The Transfer Student

There's A Fire Following Your Soul

The day was peaceful, with trees dancing softly with the trees and birds chirping. Until an angry looking deer with light brown hair came to the sight. The brown haired boy marched his way to his class, glaring at everyone who looked at him. Even his crazy fangirls looked hesitate to approach him or not, and they choose the later, "Better not get on oppa's bad side".

Luhan opened the door with the label '10B' which is his own classroom. Being the oldest in his group, he is a year above his other members which makes him the senior.

He took a seat at his usual place which is between the window and an empty seat. His leader's words about adding a new member-or members are still lingering in his mind. The new member's name is bothering him. Oh Sehun Oh Sehun Oh Sehun. "More like Oh Satan"a small laugh escaped from his mouth as he imagined an ugly ridiculous weird creature with devil horns.

After a good several minutes of enjoying his imagination, the teacher finally came into the class,. But he wasn't alone, there was a boy with dark brown hair trailing behind him. Must be a new boy.... Oh god, don't tell me...

One of his leader's word came into his mind,
"Oh Sehun will start schooling tomorrow. I'm pretty sure his class in the same as one of us but i forgot who"

Don't tell me... No...
Luhan was deep in his thought that he didn't listen to the new boy's introduction.
This isn't happening, Why me?

All eyes suddenly set on him. It took his slow mind a moment to realize that he just said the last one out loud. He then started to laugh awkwardly, "I...was know, practicing my vocal. Seulpeohajima no no no honjaga anya no no no" and his fangirls start to sequeling.

The teacher cleared his throat, "Not in my class, Luhan. Btw, you can take a seat next to Luhan over there"


"Why not you?"


The dark brown haired boy took a seat beside Luhan after giving him a friendly smile but only to received a disgusted look in return. Don't pretend to be an angel, but he looks familiar. Luhan thought. Ah~! Maybe he is one of the guy that i saw in hell in my before-life

During the whole lesson, Luhan keep on trying to make the transfer student's life miserable in many ways. "Accidentally" hit his face, sneezing right on his face, spilled marker ink to his books, stepped on his foot and etc. And currently, he is secretly pouring his water inside of his bag. WEHEHEHEHEHE, wait 'till he found out.


The bell finally rang, telling that its breaktime. Usually Luhan would be the happiest person on Earth as he heard the sound of the bell ringing  but now he didn't feel so happy to hear it. Why? Because he can't turtore the boy who was sitting next to him anymore. He half-heartly stood  up and went to the usual place where EXO usually hang out; the rooftop.

There no one other than EXO who always go to the rooftop. Most of the students found its scary since the door is located at the very end of the hallway which is hidden and a boy had once suicide there dur to an unknown reason. There's a rumour that the ghost of the boy will kill whoever go to the rooftop. Wanna know a secret? The rumour is true because i'm a ghost. Ha.ha.ha. But I sometimes think Baekhyun is the ghost since his skin is white like a courspe (or maybe too much makeup?) and he always pops out of nowhere.

As he opened the door leading to the rooftop, loud screaming can be heard everywhere as if this place is the kindergarden's.


And before he could utter another word, a ball suddenly greet him right on the face. Evil laugh came out from the three short boys who are standing infront of him. Baekhyun fake a gasp and put on an annoying-fake-im-sorry-face, "Omona~ Our Luhannie~ Mianhae~"

"You're dead "

And the fight begins.

A blonde hair boy opened the door, "Hey guys i-" he stared judging at the 4 idiots who looks like gossip girls having a fight over make-ups. "Aigoo.. its so hard to be the leader. Especially if they won't listen to you"

Suho sigh and walked to Luhan and D.O who are "manly-ly" trying to pull each other's hair. He tried to pry D.O from Luhan but only to be kicked at a man's dangerous part; you-know-where. "OWWWWW" he cried in pain and curled into a ball.

The other guys stared in shock-

-before laughing their of. "WHAT A PATHETIC LEADER". Suho pouted, "Yeah.. im pathetic, no one even listens to me"

The others gave him a loving look, "AWWW~~ Sorry HoLeader~ GROUP HUG EVERYONE~".

After they fixed themselves and sit comfortablely, Luhan finally spoke up, "I met Sehun today, he's in teh same class as mine"

"What do you mean you saw him?" Suho frowned, "you really saw him?". Luhan nodded.

D.O look at Suho, "I thought you said he-"

"Yeah, Sehun will start schooling tomorrow since he has something to settle in his old school"

Luhan widened his eyes, So... you're saying i turtored THE WRONG PERSON? "B-but.. but... i'm pretty sure the teacher said he is a transfer student"

"Duh, he might be not the only person who transfer here, idiot" Baekhyun said matter-of-factly with an annoying look, "But wait, is he short?" nod. "Is his hair dark brown?" nod. "Does he have cute chubby cheeks?"

"Yes but scratch the word cute"

"Does he looks hugable and squishy?" He then hugged Kyungsoo and received a protest from the other boy.

"Uhh.. yes?"

Baekhyun's jaw dropped, "Are you freaking kidding me Lu freaking Han?"

"What?" he asked innocently.


"Oh.. Should I know him?"

The diva give him 'the look', "a.k.a your CCA's captain"


"Dude, you are so not updated. He transfer from class 10C to you class; 10B" That explains it all, its your fault for not listening to his introduction, Luhan. Did I just do bad things to my own captain? He thought. Since EXO has been preparing for their performance which is being held last week, they spent their CCA time for practicing. So maybe that's the reason why he didnt't recognize his own captain ...or maybe its because his memory is like a grandma's. Probably the later one.

"Please tell me we have a practice today"

"Sorrynotsorry we dont"

"Kill me now"


Xiumin is really going to get revenge on me later.

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