"Part-time Bodyguard P2"

Roommate With A Freak

Chapter 19 - "Part-time Bodyguard P2"

2 days later.

There was classes today. Which mean Jessica will be left alone in the room to heal her injury as Taeng go to class. She didn't like it. It was a pain to not be able to walk anywhere with the stupid injure leg and now there is nobody to talk to either.

"You're going now?" She said and approach Taeng, who is putting on his shoes.

"Uh. Stay here, don't go anywhere and lock the door." Something was still wandering around Taeng's mind that it was no safe to leave Jessica alone.

"When did you ever sound like my grandpa?" She joke around and laugh when Taeng look at her blankly. "Annyeong~"

Like so, Jessica closes the door after Taeng left and went back to the lovely bed to....sleep. No matter what happen, sleep is still more important than anything. Well, according to Jessica.

A9 Class

As Taeng sat down in his seat, he can hear the students around him gossiping about someone...More specifically...Shin.

"Yah...he's really crazy now." One said to the other.

"Yesterday, I heard he punch Jangoon so hard that he was bleeding. He never acted that way to his bully.." The other reply back.

"Really going crazy...I saw him wrote, I hate everyone, when I glance over his table..It's scary being his roommate." Another one came into the conversation and look at the other two with frighten eyes.

All the conversation dies down when Mrs.Seohyun came in and they all went back to their seats. Taeng was still thinking about it...and again a weird and bad feeling was inside him.

"Hello class~ How are you guys today?" Mrs.Seohyun asked the class and smile brightly.

"Weird Miss." "Good!" "Creepy!" The responses back were diverse all over the classroom.

"Don't worry, we'll have a great day today. Hehe. Anyway, let me take attendance." As Mrs.Seohyun scan down the list of students, she notice that Shin was missing classes...again. Jessica didn't count because she had a note from the nurse to stay back and recovered.

"Shin is not here again...That kid is really something..." She said and put a check next to his name.

"He's really weird lately!" A student yell out and frown.

"I know! What if he burn down the school or something because he hate everyone!"

"Now now, nothing will happen. Don't say nonsense." Mrs.Seohyun had reassured her class that everything will be fine which make then all calm down.


2 hours later.

When the classes were peacefully learning, a loud bang was heard and everyone screams.

"What was that?" The all exclaims and try to look out the windows. Even Taeng try to look.

"Firework?? What holiday is it today??" Everyone was questioning the loud bang they heard earlier..Nobody what that sound was...

Just then, there was an annoucement on the speaker making the atmosphere became more tense. "Attention all Seoul Art High School! We are now going into a complete lockdown. Again, the school will be going into a full lock down."

They all gasped at the horrifying annoucement. Something dangerous was in the school and everyone is scared.

"Heol! Shin is walking around with a gun outside!" A student suddenly scream out as soon as he read the message from his phone. The message was from someone who saw Shin outside. Now that they know who and what, the class started to even panic more.

"That guy again...first that...now this..." Taeng look outside then glances to the seat next to him...Where Jessica suppose to be sitting. "Jung...Andwae...Jung!"

"Guys..everything will be alright if you all stay still and I'll lock the door and shut the windows. Nobody is able to get in or out of here. Don't go anywhere. You all understand?" Right then, Mrs.Seohyun glances over to Taeng like she knew what he will do...

And maybe she might be right because Taeng quickly stood up and ran outside after that before Mrs.Seohyun could even lock the door.

"Kim Taeng!" She called out but he had ran far away. "She was right when she said you don't listen..."



"Don't come closer! I'll shoot! I have a gun!" People are trying to calm Shin down but all he did was point the gun at them. The guy had gone mentally insanse due to all the bullying and shock he received awhile ago. He can't take the beating he gets everyday anymore..He thinks everyone in this school is crazy and doesn't deserved to live.

"I-I-I'm going to the senior first! I hate seniors! They ! Choi Jangoon! You're an idiot!! I'm not going to let you bully me anymore...And also...that person...I-I-I...won't let you look down on me anymore." He said and walk into the Senior's building with the gun as a threat.


