
Roommate With A Freak

Chapter 21 - "Falling" (Listen to Henry's song "You" while reading this if you want to feel their sweetness xD)

That evening.

Since one hour before, Jessica had been busy inside the dorm...trying to look perfect for the evening. To Taeng it was just a simple eating out...but to Jessica it was a whole different story. The princess wanted to impress her freak by any chances possible. Too bad, it still takes the freak a long time to even realize her face...

-Yawn- Taeng sat on the couch wanting to fall asleep watching his roommate zoom back and forth to the bathroom like a ninja. The interesting thing was, everytime she came out, something was upgraded, like her hair, face, clothes, smell...etc. This is one reason why he thinks girls are troublesome. They take too much time to get ready even if it just meant walking outside for 5 seconds.

"Haizz." He sigh and grab a pillow nearby then lie down the couch while hugging the pillow. At this rate, the guy could've taken a nap then wake up and Jessica might still not even be done.


10 minutes passed...Taeng had fall asleep due to the quietness inside the room as he hug the pillow tightly and curling up on the couch.

"Yah-" Jessica finally finish getting ready for her 'fashion show' and walk out to find her freak. She quickly stay quiet after seeing a figure lying down on the couch. "He's fell asleep?...Did I took that long? It was only 1 hour though.." Right, 1 hour is not a long time according to the princess.

Jessica slowly approach the sleeping person and kneel down to look at him by the same eye level. Jessica didn't feel creepy at all but instead, she was distracted by Taeng's cute babyface. It was flawless and white. Jessica was completely held spellbound by Taeng's face.

Remember the Jessica Jung that promise to herself even if Kim Taeng was the last guy on earth, she will never like him? That person is the same person here, staring at her 'ex-enemy' face and smiling like a babo. The princess didn't even know that Taeng woke up and had been looking at her blankly for the past 5 seconds...

"Why does...she looks different again??" As Taeng look at Jessica...it seem that she was different from what she look earlier in the day. Jessica didn't do anything..but it was just Taeng who is feeling this way. The princess had spend like 1 hour on looking pretty, putting on makeup, lipstick, and even curling her hair...of course she will look different then the Jessica that just woke up earlier in the day.


-Poke- Not knowing how to get the zoning out girl's attention and break away the awkwardness currently happening, Taeng gently poke Jessica's cheek causing her to be startle.

She looks at him blankly.

And so did he.."What are you staring at?" He said and furrow his eyebrows.

When Jessica had figure out what's going on, she quickly stood up and acted like nothing happen.

"I..was going to wake you up because you're wasting time! I'm hungry." She made an excuse and look away to hide the heating up face. "Hurry up babo!"

"Babo?...Wow." Taeng sighed and stood up getting ready to '' the royal highness out of the dorm.

Let the fun begins! Go go!

"I'm not riding a bike again." As soon as they step out into the school gates, Jessica quickly rejected going by bike because she was wearing a skirt instead of pants.

"I never said I was going to ride a bike again." Taeng reply back and continue to walk out turning left.

"Are you kidding? Walking?"



After a short distance of walking, the duo quickly reach the bus stop and stand there waiting for the bus to arrive. Fortunately, they didn't need to wait long when the bus came stopping by and they both went on.

It was packed with passengers and there were hardly open seats to sit. There was only one section empty in the back so Taeng and Jessica were 'forced' to sit next to each other.

"Where are we going?" Jessica turn around and ask Taeng.

"I don't know. You're the one taking me. Why are you asking me.." Because of the cold and loner himself, despite being on Earth for 3 years...Taeng still can't name at least 10 restaurants in Seoul. He didn't know where was fun or cool. All he know was schools due to the many times transfering here and there to keep his identity safe.

"Oki, I'll feed you!" Jessica reply back and smile cutely.

"Feed me??"


As the bus makes a curve to turn right on the road, it causes the people inside to turn with it also...making Jessica sway over to Taeng's side. If he didn't catch her in time, Jessica's would have hit her head slightly into the window.

