Chapter 2

Struggling for love

In a week or so i texted my only friend who i never saw in my life but only talked to through the web , to tell her that i am coming to korea so i can stay with her until i settle down on my own . I told my mom i am going to work , i sneaked a suitcase from my bedroom window and callled for a taxi . 

" what's your destiniation ma'am ?" 

" to the airport ! " i excitedly answered the driver .

I finally reached to the airport , one step away to achieve my dream .... I was waiting for my flight in the cold and crowded waiting room , i found an empty seat next to a charming women , i walked towards her and asked if someone is sitting next to her , 

"'oh! You may have a seat " she kindly offered 

" thank you " i shyly answered .

after 30 minutes of waiting it was time to fly , it was time for me to change my life .....


after a long 8 hours , i am here i am finally here , in the big city of seoul , i took my luggage and was searching for my friend jenny . There she was ,with her mother greeting me kindly and taking my bags into the car , i was excited to see her for the first time ever , we hugged each other and just started to chat ,obviously about EXO .

after a 15 minutes ride , we finally reached to her house i thought she lives in a normal house , but no it was a huge mansion! 

" waoh , you have a really nice house " i said in excitement 

"'hahah i am glad you like it ", she said ,'" but uhm aren't you gonna tell your family?"'

" I don't wanna tell them , they won't even notice i am gone "

" suit yourself " she answered me with a worried face

her mom giuded me to my new room , it was big and cozy , finally a room to myself , i put down my bags carelessly and just jumped into my bed and took a nap .


the next morning i woke up and had breakfast , it was so nice to be away from my family and those aweful bullies , jenny and i hanged out in her room , she had exo albums and posters hanging on her wall everywhere , i envied her she was lucky to have all of those things .

"knock , knock " jenny's mom opened the door , " time for some shopping " she said excitedly 

" really ? Omg yay!!" I was so happy i rushed in my room and wore some jeans and a sweatshirt and snickers and my glasses , i had to wear them even though it was nerdy.

we walked for like hours and bought many new clothes , suddenly jenny's mom mrs.lee , stoped me and examined me from head to toe.

" You need a makeover you can't get a guy this way will you? " 

" i - i don't think so ?" I shyly answered 

she took me to a beauty salon and did my hair , my nails , and my makeup, i wore my new dress and some heels , she even bought me contact lenses and threw away my glasses .when i walked out of the shop i actually saw guys smile at me for the first time , i blushed and smiled back , i thanked mrs.lee for everything she did for me , and we head back home due to extreme exhaustion .

As soon as we came back i ran to my room and went to the web to see how to audition for SM , i filled in an application and sent it to them , and patiently waited for their answer, and also hoping to meet EXO .





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