The other would understand..” Noticing at how she her voice was showing nothing but worried, she cleared . Trying to save her ridiculous pride, she added while looking away, “Well.. judging from how you look this terrible. They would sure understand.”


Sulli though didn’t mind the word that Krystal thrown at her. Instead she burst into another fit of giggle. “I’m okay Soojung..Really. You are being a worried-freak now."

Krystal froze on her spot.

Did Sulli just called her Soojung? Did Sulli just bring back their past? Did.. Did.. So many things baffled up on Krystal mind that she totally don't know how to react.

Sulli seems like she just noticed her little mistake there that she too, froze on her spot. It would be totally a moment full of awkward silence if the staff didn't show up and quickly ushered them to the set, saying the recording was about to start.

Krystal walked up the stage, mind still blank from Sulli's unexpected respond. But she has to be professional. So she shake the weird thoughts off her head and quickly reminding herself that it was already over. She saw as Sulli was about to walk up the stage. She was about to help the girl up but too bad Amber already beat her to it.

Krystal watched at how Amber was holding Sulli's hand and help her carefully. She want to look away, but her eyes painfully refused too. Sulli then gave Amber a sweet smile as a thank you. At the end Amber just smile back. She feels something burned on her chest. That.. That blind her.

Be professional.

"Be careful." Krystal said tonelessly as she walk passed Sulli to her position.

She was blinded. but she refused to acknowledge it.

She didn't see how Sulli was looking at her.

"That Red Light."


Thousands piece of triangle-shaped of paper was spread at the air after the loud exploding. It was colorful, but Krystal could only see it as a blank white paper. Krystal stood in her position, eyes locked to the camera that happened to be right in front of her with her sharp chic gaze that surely will captivated the viewers.

"Okay! Recording's done!" One of the staff yelled.

Krystal loosened her muscle and move from her position, lightly fixing her blond hair with her index finger. She wanted to look back, but strangely her head refused to. So she just walked down from the stage, and slightly bowing her body to the staff. Thanking them for their hard work. And somehow, a satisfied smile appeared on her face. Finally after 4 and a half hours of recording with no proper rest, they finally finished.

"Hey Hey where are young going?!!"

"Watch out!"

Krystal looked back. And her eyes widen in horror. A few screams reached to her ear, but she was still standing there in dumbstruck.

Only when her Instinct start to kick in she did managed to move her legs and ran to the commotion. Her heart started to beat faster with each step she took.

Sulli is just fainted.

And she wasn't there to catch her.

What have she done?




a/n: New update!!

ehehehehe, sorry i can only update now. 

AND! did anybody catch that?! Krystal and sulli have a past together!!!! i wouldn't be surprised if you managed to figure it out even from the previous chapter lol. i put quite a lot of hints!!

anyway just like always, english is not my first language, sorry for grammar mistakes or spelling. AND subscribe and comments are appreciated. and thank you for all of you who subscribes and actually leve a comment! That means a lot!!

See you at the next chapter!


ps: OMG AM I TOO DENSE OR WHAT BUT I JUST NOTICED I GOT 5 VOTES! Thank you!! I feel like i dont deserve this.. I will try to not dissapoint you and bring a good update for you guys! a huge shoutout to the voters! KaeJung8 babuJJung forevergorJESS9 soshi9_kim and JoeySpirit! oh and for the first commenter 100starz! once again thanks!

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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
jungchoi #2
Chapter 7: Can. u update this author please
Chapter 7: Update soon please
Chapter 7: Welcome back :))))

I need to re-read this again. thanks for coming back.
Eririn #5
Chapter 7: Yes! An update. I can understand why Krystal is so uptight about Sulli. I wonder what is going to happen next.
Chapter 6: Please update. :( i hope you're okay now, author. :(
Eririn #7
Chapter 5: I'm sad for both snsd and f(x). I wish things were different. I do hope you will update again one day. Jungli fics are really hard to come back.
Chapter 6: I also feel sorry for snsd and sone. I hope all things just go to its way again just like before.
Thanks for the notice, I'll be waiting for you to come back and your fanfic ~ Fighting !!
Chapter 6: I'm really REALLY sorry for sone. I really hope this would change tho ;-;

Alright, i'll be waiting.
Thanks for the notice.
Chapter 5: Jungli is back. Soojung is starting to fall for her all over again, whcih confuse her.
Damn... 9 months to go. But what would she do? How will f(x) do? Are they'll be going on hiatus just like in real life? Omg! I hope sulli is not pregnant in real life. Lol

Update soon ^^