stranger danger!

Stranger Danger!




stranger danger!






When Sehun is very anxious he tends to bring himself into very strange positions. Very, very strange positions considering that he was eating lunch with the worst person he could. It was the troublemaker of their college but Sehun was too desperate to care. He had to talk to Lu Han and he was sure that his genius pickup lines would help.


The moment he had spoken out his third wish, he knew that things would drastically change. But Sehun believed that Lu Han had the right to live like a normal person. He had the right to go to school, to meet up with friends and to fall in love. Why should him being a genie make it different? Lu Han had to become a human in order to get what he wanted. He shouldn't die because of someone else's wishes.



But it hurt. It hurt to see Lu Han out there, in the library or just outside alone. Because Sehun could not talk to him like he used to. Sehun could not make those cheap hooker jokes, he and Lu Han couldn't call each other honey and dear anymore and he wouldn't be able to hear him swear again. This new human Lu Han was too shy or ever say those words which led to another point. That Sehun couldn't teach him how to kiss, he was bad as well but he needed an excuse.



And that was how Kai came in. He was surprisingly neighbours with Lu Han and saw him often in the morning. They weren't friends since Lu Han seemed to have some disease that he avoided people and was doomed to be a loner forever. Regardless of that, they had more conversation than Sehun because the latter would get too nervous and start saving weird stuff.





Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see!


Actually I don't know...people say I look Chinese and my name is too... so I probably am from China








Like pickup lines. He knew that it was embarrassing and he should rather jump off a building but this was the only option to make Lu Han smile. He didn't smile yet though he surely would...soon. Sehun had never seen him smile as he appeared to be confused whenever they locked eyes. Whatever, Kai was his last solution with his damn luck to be in the damn same neighbourhood with Lu Han. Even though he was one of the smartest people out there he was a troublemaker that ditched school and rather slept through the whole day.



"So you are seriously using pickup lines?" Said boy was stirring his noodles even though they weren't hot at all and certainly fine. Or he was just trying to avoid the dangerous onions. He didn't raise his head which made Sehun believe that this guy didn't listen to him at all. But he did. He had only eyes for his food.



"I know genius right?" Sehun deadpanned, the sarcasm was dripping from his voice while he shoved himself more noodles in.


Without wearing his outfit for lessons he looked oddly casual, oddly at ease and more put together when he wasn't chasing Lu Han. He wasn't a stalker, it was completely normal for him to have Lu Han's schedule saved on his phone.




"You think so? That's creepy...but kinda cool. You should expect a slap though." Kai shook his head, thinking that he as the more powerful one could say that. He had more power towards Lu Han because the latter knew Kai as the nice next door kid unlike Sehun who was in his eyes the weird pickup line kid. There was silence, Sehun suddenly embarrassed at the thought of having to explain it to Kai.



It made so much sense when it was just him alone, the idea of waking Lu Han's memory or even starting new again with him. Explaining his mind twisting experience that he developed feelings called love to someone like Kai was like trying to explain him that Hongki was Hongki and not Jeremy.



("Kai listen. Hongki is his name. Jeremy is the character he played.")







Difficult, to say the least, particularly with the lack of common sense Kai had. Yes he was super smart but that was only on paper. He was too lazy to go to lessons and couldn't tell an actor from a fictional character apart. It was kinda cute, Sehun admitted it. Back to where they were, the atmosphere was shifting from happy and relaxed to serious and edgy. Maybe it was a good idea to have told Kai about his problem. 



"I know that you will think that I'm like any other love struck guy that tries to get attention from his crush." Sehun said quietly, "But trust me that it's totally different from others." he added, almost dead serious, with a wry smile that seemed to lighten the atmosphere around them somewhat. "Me and Lu Han just need to be together. It's unspoken rule. He loves me too he just doesn't know it yet."




Kai looked at him for a long time, then back at his noodles, his expression clearly scrutinizing.


"Wow that's probably the best pickup line I've ever heard. I'm impressed Sehun." Kai clapped his hands, watching the other slap his hand on his forehead. "But I will totally support you guys. I really didn't know that it was like that. That's great and I'm not even lying." His gaze darted pointedly over to Sehun, who slightly flushed; faintly recalling that he still had to teach Lu Han how to kiss. He and Lu Han had done in such a short time so much and now it was time to start over again.





He just wanted a bit of help from someone who talked to Lu Han and that would be more than enough.




"So when was the last time that you and Lu Han had talked?" Kai watched the other boy for any sort of reaction and smiled when he realized that he indirectly agreed to help.




Sehun stared down on his surely cold noodles and gave them to Kai:





"This morning..."














Was it possible to look relaxed while jogging?





Because Sehun acted like a dying person in his final moments when he had to run. He didn't exaggerate at all and was already exhausted after two steps, blame his weak stamina. It was not that he was doing it out of fun. It was damn love that had him run like that. To be clearer, he decided to secretly join Lu Han in his morning jog. He had never jogged in his entire life because he pretended to be sick whenever it was his turn in school. And when that didn't work, he persuaded the person behind him to go to the front.



