
Say Cheese

Tittle: Say Cheese

Rating: PG/G ( am not the best when it comes to ratings )

Genre: Fluff, Romance, G!AU

Summary: Because taking photos at a cemetry in the middle of the night can bring you butterflies.

Pairing: ChanBaek/BaekYeol

Word Count: 4,042 words



Byun Baekhyun is a twenty-two year old male who was born as a human being by a figure he calls 'mother'. Said mother had died giving birth to him, the only way he even knows how she looks like is by the photos he had become accustomed to being seen strewn by the young age of nine. In that moment, he had began to understand things better than most children his age because his father is a work-aholic and his brother is struggling to help pay the food he was living off of and his student fees.


His brother, Baekbeom is not a work-aholic unlike their father. Although he does have irregular working hours as a part-time cashier at a regular clothes shop and he earns less than he deserves but he never brings the topic of having a raise to his boss. Granted, he doesn't even give a damn about those useless to him, life to others colorful papers and has numbers on as decoration. Because Baekhyun is more important and is the number one priority. He spends frequent weekends and late nights with Baekhyun. He's the ideal father figure for his younger brother while his father only holds the tittle as his guardian. Despite the loose bond he has with the eldest man of the family, he loves him and tries to understand him, so he could avoid feeling as if he's a bad son.


Because his father had repeatedly said, "You aren't a bad son. You're the most beautiful one, actually. Baekbeom's just the average one." while snorting at the mutters Baekbeom would utter under his breath, giving Baekhyun a peck on the forehead and ruffling his hair.


The last time his father did so was three years ago when he was being sent to a kindergarten early in the morning in his utter dismay. Baekhyun isn't a morning person. Actually, he's basically a nocturnal creature. 


It wasn't a problem during kindergarten, of course but it took a toll on him a few years later, during junior year of middle school. His grades were dropping drastically, he's growing not-so-gracious eyebags, skin whiter than Snow White's now pale and sick and goss looking and he feels like absolute crap. Because Baekbeom isn't there anymore since stupid decided to be smart on his collage entrance exams to the extent where he gets a scholar from the government to continue his studies in Oxford, London with the promise his family will be fended off more than needed.


And Baekhyun learns that the money he has always wished to come to lessen his father's and brother's burden comes with a cost called sacrifice. And sometime after, Baekhyun wished he had never persuaded his brother and talk him into boarding the last plane for London on that particular day.


Regular skype chats happen often. He skypes with his brother using the thousands of BC's computers that the library has to offer during recess, phone being the device during, in-between, before and after classes for the occasion. After a few months of skyping, though, Baekhyun was beginning to suffer and mourn over the loss of his brother's warmth and even cut off contact with him in hopes of not missing the elder more.


Of course, during times like these are where his father comes - barging being the specific term - into his room, chocolates, tubs of strawberry and vanilla ice cream, movies and his laptop all juggled on his two - very - small hands. Baekhyun would feel like he's being like a girl on period and her boyfriend would come over with these exact things to cheer her up but he doesn't and will never care because he has an excuse to spend time with his father which doesn't happen as often as it used to when he was still a tiny young toddler. 


People would say he's selfish but his family knows better.




Senior year of high school, Baekhyun became slightly more active. If talking and making friends with the workers at school along with the teachers is considered active then, yes, he is very much active. At first, he does it for the sake of good grades and possible connections, so that he gets recommended by someone to a prestigious university in the city. Now, he's doing it for the same original goals but with the addition of the ability to earn a scholar for free in case his college entrance exams don't go well.


He was living a rather pleasant life. Things have gotten better at the household with Baekbeom and his beautiful, caring and amazing white wife whom he had met while in London. They had married a year after college and moved in with Baekhyun and his father. The bride's family also moved in with them, causing them to buy a bigger living area. 


At first, Baekhyun was hesitant. Yes, he loved his sister-in-law - Taylor - along with his younger brother-in-law - Riley - who was a mere toddler and his older brother-in-law - Anderson. Heck, he even loved their parents. They were warm and caring. The perfect family but Baekhyun was worried about the additional costs for their living expenses.


