15 May 10th - Grease 2

짜장면 (Black Bean Noodles)


G R E A S E - 02

May 10th, 2014


He was late. 

I had spent the last ten minutes skipping through random songs, even singing a song of Xiah JunSu’s solo release when WooHyun still hadn’t arrived. I had already messaged him my karaoke room number and he’d answered he was already on his way. 

I told myself I’d wait another ten minutes and then leave, when suddenly the door was pushed open, and a tall person entered. He was wearing a black oversized hoodie, sunglasses and a face mask. Well, if this wasn’t WooHyun.

"I’m so sorry I’m late. I barely escaped our manager,“ he panted while pulling down his face mask.

Even though I had been a little pissed before, I couldn’t help but say "It’s okay never mind,“ since he looked like he really did his best to get to me on time.

"Thank you. Something to drink? It’s on me. Orange juice? Coke?“

"I’m fine."

"No, seriously, what do you want?“ WooHyun insisted, already taking the phone off the wall. 

"Iced tea,“ I said, opting for my go-to beverage. WooHyun smiled thankfully. 

"An iced tea and orange juice, please,“ he ordered quickly while disguising his voice. 

Then he turned back around to face me and pointed at himself. "Sorry about my appearance but I’ll keep it like this until the waitress brings the drinks.“

I nodded. "Sure, never mind. I’m getting kind of used to it anyway.“

WooHyun grinned and sat down on the couch opposite to mine, stretching deliberately. "We spent the entire day at dance practice,“ he explained.

"Don’t mind me," I laughed, his behavior reminding me of SungGyu. "Make yourself at home.“

WooHyun’s grin broadened. "Hyung was really disappointed because he only got to see you for a few minutes last week.“

"You mean Sung-" I caught myself. "Number One?“

"Oh, I see you’ve been introduced to our undercover names?“

I nodded, inwardly congratulating me for not slipping that it had been HyeMi who told me. Bringing her up clearly wouldn’t be the smoothest thing to do. 

But to my surprise, it was WooHyun who mentioned her. He scratched the back of his neck before speaking. "HyeMi…let’s call her Lady X, okay?" 

"Okay,“ I said, clueless as to where this was leading.

"I am pretty sure Number One told you the story, didn’t he?“

He did. But was it okay with SungGyu if I told WooHyun he told me? I hoped he didn’t mind. "I think he told me most of it...“

WooHyun shortly contemplated what to say next. "Well you know she is going out with Number Five?“

So SungYeol was Number Five. "Yes,“ I answered carefully. 

"That’s good.“ he paused, thinking about how to proceed. "Do you also know the part where I was involved with her?"

I nodded.

Just then we heard a knock from the door and WooHyun pulled up his face mask again, motioning for me to call the waitress in. Probably to not give his identity away by his voice.

I thanked her for the drinks, and once she left, WooHyun got rid of his sunglasses, face mask and hoodie. 

"It’s suffocating to have to hide away like this,“ he mumbled so quietly that I wondered if I was even meant to have heard it. 

"Did Number One ever tell how important you are to him?“ he suddenly asked, changing topic. SungGyu had been right when he told me WooHyun wasn't consistent when having conversations. But...


"Since his birthday he didn’t stop talking about you,“ WooHyun chuckled. "We usually only know people from the business or from way back before we debuted. It’s rare to become friends with people not involved with our job after we debut, so our social circles are pretty small... He’s acting all weird as of recently, and I’m pretty sure it’s your fault.“

"Oh,“ I just said, at a loss for words.

"I’m making you uncomfortable; I’m sorry,“ WooHyun apologized, noticing that I didn’t know how to react to him. "Back to the topic I came to talk about.“

I nodded, thankful for his ability to read the mood. Still, his words about SungGyu left me confused. So it hadn’t been me imagining stuff but SungGyu actually acting different lately? As my head began spinning, I quickly pushed all thoughts on SungGyu away to concentrate on what WooHyun wanted to tell me.

"I know I can trust you, since hyung does. So I’ll just come to the point. I’m pretty sure Lady X is cheating on Number Five.“

His words caught me off guard. "What? How?" 