He hated the feeling of sweat or clothes sticking to your body or anything related to that. But running for Lu Han was an expectation he would definitely regret. He had made a copy of Lu Han's schedule and it said that he would go for a run from five to six. This boy was surely drunk when he wrote this. Because the actual real, genie Lu Han hated it to move himself.






Exactly like Sehun and that was why they were soulmates.





He practically used to live on Sehun's bed, surrounded with snacks and watching the newest dramas. He only left the room to use the bathroom and nothing more. Sehun knew that the hooker jokes had to go but that wasn't his fault that Lu Han looked like that. He was strong as well with his strangling and headlock moves which he had learned from TV.



Eventually though Sehun's nerves started to fade away under the rhythmic movement of jogging, his thoughts slowed down until all he could hear was the sturdy thumping of his feet on the pavement. His limbs already hurt and begged him to take a break....forever. He wore a black hoodie and gray sweatpants; at least he wanted to look good. Seeing Lu Han's back from distance was his emotional push to keep going. The closer he got the better he tried to control his breathing.





The breeze started to blow through Lu Han's hair as he kept one foot forward after the other. His heartbeat increased when he noticed that someone slowly came from behind and attempted to run with him.





It was that pickup line boy.






He was dumbfounded for several moments until Lu Han snapped out of it and lightly bowed while running.





Sehun had to keep his cool and not make a single mistake. Rather than trying to flirt with him, Sehun actually wanted to ask him if Lu Han could slow down because Sehun was not a ing athlete and he had to take a break. Now. But then he didn't want to embarrass himself and say that he hadn't done any sort of that.





"Does your left eye hurt?  'Cause you've been looking right all day."





With deep breaths Sehun managed to say that. He glanced at the other for any reaction. Lu Han shot him slightly disbelieving look but said nothing. Instead he stopped next to the park fence and propped his right foot on the wall. Still not giving an answer, Lu Han swiftly tied his shoelaces and stopped in the middle of doing it, "My eyes are fine. I had a headache though when I woke up." He finally answered after he was done and faced Sehun. That response was like a slap on his face that told Sehun to keep his stupid lines to himself.







"See you later..." Lu Han waved at him and continued his morning jog.





This couldn't be true. Sehun had to make some effort just so that Lu Han were at least friends. Their relationship was pure awkwardness because Sehun began talking to him when Lu Han probably asked himself who the that guy was. They didn't have any mutual friends because after Baekhyun decided to go to a different college to follow his new crush Park Chanyeol.



Sehun and Baekhyun used to be in the we-are-dating-but-we-are-not relationship. It felt weird, Sehun admitted it and he kind of was happy that Lu Han forbid them from seeing each other. He didn't have any authority to do that but who cares. He loved it when Lu Han blabbered that Sehun should stop seeing his classmate because he hated it. And whenever he asked for the reason he found himself being strangled by Lu Han.





"WAIT!" He stretched out his hand to get to Lu Han; stupidly he stepped on his loose shoelace and tripped.











He was laying there, face down.





"A-Are you ok-" Lu Han swallowed his question back down seeing that Sehun shifted and finally got up as if nothing happened. Sehun cursed himself for this embarrassing move and his own inability to stop staring, before coming to a halt directly in front of him. Lu Han was unfocused, but when he turned the full attention of those warm eyes on Sehun, it took his breath away.




Sehun shamelessly pointed at his knee:




"Hey, Lu Han! Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you."




"No I don't. I think you should ask someone else..." Blinking bewildered Lu Han said that and also shook his head. But for that he kneeled down and checked Sehun's knee. He had to push his sweatpants up to be able to look at it. Sehun felt heat crawling up on his cheeks when he felt Lu Han's fingers touch his bare knee. He did hurt himself which he actually didn't expect to happen. Good for him, he had another reason to be with Lu Han.






"Does it hurt? I-I can go back to the dorm and get you a ." 





Just when he had said that, Lu Han slammed his palm on his lips. As if he had said something very bad and forbidden. He blushed hard and jumped back in fear, "S-Sorry I really don't know why I've just said that!" He really didn't, this was too much. Before he could make it worse, Lu Han used his love for running and left right away with a bright red head.





Wasn't that what Sehun wanted? The word was Lu Han's actual favourite one so didn't that mean that the old Lu Han was slowly coming back?






Sehun blinked, rubbed his face and tried to think of another plan.
















This was what happened and yes Sehun was ashamed.





"You are going to stick with pickup lines?" Kai sounded serious and despite this, Sehun wouldn't falter. He knew that those lines would help him. Not all of them were stupid, he was sure that he had some good ones in a corner of his mind. He was very sure. Okay he wasn't at all; he had almost used every one out there since he tracked Lu Han everywhere and used them whenever he had the chance to.



"Yes." It came out casually, Sehun didn't think for long. When he started something then he would finish it. "I kinda does this to you. I'm bad with words." He made an exaggerated gesture at his own visage, and made Kai laugh when Sehun showed him the are-you-going-to-help-me-or-not face. He didn't come to be laughed at and made fun of. Sehun was funny when he tried not to be.