Back to Taeng, he had somehow quickly ran back to the dorm and stood infront of the door to catch his breath. Just then, the door opens up and Jessica looks at him blankly.

"Huh?? Aren't you're suppose to be in class?" She asked innocently. The princess just woke up and have no idea what annoucement was made whatsoever.

"You-" Just then, another loud gun shot was heard near them. Taeng frantically drag Jessica inside and shut the door.

"What's going on...Why is there a gunshot outside.."

"Aish...you're really blank and clumsy. That crazy guy that confessed to you is really crazy.."

"Who?? Confessed...Shin??"

"Stop making him look innocent. He's the one that pushed you into the pool." The nametag Taeng had found inside the pool had the name, Kim Shin, imprinted on it. He was the suspicious person Taeng kept thinking about lately. He is why Taeng wasn't sure if he should let Jessica safe. Also why Taeng had worry and ran all the way back for Jessica.

-Bang!- The gun shot came again, this time closer than before. "Shh." Taeng signal Jessica and drag her into the closet with him.

"Oh my god, did he ran all the way back here for me?? When it's dangerous??" As Jessica stare into Taeng's blurry eyes in the dark, she thought that he actually risks his life to go back and find her. Such a sweet freak.

"What are you we going to do if he come in here?" She ask him quietly in a whisper tone with the frighten eyes. The footsteps suddenly approach closer...and closer to their room.

"Stay here..Don't go outside or anywhere. Call the police or principal or all of them to come here at this room. Okay?"

"What?" She didn't get what Taeng means. But too late, Taeng had suddenly walk outside of the closet leaving Jessica shocked. "Yah, are you crazy! He have a gun!" She whisper to him but he didn't listen. "Ah...what's wrong with him...You're not suppose to be stubborn in this dangerous situation."


Shin...was right infront of their door. He look at it intensely and let out a sigh..."Mianeh...you made me.." He said and was about to break in when Taeng calmly opens the door standing right infront of him.

His expression was calm..and cold before and after Shin had raise the gun to Taeng's forehead.

"I have...a gun." Shin said...somewhat weaker when seeing Taeng's appearance.

"So?" He answer back coldly, not flinching by the gun.

"So what! I can shoot you! And you will be dead by the next second!"

"Shoot me then." Taeng step forward outside as Shin step backward still raising the gun to Taeng's head. Taeng's reaction was different from what Shin expected. Usually with a gun, everyone would be scared of him..But why this person...is not.

"Is he crazy?? Why is he telling him to shoot!" Inside the closet, Jessica heard the whole conversation and shaking her head at Taeng..who in this case, is the crazy one. Volunteering to get eaten by the tiger.

"W-W-Why are you not scare?? I'm really going to shoot!!" Taeng can see that the guy infront of him is shaking by how he is holding gun. There was not one single doubt in Taeng's eyes when he told him to shoot.

"You think you're so brave. Shoot me then and don't hurt on other people."

"I'm not scare of anyone! Everyone in this school ! You too! Whoever you are! Why are you always with Jessica?? Why did you dragged her away when I was talking to her? You deserved to die too!"

"Right...Then stop talking nonsense and shoot!" Taeng is looking at Shin with his powerful and fierce eyes. It made Shin nervous and angry at the same time...He decided he will...shoot...to tell how the guy is wrong to confront him...Let see who is wrong..

A sudden breeze passes by the tense atmosphere....Shin place his finger on the trigger nervously...Slowly he press down the trigger waiting for it to just make a loud pop sound.

Taeng during this moment is still staring at the crazy person without even flinching...It's like he was so sure that nothing will happen.

-Click- The trigger was press...and....nothing happen..No blood...No sound...No bang...no nothing.

"W-What..what's wrong with my gun??" The guy look at the gun and kept pressing the trigger but there was no reaction. "Yah! I shoot you!" He said and point it at Taeng again still pressing on the trigger.

