Chapter 3'

Struggling for love

Everyday , jenny and i would go out and visit some places in seoul , we ate in restaurants , and visited some monuments , i was kinda down because SMent haven't answered me yet but i won't loose hope .

Today jenny woke me up earlier than before , telling me that we have to go somewhere . I got dressed did my hair and makeup , and went in the car , Jenny was strangely happy and excited today i wonder why . After a few minutes passed , we stopped infront of this tall shiny building ,

" here open this enveloppe " , she kindly ordered me 

" what is this ? " , answered in a confused way 

" open it and you will see"

I opened it and i couldn't believe my eyes , it was the best thing that ever happened to me my entire life , it finally arrived it was the letter from SMent and they said i had an interview today , no wonder jenny was extremly happy . I looked to my left and just starred at the building for a long time .

" Angel! , Angel! " Jenny have been calling my name for the past 5 minutes

" y-yes ?" I answered her in confusion.

" What are you still doing here, you're gonna be late for the interview "

I went out of the car and went inside the building , i went towards the receptionist and asked her where to go , she told me to take the 15th floor and turn right . So i did , but something caught my eyes it was EXO's practice room , i stood there just wondering if this is a dream or not . Suddenly someone was opening the door,

" hey! , who are you? "

Omg i couldn't believe my eyes it , it was baekhyun , he was right infront of me i didn't know what to do .

"i - i ...."

" I don't have time for you , bye! "

I felt kind of hurt , i wonder what happened to him to get a bit mad like that . Anyways i just went in the meeting room where i saw the manager waiting for me 

" hello please come in "  he kindly offered me to sit , " tell me what you can do "

" well for the past few years i have been dancing " , i nervously answered 

" great , so listen you will audition as a dancer tomorrow at 8:30 am , this meeting is over " 

wow that's it? It was so easy and simple , the feeling of actually being an idol is overwhelming , i thanked the manager and stood up to leave , but before i do he stopped me ,

"If you have time , you can take a tour in the building "

" i sure will , thank you again"

I went out of the room , and couldn't wait to start my tour , i visited some practice rooms and the cafeteria , there weren't many things to see . I wanted to visit the exo room so i did , i knocked first then someone opened the door 

" hello ? My i help you? " chanyeol asked with his bright lovely smile 

" oh! Sorry to bother you my name is Angel " 

" nice meeting you , wanna come in?" He kindly offered me too .

" Really? Thank you " i could feel my heart beat so fast , i am actually here , about to meet EXO personally .I walked inside and all the exo members stopped what they were doing and starred at me , it was an awkward silence , so i decided to say something 

" hello , nice meeting you , my name is Angel ", then i respectfully bowed to all of them .

" Hi , i'm lu-" i interrupted him,

"luhan , yes i know " i shyly answered 

" so you must be a fan " sehun said 

i didn't wanna sound so obsessed or anything so they would wanna know me better ,

" kind of , i came in here to audition , i dance"

i saw Kai looking at me with a smile on his face , and our eyes met each other , it got awkward and looked away

"  ah, maybe you should ask kai to help you , right kai?" Suho said

" yeah sure , she does look hot " kai answered with his y smirk ,

wah i couldn't believe that i would actually dance with kai , i just stood there blushing wanted to just get out of there because it was too much for me to handle , i said bye to everyone and just walked away politely . I forgot that jenny was gonna be late , so i just waited for her downstairs .

[ to be continued ]

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