His worries all died down however, when he - fina-ing-lly - realize that they didnt add the living expenses. Rather, they lessen it and help paying everything. From the apartment's rent to their laundry money for the self-service dobby located a few floors below theirs. Baekbeom and Taylor helped even more when they had gotten triplets - Joohee, Soohee and Baehee. Luckily, they worked in the same major company office firm with a boss that wasn't harsh.


"Uh.. Baekhyun?" Anderson asked hesitantly after asking for permission to enter the room. Once it was granted, he opened it and closed it softly, indicating something happened and he doesn't know how to break the ice to Baekhyun.


"Yeah?" Baekhyun questioned, gesturing to the foot of the bed as he sat criss-cross on his study chair. Anderson is a spontaneous person. Granted, he's a ing klutz who has no self-restraint to what spews out of his mouth or for the drastic actions he takes, so Nervous Anderson equals to Forced-To-Be-Calm Baekhyun.


"I'm not going to go around the bush because I have to give my pal an answer soon, so I'll just give you a long-story-short, okay?" Anderson got a nod from Baekhyun and he sighed appreciatively. Of course, Baekhyun understands because he's the most nervous person alive and calm when needed. "My co-worker's grandmother just died a few hours ago due to heart failure. Really though, it's a surprise it wasn't because she's obese. I mean, that would have been more.. I don't know, unsurprising? It is her, she has like this huge sweet tooth- I'm going off track again, so anyway, I know you'd want to come because you know, you're you." Baekhyun nodded again.


Baekhyun's mother didn't get a very ceremonious funeral which is a contrast to who she truly is. Due to guilt, Baekhyun would jump at any oppurtunity to go to someone's funeral because he feels somewhat responsible. Like he actually means something in the ceremony filled with tears and sobs. Therefore, he doesn't understand why Anderson is nervous. The elder would usually just scream from God-knows-where that they'll be attending a funeral and the time.


"The thing is, she's going to get burried at the cemetry here, where your mother is burried. I know you don't like the place and all but he's my best friend and he has a younger brother your age and-"


"I'll go."


Because Baekhyun understands the suffer of loss and during senior year, he knows it would be much more pressure on the other boy to suffer the loss of his grandmother and deep inside, he doesn't want him to feel that.




On second thought, maybe he would just stay at home and then a few hours later drown in sorrows, tears and in the moment of self-destruction. But no, it was already too late and there was going to be free food. 


Baekhyun isn't one to be formal and extremely polite. He isn't the one in the family to act as if he was a noble - someone important to the country. He is a normal young teen currently in the stages of puberty. Reckless isn't the correct term to put for Baekhyun. He admits he has a very adventurous side - which has once apparently led their family to suffer a typhoon in the rainforest in mid-August - that goes amazingly with his convincing self but out of everything Baekhyun is, reckless isn't the term. Neither is rebellious or anything that would categorize him as a pain-in-the- troublemaker.


Instead, Baekhyun is a normal person. A normal person with a decent personality and not-so-good grades. He prefers jeans over high-branded khakis. If he were to go to work, he'd like a job that doesn't involve a dress code in which he is in need of a dress shirt hugging his top body for the rest of the day. Indeed, Baekhyun doesn't really fancy a very glamorous life with a huge- mansion and maids running around the hallways to make sure everything is in tact, so the fact that he's currently sneezing for the nth time and tears are swelling and building in the middle of his eyes, Taylor really isn't surprised at all.


If anything, she's irritated and annoyed as .


"Oh my god, Baekhyun. I swear I will poke your eye with this eyeliner even if it makes you blind." She threatened as Baekbeom held his chin a bit tighter, just in case Baekhyun decides to squirm and claw any of them. It's funny, really. Just a simple hold on Baekhyun's chin could make his whole body - with the exception of his facial features - immobilize.