"Are you okay?" Taeng asked her nicely making Jessica surprised. Usually the freak would like nag or complains about her...but today he wasn't. Jessica like this Taeng better than the rude one.

"I'm fine...hehe.." She responded back and smile as he nodded. Like so, they continue to stay quiet for the rest of the bus trip.

Food Market - The place where delicious food's venders and restaurants are located in Seoul. Once you go in, there's no way you're going to make it out hungry.

"Ever been to here?"

"No." Taeng shake his head slightly to Jessica's question as it was his first time hearing about something like this. Since Jessica didn't know about his identity, the princess thought Taeng must be living in the past not even knowing this so called food heaven here.

"Seriously, where do you even lived??"

"Not in earth." He mumbles to himself quietly.

"Huh?" After hearing him mumbling but not quite sure what he said, Jessica just turn around and look at him blankly.

"I didn't say anything." He lied and walk away to avoid anymore conversation toward the sensitive subject.


"Do you know what's tteobeokki??" They stopped infront of the delicious spicy rice cakes vender smelling the delicious scent everywhere.

"I'm not a caveman arraso." Of course being in earth for 3 years, Taeng had gain enough knowledge to what tteobeokki is. Jessica seriously would faint if the freak doesn't even know what this food is when he lives in Korea.

"Tsk...you're not that ancient than what I thought. Hehe. Here!" Jessica handed Taeng the small and hot cup of tteobeokki she had bought while they were talking. Taeng grab it and both started to taste the delicious food while walking to the next available vender on both sides of them.

The crowd were suddenly getting loud and pack inside the small pathway. Since it was evening and close to night time, lots of people are here to enjoy the foods just like Jessica and Taeng. Yet, the area they were in right now was quite crowded than the other areas.

"Ah." Jessica frown as someone bump into her shoulder slightly knocking away the tteobeokki that was almost place into .

"Let's go to another place." Taeng turn around and told her. She was surprised again when he suddenly grab onto her hand and drag her out of the crowded place.

Dugun...dugun...dugun...The heart beated with fast rhythm when that significant person touches...In between people shoving and passing through, Jessica felt safe with Taeng's holding on to her hand...Only if that can actually last forever...and openly..


"Haizz..." Taeng let out a slight sigh after the duo escaped successfully out of the bees hive to another less crowded food area.

He didn't know that he was still holding onto her hand and she didn't wanted to tell him about it neither way as they stare at each other. Taeng quickly remove his hand and look away awkwardly. "Sorry." He said and went on, pretending to be interest in a food vender.

One by one, they stop at each venders to eat the foods with less conversation made to each other. Time to time, Taeng would try to break the ice or Jessica would..But then, they would go back to the original state anyway.

Fish cakes, fish bread, fried squid, hotteok, kimbap, anything available there was all tried by Taeng and Jessica.

Their next stop was...fried dumplings.

"Ahjumma, 4 mandu juseyo." Jessica hold out 4 of her fingers to the seller and smile.

"Here." She handed over two to Taeng along with the sauce.

"Gomowoh." He reply back and smile slightly. Jessica wanted to see that smile more often...but it's hard since it was someone like Taeng.

As the duo stood there eating, Taeng notice that the princess had accidently sauce slightly next to when she was eating. He quickly grab a napkin and gently wipe the spot for her causing Jessica to be surprise. "Are you a kid?" He said mockingly seeing Jessica's childish-like actions.

She was too busy zoning out and didn't even respond back while looking intensely at Taeng. At this sweetness rate, the princess will just blurt out that she like him later. 

"Aigoo, you two are the cutest couple I've seen tonight." Out of nowhere, the ahjumma selling dumplings speak out and smile at the duo as they look at her blankly. "Your boyfriend is really thoughtful." She glance over to Jessica and laugh.