"You ran out of bullets already?..Or was it fake?...Whatever, I guess, you're not that brave like you said." Taeng let out a smirk before knocking the useless gun out of Shin hand and pinned Shin down to the ground powerfully so he can't move. "I know you're hurt...but dealing like this isn't a smart way."

Right then, the police had came running inside and look at both of them. "There he is!" The principal came in and point to Shin. Everyone was surprised how Taeng had knock the gun out of his hand and defeated Shin.


"Thank you kiddo...You saved the school from danger." The police had wrapped up everything and handcuffed Shin. They took him away as he groan and yell.

"I hate everyone in this school!!" That's...was the end of Shin's craziness.

Everything was clear and Taeng felt relieve again. He sat down leaning against the wall while letting out a big deep breath. Suddenly from his hands were small bullets rolling out into the floor. They look like the bullet that belongs to Shin's gun...but how is it in Taeng's hand now? Has he know the outcome all along that is why he never flinch when the gun is place on his forehead....?..Weird.

"Jung.." Jessica then pops into his mind and Taeng quickly went inside to check on the injured person. As soon as Taeng walks inside, Jessica suddenly hug him tightly making him startle.

"Yah! Are you crazy! Why did you just walk outside to the gun??" She complains loudly while hitting him. "You were worrying about me but it makes me worry more about you! What would happen if he really shoots you! Babo.."

Taeng was paralyze by his roommate's sudden actions. Why the girl all of sudden hug him and hit him. She was even crying making the part on his shoulder wet.

As Jessica stops complaining, Taeng gently remove her from the hug and look at her blankly. He then wipe the tears from her precious eyes...A weird vibe is going through his body...Just like how Jessica had feel back then...Perhaps..

He stood there...staring into her eyes...Somehow...it felt different today...Jessica's face...suddenly look different...Not literally..but all the other time, Taeng never care to look at Jessica closely...But why all of sudden now...did he sees everything clearly...Dugun dugun dugun...

They stare at each other...Something was not right here...Usually there would only be one reaction from Jessica...But now..Taeng? It was like the world had stops spinning around them...They didn't notice anything else...Not even when the annoucement had cleared the lock down....It was just the two of them in this world currently...And...he suddenly lean in closer...and closer...having no idea what in the universe is he doing.

Right then...When their faces was only centimers away from each other...

The build up atmosphere was broken by a knock on the door. Taeng quickly blink away from the moment and went to open the door..acting like nothing happenned while Jessica was still in zoning mode. "Wait...Was he trying to kiss me earlier??!?!"


"Taeng right?" Taeng open the door and a person was standing infront of him.


"Good, classes ended early today due to the incident. And Mrs.Seohyun wanted to see you..as soon as possible."

Why does Mrs.Seohyun wants to talk to Taeng??

Everything will be reveal in the next chapter! Muahah! >:)

Notes: Your brain will be flip in the next chapter..Keke.. xDD Idk..I'm not good at writing action/suspense stuffs..so the scene earlier with Shin and Taeng might not be that interesting..Lol...But...Taeng is having the same 'vibe' like Jessica...How will these two turn out? And why did Mrs.Seohyun want a talk with Taeng?? :)

Thanks for reading! ^^ Next chapter is currently in process :3

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kidleader_tae #1
Chapter 31: TaengSic 😍
it’s been so long since i last read this story
Still patiently waiting for your update author-nim :)
plvx911 #5
Chapter 36: Two years waiying and I never lose hope for this story
Shikinbae #6
Chapter 36: Please update
kpopfanSNSD #7
Chapter 36: This story is awesome...I hope you still continue with it..please author-nim update asap I can't wait to read the next chapter
TaeTaeLovesMaoMao #8
Chapter 36: Author-nim please update this story
Author-nim i miss this story so much.........please update this soon
js1234 #10
Chapter 36: Authorshi dont forget thi story ,,,,,,,please update T.T