Phone Calls

Spending My Life With You

Youngjae hated studying but then again he also loved it. Something about gaining new knowledge and knowing something not everyone else did was just – amazing. But he hated how he would stay up for hours, and hours and loose track of time.


Especially when he was supposed to call Daehyun before bed.


His boyfriend was visiting family in Busan and Youngjae hadn't seen him in a good three day's; now it didn't seem like a long time but usually the loud mouth was in his kitchen by eight am and waking up to quiet was a bit... odd. He had gotten so used to having Daehyun around him, the sudden absence was a bit unwelcome. Plus – he was actually supposed to call his boyfriend, to talk about their day and what not, but Youngjae saw it was already past midnight and he probably shouldn't bother the elder in case he was sleeping. Youngjae set his books down and stretched his arms above his head, and almost jumped at the familiar ringtone.


He scrambled to get his phone, which was on his bed, and quickly accepted the call and put the phone to his ear.




“So I waited about four hours before finally caving in and calling you.” Daehyun's voice sounded out, Youngjae laughed a little, “Well I was – ...”


“Studying? I figured, you always do get lost in books.” Daehyun's tone didn't sound angry, or irritated, or anything other than happy to be hearing from Youngjae. The younger smiled, and relaxed on his bed.


“What did you do today, Dae?” he muttered, and closed his eyes as Daehyun told him about his grandfather jumping in a lake and his father running after him – about his grandmothers cooking and his mother's scowl because no one cooked better than granny.


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NaDaeHyun #1
Chapter 20: Yeees please make another story *_* make as many as you want *_*
Chapter 20: I support you if you would like to make any story behind these!!
navynavy #3
Chapter 18: I can't breath '-'
These are cute^^
dulce_soledad #5
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness I seriously love all of these drabbles!
Chapter 12: Every single chap is awesome! I love their relationship-Daejae is just perfection!
I really liked how they met, that chap was really great -do more pls *_*

I'm happy about this :)
Chapter 10: Drabbles drabbles!!! So cute and fluffeeeeeeehhhhhhh!! XD love it!!
i like your drabbles, keep writing!! world need more daejae ^^