WooHyun bit his lower lip and looked me straight in the eye. "I know it’s hard to believe, the more so if it’s me who is telling you. That’s why I came to you. The other members won’t even bother listening to me. I’m not exactly the most neutral person when it comes to Lady X.“

I remained silent, trying to process the information. I remembered how I didn’t want to like HyeMi, how she seemed too perfect to be true. I had pushed it off as me being jealous at her but apparently my gut feeling had told me right; she wasn’t the angel she seemed to be.

"I’m sorry for startling you like this,“ he added when I didn’t say anything.

"No, no, nothing to be sorry about. I’m just surprised. How do you want me to help you?“ I asked looking up at him clueless.

"Help me make the others believe me.“

I uncomfortably shuffled around in my position while I took in his words. "And how do you think that’s possible? I’m not even close to any of them except Number One.“

WooHyun put his head between his hands. "I know.“

We remained silent for a while.

"Help me get evidence,“ he then prompted.


He bit his lip. "I know who she is cheating with.“

"How do you even know this much?“ I asked, wondering where he got all that information from when the rest of Infinite was clearly left completely in the dark.

"I accidentally walked in on them making out...catching her redhanded, so to say.“

"And they didn’t notice you?“

"No, I left the scene quickly after I recognized her,“ WooHyun shuddered at the memory. "I was too shocked to say anything.“

"When was that?“ I said, surprising myself with my analytical skills.

"Two weeks ago.“

"So…who is he?“

"This is the part where you won’t believe me,“ WooHyun sighed.

Believing him was already hard. "Who?“

WooHyun leant over the table. "Yixing,“ he whispered. 

I had never heard that name. "Who?“

"Zhang Yixing,“ WooHyun repeated meaningfully.

The name sounded Chinese to me. I tried to recall SungGyu ever telling me about a Chinese instructor or Manager but it just didn’t ring a bell. "Is it someone I should know?“ I asked carefully.

"Does Lay sound more familiar?“ WooHyun tried.

Lay? What kind of weird name was that? "Uhhh,“ I made, a bit conscious about my lack of knowledge. Sounded like SungGyu really would have mentioned this guy, when WooHyun was so sure I would know him. 

WooHyun suddenly laughed. "Geeez, Number One told me you were clueless about idols but I didn’t know you were completely out of it.“

"Yah,“ I exclaimed at his mocking, feeling self-conscious. But idol? I didn’t even know Korean idols all that well, how was I supposed to recognize any Chinese celebrities?

"I’m sorry I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just rare to find people who still don't know them,“ WooHyun then said.


He lowered his voice again. "Exo.“

That name I did recognize. I raised an eyebrow. "Exo? Wow.“

WooHyun scratched the back of his neck, grinning mischievously, "I assume from your reaction that you have heard of the group name, at least?“

I nodded. HyeMi sure was something, dating so many well-known idols; nearly at the same time too. Never mind me not knowing Yixing or Lay or however he was called but Exo sure was a name that was very well known. Even throughout the continent of Asia, maybe even worldwide. SM’s newest miracle debut group.

WooHyun continued, seeing my raised eyebrow. "Well, we as a group don’t really often go to the SM building since we technically aren’t part of them. But we occasionally have to enter SM building or use their facilities, so maybe that’s how...Lady X could start something with...Mister X."

I nodded, picturing HyeMi walking around all those idols. Somehow it suited her. Still, there were a few questions I needed to be answered before I assumed anything. "But how do you know it wasn’t, like, a once in a lifetime thing?“

"I asked Key,“ WooHyun simply answered, as if it was the most normal thing in the universe. “He found out that Lady X and Mister X were frequently meeting each other in unused rooms in the building. And I tried to tell Number Five but he wouldn’t listen to me, and also Number One told me to calm down. I also talked to Number Two but he told me I shouldn’t do anything until I had evidence since everybody would just think I was making things up out of jealousy.“

"Sounds legit,“ I said, trying to remember who Number Two was. DongWoo or HoWon? One of the two rappers, for sure. I never really cared about their ages, but now it would’ve come in handy to have memorized them. The guilty feeling of having paid too little attention to Infinite came creeping back again. But luckily WooHyun was talkative enough and didn’t notice my pained expression.