"So Lu Han being my neighbour gives me an advantage. Shall I make you jealous?" Kai grinned and paused, his shoulders tensing at the allusion before he forced himself to keep talking, "So you want me to say good stuff to my neighbour who is Lu Han about you. You two will date, marry and run off together. You will open up a bakery and have so much money from it to be able to travel. You'll travel around the world and nobody will remember the person who started this. Me. Is that what you wanted?"







Sehun kept his eyes on his drink and nodded. He thought that Kai was a slow thinker but apparently he was wrong. He pretended to play dumb during Sehun's story and now he did know what was actually going on. That was impressing. He expected something similar from the smart part of Kai but not the bored and immature part. Which made sadly the majority of his personality up.





"Yes of course."





Kai pretended to flip the table they were sitting at and raised one chopstick up.






"I will agree under one condition. You will bring me together with Do Kyungsoo."







Sehun gasped and shook his head, this was not possible. This was a big no-no. If there was one person who Do Kyungsoo despised then it was the annoying and irritating creature Kim Jongin. His presence was enough to drive the elder nuts even if he didn't say anything. Just being there made the usual calm student frustrated. There wasn't much history between them, Sehun didn't know a lot but everyone including the janitor knew about Kyungsoo's dislike towards the younger.



Why Kai followed him was not explainable.







"Kyungsoo hates your guts!"







Kai laughed and leaned forward to pat Sehun's head.






"Exactly, if I can't have him then you won't get Lu Han."






This was not fair. Sehun and Lu Hand had at least a connection that just needed a little spark. Kai on the other hand was hated by Kyungsoo this was not comparable. This was seriously not possible. At least Lu Han didn't hate Sehun and talked to him. Well used to because when he said 'ing ' he felt apologetic towards Sehun for saying that. Even Sehun understood with time that the human Lu Han and the genie Lu Han were not alike. As if they were totally different people.




The scary thing was that Sehun didn't know if he would have fallen for the human Lu Han if he had met him earlier. Lu Han's unique personality was what caused Sehun to fall in love. Though this wouldn't stop Sehun from being close to Lu Han. He wasn't the same anymore and that was fine because deep down he remembered Sehun. The latter was sure so sure that Lu Han could recognize him and the 'ing ' part confirmed it.



If Lu Han would never be able to return back to his normal state then Sehun had no choice but fall in love for the second time. He knew he shouldn't force love upon himself but Lu Han deserved to be treated good and being cherished. It wouldn't be difficult to fall for him simply because Lu Han was Lu Han. Quiet or loud, shy or bold, soft spoken or violent. He was still Lu Han. And Sehun would in no way move from his side.



"Alright. I'll do it." Sehun agreed, ignoring the slightly edgy tone to his voice, "But don't forget that you have to make me look like a perfect gentleman in front of Lu Han. You can make stuff up as well. Like I volunteer or whatever." Looking over at Kai and taking in his stiff posture, he deliberately softened his voice as he said, "You don't have say a lot. I just want Lu Han to notice me. Just for the record we aren't in Japan so keep your senpai notice me jokes to yourself. And why are you staring at me?"






"From where do you get your pickup lines?





"H-Huh?" Sehun couldn't quite follow his random question.





"I asked you, from where do you get your pickup lines. I'm curious." Kai repeated and propped his elbows on the table. Sehun let out a surprised 'oh' and opened a notebook which he pulled out of his pocket. He opened a random page up and slid the book over to the other side of the table where Kai was sitting at. Interested, the elder read through it and couldn't hide his laughter.






You look cold. Want to use me as a blanket? (Use it on Lu when it rains)



It’s a good thing I wore my gloves today; otherwise, you’d be too hot to handle



You must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room.



I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together



On a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9...... And I'm the 1 you need.



If you were a transformer. You'd be a hot-o-bot, and you'd be called Optimus Fine



Your name must be Coca Cola, because you're so-da-licious (Use it when he drinks)



Your body is made out of 65% water and I'm thirsty



Who's your hair dresser? Tell her I will apologize for messing up her work



Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you



You’re so hot you must've started all of globle warming



I'm good at math, U+I=69




If y were an Oreo you would be double stuffed









And this was only the first page of the notebook.





"Oh Sehun."













"You're my new best friend."















It was a bad idea, Sehun knew it.





It was Kai's strange persuading that forced Sehun to hide behind a tree and observe Lu Han in the local park. He knew that something to go wrong because things never went right for Sehun. It wasn't important whose idea it was because it would just go wrong. Apparently Kai didn't care much when the younger told him that and instead told him where Lu Han was. That was one of the advantages Kai had because he could ask Lu Han where he would go without sounding like a creep.




Why did Sehun move to a dorm? He sort of regretted it. His warm bed and his mom's food was what he personally missed the most. But simply put, his bed would remind him of Lu Han as he had used it a lot. So to get this mental picture of Lu Han laying on his bed out of his head, he had to move. Sehun had to repress tinges of jealousy towards Kai because there was a part of him that accepted that Kai had higher chances of talking normally to Lu Han. They were neighbours and a short chat was never considered as strange.