"Why do I have to wear that damn spawn of satan?" No, Baekhyun is not over exaggering because the eyeliner liquid packaging was a younger version of satan. It was apparently from one of MAC's halloween set products. It had complete satan tail and ears, but it was a baby in diapers. "My eyes look good just the way they are!"


"We know, Baekhyun. But this friend of Anderson's-"


"Best friend!" Was heard from outside of the room, following with an unmanly scream and a hard thud.


"I'm not even going to bother checking up on him." Taylor groaned as she finished the eyeliner and connected the two ends at the top and bottom waterline, taking a brush from her table to smudge it and make Baekhyun look a bit more presentable. 


"Okay, so before I was interrupted, I was about to say that this best friend of Anderson's is the CEO of Park Inc. and I'm sure you know about this company, right?" Baekbeom asked, raising an eyebrow.


Baekhyun looked at Baekbeom, then to Taylor who both have a deadly glare but it wasn't directed to Baekhyun. Oh yeah, he definitely knows that company. "Your rival company? Why's Anderson best friends with the dude?"


"They were college dorm mates and let me tell you, we aren't only rivals in business." Baekbeom had to hold back a shiver but Baekhyun could feel the tiny tremble of the older's fingers that were holding onto his chin. 


"Was he the one that used your British India dress shirt as dog baits?"




And Baekhyun doesn't even realize when Taylor accidentally poked his eye with the eyeliner and was panicking. He did realize, however, when he felt his eye sting due to the fact Taylor tried to get rid of the eyeliner in her panic state. With mist. Mothering mist. Therefore Baekhyun made a contract and filed a restraining order against makeup at Anderson because - lucky for Baekhyun at the moment - the idiot's surprisingly a law at a famous lawsuit firm. Anderson really doesn't mind after seeing Baekhyun's bloodshot eyes. He just hopes his boss doesn't mind taking it to court considering Baekhyun and his not-so apologizing-self.




"Why?" Baekhyun uttered, obviously exasperated when he was finally outside of the car after being clawed at by Taylor. Seriously, who knew medicure could make a chick scarier than she already is? Maybe Baekhyun should go get a medicure sometime too. It wouldn't be that bad. Taylor's nails look even more beautiful than gems. Or is that really gems on her na-


"Anderson! I'm glad you could make it!" Baekhyun snapped back to reality when he heard a lady calling out to Anderson. She was beautiful. Even more than Taeyeon is and Baekhyun isn't so sure what he should feel about that. Guilty or Guilty Pleasure, he doesn't know. Yet. And suddenly, the lady has her eyes set on Baekhyun and wow those eyes are damn pretty and warm and is that concern? Wait why is she even looking at Baekhyun in the first- "I'm sorry you had to come along. Anderson told me about your mom, if you don't mind. I'm really grateful you decided to come."


"Aren't you suppose to be a guy?" Baekhyun asked. He was mesmerized by her beauty, yes and the fact she knows about his mom isn't really the greatest news but he's more curious because Baekbeom and Taylor never said anything about a girl. Let alone Anderson and a girl. Or lady. Baekhyun doesn't really have the time to correctly categorize people because he's still not happy about the makeup and bloated eyes he's sporting which it seems like the lady isn't bringing up, much to his relief.


"Baekbeom." She facepalmed herself and Baekhyun caught sight of her glimmering red freshly-painted nails. "I can't believe you've been feeding lies to your brother."


"Well I doubt he'd ever believe me if I said you were a girl because what girl castrates her professor just to get some sleep time without any so-called disturbances?"


"Girls perfect for Anderson." Baekhyun really needs a brain-to-mouth filter, he realizes.


"The day I get together with Anderson is the day grandmama comes alive from the dead." The lady snorted, slapping away Anderson's hands that were not-so subtly going under her expensive top. "Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Park Yura. CEO of Park Inc. at least until my brother graduates college or high school at the earliest stage."