"Yes, but they have been living with me for six years. I mean, they should know me by now. I wouldn’t lie about something like this!“ he exclaimed, his desperation obvious in his tone. 

A few seconds ticked away in silence, as WooHyun and I got lost in our thoughts. 

When I looked up to WooHyun again, he had buried his head between his hands. 

"So what do you want me to do?“ I asked, since I was clueless where this was supposed to lead.

WooHyun sighed and straightened his back before answering. "Can you please talk to Number One? Maybe say you saw her with…Mister X?“

While that would most probably have been the quickest way to resolve the issue, I shook my head apologetically. "That’s not going to work out. I don’t think lying would be appropriate. I think they are smart enough to talk themselves out of it if we approach them like this. Plus I’m a horrible liar.“

WooHyun bit his lower lip and nodded. "Yeah, you’re right. That was a stupid idea…“ He ruffled his hair. "But can you just talk to him then? Tell him to trust me for once?“

"Then he would know we met up,“ I said, reminding him of his own request to keep this meeting a secret from SungGyu.

"Damnit, you’re right again.“ WooHyun ran his hand through his hair again. "This is driving me nuts. Stupid women. They make everything so complicated.“

"I’m sorry,“ I said, amused at his pissed expression. I was so used to seeing him in a good-mood, that I felt him being like this was oddly out-of-character. 

"No not you...I didn’t mean it like this. Just women in general,“ WooHyun stated. "Relationship issues."

"It’s okay, I get what you meant.“

"Such a nuisance I can’t even tell hyung that we met. But I bet he’d get so jealous that he wouldn’t even listen to the rest of the story,“ WooHyun then added, grinning mischievously. "But don’t tell him I told you that, he’d kill me.“

WooHyun left me no time to question his words because he already continued to talk. "If you at least knew Lady X you could pretend to be friends with her and then tell Number One you saw her or she told you or maybe even find some evidence on her phone or anything…“

I swallowed when he mentioned me knowing HyeMi would be beneficial. He was right, it would be handy, and was most probably our best shot….

Contemplating the pros and cons of telling WooHyun I already knew HyeMi, I decided that he would find out about it sooner or later. Since I wasn’t good at lying anyways, I just went for it. "Well, actually…I know her.“

WooHyun looked up in surprise. "Really, how?“

"Uhm, she was at the New Life for Children showcase,“ I admitted, looking down guiltily. "She was sitting right next to me.“

"Oh,“ WooHyun just uttered without emotion, also looking down at the table. "I didn’t know about that."

The atmosphere had suddenly changed to a rather uncomfortable, heavy air. I instantly regretted having told him. Wanting to resolve the awkwardness, I tried to save the situation by adding, "Number One was really worried you’d see her.“

WooHyun looked up at me and widened his eyes. "He knew?“

. "He was against it,“ I quickly explained, trying to minimize the damage I had just caused. "But he told me Number Five wouldn’t take no for an answer.“

"Oh,“ WooHyun nodded thoughtfully as if what I had said made perfect sense to him. "It was most probably better this way, or I might’ve missed the one or other note while singing.“

„I’m pretty sure he was only thinking about your feelings when he didn’t tell you,“ I added, remembering SungGyu’s torn face when he told me about HyeMi being in the audience.

"Okay,“ WooHyun said, clearing his throat. „Back to topic. It’s good that you already met her. So how about now you try to get close to her?“ 

I tilted my head, trying to imagine me becoming friends with someone like HyeMi. Honestly, it was hard to imagine. She seemed like a completely different person with completely different interests. I mean, she was dating several idols at the same time why I was just hopelessly crushing on my Business English teacher...

"You look just like hyung,“ WooHyun interrupted my train of thought, smiling broadly. „He also tilts his head like that when he’s having thoughts he doesn’t like.“

I instantly sat up straight, feeling self-conscious about WooHyun observing me like that. 

He chuckled. "No worries, I just thought it was cute. But honestly, don’t worry about HyeMi. She might look intimidating, but she’s really okay. Even Number One liked her before…well things happened.“

I looked back up at that. "He liked her, too?“ 

WooHyun chuckled. "Getting jealous? He just liked her as a friend; I mean, we all got along with her well."

