
He's my everything.. But he doesn't know that.

Haeun groaned in her sleep. She changed positions and stretched her arm out for a more comfortable position. Her eyes shot open and she sat up immediately when she felt a person with her hand. She gasped when she saw all six boys sleeping in the living room. The girl looked at each and every one of them and found them sound asleep. 

She then looked at her surroundings, especially her walls. Haeun groaned again. 'It's going to be a long day today.' She thought.

The seventeen year old girl stood up and stepped over the sleeping dorks. She quietly stepped out of the room and had a proper stretch. Haeun sighed before making her way to the kitchen. She grabbed some eggs and bacon and quickly made breakfast. 

Soon, Baekhyun woke up and smelt food. He looked around the room and noticed Haeun was gone so he assumed it was her. "YAH! Wake up! Haeun made up breakfast!" He said loudly. Chanyeol and Kai jumped up when they also smelt food. They ran to the kitchen before anyone else did. Suho yawned and stood up and made his way slowly. Baekhyun looked at D.O and Sehun. He kicked them both making them move.

"Hyung!" Sehun whined. He soon went to the kitchen after punching Baekhyun on his arm for revenge. D.O just smiled and walked to the kitchen where the others were. It was as though he didn't know he got kicked. Baekhyun looked at him weirdly before following after. 

On the table were nine plates. Seven of them had two fried eggs and two strips of bacon on them while the other two plates were in the middle of the table and had a stack of toasts each.

The boys sat down and started digging in. Haeun also sat down. She smiled at the pigs at the table and shook her head before grabbing a toast and placing it on her plate. Baekhyun looked up and his eyes set on Haeun.

"Thanks for the food Eun. It's delicious." He thanked. 

Haeun gave him a small grin as her heart beated faster. 


"Okay, so Joonmyun oppa, Baek oppa and I will do the walls, Sehun oppa and Jongin oppa can do the objects that got dirty, and Chanyeol and Kyungsoo oppas can do the floor. Got it?" She huffed.

The boys groaned but nodded. "Why did we have the cake fight in the first place.." Chanyeol whined.

They all ignored him and went straight to their jobs. 


Soon, the living room was all clean and back to normal. Kyungsoo and Haeun carried the rubbish bags out and put them in the bin and went back inside to see the five dorks resting. They took up the couch and the floor. Haeun and D.O also sat down with them. 

"I'm bored." The maknae pouted. "Let's do something instead of sit around doing nothing."

"He's right. We should do something." Suho agreed. 

"It's 2pm.. what can we do?" Haeun asked.

"I know!" Sehun beamed.


Soon they were all sitting around a table with drinks. Sehun, being the most excited one volunteered to sing first. 

"Who's next~?" He asked.

"ME!" Kyungsoo jumped up from his seat.

A few of them watched him sing while the other talked to each other. 

When it was Bakehyun's turn, Haeun listened to him sing. 'His voice is so angelic.' She thought and smiled.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as she watched him. 

"You were great." She complimented him when he was done.

"Thanks Eun. Your turn now." He grinned. 

"What? No no no no no." 

"C'mon. Just this one time. You never sing when we're here." Baekhyun pouted.

"Nope. You're not going to change my mind so just give up." Haeun stuck her tongue out at him.


"Yah! We're here. Let's go in Baek." Haeun told him. All the boys were drunk and she had to get them taxis to go home. Baekhyun came with her to her house as he wanted to. He was too stubborn and in the end Haeun gave up and let him come.

Luckily she didn't drink any alcohol. She helped Baekhyun go into her house. She brought him to the couch and made him sit down. She then went into the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

When Haeun came back, Baekhyun was already asleep on the couch. She smiled softly and put the glass on the table. She grabbed a blanket and put it over him. Haeun softly touched his cheek with her knuckles and sighed. 

'What if you knew I love you more than a best friend?' She thought.

She walked to her room and quickly changed into her pajamas and went to sleep. 


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Kpop_the_best_ #1
It story is great! Update soon, please
Itscindy #2
Hi, i just read this story, and i love it! Cant wait to see what happen next. Please update soon author-nim:)