Chronicle of Ashes


It was actually a challange for me since I haven't written in a long time. It's based on a one shot I had stored in my computer with no particular pairing in it so I decided to use it for this story. I hope you enjoy it. I had fun writing it and developing it~ 

This is an entry for `fireflies : a yixing/myungsoo writing contest  (Click on it to check it out! It's a great contest, I suggest you enter as well~)



Myungsoo started preparing coffee for both of them in early April afternoons and Yixing prepared quotes to share and discuss over. Myungsoo found out Yixing came from a single parent family and that was another reason to bring them together, but they never really talked about families in depth. Both of them had too many scars from the past and they silently agreed to not open a subject about it.

Yixing found out that Myungsoo's passion was playing the guitar and almost forced him to play. They spend days playing, enjoying just the notes instead of meaningless words, exchanging understanding gazes. Exchanging unspoken feelings which were only meant to grow with time.

Myungsoo was surprised to hear Yixing was a year older, always making him think he was younger, but he wasn't bothered by it.

Yixing slowly started getting used to Myungsoo's way of living.


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