When I just nodded at that, WooHyun took his glass of orange juice and drank it all in one go. "You should drink yours too, MinAe,“ he prompted, pointing at my untouched glass of iced tea.

I drank a bit, but put it back on the table after two quick sips, thinking about HyeMi. She must really be a nice girl for everybody to like her. Instead of feeling reassured by WooHyun’s words, I only felt a bigger pressure now. What if she didn’t like me? What if she saw right through me? I didn’t even have her number to begin with. How was I supposed to get close to her?

WooHyun must’ve caught on to my thoughts because he held out his cell phone to me. "Here’s Lady X’s number. Just tell her you asked me for it. Number One doesn’t even have it so it won’t seem strange to her if you tell her you got it from me. And don’t worry too much. She likes getting to know new people.“

"Thanks,“ I nodded and took his phone. I copied her phone number and kakaotalk ID into my contact list and returned WooHyun his phone. "I’ll try my best. Though I’m usually awkward at interacting with strangers.“

WooHyun just smiled. "She’s easy to talk to, no worries. I’ll count on you.“

"Don’t expect too much of me. I’ve never done something like this…“

"Me neither,“ WooHyun said, smiling sadly. "But it’s all we’ve got until Key comes up with some evidence…“ he suddenly realized something, "Wait, you know who Key is, right?“

I nodded, proud that my research from last week finally bore some fruits. "You’re friends with him and you had duet with him this spring.“

WooHyun smiled in surprise. "Yes, how’d you know?“

"I watched Delicious,“ I said proudly, seeing how instantly his eyes lit up when the topic switched to his passion-turned-career. 

"Did you like it?“

"It was cheesy,“ I answered with a smile, remembering the music video concept. "But I liked it.“

"I’m glad. Do you want a signed CD for your collection?“ WooHyun laughed, "Don’t say no, or I’ll feel bad about forcing it on you.“

I laughed too, thankful for the positive change of atmosphere. "Okay, I want one.“

"Thanks,“ WooHyun said, and suddenly halted as if realizing something. "Wait, that’s your line.“

I grinned. "Thanks.“

At that, WooHyun shook his head. "Now I know why Number One says you make him feel completely helpless at times…But really, I am happy you liked my subgroup-debut.“

„Welcome,“ I said, and it felt good, to show that I was indeed interested in his career. Maybe I had done SungGyu wrong when I thought he wouldn’t mind me not getting involved with his idol-life.

We remained quiet, both thinking about how weird this situation was, us meeting up to conspire against HyeMi cheating on SungYeol. A month back I would never thought this possible. If someone told me I’d even be meeting the rest of Infinite, I wouldn’t have believed them. After being friends with SungGyu for so long without meeting them I had kind of gotten used to the thought of never getting to know them. And I’d never thought it possible that Professor Lee would blackmail me into idol-bombing his daughter’s birthday for a passing grade in his subject. I sighed, as my mind touched the subject of my ever lingering problem involving HoWon. I felt the blood rushing from my face at the thought of having to bring this up to WooHyun…soon.

Then WooHyun interrupted the silence. „I think it’s about time you need to leave for work, it’s already past seven and it’s quite far…“ He waited for me to nod absentmindedly before he added, "And please, if there’s anything I can help you with, don’t hesitate to tell me.“

WooHyun’s words were the invitation I had subconsciously been waiting for the whole time. It was now or never. With the sudden sensation of adrenaline rushing through my body and the blood returning to my face, I looked anywhere but his eyes, mustering up all the courage I had in me. „Actually...there is.“

WooHyun looked surprised but his voice was obliging when he said, "Tell me.“

I had never thought about how to proceed my request, since my main problem had always been getting into a situation where I could even voice it out. So, without thinking it through properly, I just blurted out, "Actually, can you give me HoWon’s number?“

WooHyun raised an eyebrow, his surprise turning into amusement. "Why, do you like him?“

I turned red when I realized how I must’ve come off, probably giving him the wrong idea. 

"Number One wouldn’t be too pleased to hear this,“ WooHyun chuckled and then added, "But please call him Number Four.“

Still as red as ever, I mentally noted DongWoo was older than HoWon. At least that issue was cleared now.

"No, it’s not that I like him,“ I tried to explain but WooHyun didn’t look convinced.

