Act I Scene I: And it Seems He Fell in Love with a Prince

The Witch of Sun {Hiatus}
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An unusual stiff breeze whistled through the capital city, ruffling all the woman’s skirts, and men cried out as those wearing hats nearly saw them fly away. A chill seemed to settle over the individuals out for a stroll to enjoy the fine summer day. They shuddered in their fine silken fabrics, light for the ever warmer weather. Women asked their attendants for shawls, and men pretended they were stoic and strong, chastising their wives and girlfriends for their weakness. No one questioned the sudden gust of wind, though it was not typical, it surely did not have any sinister, otherworldly meaning.


Huang Zitao had just ridden into town on a fine black stallion. It was as he was dismounting that the strange burst of weather occurred, ripping away the hair ribbon that kept his ponytail tightly in place. Skyward it flew, soft ebony rippling like a snake as Zitao dashed after it, praying he would not lose it. The only possession aside from the horse he cherished, he couldn’t lose it.


He did not worry about how ridiculous he must have appeared, a grown man  jumping about and chasing after a hair ribbon like a child would a butterfly. His mother’s hair ribbon, the only piece he had left of her. He could not lose it.


It finally began to drift earthwards – only to fall into the outstretched hand of a stranger. Running up to him, out of breath and panting, he nearly snatched it from the other’s hand, only for it to be pulled back. Looking up blearily, he beheld what could only have been a prince. He could be nothing less, not with clothes of such finery and the facial features that spoke of three healthy meals a day and regular bathing sessions.


“Whoa there,” a gloved hand settled on his shoulder, white and matching with the rest of his suit.  A double ed tail coat with a gold pocket watch peaking from his pocket, “Why are you chasing after a woman’s hair tie? If the girl your courting sent you, it’s surely not worth the price of your exertions. Do you need to sit down?”


Zitao, or Tao to his friends, was not usually so weak. In fact, he was well known for his acrobatic feats and general strength. Today just happened to be a bad day. Spent from dawn ‘til now in the saddle, could anyone be blamed for just wanting to sit down with  glass of water?


“I am quite alright, Sir, my apologies for disturbing you. The hair ribbon belongs to me, and it is quite important – and surely worth any price – to me.”


“Then I apologize for keeping it from you!” the ribbon was instantly handed back to its proper owner and Tao hurriedly tied it back around his thick black locks.


“Thank you, Sir,” he murmured, eyes downcast, unsure if he had the right to look the princely noble in the eye.


“That’s quite alright…may I ask your name?” the man’s voice, now that Tao had the opportunity to truly study it, was marvelous. All smooth like the finest churned butter, refined accent of the upper class, words that fell like diamonds from perfectly shaped lips. His eyebrows were thick, but those only added to his proud appearance, his hair of gold atop his head matched his eyelashes. Eyelashes that framed serious brown orbs. Tao nearly forgot he had been asked a question.


“Tao, Sir,” he spoke hurriedly, as though to make up for h

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Please comment, this is the first time I've done a "serious" story and I'd love to know the reaction


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Chapter 4: Hello Author~nim. I'm sorry you're having a rough time lately and I hope it gets better for you. Don't worry about taking time for yourself and focus on feeling better :) I'll be waiting for whenever you come back.
Chapter 2: Whooaaa this is amazing! Incredibly well written, I look forward to you're next update!
yanaxx #3
Can't wait for the next update. :)
Wow! This looks like such a creative story :D update soon please ^____^