But Sehun would not give up and also work on his attitude. From now on he would be more put together and calmer. Somewhere along the way he had learned that walking up to Lu Han would just scare him. He would use Kai's offer to say great things about him so Lu Han would finally understand that Sehun would not kidnap him. Whenever their eyes met Lu Han gave him this please-don't-kidnap-me-I-have-a-lot-to-do look. From where did he get this creepy idea? Who said that Sehun wanted to kidnap him?





And this new Lu Han confused Sehun since he did things that the old Lu Han hated. For example he was sitting on the grass of the park and was painting a picture. Like what , genie Lu Han hated all sorts of 'boring' stuff like he had said. He preferred cameras which were quicker and better from quality. He was very childish for someone who was supposed to be mature. And so damn violent. He was either right or right. He couldn't be wrong. And he if was then Sehun had to ignore it.




Although this Lu Han clearly liked to paint. A thick paint brush was between thumb and index finger, which was then dipped in the paint, and then drawn steadily across the paper. Lu Han probably painted the background since his brush glided over the paper in fluid motions. Lines slowly turned into shapes, some were bigger than others and some were smaller.





Sehun was supposed to walk over to him and say his stupid pickup lines...but he couldn't. He was looking at the other boy with a smile on his face, and it brightened when he saw also a smile on Lu Han's lips. It was not meant to be for him but the sight of it was enough. A peculiar feeling of joy swelled up from his bottom on his heart. The reason for Lu Han's smile was that inspiration struck him, and his brush was gliding across the paper assuredly. A bigger smile graced his face as the early stages of his planned painting arisen from the white space, and the warm green color was making it easier for him.






Sehun made the first step.





And then the second.






Until he reached Lu Han who still in a slightly busy state. As if he hadn't seen nor noticed Sehun who was clearly standing next to him. He didn't have to see him but shouldn't he at least sense the presence of someone else? Lu Han just crossed his legs, watching random children on their bikes go by. Laughter rung in his ears making him close his eyes as he wanted a children free zone. It took a few seconds till the laughter turned quieter until it totally died down.





When he opened his eyes he finally noticed that he wasn't even alone. He didn't scream but he flinched slightly and avoided any sorts of eye contact. He sat there for what seemed like an eternity, eyes boring into his own drawing. Sehun's eyes however were filled with mischief as he watched the other, his lips twitched into a smile when Lu Han's cheeks reddened. Did he still have that effect on him?




Lu Han felt strange. Was it alright to feel like that towards someone he didn't really know? For a while, he pondered on his thoughts. It was wrong to fall in love so fast. That was what he assumed was happening. Wasn't this the feeling of falling for someone? He didn't want this to happen. It was wrong; he didn't even know the name of that pickup line boy. Maybe he did mention it but Lu Han was too scared to remember it. He didn't know why he felt scared because in a twisted way, he trusted him more than his neighbour who seemed to have a crush in him. Kai was always talking about him how cool and good looking the pickup lines boy was.




So wasn't it rude from Lu Han's side to start liking Sehun? He didn't want to be competition. That was the last thing he wanted to be. And why would he even like Lu Han back? He was only using those pickup lines as a joke on him so he could later on use it on the prettiest girl on the campus. It had to be like that. Who would even like Lu Han back? Nobody knew him; he was there and yet invisible. It was more likely for Kai to be accepted than Lu Han. It was mean but reality so he had to get used to that.





"I think it's better for you to g-" Lu Han turned his head when his heart began slamming against the sides of his ribcage he couldn't go on. For a moment, he thought that he was going to faint any moment now. Sehun was so close to his face and seemed like he had something very important to say. Lu Han wasn't used to these kinds of things, sure, he heard about those feelings but this was the first time he actually felt it.







"Your body is made out of 65% water and I'm thirsty."



"I can give you my drink...If you are thirsty."





Lu Han was about to go through his bag but he was stopped.






"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together."



Lu Han didn't understand.





"I don't like pictures...sorry. And it's 'you and I' and not 'me and you'." He answered a bit baffled but couldn't help the correction of grammar. It didn't bother him a lot but that was the first thing that jumped into his brain. Biting his lip softly, Lu Han blushed and desperately tried to calm his heart. He had never felt this nervous before, because Sehun had never the chance to get so close. And shouldn't he know as someone who stalked Lu Han that he favoured painting of pictures? If he had liked pictures then Sehun would have seen him taking pictures of the park than paint it.







"Lu Ha-"










Shaking his head to get rid of his ridiculous thoughts, Lu Han slapped his hands on his cheeks and left the park in a heartbeat. It was once of his habits to leave first. At first Sehun only thought that he was being shy and all but after paying attention to the way Lu Han definitely wasn't that. He surely remembered something about their past and was just unsure about it. As if he didn't know how to react to it.







This was okay because Sehun knew what to do about that.