I took a deep breath. Now that I started this topic I might as well just finish it off. It was probably my last chance anyways. But knowing me, it all came out with the wrong words. "My teacher wants him.“

WooHyun’s jaw dropped. "What?!“

Damn, think before speaking! I covered my face with both of my hands. This was coming out all wrong. So embarrassing. "No. Yes. Wait, let me explain.“ 

WooHyun chuckled, amused at my stressful appearance. "Take your time.“

I started again, trying to get the story right this time. "You know that selfie Number One took with me?“

WooHyun nodded.

"Well, he sent it to me and my English Teacher saw it and realized I knew Inf- your group and then he asked me if I could get Ho- Number Four - to make a short appearance for his daughter’s birthday which is in eleven days.“

"And you like your teacher so much that you want to do him this favor?“ WooHyun asked incredulously.

Yes. "No, how would I!“

WooHyun furrowed his eyebrows. "Then how…?“

I quickly debated which part of the truth I’d rather tell him. "I’m failing his class,“ I admitted, crunching my teeth.

As soon as WooHyun got where I was coming from, he laughed out heartily. "I get it now, MinAe,“ he laughed again. "You want Number Four to save your grade by appearing there and giving this girl a nice birthday present?“

I nodded, my face burning red in shame.

WooHyun chuckled. "Ah, if all problems were this easy to solve. No worries, I’ll talk to him.“


WooHyun shook his head in amusement. "Sure. But why him? I’m much better looking and I am the better singer, too…“

I sighed, finally feeling the big burden of Professor Lee’s blackmail falling off my shoulders. This had been so much easier than I had imagined. WooHyun was gold.

"I’ll give Number Four your number so that he can contact you then, okay?“ WooHyun asked, and I nodded, indescribably grateful for WooHyun’s cooperation.

Remembering my part of the deal I added, "And I will try my best with Lady X.“

"If SungGyu ever finds out I stole your number from his phone and then even gave it to Hoya...“ WooHyun said with a bright grin, "Please, you’re invited to come to my funeral."


A/N: So guys, this is the last update for this week. Next update will be on Friday, 21st if I manage.

Now we have the basic drama build-up done - a blackmailing Professor, unfaithful HyeMi and an overprotective SungGyu - but I still have a few surprises for you planned out.

Hope you like it so far; drop me a note! (And omg thank you so much for the upvotes last week :))

xoxo JaeRin

/EDIT: Thanks to luhanoverdose for being such a fast betareader. I love you.

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[짜장면 (Black Bean Noodles)] Merry Christmas to you all!! :)


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mandapanda123 #1
Chapter 20: author-nim...are you going to update this fic? T_T
Been delaying commenting because I wanted to summarize all of my thoughts after reading all chapters in one sitting, but I'm giving up bcus too much feels lol. I haven't looked forward to an update from a story this much in a while. Idol!gyu feels so dorky and human and real, and I like how the Minae is so nonchalant about the fact that he's a star. Their friendship seemed almost too comfortable for romance to occur, but it just made me ship them more lol. The last chapter was soooo good, but it's torture waiting for the next update.
i cracked up when she lied to sunggyu about woohyun ahha pimples ? omfg this was a long one & sweeeet toooo ((insert feels here))
Chapter 20: Is that jaejin shouting in the end?? I actually smell the love triangle between them, but i hope you manage to avoid such things.
Chapter 18: I love the twist, I didn't think I would dislike HyeMi as much but after reading this chapter.... It changed my mind xD Anywho, great story thus far, one of the rarest story line I've certainly come across. This chapter was a cute chapter as well with Woohyun. The ending for this chapter was funny xD Love it~

-Infinite Contest
Chapter 13: I'm so happy you used this live performance haha xD Love it so much~ No comments on HyeMi yet~
Chapter 9: Close call it sounds like xD Haha, cute chapter~
cheesenb #8
Chapter 20: Omo! Sunggyu made a move finally! And why Jaejin again?
Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Sakura7 #9
Chapter 20: Ahhhhh..... he kissed her... the feels.. wooohooooooo
mandapanda123 #10
Chapter 20: woohoo! SUNGGYU! haha
is that jaejin at the end?