"I'm...not her boyfriend...We're not dating." He smile awkwardly toward the ahjumma trying to straighten out the fact of what's going on right now. How can they be mistaken as a couple when he just wipe ...It make him rethink if he should ever go near her again..Aigoo.

"Chinja? No way...I thought you two were couple just by looking at first..."


"It's okay...Things are going well right? Don't worry young girl, he will one day express his feelings to you."

"Eh??" Taeng glance at Jessica with a confused look when the ahjumma thought instead of them dating, he currently like her. It is not true though...yet.

"I hope he will be then..." The princess pouted and walk away knowing that this cold freak would never admit to liking her. She even thought that he might not even have anything toward her...


"Ah what the??!" When they were about to walk over to the bus stop, small drops of rain suddenly fell down to the ground and onto them. Taeng quickly react to the situation and take off his sweater he was wearing to use it as an umbrella.

"Run if you don't want to get wet." He place the sweater over Jessica and his head while signaling Jessica to run in 3...2..1.

"Ah!" The princess screams out slightly and they both run to the nearest shelter as soon as the rain came pouring down like a cold shower. They hid underneath a roof near a convience store watching the everyone running for their life to avoid the rain and getting rid.


"I'm now stuck here with you." Taeng said rudely to Jessica to break the silence yet gently place his sweater over her like a gentleman. Since it was rainning and cold, Taeng was being considerate enough to care about Jessica...it was weird...He can't find an answer to why he was worrying about the person beside him...She...what is she to him anyway?...Taeng might figure everything out in a few minutes later..

The princess didn't said anything back to Taeng's action but instead turn around to look at him. He stare back...Under the sound of pouring rain...they were suddenly lost into each other eyes...Everything became unimportant to them right now...

Jessica was still staring at Taeng blankly as Taeng's head is currently spinning inside of what he was doing. It was wrong...he shouldn't be like this to a human...He had told himself he won't interact or like anyone...But...Jessica was somehow....different.

Suddenly...and slowly...Taeng lean in closer...His heart had block his brain from thinking anymore...It was time for the heart to take the lead and put aside what's wrong and right...

He lean in closer...and....closer...and...time suddenly stops. Taeng had control the time once again because...he didn't want to admit to the girl infront of him what he is doing right now. He wanted to do it...secretly...Their lips finally touches for a split second before Taeng 'ran' away from it and time resume as normal again.

"Ahem..." He let out a fake cough and look away pretending nothing happen.

"Am I imagining? Aish Jessica Jung...you're gonna make him think you're weird." Jessica frown after realizing she was staring off at Taeng again and thought she had imagined him leaning in. It was true...but only Taeng knows about it.


"It stop raining." Taeng said and bite his lips slightly when he glance over at Jessica. "Lets go home.."


They quietly stroll to the bus station and wait for it to stop by...The atmosphere was completely silence...All there is to hear was the water droplets left from the rain falling down to the ground...

Jessica started to hum to a song to break the boredom as Taeng stood beside listening. That annoying dolphin voice in the beginning suddenly sounds so...pretty and sweet. Taeng didn't know if he was hearing the right thing or his mind was even in it's original state...All he can feels is weird vibes circling inside after...'the rain'


-Eck- The bus finally stops infront and open the door widely for the duo. As they walk inside, they notices the view here was different from earlier. It wasn't pack with people..There was only about 3-4 people...plus them. Empty seats were everywhere...yet it seem like there was a magnet between the two as they walk all the way to the back seat and sat down.

Taeng beside the window and Jessica slightly next to him...Let just said this bus ride will be one...sweet one.

Tik...tok...tik tok...The bus move along slowly as Taeng stare out the window into the streets...He wasn't really looking at the sceneries, but instead use the window as a reflection to stare at the girl beside him indirectly. He notice Jessica slowly wrapping his sweater around her body to stay warm and then yawn...