"Use the transformers one, I think it's the best one." Hiding behind the book shelves in the library was pathetic. And yet Kai had fun about this whole situation. He was way more excited than Sehun and couldn't wait for it to happen. They were inventively keeping an eye on their subject of attention, Lu Han who was sitting by himself. The library was empty as well which was the reason why Lu Han went there. Well he definitely didn't expect Kim Jongin and Oh Sehun to observe him from close distance.



Inhaling sharply, Sehun closed his eyes as Kai patted his shoulder and whispered comforting words his partner. It used to be easy to approach Lu Han but now that his memory was hopefully coming back everything was different. He avoided Sehun a lot more and was like two hundred times shyer. He couldn't even say 'see you later' properly. It was definitely not easy anymore. It was getting… out of hand.



And before Lu Han would totally feel out of place, Sehun would awaken his memory. His initial idea was to only date Lu Han and if that didn't work out then being friends was alright too. He simply wanted to be close to him. And now that he had the chance to get his old Lu Han back, Sehun changed directions. He was being selfish in a sense but he knew that Lu Han would be more comfortable with being who he actually was. Even if he had to be a lazy, violent wannabe hooker.




"Are you going or what? Otherwise he will leave you because you're giving off negative energy." Sehun slight jumped in surprised and looked over his shoulder to find Kai standing right behind him while groaning. He knew that Sehun was nervous and all that but if this was his crush then Kai would have acted better. He was not as pitiful as his new best friend.






"I would just be like...Kyungsoo hyung I love you-"








"-or Kyungsoo go out with me-"




"Kim Jongin."




"-or Kyungsoo be my boo or bae-"




"A what?"





A third well known voice joined their awkward conversation. Kyungsoo didn't even know what to say. When he heard about an emergency from Sehun he thought that it required immediate help. But it just turned out to be Kai who was talking crap. Kai stood patiently next to the bookshelves, lost in thoughts; he didn't even realize what he had just done. He kinda indirectly confessed his love to the person who would rather chop his limbs off. That was such a horrible timing because Kai was happy that he was finally noticed but it shouldn't have been like that.



"Is this why you called me? I've expected better from you Sehun." Kyungsoo said, not even mentioning the awkward confession. He growled instead in frustration and smacked both of their heads, "I don't know if you can read or not. But this is a library, if you want to play then go out." He didn't want to be too loud because this would contradict what he had just said. He hoped that those potato heads understood the warning without further explanation. They couldn't be that dumb.




"Wait...y-you didn't hear what I've just said?" Kai took both of Kyungsoo's hands and held them in his own hands. Despite his shock and confusion, he tried his best not to sound like he was wondering or anything. When he didn't get an answer he stopped asking and a smile of relief spread across his lips. "It's okay if you didn't hear it. It's better like this. We don't want to get married early right?" Kai dumbly grinned and held the other's hands tighter.




Those hands were pulled away and Kyungsoo debated if he should promote violence in this moment or not, "Marriage?! You and I?! HAH! Dream on little boy." Kyungsoo verbally being mean to him had never happened before. Even after all the times Kai had followed him, he didn't do a thing to fight back, or even say an insult on the younger. He didn't date immature boys like Kai so he could stop his weird fantasises now because Kyungsoo wouldn't fall for it.




With a warning glare Kyungsoo left the library and then there was Sehun wondering if Lu Han had sighted them.




"Sorry man..." Sehun began as he knew how painful it was to be rejected. He had experienced a similar feeling whenever Lu Han tried to not be anywhere near Sehun. He didn't say it but the tension between them was enough to explain their history, "I mean you must feel very stupid because the guy you really liked doesn't want anything to do with you. I do get how you feel." He wasn't friends with Kai for a long time but he knew how that hurt.




For some who wasn't good with emotions and didn't quite understood hearts, he could relate to the aching with so much pain knowing that out of all people the person you happen to like crushed you like that.






Though why didn't Kai look...sad?






"Did he just reject someone as hot as me?" Now it was clear that Kai did not pay attention to anything that Sehun had said. Yes some people took a bit of time to grasp the situation and Kai belong to that category. He wasn't miserable and crying his eyes out. He didn't fall on his knees and let a heart wrenching 'why' out. He tiled his head and rather looked like someone sincerely confused.





Saying nothing more, Kai also made his way towards the door.






"Kai where are you going? You're only going to get hurt."





"Buying Kyungsoo glasses because he obviously needs them."














Out of all times Sehun had stalked Lu Han, he currently gave the impression of genuinely being a stalker. He was going to use some new lines on the poor victim and after hours of searching he could only find him after their lessons had ended. That meant that Sehun would have to follow him home. He didn't want to go that far but honestly thinking he was curious where Lu Han was living. Did he find a big house? A roommate? An apartment? He knew that Kai lived next to him though he had never said how exactly his home looked like.