Baekhyun nodded as he processed this information. It was a lot to take in for the poor boy. What does she mean by graduating high school only? Wow does that mean her brother's a smart ? Well he isn't sure about the part but smart seems to be true if he's good at realizing meanings behind words. And he is damn good. "Uh.. so where is he?" Baekhyun asks, hoping the answer's "Oh, he didn't come because he's busy bawling his eyes out at home." while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Baekhyun really doesn't want to feel smaller than his physical height is already screaming.


"He's with my parents at the funeral spot. Come on, we should get going."


Baekhyun really wants to run.


But he can't because the next thing he knows is; he is alone with a guy who seems about his age - give or take a few years - but he isn't really sure because , he is tall. He doesn't know how he got in this position because all he remembers is one minute he's with his family and Yura going to meet her family and the next he's left alone because "It's starting and our family has a tradition of age orderings in funerals."


"Your eye looks like a bee just stung it." And that's all it took for Baekhyun to tense and almost faint because that voice is so deep and velvet-y that he just wants to snuggle it because it makes him feel safe and Baekhyun really isn't gay.


"W-Well yeah, I mean, not that a bee stung it- I mean, it looks like it but- well, you see my-" And Baekhyun hears a chuckle and he can't really resist anymore oh god help him.


"You're adorable, just like what Yura said. Can I look at your face at least?" A stranger called him adorable. Well, a very sweet voiced stranger who knows Yura which means he shouldn't be that much of a stranger and Baekhyun swears his body has a mind of itself because in a blink of an he's complying to the latter's request.




"Baekhyun! Wakey wakey Baek!"


"Oh god Yeol get off of me before I ing make a restraining order against you."


"Ooh. Feisty. Never knew my angel can be this hot in the morning. You should be illegal." 


Baekhyun suddenly feels a pair of warm and strong arms wrapping themselves against his bare body, connecting the owner's hands at his pelvis. By reflex, Baekhyun wraps his arms around the other's exposed chest and snuggling his head to the comfort position he often almost slips out as home. He would have wrapped his legs around the other's but his is still sore from last night. He should really control his jealousy and think about the consequences of his actions but he really can't. Last night wasn't that bad anyway.


"What were you dreaming about?" He hears as the taller's head leaned down on his own. He could feel the other sniffing his head and luckily, he's washed it two days ago. 


"Mom. Photos. Funerals. Anderson. Yura. My family. Eyeliner. Your family. Us. You."


"Where'd it stop?"


Baekhyun doesn't answer. Instead, he looks up and sees the view he loves waking up to every morning or afternoon. The view that's only for him and him only. The view of his husband, Park Chanyeol, smiling down at him like he's worth something. Like he's more than just the stranger he met at his grandmother's funeral when he was eighteen. Like he's more than their first outing as friends. Like he's more than their confession. More than the drama that had happened, more than the tears, sorrows and happiness. Much more than their first kiss and skinship.


And all Baekhyun could afford to do was stare at the man and hope he isn't going to start crying at all of the memories rushing back as he takes in the beautiful form of his husband. More beautiful than Yura or Taeyeon. The owner of the soft voice he now owns. The owner of his heart and moreover, the owner of him in general. The CEO of Park Inc. and his husband. The person who took his breath away much faster than anyone else has. The person who made him realize he was gay and the person who gave him so many first-s. The one and only man who could make him feel so protected yet vulnerable at times. And he will always continuosly fall in love with the younger more and more day by day with no doubts his heart is being held with care.


"Let's get ready. It's grandma's anniversary and Haren's been whining non-stop since this morning." Chanyeol smiled warmly at the elder as he spoke, dimples displayed slightly. Baekhyun merely snuggled closer as he heard the name of their birth son. Who knew Baekhyun could give birth, huh? Chanyeol had constantly praised himself for forcing Baekhyun to be a bottom. Having a cousin who worked as a detective was seriously worth it.


"How come I didn't wake up, though?" Baekhyun asked, once Chanyeol's words had perfectly sunk in. Usually, it would be Baekhyun waking up, sore or not. Chanyeol would be sleeping peacefully or he would wake up to help Baekhyun - not that the help really helps, Baekhyun would always feel like he's taking care of a giant sleepy baby and a whiny one in one go. 