The quietness can't help but makes the princess feel sleepy. 1...2...3...Jessica blinks her eyes slowly trying to keep it wide open...4...5...6...The princess' couldn't handle it anymore and fell asleep, leaning back to the seat.

7...8...9...and 10...Taeng witness as the girl slowly tilt her head toward his side due to the shakyness of the bus...Jessica's precious head gently fell on Taeng's shoulder...The princess probably thought it was comfortable like her pillow so she never woke up anyway.

Taeng didn't move her away or did anything. He stood still not wanting to wake the person up from her sleep. He then glance over to the window, using it as a mirror to see her again and sigh...

"Why are you...different...than everyone else?" Was all he thought before clearing everything in his head away.


20 minutes later...The way back to school was pretty far...but they didn't notice it in the start due to the excitement blinding them.

-Eck- The bus stops as Taeng and Jessica were the last people riding. "Your stop kids." The bus driver said and turn around to watch the 'lovey dovey' moment.

Jessica was still sleeping and didn't realize anything even when Taeng started to pick her up. Usually, the freak would nag at Jessica for falling asleep everywhere...but for today...he didn't. He instead, doesn't want to wake her up which is why, he is carrying her.

"Kamsamida." He bow his head slightly to the bus driver before leaving out of the bus toward the school.

"Aigoo...such a nice boy." The bus driver mumbles and smile slightly at the cute scene infront of him, like the ahjumma before, he thought they were a couple.

Like so, Taeng had carry Jessica all the way back to the dorm without causing her to wake up. He slowly opens the door and walk in to where her bed was. Making absolutely no sounds, he carefully place Jessica on her bed.

His job would've been done if only Jessica didn't suddenly wrap her hands around his neck causing the freak to be startle.

"Taengoo...Babo..." She mumbles quietly yet Taeng can hear due to how close there were right now..."I like...you Taengoo-ah.." She confess suddenly in her dream thinking that it will be a secret...Not anymore...when the guy had heard everything. All he can do is stare at her blankly...watching the roommate sleeping...and suddenly confessing her feelings toward him...

He now...question his feelings toward her...Taeng told himself that he will not interfere or mix with humans...But after meeting this girl name Jessica Jung and what happening currently...his heart is telling him to get rid of that rule completely.

"Do...I...like you too?" Taeng's question were cut off when the dreaming princess suddenly pull him in for a deep kiss. He realize he wasn't hesitated to kiss her back and everything else in the world was forgotten...It was just the two of them now...One in reality...and one...dreaming....yet still real.


Minutes later, they slowly parted away as Jessica still closing her eyes....Taeng quickly got up and acted like nothing happen. After he gently place the blanket over Jessica, he then retreats up to his bed to get rid of the thought about the kiss that just happenned..

Below him...Jessica's mouth slowly forms a smile as she comfortably wrap the blanket fully over her. 

"Goodnight Taengoo."

Notes: Oh mah gawd..I'm going to have diabetes at this rate xD I wonder what will happen to me when I write chapters that are cuter than this...ahaha. So...their little "date" huh? How was it? ^^ Taeng seem to be question his feelings for Jessica...

And Jessica...let just said it wasn't on "accident" lol :DDD

Don't worry...more Taengsic's cuteness is coming on its way later :3

Enjoy! ^^ I'll be doing double chapters next, I promise :)

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kidleader_tae #1
Chapter 31: TaengSic 😍
it’s been so long since i last read this story
Still patiently waiting for your update author-nim :)
plvx911 #5
Chapter 36: Two years waiying and I never lose hope for this story
Shikinbae #6
Chapter 36: Please update
kpopfanSNSD #7
Chapter 36: This story is awesome...I hope you still continue with it..please author-nim update asap I can't wait to read the next chapter
TaeTaeLovesMaoMao #8
Chapter 36: Author-nim please update this story
Author-nim i miss this story so much.........please update this soon
js1234 #10
Chapter 36: Authorshi dont forget thi story ,,,,,,,please update T.T