Sehun did keep his distance he needed to be discreet, so he turned his head a few times. For the first time he didn't want to use his pickup lines but quietly follow him. He kept his target in his sight with his sharp vision. He heard the sound of an approaching bus over the talking people who were standing at the bus stop. He didn't know if he would take the bus or not. The worst possible thing that could happen was that Lu Han could take a full bus and would then notice the uninvited pursuer.




Deliberately passing the bus stop, Lu Han made up his mind and continued his walk. He probably complemented to take the bus or not and then he decided not to. Maybe he had two places to be at and had chosen one. Hopefully it was his house because Sehun really wasn't the type to stalk others in their free time. He was close to Lu Han but he knew the line. The more they walked, the more Sehun recognized the neighbourhood.







It was Sehun's old neighbourhood where his house was at.





Now Sehun was going to get cold feet. Why would Lu Han go there? He had lost his memory right? Or was he just visiting someone? The idea made him want to shiver, but he restrained himself, keeping completely still. In his utter exhaustion from walking so much he took some breaks which was also good for his cover up. He knew that it would be suspicious for other passer-by if he would just keep following this one person. He couldn't help it since Lu Han knew more about his past than he showed. 






Sehun expected Lu Han to halt in front of his house.





He didn't ring the bell or knock or did anything apart from staring at the building. He was lightly frowning which could have been taken in the wrong way. Sehun was relatively certain that Lu Han was not angry or upset. Maybe perplexed or lost? Those were better terms to describe his mood. The scene was like he came after a long time back to the place he used to stay. This was true and made him feel out of everything, nostalgia.




"Do you remember anything?" It was time for Sehun to make him understand about what was going on. Lu Han had the right to know, he after all happened to get his memory day by day back. Sehun came closer and closer until he was standing next to the other. His presence wasn't much taken in consideration because Lu Han had all his attention on the building.




Not even being scared that he had been followed, Lu Han sighed, "I don't know. I do but then I don't. There is something in my memory but I can't take it. As if it's out of reach...sorry for my weird explanation." His talk was not strange at all, Sehun knew what he felt. He could relate to those problems better than anyone else. He and Lu Han were after all together right? It was sad to witness someone who wants to get their memory back. They didn't know how they acted before. Did they have friends, family anyone?




Were they nice or bad? Lu Han without doubt belonged to the nice part. He had his moments when he could get physical though this was in his personality and another way to show his love. "You know something right? Did you know me before?" Lu Han's eyes had never left the house in front of him. He could feel Sehun brushing his arm against his shoulder.






"Do you really want to know? It could shock you."





"I don't mind. It's better than to live in uncertainty."





Sehun expected his kind of answer so he had no choice but hold his palm out.






"Do you trust me?"





"Is this another pickup line?"











Lu Han smiled and shyly accepted the hand of the other.









The moment Sehun brought out his old key and unlocked the door, he had hoped that Lu Han would remember something. He didn't have to recall everything but a little piece of memory would have been helpful. Sadly, Lu Han didn't say much and didn't seem like a person who had remembered anything. Actually this was totally fine because the real genie Lu Han hardly knew how it looked downstairs as well.




Like mentioned a million times, he barely left Sehun's room. So for him, recalling something that wasn't sure to begin with was fine. His last chance to wake Lu Han's memory would be his room. He had to recollect something. After they put off their shoes and figured out that Sehun's mother wasn't home they made their way upstairs. Lu Han turned his head a lot around while his hands were fisted on his chest.




"It should be clean because nobody else would room there." Sehun said beforehand, pushing the handle of the door down. He didn't glance though he could feel Lu Han nodding behind his back. He gave Sehun green light to continue which he nervously did. He strolled in and yes it was exactly how he left it. A few personal things like books and favourite pillows were gone but that was it. At least his mom didn't sell his TV; she absolutely would have done that.



Like always, Sehun threw himself on the bed and waited for seconds for the other to copy him. The old Lu Han and him had always play fought together which taught Sehun to never underestimate fragile looking people. But this Lu Han was gracelessly standing in the middle of the room as if they were classmates meeting for a project. He probably felt uncomfortable with this sight so Sehun hastily got off his bed.




He had another idea he could use. Lu Han gazed at the supposedly younger, how he went through his wardrobe. It was actually empty and the only things he could find like that were towels. His mom really needed to buy herself a wardrobe for her own towels. Sehun knew that deep in the wardrobe were other clothes he had to find. And indeed after a short while of searching he found what he was looking for. It was genie Lu Han's old clothes. This should seriously be a big help.




"Here try it on. Don't worry they are clean. These are part of your old clothes you used to wear," Sehun handed him a white thin shirt and the well-known ripped jeans. When Lu Han stared at them he didn't say anything. He weighted the clothes in his hands and caressed the material with his fingertips. He was about to say something though Sehun had other plans and held his hands up:




"I know I know. They look like hooker clothes. I assure you that you were not a hooker nor were you a homeless person. Well technically you are homeless 'cause your lam- whatever. Don't mind the hooker thi-" He was cut off by Lu Han harshly grabbing his collar and pulling him down. The anger in his eyes was real and for this moment his old personality was showing.