"I may or may not have put a drop of ecstacy in your drink because I felt like it." Chanyeol grinned sheepishly as he watched his lovers features contort into one of shock, anger and a mix of something - dare he say amusement.


"Where did you even get that?! It's as illegal as any other liquid drugs!" 


"Not all liquid drugs are illegal and the ecstacy was safe. It just has a drowsy side-effect."


"Oh. My. God. You researched about drugs?!"


"No. Jongin told me."


Baekhyun merely pursed his lips into a thin line. He still doesn't understand why Kyungsoo - the detective and a very respectable one at that - would have fallen in love with Jongin - a wanted boy to be sent to juvenile since he isn't of age to be sent to prison and be registered as a full-fledged criminal.


"Let's just-" Baekhyun sighs, as he tapped on his husband's chest, signalling the other to get the off the damn bed and help him get himself and Haren ready.


Chanyeol grinned gleefully before helping his husband up, watching as the elder looked out of the open window to the balcony. He followed the other's lingering gaze to the full moon. It was a tradition in Chanyeol's family, Baekhyun remembers, to visit the grave of the three generations at night when the moon is shining and the stars were blinking, accompanied with the soothing breeze of the night and the frogs croaking. He couldn't say he doesn't like it because the moment he sees the moonlight pouring on Chanyeol, he knows he loves it.




"Say cheese!" The photographer - and Chanyeol's cousin - Joonmyun chirped as he clicked on the camera after setting it to his desired settings.


The camera blinked its glaring red light and Chanyeol could already feel his eyes water. He never really was the best at staring competitions and his twitching eye doesn't really help. He watched, instead, of how his cousin scrambled quickly to his friend - codename for boyfriend, as his other cousin Sehun likes to say - Yixing to catch up to the ten seconds of the camera.


As the camera's lights began blinking furiously, Chanyeol tried all he could to not end up twitching or blinking. He really felt like sneezing but Yura will execute him if he does anything to ruin the photo. He doesn't really understand the fuss of taking perfect photos. He admits, he's weird in a lot of aspects but he's also a very grey-scaled person. He isn't like Joonmyun, who likes to capture various moments in any type of camera device. He isn't like Sehun's fiance, Luhan who likes to understand the misunderstood. He isn't like his uncle Minseok who prefers going to orphanages rather than staying home. Most definitely, he isn't like Baekhyun in any way, safe for dangerous pranking.


Chanyeol wanted to bite the inside of his cheek. He wanted to bite on his tongue or at least tape his eyelids to his forehead to stop blinking. He really did. 


But then Byun Baekhyun happened and ruined those plans.


In the split second between the blinking and the flashing of the camera, he felt a warm hand tug on his forearm and another on his neck, bringing him down until he felt soft lips on his own. Baekhyun's lips. Baekhyun's lips weren't like any other girls' or boys'. They weren't minty fresh or tasted like fruits or sugar. They tasted plain, like any other saliva. They weren't soft nor were they rough and Chanyeol is embarassed to admit it was a huge contrast to his chapped ones. But he does admit. Because this is Byun Baekhyun they're talking about.


The person who could make him happy without even trying. The person who makes him fall in love deeper by every ticking second. The person who made him the luckiest man on Earth and blessed him with a child. The person who he loves to hold and never let go. The person who he loves to sleep thinking about after glancing at him before the lights went off. The person who made his life shine differently with colors everyday.


The exact same person who gives him immense butterflies while taking photos outside of a cemetry in the middle of night. 


Those same butterflies he felt when they first took the photo together, during the first day they met. And he never regretted coming to the funeral instead of burrying himself in books to forget about his beloved grandma's death.


"Okay guys! Let's go eat some barbeque!" 




A/N: 4042 of pure something that took weeks to write I am sobbing. I hope you liked it tho. It was suppose to be a different plot but idEk what happened so the original plot is going to be on a different story- I hope.

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