"The ?! Should I break your neck so you will get it?! How many ing times do I have to tell you THAT I'M NOT A DAMN HOOKER! THIS IS FASHION YOU ING !" After saying those words, Lu Han and Sehun stared at each other with wide eyes. Sehun was shocked that this actually worked and genie Lu Han was standing in front of him. He didn't care about what he said but the way he said it.




This could have only been him.




Lu Han however couldn't believe what he had said. He immediately stepped away and apologized a hundred times, "I'm so sorry about that...I-I don't even know..." He had his palms on his face while shaking his head. This was too good to be true. Sehun should have known that. He sighed and said that it was totally fine. It was fine. He just had to keep going on like that. He picked the fallen clothes up and pushed them back into Lu Han's arms:





"I'll be back in a sec. You...just wear this."






Lu Han could only nod.











If there was another thing that Lu Han totally loved then it had to be food. He used to eat and eat and stay skinny. Sehun couldn't understand how that was possible and simply blamed it on the fact that he was a genie. Lu Han then had told him that this was bull because genies had human bodies. So how did that make sense? Moving on. Sehun had to show this Lu Han all the snacks that his old persona used to eat all day. It was unhealthy and that the old genie Lu Han never worked out was worrisome.


He didn't want to turn this innocent Lu Han into a fat person but sometimes he had to make sacrifices. Eating a little was fine too, he didn't have to eat at all too if he refused. When Sehun came back with arms full of things old Lu Han would have died for he sighted the other silently sitting on Sehun's bed. He must have had followed Sehun's example and sat down with his old clothes. He blushed a bit because those clothes made him feel strange and exposed too much. He blushed more as Sehun sat dangerously close next to him, their arms pressed against another.




"You used to eat this all day. And beat me whenever I touched it." Once again he made an attempt to wake Lu Han's memory. He stared at the packs of snacks Sehun gave him; maybe he had seen them before. Lu Han inspected the snacks from all edges at the same time as Sehun held the remote in his hand and turned the TV on. This would help a bit more. He was about to ask another question and suddenly their eyes met. Lu Han was the first one to break it off.





There was a question Lu Han was aching to ask.












Lu Han felt the hard edges of one the cookie packs, and his fingers clenched it with a half-hearted smile, "I mean you are doing so much for me. I don't even seem like someone who is giving so much effort but you can't be just a friend. I-I said that I love your bed, I eat your food, I have my clothes here..." He didn't need to go on because they both were aware of it all. It was not needed to be answered and actually Lu Han did all those things before he and Sehun had figured out their feelings.





"Yeah we were but like for two seconds. You lost your memory after that."





Lu Han's breath caught and he stared at the TV screen in disbelief. He felt his stomach flip but took in a few deep breaths to stop himself from thinking too much. His confusion started to be replaced with sadness; it all hit him like a brick wall. How bad must Sehun have felt? He could not touch Lu Han without knowing him like that. Was this the reason for those pickup lines? To get him back?






"If that's the case then...This should be fine right?" This was the first time that Lu Han acted so bold when he clasped Sehun's arm and heaved it up to put it on his own shoulders. Sehun had his right arm comfortably on Lu Han's shoulders which he noticed were very narrow. He thought that it was better to be quiet and only let Lu Han do whatever he wanted. This was carried on by Lu Han placing his head on Sehun's chest and moved it in such a way that he could watch TV.











"Sehun your heart is beating fast."





"I know."



















"I'm sorry that this wasn't helpful."



"No it's my fault for not remembering."






Maybe they should stay like that. Maybe it was important to stay apart from the time being. Lu Han had already changed back to his normal clothes and was ready to go back home. He felt so stupid and useless. Why couldn't he just remember? All of Sehun's efforts were wasted on someone who was not capable of doing something simple as remembering.





With slump shoulders he walked the stairs down with only the door in mind. He wanted to get out.





"Lu Han you don't need to..." Sehun trailed off, as he had turned his attention back to Lu Han. The latter's gaze had whipped up at the mention of his name, but he had looked away quickly enough afterwards. Sehun had caught his gaze for only a second, but it was enough. His eyes were glassy and shiny from unshed tears. He blinked rapidly, a few quick times, before he had looked away. His jaw was clenched and he was now eluding the other's eyes.





"Sehun I think it’s better...if you forget me. I-I mean I'm making this hard for you." He said with shaking voice, Lu Han wanted to take everything back he said. He really wanted to but he couldn't.








"Lu Han you know I can't do that."







He narrowed his eyes before he let a heavy sigh slip from in between his lips. Lu Han was aware of that.  Sehun couldn't forget him. Why in the world would he intentionally do something that would hurt him? This didn't make sense. It all didn't make sense. Being at the bottom of the stair case Lu Han turned around for the last time to tell Sehun that it was better for him to let go.



What he in return got was Sehun trying to run after him as he took two steps at a time while saying that they couldn't end it. If it was not working today then they could try it tomorrow. If it was not working tomorrow then they could try it the day after. If it was not working then they could try the next day after. Sehun in no way could leave it like that. He didn't mind waiting.





In his rush, he forgot an additional step and slipped barely on the edge over it. It was the anxiety that pushed him forward in this speed and caused him to collide with the other boy. His face slammed against Lu Han's and pushed him down on the floor. The fall didn't hurt since the carpet had softened it but even so something was wrong. Sehun slowly cracked his eyes open and saw Lu Han oddly close. When he was on the verge of saying a word, he already assumed what happened.





His lips were on Lu Han's exactly like in their first meeting.





Déjà vu much?






And like last time his explanation was interrupted by a loud slap:









Lu Han shoved him aside and instantly got up. He brushed the invisible dirt away and said something like 'the am I wearing'. He ruffled his hair and gave Sehun a look that waited for an excuse. The taller smiled, because it was said with such seriousness and with all the dramatic emotion flying around, it was almost nice to hear Lu Han swear again. What came next was not what he supposed would happen. He didn't even get any time to prepare himself when he was tugged onto Sehun's broad chest. He was held so firm that he believed that a little more would break his sensitive bones.










Lu Han's stopped talking as his heartbeat was just a bit faster and his breaths turned shallow. The atmosphere around them changed slightly- less of an anxious one into something more significant, more intimate. They were close, he realized, and Sehun's hand tangled and threaded through the strands of Lu Han's hair carefully. Lu Han's chest heated up, his eyes remained so engrossed with the feeling.






"I'm a human now right?" He rhetorically asked, his throat constricted, the words he found were so easily accessible, but couldn't be acknowledged. How much he had wanted to say that he had missed his . How good it felt to know what was going on, to be back in Sehun's arms, "Yeah. I missed you honey." Sehun admitted and couldn't believe that his sincere wish came true. This was what he wished for during his absence.


To see him again.




"I missed me too dear." Narcissistic as ever Lu Han responded though the other knew about his true feelings. A silence hung over them and they didn't know if it was an awkward feeling or not- it seemed like everything had gone back to their old relationship. Despite that they had never properly dated. This was new for them too so they just didn't know how to begin. Sehun drew his face in and kissed his forehead tentatively, his fingers just slightly rubbing Lu Han's cheeks in such an intimate way that it made Lu Han blush, even though they were completely alone. It was these gestures that made him feel so weak.





"Did the sun come up or did you just smile at me?" Lu Han asked Sehun who had to stop his touching session.





"You like pickup lines Lu Han?"




"You look so familiar… didn't we take a class together? I could've sworn we had chemistry."




Sehun laughed and pinched the other's nose, he had to admit that was funny.




"Hey... Didn't I see your name in the dictionary under 'Daaaaaamnn' "





"Lu Han."





"Wouldn't we look cute on a wedding cake together?"




"Lu Han."





"You are handsome, I am handsome. Coincidence? I don't think so."





Enough with those cheesy pickup lines,  Sehun couldn't hear it anymore. He pressed his lips against Lu Han's, holding the side of his face as covered his mouth. Lu Han's eyes widened, clutching his wrist instinctively as his weight made him stumble backwards, pushing his body against the wall. Slowly, he closed his eyes as he returned his kiss. He blushed as one of Sehun's hands came up and held the side of his face, angling his lips against Lu Han's.




After Sehun pulled away, his fingers gently passed through Lu Han's hair. With trivial and careful movements, he ruffled his muddled bangs before brushing them away from his eyes.






"Correction, you're beautiful. Welcome back honey. You're not my genie anymore but my wish came true."






Lu Han playfully punched him on his chest as he blushed.





"Yeah I guess. And please stop it with those pickup lines."










"It wasn't one."









Hope this chapter gave you guys some HAPPINES <3


Yep damn right I support Red velvet!


This will be probably my last one shot since I will focus on my full length story :D


And some time later I will write a fluffy hunhan full length story!








btw the new theme is so strange I'm keeping the old one lol



bomi xoxo

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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 2: Cute nini
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww
Chapter 1: Those pickup lines really were something!! So freaking cute and perfect!! Kaisoo as ever was adorable!!!!
Chapter 2: Kaisoooo god!! They're my new favourite!!! I love dumb Jongin!!!!
onehellofa #5
Chapter 2: oHMYGAD. kai you stupid cutie why is this fic so fluffy and enjoyable uuuuu ;;;
ummm authrnim.. there is a prblm with The wrld is urs link. 0_0
Chapter 2: I just cute to be true...Luhan's personality and Sehun and Kai's dumbness is too fuuunnyy...and the cheesy pick up lines...oh goshh...
Bleak_night #9
Chapter 2: Well that was so pretty haha, and Sehun is really something. How could he find all these pickup lines? That's so weird of him hahaha. He's cute anyway and Luhan is really scary, its not normal to see him this violence... Its really creepy haha yet Sehun can put up with him. So cute and lovely and what? Kai is really really i mean really slow thinker... But honestly i too didn't understand the real meaning of pick me up tomarrow and don't tell anyone, i thought he was saying that Kai should walk him to school hahaha.